Chereads / Ab Initio / Chapter 13 - Darfarrows

Chapter 13 - Darfarrows

While Nandita was quietly moving towards the Carina in her ship Jacquerie, Nameless and Kutti were walking briskly to be far away from Henna before the evening sets.

There were carefully trudging through the dark forest to be sure that they don't get lost. After walking for nearly three hours, they were able to hear the placid sounds of water flowing in a nearby small river. Nameless said:" We have arrived. If we move a little bit more, we will be in front of the rivulet. Let's rest there for some time and fill up the water skins for the journey ahead." Kutti nodded her head and kept following Nameless.

Just as Nameless said, within some time they were standing in front of a small river body. The river was being fed with water via a mountain stream from up above. The forest scenery was completely different in this part of the river bed. The area was surrounded by green grass. On the river banks, there were a lot of plants with beautiful flowers of different colours. The water flowing through the river was refreshing and a bit cold. Kutti first filled up her waterskin to the brim with water. Then she had her face and feet cleaned of the grime and mud. While doing that, she looked at Nameless but he did not even wet his toes. Suddenly, Nameless asked her: "Are you hungry?". She had not thought about it till now. But the sudden mention of the topic made her feel as if she had not eaten anything in days. Looking at her Nameless said:" Wait. I will prepare some food for you." She was surprised to hear that. So she asked: "How? I don't see any game here that we can hunt.". He replied:" But we have a river here, don't we? And rivers usually have fish and crabs in them. That will do."

Nameless cut a thin branch from a tree, tied up a thread that he took out from his pocket and added a metallic hook to the end of the thread. Along the thread of the rod, he added a thin small stick that will indicate whether the fish are biting while fishing. Then he dug up some crawlers (earthworms) out of the mud nearby, hooked one on and started fishing. Within an hour, he had fished out two trouts and two mud crabs. After that, he gathered some sticks and built a fire by rubbing a knife that he was carrying against a stone. While the fire was burning, he cleaned the trouts and the crabs. Then he collected some wild greens from nearby and slathered that onto the trouts and the crabs. After that, he took out a pouch from his pocket. It contained salt. He sprinkled some on the trouts and the crabs and started roasting them over the fire. Kutti was amazed at what he was doing. The boy looked extremely capable to her. She asked him:" Do you carry salt in a pouch wherever you go?". Nameless said:" Salt is a very basic ingredient for cooking. You always should carry the basic ingredients while travelling like salt, pepper, knife, thread etc. These will save your life countless times." The food was ready within fifteen minutes. Nameless offered Kutti a fish and a crab while he started digging into the other two. The girl was feeling ravenous and started eating the food as if she had been starving for many days. After finishing the food, she drank some water from the waterskin and offered it to Nameless. This time, the boy did not refuse but gladly accepted it. After drinking water, he returned it to Kutti. While refilling the waterskin, she asked: " Where is the nearest town? How much further do we need to go?". Nameless replied:" The nearest town is the town of the dwarves - Darfarrows. It's just a few hours of walk from here. Let us get going. Once we reach Darfarrows, Henna will not be able to get to you anymore."

Kutti seemed a bit pensive. She asked:" Is there no human settlement nearby?"

Nameless: Why? Are you afraid of the dwarves?

Kutti pouted and said:" I am not afraid of anyone. But I have never met any dwarf. What kind of people are they? Moreover will they not object to two unknown individuals entering their town?".

Nameless: Darfarrows is predominantly a dwarf town. But they are not the only people staying there. Various races stay in the town in harmony. So you need not worry. Moreover, the town guards know me. Stick with me and they will be okay with you as well even if you don't have any identification papers on you.

Kutti: Who told you that I do not have identification papers on me?

Nameless: I did not say that. Rather, what I said is, that even if you do not have those on you, you will be alright as long as you stick with me. Do you have the papers on you then?

She looked at him with teary eyes and replied:" No. I lost them while I was being pursued by Henna."

Nameless: Then let's not tarry anymore. There is a small bamboo bridge just a few paces in front. It will help us cross the river and then we can walk the rest of the way to Darfarrows.

Having said that, he started walking towards the location of the bamboo bridge and Kutti started following him.