Vince went and lie down on his bed just looking at her. Unable to sleep as memory flooded back from that very first day they met. At first, it was the smell of roses on my hand and now this song in my head. I have never heard anyone saying anything about such an experience, but I must ask the guys in the group.

Humming the song in his head.

"Look, into my eyes; you will see what you mean to me.

Search your heart, search your soul.

And when you find me there, you will search no more,

Don't tell me it's not worth trying for,

You can't tell me it's not dying for. You know it's true.

Everything I do, I do it for you"

"Will you stop humming that stupid song, I hate it."

Sprinting off the bed, "You are awake?"

"How can I sleep when you keep humming that stupid song over and over again?"

"Sorry, but I can't sleep." Seeing her turn her back to him covered from head to toe, "You are wicked."

"Uh--- Try and sleep please, you have to go to work tomorrow."

"I could stay home if you are staying home with me."

"Sorry, I have to be at the worksite and besides I have to go to the insurance company so they could speed up the process. Then I need to visit the police station to get an update of that bastard,"

"Hello, will you face me please when you are speaking?"

"Please go to sleep, so I can get some sleep." Feeling when he picks her up from the sofa. "What is wrong with you? Vince stop that and put me down please before my head starts hurting again?"

"I cannot sleep maybe by you lying on the bed might fall asleep."

"I heard you the first time okay, now just put me down and tell me what did you do this evening?"

"I went for practice."

"Practice, what kind of practice do you go for?" Seeing her turns around to face him with her face resting on her hand as she looks at him.

"Sidney, every Sunday, the band members come together to practice, I told you that before I leave, and you said, okay."

"Okay, if you say I agree, tell me what did I agree to, well that is if I did?"

"That's it, you feel I am lying to you."

"Aye, hold it right there, I never said that, just remind me, with my head bursting, I could have said yes to anything."

"You said yes when I brought you the tea."

"Oh, I was wondering who brought me the tea, by the way, thanks."

"Did you remember eating?"

"I think so, but my head was pounding, I can't recall what I eat but I was hungry, that much I know."

"Did you remember bathing?"

"I think so, did you tell me my hair was wet?"

"Well forget it, it doesn't matter anyhow, it seems you can't recall anything about that conversation."

"Are you angry with me now?"

"Does it matter; we always end up fighting anyhow."

"I am sorry if I forget, I was really out of it."

"Next time, I will know better than to talk to a sleeping woman?"

"I was talking in my sleep? oh boy, that is very embarrassing."

"Yes, and singing to."

Hearing her laugh, "And you believe everything I said, boy this is great, and another thing, thinking about it now, is that how you know that was the song in my head, was I singing it?"

"Yes, you were and you sing lovely. So, tell me, if GP did ask you where I went, what would you have said?"

"I told him you were with your friends."

"He asked?"

"Yes, could I tell him you went to meet that blond hair woman, who was clinging on to you like a leach?"

"You, are not jealous?"

"Why should I be, we are not even friends, so what is the point of getting jealous, as you say we always quarrel at the end of every conversation."

"You are right, now try and rest, and I am sorry that I disturb your rest." Seeing her get off the bed "Aye, aye, just hold it one minute, where are you going now?"

"Well you woke me up and now I cannot sleep, so you relax in your bed, and eventually you will fall asleep, remember you have to go to work tomorrow. Oh, and another thing, if you go to practice on a Sunday how do you expect me to believe you, went today is Monday?" When his watch beep, "Is that one-o-clock?"

"Yes, it is."

"Then, were you lying to me?"

"No I am not lying to you, it is true, that yesterday was Monday but you see I was busy Sunday trying to convince a certain person to get some rest. So after I fail in my mission I came home and took the advice that I gave the young lady and get some rest.

Only to realize later that evening the young lady did as I suggested and come home, and it was too late to go and practice so seeing today or yesterday I was home and when I call Anthony to apologize he said they were doing a practice went. Okay, and where do you think you are going now?"

Seeing she turns to go out the door. "Sidney, come in the bed and I will go out in the hall." Vince said hurrying out of the bed grabbing her hand and saying, "I will go, and you take the bed."

"Are you mad, what if someone sees you, what are they going to say?" Sidney asks.

Hearing her chuckles, recalling she was laughing the same way the day we got married. "Okay, in that case, you take my bed and I will rest on the sofa."

"Aye, I don't want you to worry about me, I could take care of myself."

"I am sure you could, but what will my family say if they see you sleeping in the open hall."

"I could think about a lot of things, but I am not studying about you; my concern is if someone tells my Mom."

When he was going to lie on the couch Sidney grabs his hand, "I am sorry, please lie down here, the sofa is too small for you."

"Okay, but you are lying down right here with me on the bed."

"If it will make you happy, but just close your eyes and don't say a word."