Chereads / Overcoming An Apocalypse / Chapter 15 - Rescue (13)

Chapter 15 - Rescue (13)

Straight ahead of the three teens, was the continuation of the fence they had jumped earlier. walking to the fence, the three peeked through the gaps. Looking around, they, made sure that no zombies were near it. However, luck wasn't on their side, as just a few meters to the right of the fence, twelve zombies were walking aimlessly.

Fortunately, the zombies hadn't gone close to where Johnathan and the other two were. If they did, the zombies would surely notice them. But since that wasn't the case, they decided to jump the fence.

Jumping over the fence, Danny immediately started drawing out the mana from his core, activating his ability. His right arm transformed from its previous human state, to a red and black demonic one with sharp claws, that seemed as if they could cut metal.

"Your using your ability right now?"

"Yeah, we're gonna need to fight and my ability lasts the longest. Plus, we can get a few extra cores while were at it. Who knows, our abilities can probably get stronger"

Danny answered Ivan who was curious as to why he had activated his ability. But after hearing his reasoning, Ivan couldn't agree more. Since Danny was able to keep his ability activated for as long as he wanted, it was a perfect way in fighting the zombies. Especially since Danny's claws looked as sharp as swords.

"Anyways, lets kill those twelve before we go to the roof. We can probably get some crystals out of them"

Ivan and Johnathan nodded their heads in agreement as they made their way towards the twelve zombies walking aimlessly and standing still.

Taking one step further, Ivan stepped on a branch. Since the zombies were pretty close, they heard the 'snap'. Turning their heads to the right and behind them, they saw the three teens. Seeing them notice that they were there, Johnathan gripped his bat and Ivan started channeling lightning in his pointer finger.

The zombies wasted no time. They started moving towards them. But because they were slower than three teenage boys, the three were able to react and get in position fast enough.

Before Johnathan could do anything, his two friends already started to fight against them. Ivan fired a lightning shot at one of the zombies' heads. But because of his terrible aim, the shot missed, but luckily it hit the body of a zombies behind Ivan's target, stunning him and burning him a little.

Lightning in general is fast and incredibly hot. But because of the pitiful amount of mana put into Ivan's shot, the amount of heat and speed was not too damaging. It didn't shock Ivan that the shot didn't kill the zombie, but he did know that if he would've hit the zombies head, it would've most likely died with its brain being fried.

Danny who saw his opportunity to move, did so. With his body being strengthened by the crystals, he leapt of the ground with great explosiveness and sprinted towards the zombies that was stunned. Getting in the middle of a horde of zombies was frightening, but with his new found power, his situation didn't faze him. Swiping his demonic arm and claws at the zombie, its head came clean off.

With a bright smile on his face, Danny leapt at another zombie, swiping his claws at their head. Killing two in such a short amount of time hyped all of them up, especially Danny himself. He felt as if he was the strongest in the world.

But he wasn't the only one attacking these zombies. Ivan was right behind him firing off lightning which was filled with more mana than before. Shooting it at a zombies that was about to try and use its own claws against Danny, the bolt of lightning hit the zombies body, burning it. Once he killed the zombie, Ivan let out a laugh filled with joy.

Though the lightning shot was filled with more mana, Ivan still had more than three fourths of his mana left in his core.

"You owe me one for that bro"

"I could've got him, but whatever"

Ivan and Danny spoke to each other briefly before focusing back on the horde of zombies.

Overall, the fight was going well and everyone was fighting with smiles on their face. All but Johnathan who had yet to fight any zombie.

He was happy that they had such an easy time fighting against them, but he felt like he was falling behind. He felt like he was useless. He had such an amazing power, but the mana consumption of it was way too high. Sure he could shorten the time he spent freezing time, but then his power would become useless.

So instead of doing the smart thing and saving his mana, the childish feeling of wanting to help and prove that he could kill zombies too, took over. He ran towards the horde and once a zombie tried to swipe at him he ducked under its swipe, and used his bat to bash his skull in.

Before any other zombie could do anything, he called upon his mana, and used his ability. The world around his turned gray, but he didn't pay it any mind. Not wasting any time, he sprinted towards another two zombies, before killing them by bashing their skulls in with his bat.

The world regained its color and Ivan and Danny looked at Johnathan who had appeared in front of them with three dead corpses around him.

Johnathan had only stopped time for a little more than half a second, meaning he was able to kill two zombies in that amount of time. Smiling, Johnathan couldn't help but feel on top of the world. Though he wasted a good amount of mana on zombies he could've dealt with without his mana. He figured that 'its pointless to have powers and not use them'.

Ivan and Danny looked towards Johnathan who had a smile on his face, as he gripped his bat and appeared once again in another place, with another two zombies dead by his feet.

Thinking that Johnathan should save his remaining mana, Danny called out to him. "Leave the rest to use, we'll need your power later".

Looking back at the other two, Johnathan nodded as he jumped back and landed behind the other two.

The battle lasted a couple more minutes, By the end of the fight, Johnathan killed five, Danny killed four and Ivan killed three.

Was the fight worth wasting his mana on? No, Johnathan could've killed them easily with his bat, but he had a super power. Who wouldn't want to use it? Even if they were in a situation that didn't need him using it.

Shoving the thought of using his power irresponsibly to the back of his head, Johnathan made his way to the bodies of the zombies he killed and started searching them for crystals. The other two following his lead, did the same.

And they were in luck. With the dead bodies of twelve zombies, they had found seven crystals.


AN: Johnathan is still a teen and is just as excited to use his powers as we would. I hope this Chapter I showed you guys that they would still have their childish and impulsive sides to them.