Chereads / Overcoming An Apocalypse / Chapter 18 - Escape (1)

Chapter 18 - Escape (1)

With his newfound resolve, Johnathan wiped the tears from his face and with a steeled expression spoke.

"Let's leave guys. It's getting late"

Both Danny and Ivan agreed. It was getting late and they didn't want to stay at the school any longer than they had to.

"Ya, let's head back"

With all three of them on the same page, they moved towards the door that led into the school. Johnathan was about to open the door when they heard a cracking sound. They turned their heads towards the place they came up from and what they saw made them pale.

The zombies were climbing up! With widened eyes, Johnathan hurriedly opened the door. Once open, the three bolted as fast as they could down the many flights of stairs. After finally reaching a floor with classrooms, they looked out one of the windows.

Zombies! Hundreds of them were walking around the whole area they were looking at. Before Johnathan could look away, he swore that a zombie made eye contact with him. Then all of a sudden, the zombies turned in the direction of the three and started sprinting towards them.

"Fuck, run. They're coming"

Screaming that, Johnathan and the others started running through the floor, trying to find the stairs leading to the lower floors.

As they were running, the stench of blood filled their noses and the sight of body parts came into sight. It was a horrible sight for anyone. Seeing the body parts of kids who couldn't be more than thirteen wasn't something someone would be fine seeing. Especially Johnathan, whose younger brother was likely left like that.

'Stop thinking about it! Escape first!'

Johnathan gnashed his teeth in anger before calming down. He didn't want to die. He didn't want to run. He wanted to fight and kill them all for not just his family members but for how they all fucked up his life. But he knew that with the amount of mana he has, killing hundreds would be a pipe dream, at least for now.

Running past the bodies of children and walls covered in blood, the stairwell finally came into sight. But unluckily for them, as they got closer, the sound of their loud footsteps attracted four zombies from different classes.

The zombies broke down the door and ran out of the classes they were in with crazed expressions. The three inspected their mutations and saw that there were one-speed type zombies, and three buffed up ones.

Immediately after inspecting them, Danny and Ivan activated their abilities. Johnathan was about to draw out his mana as well but before he could Ivan told him not to.

"Don't Johnathan. Just use your body's strength. Your ability can help us if anything bad happens, but right now, it's only four of them"


With that said, Johnathan and Danny rushed forwards while Ivan stayed back to cover them with his lightning.

Once the zombies got close enough, Johnathan leaped at it. Pulling his fist back, Johnathan punched the strength-enhanced zombies in the head. Unlike before, where the punch would kill the zombies, this time it only flew back a couple of meters.

Seeing that the zombies fell to the ground but didn't die, Johnathan cursed.

"Watch out"

before he could react, he saw a massive hand swiping at him from his left. Luckily, Ivan sent out a shot of lightning stunning the zombie. But due to the zombie's greater strength it only stopped moving for a split second.

However, in that time frame, Johnathan managed to move out of the way so when the zombie managed to complete his swipe, it missed its target.

The zombies hand hit the ground and managed to break multiple tiles on the floor shocking the three.

Unfortunately they didn't have time to be in awe of its strength since the zombie Johnathan knocked down got back up.

During this whole time Danny wasn't staying still. He had already managed to kill one of the zombies leaving three left.

Danny moved to another zombie, while Johnathan and Ivan started their second attack on them. Ivan shot a lightning bolt at the closest zombie, which was the one in front of Johnathan.

Once the shot hit the zombie, it cried out in pain as well as stunning it. Johnathan seeing that leaped at it once more and instead of a straight punch, he jumped up, brought his fists together and slammed them down on its head.

Like that, the zombie fell to the ground, dying with his head caved in.

Looking to the other zombie, Johnathan rushed at it and once he got close he kicked it in the ribs. However, when he landed the kick, the zombie grabbed onto its leg.

Seeing this happen, Ivan was about to fire but stopped when he realized that he could end up hurting Johnathan badly. Rethinking it, he decided to pray to god and hope it doesn't hit Johnathan. He lowered the power and was about to shoot it, but with his previous hesitation, the zombie made its move.

Slamming Johnathan to the ground, the strength enhanced zombie brought his hands together like Johnathan previously did and was about to slam his fists down but before he could Ivan hit it with a stronger bolt, burning it and stunning it. It gave Johnathan enough time to take in a deep breath and roll to the side.

Getting up Johnathan brushed off his clothes and leaped at the zombie again. He was angry at how the zombie hurt him and slammed him.

Reaching the zombie, Johnathan pulled back his arm and threw a punch with all the anger he had in him.


When the fist and the zombies head met, the monsters head exploded like a water melon, covering Johnathan and the walls close to him in blood.

Seeing that the zombie was dead, he relaxed and looked to Danny who was fighting the zombie with the speed enhancement.

The fight was lasting longer than Johnathan and Danny thought. But it wasn't too hard to guess why. It was faster than Danny and more agile. It was able to dodge Danny's attacks and because Danny didn't have a speed enhancement but a strength one, he was having difficulty hitting it.

Watching for a couple more seconds, Johnathan decided to use his power. He could see Ivan wanting to help but they both knew that hitting a moving target was harder than hitting a stationary one.

"Imma activate it"

"Don't waste to much mana"

"I got you"

After telling Ivan he was going to use his power, Johnathan started running closer to where Danny and the speed Zombie was.

'What's good, seems like their done' Danny thought looking at Johnathan running towards him.

Getting close enough, Johnathan released his power, stopping time for half a second. Everything went gray, but Johnathan didn't pay it any mind. He increased his speed and once he reached the zombie he hit it in the head.


The world unfroze Johnathan appeared in front of a zombie stuck in a wall. The zombie's head was caved in but it slowly started getting out of the wall, so Danny took it upon himself to finish it. With his demonic hand, Danny punched it in the area his head was caved in, dealing the final blow needed to kill it.

"Now then, lets see how many crystals we got"


AN: Let me know what you guys thought about the fight and how you guys like it so far.