Chapter 24 - ):<

It was a rainyafternoon in orario it

was almost nightime but instead of

preparing to close up thier stores

the people were gathering in a

the statue of the White knight.


Below the statue two bloodied male

can be seen with chains wrapping

around thier bodies.


they were badly beaten by ogre

a level five adventurer from soma

familia. after bell tried to rescue

lili who was being abused by her

fellow familia members.


"oh my god! ogre is soo scary!" a housewife

said to a friend of hers.


"Poor guys they should have pissed off a

level five adventuer." said an elderly woman.


"Oh shit its that kid Rabit foot and Snapper"

said an adventurer.


"oh? werent they famous a little while ago?

said hes friend.


"yeah guess there ego grew to big"

His friend respond.


"Geez kids nowa days so stupid." an elderly

adventurer said.


while all the people gossip and not even

bothering helping the bloodied boys

lili was kneeling in the ground crying.


she was blaming herself. bell and gary

got hurt beacuase of her.. the only

people that treat her nicely.


just then two guys came in a rush

pushing everybody in thier way.


Kien and gary finally arrived and saw

the bloodied state of thier comrades.


"what the fu-?" orikie could help

but let out a curse.


Kien was silent but he dind feel

anger or anything but instead

he was worried that gary and bell

might not make it.


"Orikie! Go find a healer! the

best in tge city! go!! fastt!"

kien shouted to orikie who

was still in state of shock.


"..Got it!!" Orikie replied as he

run to the adventure hall to find

a the best healer in orario.


kien imedietly laid the two

down in a proper position

and gave them some potions.


"shit mere potions arent gonna

do it.! orikie hurry!!" kien yelled

in his mind.


as he was being help by kien

bell finally opened his eyes

a little.


"Ki..en" he weakly speaked


"bell..what happened?" kien could

help but asked who did this

to his loyal lackies/friend.


"Im sorry it was my fault.." bell said


"Who did this?" Kien asked this time

with a aggresive tone.


"som..a famillia..i just wanted to

prote..ct lili." bell weakly said.


Kien knew who lili was she was

bell and gary new support.

now kien was angry he not only

considered bell and gary usefull

but he started to see them as

friends like Houtaro and seeing

them in a critical condition makes

his blood boi.


"dont worry you should rest. Kien

said as he laid bell down the soft grass.

bell only clossed his eyes.


Meanwhile at the adventurer guild..

orikie kicked the door not wasting anytime

everybody was stutterd for a second

orikie then started to look around

trying find thier advisor noland.


"NOLAND!!" Orikie screamed confusing

all the people in the hall..


just then noland came out of his

office he was a middle aged man

in a butler suit. "Orikie?"


"Nolan.. my friend needs a healer

Now!!" Orikie almost shout.


"Oh ill send some of our healers

right away!" Nolan respond.


"wait i dont think normal healers will do..

whos the best you got?" orikie asked.


"the best??.. uh.. that would be

Rivera a member of loki famillia.."

Noland replied.


(that case if those

healer is not enough..

Rivera would be the best option)


Orikie then dashed out of the building

stuttering everybody again.

he already knew where loki manor

is located as he always pass by there.


Orikie was outside the gates of lokis mansion

he was still cathing hes breath. the guards

also saw him.


"hey what are you doing here?" a guard asked.


"my friend is badly injured we need rivera

to heal my friend.."


the two guards looked at eachother. this

man did not seem suspicous beside

of that wierd clothes he was wearing.


The other guard went inside while

the other guard told orikie to

wait for a moment.


not long after three people went outside

and meet orikie. it was finn loki and rivera.


"Hey there handsome~ i heard you need

our help i would like you to know that

our help comes with a high price" Loki

Cunningly smile.


"i know.. lets talk about it after you heal

my friends." Orikie replied as the four

of them rushed to the statue of

the White knight.


They finally arrived they saw kien

pouring healing potion to Bell and gary's wound

to slow and stop thier bleeding. while

a little girl was crying by gary side.


"Kien.. i brought the healer." Orikie


"Good the earlier healers were fucking

useless." Kien replied fraustratedly.


the healers who heard this cant help

but look the ground in shame.

some were even offended but dind

want to offend a level 4 adventurer.


"step aside" rivera said as she put

her hands in bell's chess as she

started to chant.


"hey there!" loki greeted kien.


"..." kien only looked at her without

dead eyes. "what do you want?"


"ohh straight to the point! hehe i like it

well i heard that you two dont have

a famillia why not join us in

return of this help?" loki smilled

if kien and orikie joined her famillia

there strength would increase and

might even rival freya famillia.


"No" kien replied coldly.


"why refuse? not only would we help

you for free but also giving you a

chance to join a top famillia!" Finn said.


"I dont trust you." kien replied.


"fine! what would you give us in return

for this favour then?" Loki asked.


"ill help you the next expedition.. and

also give you 10million valis. kien



Loki smilled as she knew with orikie

and kien on the next expedition with

heptaseus famillia they would definitely

go at least floor 50.


"well.. you can keep the money as

long as youll come with us in our

expeditions." loki smilled.


she dind really want the money

but instead she plan to make kien

and orikie tag along in expeditions.

she can use tiona tione and aiz

to seduce them.. who knows they

might decide to join her if this happend.


just then rivera stopped healing bell

as hes wounds were allready gone.

she then moved over to gary who

was still unconcois.


just then hestia came rushing as she

saw bell she cried in tears of joy

knowing hes out of danger.


(she also saw gary lol.)

