Chereads / Ab Initio / Chapter 14 - Otherkin

Chapter 14 - Otherkin

It was nearly dark when Nameless and Kutti reached Darfarrows. Nameless was walking at the front followed by Kutti. The town was walled by a huge wall that looked extremely sturdy. The length of the entire wall seemed to reach the skies and its span was not even visible. This was a clear indication of how big the entire town was. The entrance to the town was obstructed by a huge iron gate. There were nearly two dozen sentries situated on either side of the gate. The sentries seemed to be comprised of all kinds of races. Kutti was amazed to see dwarves, humans and elves working as sentries efficiently. They seemed to be very strict. They were checking the papers of all the incoming people and were approving their entry only after everything seemed to be alright. There was a huge queue of people waiting to gain admittance to the town. The entire section was illuminated by strange lights hanging from wooden posts. This was ensuring that the people in the queue are not making any ruckus and the light coming from the bulbous things hanging from the wooden posts was assuring all the people gathered over there.

Nameless: If we stand in the queue, it will take a long time for us to gain entry.

Kutti: What do you suggest?

Nameless: I have another way of gaining entry. Follow me.

Kutti kept following Nameless. She was feeling a bit apprehensive. What if the sentries do not allow them entry? She had no identification on her and Henna probably was not very far away. Nameless went forward and stopped in front of a sentry who was of dwarven origin. The dwarf looked at him and his face broke into a smile. He said to Nameless: "Fancy seeing you here lad after such a long time. I am assuming you are here for the usual."

Nameless: Hugror, my friend. It's good to see you too. How are the wives and children doing?

Hugror: They are doing good lad. We had a baby girl while you were away.

Nameless: Congratulations are in order then. Today's dinner for all you folks is on me. Shall we all meet up at the Three Hamlets tonight when your shift ends?

Hugror: Are you sure? Your blessings for the wee baby are enough. I don't want to inconvenience you anymore after what you had done for our town.

Nameless: Nonsense. It's my pleasure. After all, it's not every day that your friend becomes a father now, is it?

Hugror's face broke into a huge wide grin when he heard Nameless. He slapped the boy and shouted out to the other sentries: "Hear me out you lot; We have a dinner party today at the Three Hamlets on account of my baby girl being born. The kid is treating us to a hearty dinner meal". Hearing his shout, all the guards started clapping and laughing and started thanking the kid who just promised them a sumptuous dinner at one of the most expensive taverns in the town. It seemed like every one of them knew Nameless. This seemed quite surreal to Kutti. She was trying to understand how can all these people know a young boy like Nameless. What kind of accomplishments does he have which has made him so much endearing to the sentries? The boy and his behaviour were becoming more and more mysterious with time. Hugror suddenly asked Nameless: "Alright lad, I don't know how to thank you. We will meet up with you at the Three Hamlets after our shift ends. Will you be staying at your usual place?"

Nameless: Yes. I will meet you all at the Four Square with my friend over here. She is my companion and is travelling with me till she reaches Border Town.

Hugror: Sure lad. If you and the little miss face any problems inside the town, do let me know. I will like to help if I can. Not that you will need any help from the likes of us, but still I will aid you in whatever way I can.

Nameless: Thank you Hugror. I deeply appreciate this.

Hugror: No problem, lad. I, however, want to inform you of some disturbing rumours that I heard coming from Border Town. We have heard that Otherkin aided by the Rakshasas have attacked quite a few settlements over there. A lot of people would have died over there if the rumours are true.

Nameless: Rumours? Why don't you all know what's happening over there? What about the instant messaging system that was set up?

Hugror: Nobody is replying to any message that we are sending from there anymore lad. It's been nearly three days. The mayor has decided to send a squad of elites on the day after tomorrow if we still receive no message from them. Maybe you can speak with him tomorrow to assess the situation and then decide accordingly.

Kutti did not understand anything about Otherkin, Rakshasas and the instant messaging system that Nameless and Hugror were speaking about. So she kept mum and made a mental note of asking a lot of questions to Nameless after they were inside the town safe and sound. Nameless meanwhile thanked Hugror and beckoned Kutti to follow him. As the sentries led them inside the formation, the great iron gate started opening by itself to let them in. Looking at that, Kutti, at last, heaved a sigh of relief. Though a lot of questions were swirling around her mind, she was still happy to have gained entry to the town. The prospect of hot food and a good night's sleep also was cheering her up.