Hey lovlies and handsome I m back with the bash with yet another chappy for all of you
So without any further do let's get started....
Ahi was driving the car in proper peace as Ekansh was in his frozen state. After driving for about 10 minutes ahi stopped the car pulling Ekansh out of his frozen state.
Ekansh looked out and saw that this was not their office neither was his house than why ahi stopped the car here? He looked at ahi who was unbuckling her seatbelt.
He asked "why are we here. Where are we going?"
Ahi "....."
Ekansh said "great! Then go out by your self. if you are not going to tell. I m not coming out." Ahi unbuckled her seatbelt and looked at him and said "Mr. Dixit, unbuckle yourself and come out other wise i have to do that for you." After saying this ahi moved closer to him. Making Ekansh breath hitched again. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and said "fine i m doing but atleast tell me where we are going"
Ahi got off the car and said "Mr. Dixit you know you are very impatient. Come out you will know it sooner and later anyway."
"You are not kidnapping me right?" Ekansh asked
"What if I m" with that ahi started walking. Ekansh also came out and it was now when he saw that ahi was moving in an cafe. He walked to her and said "Ahi I m not treating you, neither I m gonna pay for this. So...."
Before he could finish his words ahi suddenly turned around, now facing Ekansh which made Ekansh almost trip over her but handled by ahi.
Ahi said "Mr. Dixit, c'est un lieu public, ne montre pas que tu es un savare" (we are in public, dont show that you are miser)
Her words made Ekansh speechless and he said "tu as dit que je suis savare" (you said I m miser?"
Like ahi didn't hear anger in his tone and she said "qu'est- ce qu'ils vont penser que mon copain est un avars" (what will they think that my boyfriend is a miser?"
"Ahi tu....attendre....je ne suis pas ton petit- ami" (you.....wait....I m not your boyfriend) said Ekansh in confused tone.
Ahi replied while continuing her walk towards counter "mia's lis pensent que tu es" (but they think you are)
Ekansh said in irritated tone "mias je ne suis pas" (but I m not)
Ahi said "mia's ils le pensent" (but they think so) and with this ahi showed him around. When Ekansh looked around he saw every one were smiling at them and complementing them for being an adorable cute couple....
Ekansh replied "mias je te deteste" (but I hate you)
Ahi said "je t'aime davantage" (I love you more)
Till now they have reached to the counter but their fight was never ending.....
Ekansh replied "ahi mia's je te deteste" (but I hate you)
Ahi replied "nuos avons embrassé" (but we have kissed)
Ekansh replied "tu veux dire que tu m'as embrassé" (you mean you kissed me)
Ahi replied "c'est ce que j'ai dut" (that's what I have said)
Before Ekansh could reply they both heard a sweet voice "mam sir what will you like to have". It was now when both of them realised that they were standing at the counter. And the lady there was looking at them like they are alian.
Ekansh turned at ahi, crossed arms and said "je ne paierai pas" (I m not going to pay)
After hearing his language the lady said "sir language...."
Ahi ignored him and she ordered "a black dark roast, one skinny vanilla latte with two cheese danish"
"Sure, right away mam"
Ahi paid the bill and went out. Leaving the packet on the counter. Ekansh called her but she went. Ekansh shook his head he highly doubted that who is the boss here.
He took the packet and went out. Ahi got in the car. Soon enough Ekansh also got in with packets in his hand. He gave that to ahi.
Ahi took the cup of black dark roast, pushed the starw in and passed it to Ekansh. Ekansh looked at her but took it then she took out her cup, pushed the straw and clicked it with Ekansh's cup and said "congratulations for getting one of the biggest deal in the country Mr. Dixit"
It was now when he remembered that they have cracked the deal with those foreigners today. He remembered how much they were touched becaise of their meeting and welcoming attitude of ahi that they have promised to give this project to them then and there saying that it was a small way to say thankyou for their such great effort.
And it was this moment when he realused that ahi was the one and only one who have organised these all things for them. And now she was the one who giving a treat for their success.
He looked at her intensly and asked "so this was not your welcome treat"
Ahi replied while taking out cheeses danish for them. She handed one to him and said "you can take it as my welcome treat as well"
After hearing that he looked at her, there was something in this heart, something strange he cant explain. He continued staring at ahi. Ahi smirked and said "falling for me Mr. Dixit"
Ekansh pulled out and said "I hate you"
"I love you more.." Replied ahi....
Both ahi and Ekansh reached to office. They worked little more and then left the office. Ahi was driving back home when she stopped the car infront of the same cafe and went in. She ordered, took the packets and went to her home again.
When ahi entered inside her home, she was welcomed by her brother bear hug. Atharv said "Doll you finally home. You know what the time it is, how can you be so late. And ....."
He stopped in midway and than his eyes grew up wide, the big concerned brother suddenly turned into a hungry excited kid. He said "wait this aroma... Woah....ahi show up your hands. Its my favourite right?"
Before ahi could reply or could act Atharv said "God doll, I love you. You have brougt my favourite..... Thankyou my dear little sisi... Hurry up come in why are you here just come in."
Ahi was speechless this boy, wasn't he was the one who stopped her on her tracks. Wasn't he was that same guy who was scolding ber a moment ago and now he was praising her for being the best sister. And people said that only girls have mood swings....
(Song: mere liye tum kafi ho..."
Ahi and Atharv sat down on the sofa but before they could open the packets a strict voice or say a well tried to be strict voice came to them "Ahi... Have you washed up...."
Ahi and parth looked up and saw their father standing on the stairs crossing his arms around his chest. Ahi and atharv looked at each other and Ahi quickly ran up stairs. Before going in her room ahi stopped in her tracks. She kissed her father and said "well tried dad. You lool cute..." And with that she bolt off to her room.
"Dad, why you even try" Atharv said shaking his head head at his dad who god knows why try to act like strict and tough father.
His father cleared his throat and said "shut up you little brat, you spoiled my little princess.... Aish! You are so hopeless"
Atharv was speechless was he this man's son or not, how can he shift all the blame on him just to avoid his embarrassment.
When ahi came down she saw her dad and brother arguing about some thing. She came down and said to her dad "what happened my king"
His dad replied "this brat was trying to eat before you my lil princess but don't worry your dad have saved your food"
Ahi looked at her brother and said "than he must get punished my king"
"Without any doubt" Yasharth replied. Atharv looked at both of them who were lookeing at eachother with a known smirk and he knew it was not going to be good for him.
But before he could say anything ahi stood uo and took a pillow, Atharv widened his eyes and said "this is ....."
Before he could finish he was attacked by pillows.
"Ahi....I ....no...ouch...!!!"
"Look...ahi....no princess..ahh....!!"
"Dad you.....no...ah...."
"Ok than.....ah.....ouch!!"
He also stood up somehow and managed to take a pillow and the war begins.....
1 hour later....
The living room was a mess. Three little kids were sleeping on the sofa, with the eldest on the sofa and the middle one on the floor with his head on the little one's lap while the little one's head was on the eldest one's lap.
Many food boxes were scattered all over the sofa. Feathers from the cushions were all over the carpet covering the floor. Some of feather were also on the hair of the three little kids. Television was still on and doraemon was playing on that. While the little kids were sleeping soundly and peacefully looking so adorable.....
(Song ended....)
Time keeps on going at its speed, day changed into days, days into weeks and it was a month passed since ahi was working here. She was now permanent member of the office. The company was growing day by day. Ahi was working with her father and her brother as well making their company grew more and more everyday.
Her friendship with yug and luv was now deepened more than anyone and now they were partener in crimes. Wheather its about teasing Ekansh, working together, enjoying together or anything else they were always together. Ishika have became ahi's biggest fan and she still blushes when ever she hear ahi's praises for her.
Ahi still never fails to make Ekansh's body go freeze, mind go blank, numb, heart go beserk with her actions. Which makes Ekansh iriitate, confuse, annoyed, angry.
Every morning instead of saying good morning ahi speak "smile please" which in starting irritates him but slowly he started to smile though it would be a small smile but it is there, but till date he have never shown his smile to ahi. He still is cold and emotionless towards ahi.
Everything was going great until.....
✍️NOTE: so guys next episode is gonna be the turning point of this story. And trust me that is gonna be unexpected turn....
So thats all for now see you next time till than
Take care
Love you all 😍😍😍