It's a fucking gacha.
System foundations are a fucking gacha.
The book even outlined approximate rates for pulling the different rarities of foundations. Worst yet, the rarity that you pull determines the level cap that you have.
Common (70%): Up to Lv. 50 cap
Uncommon (29%): Up to Lv. 100 cap
Rare (1%): Up to Lv. 250 cap
Legendary (0.001%): Up to Lv. 500 cap
Mythic (0.0001%): Up to Lv. 1000 cap
You can't reroll. You can't upgrade foundations. You can't do anything to boost rates.
All you can do is pray that you aren't stuck with common. Also another fun aspect of level caps is that only the peak of a rarity can reach the listed cap. That means if you get a weak common foundation you could be locked to Lv. 10. When the system unlocks on your 8th birthday, your life gets decided.
It's not all doom and gloom though, it turns out that you can actually exceed the level cap through your own efforts. A man named Drol Burcs managed to propel himself to level 100 even though he had received a common foundation. Apparently the level cap just indicates the maximum amount of power that the system will assist with gathering, anything past that must be achieved through your own effort. Unfortunately when most people hit the level cap however, they find it extremely difficult to build their own power without the wheelchair that the system provides.
The book on the system didn't really provide any explanations as to why the rarities exist or why each rarity only assists someone to certain thresholds, but it did go extensively over the actual functions of the system. Apparently the average stat value for a full grown adult at level 1 is about 10 for each stat. Upon levelling, most stats increase by one, with the exception of [INT]. This is because that stat represents mental attributes which cannot be easily refined by mana and require the "user" to either manually raise the stat or acquire extra points for that stat through various system rewards. In other words, the system can't magically make you smarter but can aid in developing intelligence.
Each stat has been attached to certain values that they exemplify in practice.
1 [STR] = 20 lbs of carrying lifting ability
1 [AGI] = 1 MPH of maximum speed.
1 [DEX] = 1 MPH of easily dodgeable attacks
1 [CON] = 10 HP
1 [INT] = 1 IQ
1 [WILL] = 10 MP
In addition to stats the system also aids in developing elemental affinities and unique magics. Each rarity has a set guideline of the amount of magical affinities wieldable and the grade that they can achieve. There are only three grades of magic, basic, advanced, and peak, and four elemental magic types, water, wind, earth, and fire. For the elemental types of magic, the system does allow for combinations but all combinations are essentially considered as their own affinity and take up an "affinity slot". Different tiers of magic also take up a different amount of affinity slots, as in advanced tiers of magic will take up 3 affinity slots on their own while peak forms of magic will take 9 affinity slots. Unique magics will also take up 9 slots.
Each rarity has the following amount of affinity slots:
Common - 1
Uncommon - 3
Rare - 9
Legendary - 27
Mythic - 81
Unfortunately this system doesn't provide an inventory itself, but it does have a quest and achievement system. Both are exactly what they sound like and distribute rewards based on certain conditions being met. The rewards are in the form of free stat points, designated stat points, EXP, and shop money. Depending on the difficulty of the assignment the system will have different amounts of awards for the quest or achievement. Achievements are typically based on significant accomplishments such as climbing a mountain or creating a new skill while quests are given based on the user's ambitions and goals. Since there is typically a good amount of overlap between the two, they are usually mentally grouped together especially since they can both give you awards for the same task.
Lastly, there is a shop with this system. It's rather simple and you have to earn system currency through quests and achievements to purchase from the shop. The shop includes physical skills, elemental skills, and magical affinities. Purchasing affinities from the shop will count towards your affinity point consumption.
Well that took about an hour
At least the book had a lot of diagrams which made it easy to get through and made it very comprehensive.
Judging from my system unlock countdown, it's about 2 P.M. I wonder when my new mom is coming home, I want to learn more about Giles' old life. Like, do I actually have any friends and if so, who are they? What about siblings, do I have any? Hopefully if I do I'm not sharing the room with any of them. I'm already dreading having to go to that school she mentioned earlier, after all I'd very much rather not have to go demonstrate I've memorized the multiplication table or spell icup or whatever second graders do again.
"GILLY ARE YOU OK!?!?" A high pitch voice yelled.
Huh, I guess some of my questions will be answered soon.