Hey there all my lovlies and beautiful, how are you all.....
I know I know I m quite late but here I m back with yet another intresting chappy....
So without any further do let's get started....
Ekansh and Ahi both entered in the hotel, their demeanor and aura attracting every body's attention, which however can't catch their attention. They walked to the counter and before Ahi could say any thing Ekansh said
"I m saying again I m not going to give you any treat so don't even expect me to pay the bills. And this hotel is no local shop where you can eat and dash or eat and instead of money wash dishes, here they will straight away call the cops, so...."
Before he could complete ahi turned around, now facing him and said "don't worry mr. Dixit I will handle it, now let me please..." With that she turned again to face the receptionist, she pulled out her phone and showed it to her and after seeing it the receptionist bowed them and took them to elevator and gave them the card of a private room and went back.
Ahi and Ekansh were in the elevator when Ekansh said "what have you shown to her and how you have got the key to private room?"
Ahi looked at him and smiled and said "Mr. Dixit have patience and don't worry I haven't did anything illegal. And also...." With that ahi came closer to Ekansh and smiled warmly at him which made Him go blank for a moment.
Seeing his reaction ahi's smile turned in to a mischievous smirk she leaned and whispered beside his ears "as for the private room don't you know..." Ahi stopped in middle which made him curious and he asked "Wh..What?"
Ahi smiled once again and said "Mr. Dixit"
"Hmm" came the small reply.
"We are going to reach in twenty seconds. We are going to have dinner meet with our foreign clients so be prepared." Her voice was now professional and firm. No sign of mischief was in them. It was like she was no more the same girl who was she before 5 seconds ago.
Ahi pulled back and when Ekansh saw her expression he was surprised as she was now looking serious and cold. Her warmth and smile both were disappeared from her face. But the thing he don't know was that this was ahi's normal behavior she was extremely cold, heartless, arrogant and distant for everyone except for the few people who are less then the number of ones fingers. Also business was no joke for her nor did she leave any place of mistake when it comes to work.
Soon elevator opened and both of them came out and started walking towards the room. Ekansh was looking at her when ahi asked "Aish! Mr. Dixit any question?"
Ekansh said "You were saying that you are going for treat but how come suddenly business dinner?"
Ahi replied in her normal serious yet soft tone "I don't want treat now, also not suddenly we were coming for the dinner only. These clients are so important for our company's profit and they are here in this country for the very first time and they are going to stay here for whole week till our deal finally get confirmed. So I have decided them to let them be here in this hotel for the week as this is one of best hotel not only in this city but also in the country."
"But why only in this hotel, I mean there are many more hotels which are nearer and are also luxurious?" Ekansh questioned.
"As I have said they are here for the first time and this hotel is famous for it's view. From here you can see whole city and with that you don't need to learn their language as this hotel provides expert translators for ones convinionce." Ahi replied.
"Ok, now show me the files and we are going to discuss about." Ekansh said.
Ahi stopped walking and looked at him. He also stopped and said raising his brows and said "don't tell me you have not brought the files and if that's the case then Ahi I will fire...." Before he could finish his words ahi kept her hands on his mouth and dragged him in the corner.
Ekansh was staring at him with his chilly gaze and when Ahi's eyes met his eyes she immidiatly knew that he was going to brust. So before he could get any chance ahi said "Mr. Dixit, we are here to welcome him, to make sure he is setteled here comfortably. Not to discuss any business with him."
And that made his eyes grew more colder. Like understanding the meaning of his gaze Ahi said "no we are not doing for gaining any extra favours. It's just that they is here very first time in our country, so it's our responsibility to show him the welcoming nature of our country. Also they are our guest so we need to welcome them with utmost courtesy. And today's dinner is just to make them familiar with our culture, with our people, with our city, with our country, with us and with our company. Mr. Dixit sometimes, somethings are more than just a deal. You know they can effect not only our company but also our country, it's economy, it's reputation and lot more than that cuz they are an important figure in public. Now if you have any problem then I m letting you free to make decisions."
With that Ahi pulled her hand from his mouth and looked at him, he was looking at her...no scratch that staring at her intensely. Ahi looked at him for few secinds before saying "Aish! Mr. Dixit it's not time to fall for my charm. Let's go now." While saying her a mischievous smile was playing on her lips which disappeared when she started to walk towards the room again.
"Ya! I have not said we are going.... And ....and about falling.... Than dream on..." Ekansh replied walking beside her.
Ahi said lazily "if you don't want to come then why are you coming with me and about dreaming then I must say.... It will be a beautiful dream."
With that they both went inside and their meeting started.....
Ahi and Ekansh both came out of the hotel and sat in the car. Ekansh said "Ah finally, now back to office."
Ahi sat on driver's seat and asked "so now where to?"
"What does that mean obviously office" Ekansh said with obvious tone.
"Aish! and what about my treat?" Ahi asked looking at him with innocent look.
"Treat what treat, haven't you said it's not time for treat." Ekansh said raising jis brows and crossing his arms.
"I have said not now, I haven't I dont want that." Ahi replied.
Ekansh said with irritation "yeah right, trast for making me tired to death by bringing me here and also trying to steal my girlfriend right"
"Mr. Dixit we both know you enjoyed this dinner and you are only jealous" Ahi said in play full tone.
"Jealous and me and mind to explain why?" Ekansh said getting more irritated and confused.
"Sure. You are jealous cuz your girl friend who, umm... Who, I have heard don't talk with anyone properly except for you now like me more than you and my charm is better than you that both the clients and your girlfriend impressed by me more than you." And after that ahi took a small pause before saying "nut don't worry Mr. Dixit I have no interest in your girlfriend as she is a girl and don't mind me but my taste is not that wild also your clients are all yours cuz your clients are my clients, your benefits are my benefits. So stop getting jealous ok..."
With that iti laughed and was about to start the car when Ekansh said "I m not jealous ok."
Ahi shook her head and suddenly she touched his arms and pulled like she got burn.
Ekansh looked at him and asked with concern "what happened?"
Ahi said "I got burn, ah! Looks like someone is being jealous"
For few seconds Ekansh looked at her like processing her words and then statmrted saying about how reckless she was, how immature, how can some one be like her..... And this goes on and on when it's been more then 10 minutes and he didn't stopped, Ahi suddenly stopped the car, turned towards his and him on his cheeks and that's it. Ekansh turned into a frozen statue. Ahi turned back again starting the car and said "Peace for good 20 to 30 minutes...." And with that she put her feet on excilator and drove off the car....
bye bye
love you all 😍😍😍