Chereads / Is it wrong to be a badass in the dungeon? / Chapter 19 - New challengers?

Chapter 19 - New challengers?

How dissapointing..even after

receiving an powerfull ability

half of them already died..

A skeleton man said sitting

at his enormous golden chair.


this was of course the god of death

the very same god that transmigrated

Kien Orikie and others to Danmanch world.


Hmm.. well i shall gather a new batch

if thats the case.


1. Dio lvl 8 (Vampire.)

2. Kirito lvl 5 (Perscription.)

3. Siesta lvl 5 (Inventor.)

4. Kien lvl 4 (Fallen wings)

5. Masamune lvl 1 (Teleckenesis) Eliminated.

6. Ryouta lvl 2 (Fire king) Eliminated.

7. Touya lvl 1 (Harem king) Eliminated.

8. Orikie lvl 3 (Chains of hell).

9. Haruka lvl 1 (Transformation) Eliminated.

10. Chizuru lvl 1 (Animal Tamer) Eliminated.

11. Esdeath lvl 6 (Ice Goddes)

This is a list of the other transmigrator besides

kien and orikie.



i just watched akagame ga kill since allot of

them died i wanna do them justice.


In a dark endless hall five people is seen

standing..and soon enough the whole

colloseum was filled with people.

he did hes usual entrance and after

left he them to kill eachother.


but out of the 100 contestants

there was one girl who standout

"her combatskills are amazing!"

After dying and getting summoned

here i erased all of thier supernatural

abilities such as quirks and other gifts.

i wanted to be fair to the other contestant

and if they win i would give them a

similar but superior ability to draw thier skills

and further there poetential.


this girl is akame from Akagami gakill for those

who dind watch akame is an assasin one of

the best in her world she and her friend

fought for the people that were under a

corrupt empire all of them died but akame

was chosen to participate by Death

and she has no other choice.

(go watch it!)


No long all the people in the ring has been

slain and akame was seen standing above

the 99 corpses. she was an firstclass

assasin massacaring people she can

do that in her sleep.


"Interesting" Death instantly teleported

he knew exactly what ability to give



akane stood there confused.

"is this hell?" akane asked

she already accepted the fact

that one day she will be sent to

her for all the people she killed

in the past.


(ahh looks like i need to do abit

of explaining..) death shighted



----- 10 minutes later.


"i see.. so you are a god and you decided

to host a tournament and i won that tournament?"

but arent i suppose to be dead?


yes i just summoned you here.. you see the

winners of these tournament i hose gets

a chance to live a 2nd life. reincarnate them

into a world full of dangers and watch them



"i understand now.. but why are you doing this?"

she asked the god.


"im just bored little lady doing the same thing

in billions of years can be exhausting even for

a powerful god like myself."


"now i think thats enough questions i will

grant you a ability but you can only choose

one!" Akame nodded.


Now the first ability is (Shadow Maiden)

- allows you to make shadow weapons.

-allows you to store items in an inventory.

-allows you to see clearly in darkness.

-gives you 10% boost in all stas when in darkness..


The second option is (Flame Empress)

-Flame manipulation

-Flame resistance


The last option is (Absolute beauty)

- Can charm both man and woman.

- Mind control.

- Can use a bind contract.


Death was pleased at the options he gave

what ever akame pick she will definitely

be a powerfull warrior. even without

an ability she manage to kill 99 people

with only her assination skills

so imagine if she had these skills.


Akame stood there for good 2 minutes

before finally saying a word.


"Oh..great god of death..can i instead

bring a person with me instead of getting

any of these abilities?" she politely asked.


"hmn so you think you dont need this

to survive that world? or is my options

not good enough for you?.."


"its my sister.." she said in a sad tone.


"oh you killed your sister do you perhaps

are feeling guilty?" death asked.


"no i killed her for her my own good

she was a total nutcase siding with

the Rotten Empire and killing one

of my friends. but even so i still

love her she is my sister after all."

akane said.


"well your sister has already been reincarnated

in another world". death said.


hearing this akame had a sad expression.

knowing that seeing her sister again

is pretty non existant.


"but its possible to reincarnate you both

but in exchange you dont get an ability

like the other champion of my tournament."

Death said.


hearing this her eyes lit up she was

totally devastated after she killed

her sister and not long that almost

all of her comrades died.


"but i will teleport you to a random location

and you will have to find her." Death said

he obviously wanted to watch Akame

do solo adventure first and want to

see how she grows.


hearing this akame lighly frowned

but just finding her sister in a new

world is much better than not

seeing her sister at all.


"hey dont be sad ill send you off

with a uncommon ability instead of an epic."

Death said he wanted to insure that

she will survive first.


just then akames body began to glow

but she did not panic like a normal



"the ability is called Shadow Weapon Creation

its kinda like a cheap version of shadow maiden

also you cant give it to others only you

can use it." death explained


akame nodded and bowed to the god.

seeing this death just smiled.

"shes very polite..unlike thats

ungratefull bastard!" Kiens image popped

in his mind.


"Be ware there are other like you outhere" just then akame

dissapeard in front of death and spawwned

in the middle of the forest.

