Chereads / Overcoming An Apocalypse / Chapter 10 - Rescue (8)

Chapter 10 - Rescue (8)


Danny wanted to help the girls, but would he jeopardize his friendship with the two for them? The answer was no. So he took in a deep breath before giving them his answer.

"Fine, I wont bring up the idea again"

Seeing that they were all on board, Johnathan smiled. The argument started and ended quickly without anyone's feelings getting hurt, and because of that he was happy. Johnathan never liked arguing without people close to him. Life was too short and he no one ever knows when those close to you die, so if you argue with someone close to you and they die the next day, regret will eat you up.

"Good, now then lets invite them back in"

Hearing Ivan's words, Danny nodded and opened the apartment door. Once everyone went back into the apartment they continued their conversation about what's going to happen in the near future. Johnathan and his friends have already decided on what they were going to do but they wanted to hear what the others wanted to do.

"I'm just going to stay here. I have a weapon, food and a convenience store near me. I wont have to leave for a while"

Marks plan was a good one. He didn't have to leave his apartment for a while. He had a lot of supplies and if he was careful enough with it, he could live off them for multiple months.

After sharing his plan, everyone turned their heads towards the two girls. Sophia, the older one, looked at them and went on her knees. With tears in her eyes she started to beg them.

"Please, help us. We cant do anything, our parents never answered our calls and we cant even fight zombies. Please, I beg you guys"

Hearing her beg, the three boys felt bad but they had already talked about not helping her.

"Will you guys help her like you did with Ash"

Marks question made the three look at him. Sophia on the other hand looked at the three with a desperate look on her face. It was hard to watch and Johnathan felt a little guilty but he answered nonetheless.

"No. We cant afford to watch over her and her sister"

"Why not. You guys have plenty of supplies to keep the six of you alive for a while"

Mark was right. They had enough supplies for the six of them, if they did help them. But what they didn't count in was their family members. If they saved them, they would share the supplies with them as well. And their supplies couldn't possibly keep more than eight people alive for the months to come.

"We still have to save our families. We cant afford to keep them alive when we would have to feed and watch over our actual families"

Mark was understanding and nodded at Johnathan's decision. Sophia on the other hand was not. who could blame her. She was desperate and was not in the right state of mind. So instead of leaving the topic at that, she spoke up.

"Please. I beg you guys. Can you please just take us in for a wh-"

Hearing Sophia begging them annoyed Johnathan. She couldn't take no for an answer. He understood where she was coming from, he really did. But after explaining why they couldn't help her, she continued to beg.

"Listen Sophia, or whatever your name is. I would love to help you, but I cant. Helping you and your sister would not help us at all. You would eat our food, drink our water and would overall not be useful to us. I know its harsh, and it really hurts to say this but you would be nothing but a leech. Not only that but we already saved you guys from the zombies so expecting anymore from us is wrong. You're a stranger, and we don't owe you anything"

Johnathan saying that, hurt Sophia. She was scared and as an older sister had to watch out for her sibling. She didn't have the strength to keep themselves safe so when she found out that the three saved a random boy, she thought they would help her too but that wasn't the case.

Mark sighed as he spoke. However before speaking he helped Sophia up from the ground. "I can take care of you guys for a while, but I expect you guys to clean my apartment and cook the food".

Sophia looked at Mark before getting on her knees and hugging his feet. "Thank you, thank you". There was no words she could say that could show her relief.

Mark once again sighed and helped her up from the floor. He then looked at the small girl in the corner of the room and smiled a little. He couldn't do much but helping the weak wasn't a bad feeling. Even though he wasn't a saint nor did he want to play hero. Helping those in need was always a good feeling.

"Anyways, lets get back to my apartment. You do still need to clean it after all"

Sophia smiled as she called her sister over before leaving with Mark. After they left the apartment, the three checked the time on their phones. Luckily, the clock was still working.


Johnathan sighed of relief. It wasn't too late yet. Since they were in the middle of fall, it turned dark at around seven. They still had four hours to save Johnathan brother. However, because it was three, depending on how fast they could save his brother, the others wouldn't be able to help their families that day.

"Lets eat before we go and save your brother"

Johnathan nodded at Danny's words. He then walked towards his backpack and unpacked the containers. Looking through the different foods he got, he picked the pasta. After eating the group continued to sit, waiting for the food to digest.

While they were waiting for the food to digest, Johnathan took out the crystal he got from the convenience store. Looking at it, he couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he ate it. Danny, beside him did the same as he took out his crystal and debated on eating it.

They didn't know if it would harm them. The first one hurt like a bitch and they didn't know the limit a person could eat. They couldn't possible eat hundreds and be fine, could they? 'Might as well just go for it'. Thinking that, Johnathan put the crystal in his mouth and swallowed the crystal.



-The arc is coming to a close. Will they be able to save his brother and their family, or will they fail? Find out next time!