Chereads / Finn Mikealson Reborn / Chapter 4 - Dangerous Liaisons

Chapter 4 - Dangerous Liaisons


Finn: A ball, What on the great planes of Midgard is Mother thinking?

Klaus: And per Mother's request, we need someone to attend with.

Finn: So I need a barber than I need to make a suit, The things I go through for you Niklaus.

Klaus: I know brother, I know.

Finn: Oh! Before I forget, please get me vervine Niklaus.

Klaus: Why?

Finn: Never mind why! Please just get it for me

Klaus: Wait 15 min, I sent someone for it

Finn: Thank you Brother

(Klaus flashes away )

???: Sir Finn

Finn: Yes, boy

???: Here is the vervine you ordered, Sir

Finn: Thank you, Now lets look for a barber

General POV

(Finn spent about an hour looking for a barber, until he found a place he thought suited his needs better.)

Finn: Excuse me, Are you open

???: Yep, What you need my dude

Finn: I need you to take a bit from the sides, my good man

???: You can take a sit be out in a minute to tune you up.

Finn: Thank you

???: So the name's Rick, how about you

Finn: My name is Finn Mikealson

Rick: Like the Mikealson Manor up the Hill.

Finn: Now can you recommend any place to get a tattoo

Rick: And that's $40, To answer your question it's Old John, around the corner, best in town if you looking for a true artist. Come with me I'll introduce you.

( After fine tuning Finn's hair cut, they leave to go to old John)

Rick: Old man, got you a customer


Finn: Greetings Kind sir, I'm looking into getting a tattoo. Would you be interested in doing it for me.

John: See, Now that is a mannered gentleman, What you need?

Finn: A tree starting at the nape up until you reach the crown, where the branches will spread along my temple and sides. And ravens which will be flying across the temple and sides of my head( Darius Kincaid's head tattoo). And please mix these with your ink.

John: Since you paying, ok anything else while I'm at it

Finn: A Nordic boar, Freyr's golden boar. Preferable two of them facing each other. Both starting at the upper corners of my chest, down to the lower area will they both looking down to my stomach.

John : That's doable, anything else

Finn: a tattoo of the word VERITAS on my left forearm, and a tattoo of AEQUITAS on my right forearm

John: Lets get started.

( 6 hours later)

Rick: Looking good man

Finn: I thank you

John: Some of my best work, And that leads...

Finn: Kind sir never mind the price just bill it to these card, and do take a tip for you and your friend, Also take this invitation I expect you at the ball this evening. And Rick do try to look presentable.

Finn POV

Shit I look tight, I better head home...

Rebekah: Finn, There you are, I've been looking for you . Come lets get you a suit.

Finn: Sister, I have a suit already made but I will go shopping with you after you have braided my hair proper, yes.

Rebekah: Yes brother

( 4 hours later Finn could be seen knocking at Bonnie Bennet's house )

Finn: Greetings Miss Bennet, how do you do this fine day?

B. B: What are you doing here Mr Mikealson?

Finn: I'm looking to see if I could have the opportunity to be your date this evening, love.

B. B:Fine but try anything and I will end you

Finn: So you do have Ayana's fire in you. I sure she's proud of her legacy. Generally asking do you Tango?

B. B: Yes, Why?

Finn: Don't worry about the details, love and a pleasure Miss Bennet I'll be expecting you.

General POV( Start of the ball)

Finn: Nik, Kol

Kol: Brother, you look handsome, and going back to our roots I see

Nik: So that's what you needed the vervine for.

Finn: Now, shush, Mother looks like she wants to speak.

Esther: I want this ball to go as planned. So please be on your best behaviour.( while specifically looking at Nik and Kol)

Finn: Why of course, Dear Mother. Wouldn't dream of it.

Esther: Well, looks like the guests have arrived, Go and do not embarrass me.


I watch Kol interact with Mayor Lockwood and Damon Salvatore. But I soon leave to look for a place to better observe our guests. I see the Doppelganger walk in, and I watch in amusement as Damon and Stefan confront her about being there. And they take her arms.

I smile when I see Caroline enter wearing a dress Nik gave her, while laughing at my lovestruck brother admire her from afar. While watching this I catch a glimmer of a Waiter approaching Miss Gilbert and leaves the message Esther wanted passed.

I too was hit by Freya herself when I saw Miss Bennet walk in, As I approached her my brothers smirked while looking at me getting lost in her eyes.

Finn: Miss Bennet, You look...

B. B: Wow, I made an original lost for words

Finn: Yes, love only your beauty can do that to me.

Elijah: If everyone could gather, please.

( I walk up the stairs and stand amongst my siblings, and watch as Esther walks down from upstairs, still keeping her distance from us)

Finn: imagine if she trips and falls down these stairs

( which leads to us chuckling and me laughing out loud.)

Finn: I'm terribly sorry brother, please continue

Elijah: Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know whenever my mother brings our family together like this, It's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries old waltz. So if all of you could find yourself a partner, please join us in the ballroom.

Finn: Miss Bennet, shall we

B. B: We shall indeed

( The music starts and we dance, I look carefully taking in all her features and admiring the beauty and grace she has while dancing)

Finn: How's your evening so far?

B. B: Surprisingly, It's amazing. Now quite so I can get lost in the music

Finn: As you wish, love

( They dance ends and partners start to leave the flour. Leaving only Finn and Bonnie on stage.)

Finn: Remember when I asked if you can Tango

B. B: Yes

Finn: It's your time to shine, love. Hit it

( Picture the Tango scene from Take the lead where Antonio Banderas is Finn and the blonde lady is Bonnie. Replace the cross tattoo with AEQUITAS tattoo on his forearm. Everyone claps their hands when they done.)


Finn: Was that enjoyable, love

Bonnie: Very much, I have one last dance in me before I'm done

Finn: One more please. Brothers on me B.Y.W

(Finn called his brothers. Picture Step up 3D Tango scene but the line up is:

Finn with Bonnie

Elijah with a minor character

Niklaus with Caroline

Kol with a minor character

Matt with Rebekah

When the song started, everyone quieted down to watch. Everyone claps their hands when they done)



As Finn watches Elena leave with the waiter sent by Esther, he warns everyone to not drink any champagne given for the toast. Soon I compel a waiter to do the old switch around just in case.

Esther: Good evening, Ladies and Gentleman. Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for this wonderful evening. Cheers!

Everyone: Cheers!


After an hour or so everyone leaves with me transporting Bonnie home and I went to meet with my Sibling's somewhere private

Finn: So I not the only one that thinks the Bitch is up to no good

Kol: Yep

Elijah: But why meet with the doppelganger alone

Nik: Her blood, what else

Rebekah: Should have killed her when I had the chance.

Nik: Rebekah, watch yourself

Finn: The mortals have advanced in technology have they not?

Elijah: Yes, they have brother

Finn: Than why don't we just take her eggs, put them into someone who is compatible with her than impregnate the eggs. So that Rebekah can finally kill the doppelganger. Brother we have an eternity together, what is a 500 years compared to us. Now lets leave and head home before she suspects something. Till the morrow blood of my blood.