Chereads / Incubus Demonio: All Paths to Temptation / Chapter 8 - Incubus Demonio – Sinful Story – Chapter 7

Chapter 8 - Incubus Demonio – Sinful Story – Chapter 7

New York City. It had basically everything you'd expect from any city, large buildings, suburban neighbourhoods, shopping districts, High Schools. But unlike other cities or towns, it had one thing that the city was known for; Crime. This area was filled with lawbreakers; surprisingly enough, 90% of those who caused trouble were students.

The city had an overdose of delinquents, punks, and street gangs. That, plus the fact that police influence was unbelievably low, made this city a place where fighting, discord and brawls were an everyday occurrence. This brings us to the start of this tale.

In the middle of a quiet part of town, inside a dark alley, was the sight of a brawl. Right now, four rough-looking guys were all already bruised and beaten up brutally. One was knocked out and leaning by the wall with an arm that was bent. Another one laying on the ground with a bloody forehead. A third one was conscious but in a lot of pain and was flat on his back. And the last one was just knocked to the wall and fell down, leaning against the wall. He had blood coming from nose, lip and a missing tooth.

Walking up, the one that was just knocked to the wall was the person responsible for beating all these thugs. Compared to the four of them, who all looked like they were eighteen at least, the one who beat them looked younger and taller than all of them.

Django was doing something he hadn't done in quite a while. He walked up to the thug he had just hit, who was breathing heavily.

"… We were out of line, we're sorry, man…." The thug said quietly, hoping to appease half-human. "… We get the message, you don't need to—"

He was interrupted when Django kicked him in the gut and kept digging in his heel, causing him to cough up in pain.

"Oh, come on, you were the ones who started it in the first place," Django said, uncaring. "You don't really think you're going to get off with an apology, do you?"

Django then stopped and pulled back his leg; at that point, the thug was unconscious. This only made Django feel bored.

"Pathetic, I thought you third rate meat sacks would at least be good for a morning exercise, but I'm barely awake." Django then took out his phone and checked the time. This made him sigh. "Yeah, I guess it is about that time."

Having said that, Django started to walk away and headed for the end of the alley, intending to leave.

"Lucky you, you all get to live for another day," Django said to them as he left. "I should buy some beer and a gaming system."

Django Kamadeva Whitmore wasn't having a good day. He was slumped over on a bench, seemingly drained of energy. Passersby made sure to keep their distance from the man who seemed to exude a vengeful aura.

That man, staring at the sky, looked at his beer-less/PFP-less hands and clenched them out of anger. He laughed softly at first till it turned into a loud maniacal cackle. He muttered, "Take my drinks, will they? Well, they'll have to try harder than that. I'm getting my beloved PFP back if it's the last thing I do!"

"...Ew, what a creep," some nearby girl whispered to her friend.

Hmph. Like he cared about their shitty opinion.

Noticing Django's muffled rant, the friend replied, "You got a problem, New kid?"

Django turned his head and stared at the deer in headlights girls.

"You two are going to pick up by my driver Tracy... Don't run."

He checked his watch - twelve 'o clock. It was lunch break, after all, so it had to be around noon. He assumed that the teacher who took his beloved handheld - Glynda Wildstar - was too competent to just keep the PFP in the safe at her desk. The pencil skirt wearing b*tch was the type of person he is familiar with. Instead, she would keep it on her person to make it harder for him to steal back. Hmm… maybe it would be easier to just buy another one and ditch this asinine school idea.

Picking up his phone, Django quickly dialled his mother. "Yo, Mother."

"Sweetie? Why did you call? Are you having fun on your first day in school?" Django could hear the suspicion and happiness in her voice. Better be blunt about his request. "Did you already get into-"

"No. Nothing like that," the boy replied. He heard a sigh of relief. Hook, line, and sinker. "I was just wondering… can I leave this place and buy something... Also, I might not be back..."

The line grew quiet. A few moments later, Django heard a deep sigh. "For what, sweetie?"

"A new PFP-"

"Absolutely not." Then the call was hung up if the loud slam from the other end of the conversation was any indication. The Prince of Lust sighed. He knew that was going to be her response, but it was worth a shot. Now the only course of action to pursue was to steal- retrieve his PFP. It was going to be hard, but he had a plan. Django Kamadeva Whitmore always had a plan.

Still having going back to school because his mother refuses to let her sixteen year old not go to school. The only reason her threat even work is because of doe eyes and the fact she will try to have sex with him...

God, that shouldn't even be a threat. Having sex demons are family members is really not fun at all.

Walking down the sidewalk with heels tapping loudly on the surface was a beautiful, full-bodied adult woman with wavy platinum-blonde hair and a slight scowl on her face. Her emerald green eyes flicked with annoyance as she missed the last bus home.

She honestly wanted to kick herself for not biting the bullet and paying for an expensive ride home or a ride the carpool ahead of time rather than this last-minute alternative went for the subway. Unfortunately, Glynda Wildstar had become so overworked lately that it must've slipped her mind until it was too late.

Especially from this morning when a new student came in with a beer in hand trying to drink in the middle of class.

"*Sigh*, I suppose this is what I get for oversleeping and dealing with delinquents. Sometimes my bed can be too comfortable to leave in the morning. If only I had some kind of handsome man to share it with. I'd better go buy a ticket before something else happens to screw me over today." Glynda said to himself bitterly as she made her way down into the subway, unaware that a pair of dark purple eyes were following her every step of the way.

They were eying her movements and watching the way her fat ass shook from behind in that tight-fitting hoopskirt she wore. Whoever it was, continued tailing her secretly by moving swiftly and without too many people noticing.

"That perfect ass." Django thought admiring her swaying crescent heart-shaped ass that Django swore was a gift from the gods swayed as-

"Never mind that he is on a mission."

Django refocused his attention on Glynda Wildstar. He stalked the grumpy busy milf or not milf because, as far as he knows, Glynda did not have any kids. Moreover, she wore no ring on her fingers to indicate that she was ever in any kind of relationship, that is.

You'll be suspired how well Django is good at taking information just by looking at a person.

"She is either a lesbian, a man-hater, a celibate or just too plain fucking intimidating to not be dating or pregnant." Django thought.

Glynda was a remarkably beautiful older woman who was in peak shape with a curvy body to call her own. Her platinum blonde hair was done back into a bun with curled bangs dripping down the sides of her face and one long combed-over one across her forehead. Her thin-rimmed glasses she wore rarely concealed the piercing set of emerald green eyes she had, eyes that would glare scathingly at anyone else who'd dare annoy her right now. She had soft creamy skin that went with the elegant impression she made wherever she went. Still, many would-be put off by her constantly cantankerous expression that was often on her face.

Overall, Glynda was an earnest, no-nonsense woman with a captivating appearance that many onlookers and students alike couldn't help feeling drawn to, that included Django, was currently stalking her all the way to the ticket office line. However, the woman was pent-up these days thanks to her frustrating work at New Republic High Academy and the fact she was single. Thus, she was consistently irritated due to her ongoing dry spell. It was ironic considering that she captured the 'Sexy Teacher' motif quite well, even without knowing it despite pushing forty.

"No woman that fine should be that lonely " Django followed her to a quiet subway car where she rested. Now all he had to do was get that PFP and on his way home...

Sure he can just buy a new one tomorrow but nope! He was going to get his one back.

"Hey, Django looks over the car next to you. It's empty as well..."

Looking over Django again, see another version of the 'Sexy Teacher" motif. A beautiful adult woman with long black hair that is split into the middle tied down in a waist-long low ponytail. A formal white shirt with a black business overcoat and matching skirt, green tie, stockings and Mary Jane heels shoes.

All and all, she screams the hot Asian version... She is also the PE teacher at the Academy his mother forced him to join. A very hot, stern, strict as heck, stoic woman who happens to hate his guts when the girls of PE kept flirting with him.

The attempt to ditch her class may also be a factor.

Looks like the strict Asian is drunk by the drool on her face. Kiryuuin Satsuki is defenceless right now.

"And the chick is spreading her legs wide open." Django improved eyesight can see everything she has to offer. "Commando... wow, now that good black material right there, but since I'm not to be a scum, I should go back to getting my game system back from her white version."

"You even sense the lust in them..."

"What the hell..." Django stops speaking and sees a group of young men with explicit attention on their faces walking up to the almost out of it Asain woman.

"Yada Yada..."

"Ugh... I drukn too mufsh at the baar.." Satsuki clenched her head and dropped into her seat. "Just a few moments of sleep will..." The forty-two-year-old woman fell right asleep on the subway.

" Would ya check out the knockers..."

"Ok, I'm going to have to stop you right here."

The orc whipped their heads at a tall, dark-skinned man with a single white strand.

"What da the…." The Orc leader began to say before Django stopped him mid-sentence by decking him in the jaw with a solid punch and slamming his foot into his groin.

He looked behind him to see the rest of the scum that are about to be sent to the hospital. The five have pissed looks on their faces as one transforms into a more giant form.

"How dare you?! We'll teach an amateur not to fuck with us!" The others growled before transforming as well, and standing over Django, He cracked his knuckles and brought out his brass knuckles.

"Let's dance, assholes." Django snarled, and one orc with a single broken tusk jumped at him, only to be given another uppercut that was so hard it broke his jaw. A fat one angrily roared at this before charging at Django and slamming him against the subway windows.

He began to bash incubus's head against the window before he roared and slammed his shoulder into his chest. The fat orc fell onto the ground as Django pounced on him and stomped his face.

"AAAAAAAAH!" The thug screamed in agony. "You broke my wrist, you son of a bi-"

"Quiet!!" Django angrily shouted as he booted the thug's face, silencing him and breaking a few teeth in the process. "Sheesh, for such a big guy, he's really a whiny baby." He turned around and sized up the orcish thugs. "Is this the best you got! I feel ashamed knowing even bloody trying against weak underlings like you! You better pay me for wasting my time!"

"What did you say!" A member angrily shouted. "Who the hell do you think you are!"

"My name is Django!" Django stopped on the fat orc thug again, brushing his chest. Then, he assumed a muay Thai stance and stared down at his foes. "But you can call me, Crocodile And unlike you weaning cubs, I bear sharp fangs!"

He threw a series of powerful punches and kicks into the air, demonstrating skill and ferocity with each blow. Despite how coordinated and focused each strike was, they carried some form of feral tenacity with it, almost wild and untamed in nature. The orcs thugs around him felt the wind brush their faces with each hit and backed off slowly as they drew their weapons out of growing fear. When Django was done showing off, he smirked and taunted the orc's

"Who's next? Step forward, and you get a beatin!'"

"Well, what are you all waiting for!" The Orc leader shouted angrily, getting from the ground holding his jaw. "You saw what he did to me! Waste the punk!"

As it stands, there were at least seven orcs still conscious around Django, each and armed and ready to go. However, the dangerous glint shimmering within Django's amethyst eyes gave him an air of overwhelming intimidation that was difficult to resist.

The light breaking over him only added that horrifying image.

He called himself the Crocodile, and just by looking at him, his firm stance, his eager smirk, his dangerous eyes, he was waiting for the fight to happen. He wanted so badly to viciously maul an opponent within an inch of their life that the orcs really did feel like helpless prey to the Crocodile piercing gaze. One wrong move, and this Nile Croc will have a very filling feast for the day.

"You know, for people with such great hearing, I figured you would've heard me even if I whispered to you," The orc leader growled and broke off a subway pole. "Hurry up, and waste the guy!"

"You all heard the man." Django goaded. "Go ahead, make my day."

The incubus prince crackled slowly at the end.

As a fuse had been set off, every orc thug barrelled down on Django with whatever courage they could muster. Then, grinning a mad grin that was wider than he ever had, Django eagerly leapt into the fray and uncaged the savage beast that had been restlessly waiting from within.

He really hopes Carmen doesn't find out about this. The last thing he needs is a smoking Latin cop who has plenty of reasons for taking him on the spot.

Or his demon instincts on adding her to his harem.