Chereads / Rise of Izuzunu / Chapter 114 - Chapter 114 - The Pond of Fate

Chapter 114 - Chapter 114 - The Pond of Fate


Hyeonin steps out of the carriage carried by two horses. They stop in front of a kingdom that's bordered by a huge wall. Behind the carriage were more carriages and horses; like a whole army of them.

They're in front of the kingdom of Zoidon, ready to start an alliance with them. "What you guys up to?" A guard asked. He sounds nice. "We're here to meet the king" Hyeonin answered.

"What for?" The guard asked. Hyeonin walked closer "I'm here to make an alliance" He said close in his ears while leaning foward.

Later, the guards ordered new guards to take them all to the king's building. The Dominant League followed along the other guard's carriage. "This place looks so nice" Trini smiled while looking at the stone buildings; building to building she looked at.

Xiulan wasn't impressed, but "We should build a huge wall around Izuzunu as well, so we wouldn't have to have a lot of guards to stop the monsters to get in Izuzunu"

"Agreed" Trini said. Trini looked at Hyeonin who's sitting next to Leila.

At the King's domain, Hyeonin and the rest walked inside to spot the king having a feast on the huge dinner table. "What's happening?" The king asked. The king is a druzel in his mid-thirties with a small beard. His hair color was white as snow and eyes light purple. "King Gishi of the Kingdom of Zoidon" Hyeonin said while smiling.




Lilly was asleep on the ground next to the pond. She somehow knocked out after her vision of Izuzunu. She woke up "Aaah!" She screamed as her horse jumped around "Oh my-!" She stopped and looked around to see the trees and mountains surrounding her.

She turned around and saw the pond "I... I have to tell the others!" She shouted while running through the bush, leaving her horse behind. Luckily, the horse caught up to her as she jumped back onto the horse "Go! Mary!"


Moises woke up as he yawned and stretched while groaning. He threw his blanket off of him and got up to brush his teeth and wash his face.

Walking outside he spots Ren and the others cutting logs in pieces "Hey, Moises! Mind helping us out?"

"Hey, nah, I'm good" He replied. "Twat" Ren uttered while slamming the axe into a log. Moises grabbed his clothes from a clothing line that's hung up from Chloe's house to his. "Is it dry?" Chloe asked. "Yep" Moises said while grabbing his clothes until "Guys!!!" Lilly screamed out while she hops off her horse and sprints toward the rest. "Woah, woah! Lilly! What's going on!?" Chloe shouted as the others run toward the scene.

"It's... it's Izuzunu" Lilly said. Chloe and the rest were confused "What about Izuzunu?" Chloe asked. Lilly caught her breath and spoke out "I saw... the future"

In Lilly's house, she began explaining "Last night, when I was taking a ride with Mary to the Training Arena, Mary went crazy and started running off the path to the Arena. Then, we ended up at a pond that looked beautiful... the pond was shiny and very clean... I went in the pond and then... I started getting visions of Izuzunu... burning... getting destoyed... including all the civilians of Izuzunu... and Feiburgians" she said as she turned to Wuhan "Feiburgians?...."

She nod her head "I'm not sure what the heck I saw... but... I figured we should all go check it out together" Lilly continued. "Okay" Chloe responded "Everyone get ready, we're heading out to the pond" Chloe said.


Mark walked into a medium-sized room with a single bed at the corner along with a table with flowers next to it. The air blew into the room room as the curtains slowly waved. Phoenix lied on the bed with a cast on his leg.

"Phoenix" Mark smiled. "Mark, hey" Phoenix smiled back. Mark placed the food down on the table next to the bed and hugged Phoenix "How's everything going here?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, everything's going well. Leg's pretty dead though" Phoenix laughed. Mark laughed "Damn... That bastard Cole got you real good" Mark said in a disappointed voice "We'll avenge you... Phoenix" Mark said as he placed his hands onto Phoenix's shoulders.

"Thank you" Phoenix said. Mark looked under the bed and pulled out a small table that attaches to the bed for the patients to eat on. He placed it on the bed and grabbed the tray of food. Steak, potatoes, and a glass of water. "Thank you" Phoenix said again.

He began chopping the steak into pieces as he takes a bite "We found something outside the walls of Holyland" Mark added.

Phoenix stopped chewing "What is it?" He said, concerned. "Lilly said she found a shiny pond? I'm not sure, but we're gonna go check it out today. She said the pond gave her some kind of vision to see the future?" Mark tried to explain.

Phoenix was shocked as he said "...The Pond of Fate"

"Hm? Pond of Fate? You know about that?" Mark asked. "Yeah... while you were off with Edison to find our hometown, I went exploring and found a book called the Pond of Fate... When you consume the water, it will tell you a situation that you'll experience in the future... and there is no way to... how do I say it? Break out of it" Phoenix explained.

"Hm..." Mark said "Okay, we'll check it out then"

"Okay" Phoenix said. Mark walked to the door and was stopped by Phoenix "Mark..."

"What?" He turned around "Tell me what you guys find"

"Yeah" Mark said as he exit the room.

After Mark left, Phoenix looked out the window and watched a few druzels building a new building. It looked like a new house, but he wondered for who.

He turns his head toward the hospital door and closes his eyes "I hope they don't find anything bad"


They all walked out of the gate and into the path "We'll keep heading this way and then we'll turn into the forest" Lilly said as she led the group. Chloe, Edison, Mark, Wuhan, George, Mikey, Lexie, 07, Nugget, Clay, and Moises followed behind.

Moises walked behind all of them and thought about the war to take back Izuzunu. Then he thinks about his armor and his spellbind. It's weak, he thought. "How would I make it stronger?" He asked himself. He then gasps "Oh my god, we forgot our armors!!"

Everyone else turned around "Oh shit" Nugget said. "It's okay" Wuhan said "We're only outside of Holyland"

Moises thought about it for a moment "O... kay"

While everyone began walking, Moises caught up with Edison "Hey Edison" Moises greeted. "What's up, Moises" Edison replied.

"Nothing much" Moises said as it becomes silent for a few minutes. Finally "Do you miss him?" Edison asked. "Who?" Moises was confused.

"Jun" Edison answered. "Oh..." Moises responded "Yeah"

Edison was overcome with grief. "What would he do in this war if he was with us" Moises looked up at the sky. He thought about it for a moment until looking at Edison. Edison's tearing up. "Hey, hey, Edison" Moises said as they both stopped walking and Moises grabbed on Edison's shoulders "I'm fine... It's just hard to shake off the sadness" Edison said.

"I understand, Edison. But Jun wouldn't have wanted us to be sad forever. He'd want us to stay strong and fight" Moises tried to cheer Edison up.

"You're right" Edison said while he wipes his tears. "Do you remember when that idiot slipped on a freaking banana" Moises laughed.

"Yeah" Edison laughed along "I didn't even know it was possible in real life"

"Right??" Moises laughed "So let's honor Jun's memories by sharing funny stories and keeping him alive in our hearts"

"Yeah" Edison said "Alright, let's go"

At the arrival of the pond, everyone watched, amazed at the shining and glittering waters of the pond and waterfall "Woah!!" They all exclaimed.

Everyone's jaw dropped except Mark "Pond of Fate..." he squint his eyes. "Isn't it amazing!? Doesn't it look nice to you!?" George shouted at Mark.

"Yeah, but enough gazing at it. Let's see the future" Mark said as he looked at Lilly. "Alright everyone. Jump in" She said.

Later, everyone jumps in the pond "Wooo!!! Holy shit!!" Nugget shouted.

"Aaaaah!! It's cold as fuck!" 07 screamed. Nugget bursts out laughing. Moises took off his shirt and stared at the waters "Please... don't die, future Moises" he jumps in.

Everyone swam around for a little bit and splashed water toward each other.

"Why isn't it working??" Wuhan said to Lilly. "I... I don't know. It should work" She said. Wuhan clenches his teeth, looking irritated while turning around "Has anyone had the visions yet?" He said out loud.

Behind him, Lilly looked upset. Wuhan's angry face is in her head "Does he hate me?" She thought.

"No, we haven't yet. Lilly are you sure the cause of your visions was the pond? Maybe you have some kind of power?" Chloe asked. "It's impossible for me to have that kind of power" Lilly said. "She probably does" Wuhan says "We went all the way out here for no damn reason" He says.

"Hey, what's your damn problem with me?" Lilly said as she got closer to Wuhan. "What are you talking about? You brought us all out here for no reason, you should've double checked before taking us here" Wuhan replied.

"Hey, hey, she didn't know that, okay Wuhan? Why are you giving so much attitude?" Edison tried to stop them from starting a fight. "Wuhan's always got that attitude ever since he's been here" Chloe says.

"You're right" Edison says "Wuhan, relax. It's just a mistake she made-"

"No" Mark interrupted.

"What, you're on Wuhan's side now, Mark?" Edison said, angrily.

"No!" He shouted "Consume the water!" He remembers what Phoenix had told him "Drink the water!" Mark shouted "You have to drink the water in order to get the visions!"

Everyone looked at each other and then swims under the water and starts taking a big gulp.

Moises watches as everyone dunks their heads underwater. Wuhan and Moises only stood up. They both made eye contact. As Wuhan gives Moises an angry look, he dunks his head underwater with the rest.

Moises closes his eyes and opens his mouth as he goes under the water. He began drinking and swallowing the waters. Suddenly his visions start flashing "Ugh" he said underwater.

"What?" He said in his head as his visions flashes. It flashes Izuzunu in ruins and the same things Lilly witnessed. He saw dead bodies, not just the enemies, but Izuzunians as well. The collapsed Palace of the Emperor's and the destroyed Mainland and Shintsukawa. The bridge has been entirely destroyed into rubble as fire lights up the night sky.

Suddenly more visions flashes into Moises's eyes as he sees Jun walking away from Izuzunu "Jun" a voice was heard in his head "Jun!!!!" It kept shouting Jun's name.

It shows a graveyard with the Izuzunians standing next to it, saying the same thing "Jun!"

Suddenly the voice stops, but the visions kept flashing until showing something horrific to Moises. Moises's eyes widened, he sees himself. Then he sees a person wearing all black that stabs Moises in the heart with a katana. "Aaaaaah!!!" Moises screamed under water until lifting his head up and screaming even louder "Aaaaah!!"

Everyone was already out the water as they get startled by Moises's screams. "No! No!! No!!!" Moises screamed louder and louder "Nooooo!!" He quickly swam out the water. Out the water he runs on the land and stood in shocked. "Moises!! What s wrong!!?" Edison shouted.

"Moises!" Chloe shouted as well. Everyone runs to go check up on Moises. "Moises... what did you see?" Edison asked one last time.

Moises looked up at everyone "... I died..."