Chereads / Incubus Demonio: All Paths to Temptation / Chapter 11 - Incubus Demonio – Sinful Story – Chapter 10 (R18)

Chapter 11 - Incubus Demonio – Sinful Story – Chapter 10 (R18)

Themes: Dom/Sub, Fucked Silly, Humiliation, Misunderstandings, Humour

It was stupid.

It was wrong.

He should have stopped this at the start. As a staunch believer once said, with great power came great responsibility. But they'd never mentioned that with great power also came great temptation. A temptation he'd tried time and time again to resist.

He'd tried. He'd tried so hard.

Which was why his current predicament was so difficult.

"Mhm. Mhm." A head of black hair bobbed up and down in his lap, the golden strands spilling across his bare thighs. A pair of soft hands rested on each of his legs, holding them apart as a hot mouth engulfed him. "Hmmm."

Django's eyes lit up as he let out a ragged moan. "Suck faster!"

There was no response, but the woman currently running her tongue over the head of his cock quickened her pace, drawing her lips up and down his shaft and sucking on the head. She wasn't quiet about it, making sloppy sounds with every passing moment. She knew he liked that.

Django's body shook violently and growled deeply. His legs tried to close, but the woman wouldn't let him. So instead, she pushed herself forward, hunching her shoulders as she dived and took all of him in her mouth, pressing her nose down into his pubic hair and humming loudly. The vibrations the humming caused in her throat drove him wild.

His orgasm hit like a freight train.

Like clockwork, one of his big hands clamped onto the woman's head as he came, shooting his seed deep into her mouth. But he needn't have because she made no move to pull away. Instead, she sucked on his cock hard, milking him for every last drop of cum, which she swallowed immediately.

She waited for him to stop twitching inside of her mouth before she stopped sucking on him. She fastened her lips around his shaft and drew her head back, letting his cock slip free with an audible pop. Laughing softly, she planted a sweet kiss on the head of his member, as one might on the lips of a lover.

Except for the downright hateful glare in her brown eyes, Satsuki Kiryuin has been teaching for three years at Republic Academy. At present, 30,000 students earn their education at Republic, ranging from grade school to university. The academy grounds, which are large enough to be considered its own city district, serve as the headquarters for the US Magic Association. Working in the high school branch, she is overworked and underpaid.

Things could always be worse. That's what her dad always said, and she usually hated it. But right now, it was all that was keeping a girl like her sane. Satsuki always knew her drinking problem would bite in the ass. But to think the new student who barely attends school is now blackmailing her.



"I need a drink", Satsuki Kiryuin muttered with a growing headache.

Her regular style was nowhere to be seen at that moment. At the very least, Satsuki had kept her hair done up in the usual ponytail she so loved, as well as her black bell collar around her neck. But those two things were the only concessions she'd rung out of her father for this event. Her father, who worked for the Whitmore Ironworks. Her father, who she loves, still won't let go of this stupid need to have mingled with her high society.

Oh, sure, things couldn't have been much worse. Having grown up for a very long time in Japan before moving to American, things did not get better. But, according to her father, his very own employment showed just how far they have come since coming here. So everything should be good, right?

That was ignoring the fact that her father was part of barely a handful of such hires. Or the fact that she was stuck at this stuffy party full of big wigs with nobody to talk to. The black-haired beauty would rather be dead than attend a corporate event like this. She'd only come along because her daddy had insisted, telling her how important it was that their family be seen as supporting the Whitemore Ironworks were ever at all possible.

Satsuki wasn't too happy about that. There were so many other things the magi-huntress could do, such as… killing infected creatures, beasts or drinking, for instance. That would be nice, what she wouldn't give for the chance to get away from all of this and be working on her blade technique. And yes, no matter what her father said, that was part of her training. Her Katana was as much a part of her arsenal as her high heels were, damn it!

If only he understood that… but no, he wasn't a core user, and he would never truly be a core user. Still, it was his hard work and effort that had given her the opportunity to become one herself, so she couldn't really look down upon him. Her dad was everything to her, especially after her mom passed. All they had was each other, and she supposed if he needed her support tonight, she'd give it.

Glaring at another rat in a suit that was eying her breasts, a very theatrical, deep voice fills the air.

"Hmph. Hey, teach. Is your father still hiring call girls from Gem's works? Also, that Sir Monty is an adorable bear."

Whirling around, Satsuki finds herself going straight at sight before her. She'd thought the voice to be just a little deeper pitched than one might think an old bastard with too much money might be. But, no, instead, she was face to face with the only young bastard with too much money at this party. Django Kamadeva Whitmore stares at her with such mockery in his eyes that the PE teacher can't decide whether to hit the bastards or try not to melt in his gaze.

The former would only get her in trouble with her father, though. This was the grandson of her dad's boss… and her student.

"How do you know about Sir Monty, Mister Kamadeva!" Satsuki hissed at her student.

Django stares at her for a moment, looking up and down her mature body like it was a piece of meat!

"Teach. You are magnificent today. Call me Django."

It might have been charismatic or flirtatious coming from anyone else, but the way the black-haired boy spoke… it was just all dramatic and procreative and superfluous. It was like he was making some significant concession by allowing her to call him by his first name. Django Kamadeva Whitmore really was a piece of work… and she won't let this boy add her to his long list of conquest and breed her like some slut!

"Your dad... I read about him. The board meeting that mother forced me to go to talked about him and a mistake he'd been disciplined for recently enough. But, luckily for him and you, my company is a gracious employer."

Satsuki was already tense being here. She griping her glass, nearly breaking it… but now she freezes up as she processes the pretentious young man's words, trying to read between the lines.

He'd… he'd made some sort of mistake? He'd done something that had almost got him fired? Was that why he'd decided he needed her here tonight? A show of force to prove his loyalty by bringing his daughter along to the big corporate event of the year?

Was his job hanging by a thread? Was their livelihood, her future… under threat?

"I hadn't… heard anything about that." She answered truthfully.

"Now you know... Even though my mother and board run the companies, they have given me a power check on employees."

The teachers knew that Mr Whitmore was secretly the wealthiest kid in New York and, for some reason, had an incredibly large about of power in his body that seemed to grow every day. The worse part is that his core is still black! A path that all core users start on. She can tell he knows nothing of his powers yet.

But Satsuki doesn't worry about that. Instead, he's told her that her father's job and their family's livelihood is hanging by a thread in so many words, and now he's explained to her that he has some say in whether or not her dad gets to keep his job.

He wants something from her. The realisation hits Satsuki like a lightning bolt, and she freezes as she stands there. Django is not talking but staring at her, waiting for her answer with that infuriating smile of his. That dazzling, ugly, philandering, cute smile!

"You look delightful tonight, Teach. Well... Nice enough anyway, given your and your father's means. That dress looks quite fetching on you."

'But it would look better off of you'… that's what he's REALLY saying. And suddenly, Satsuki knows what the womaniser wants. He's so damn casual about it, and Satsuki feels actual hate for the Whitmore boy for the first time. But fear quickly replaced that hate and worry. Definitely not lust or desire or anything remotely close to that.

It's obvious now what he's decided she has to do. Her student is playing the 'Let me fuck you, and your dad gets to keep his job' card. With the 'Blackmail the teacher' The arrogant playboy… it's probably a fantasy of his, the damn bastard. The philandering son of a wealthy CEO blackmails the daughter of an employee to be his slave, or her dad gets fired… it's like the plot of one of her racy, dark, erotic novels.

Except now that it's actually happening TO her, Satsuki isn't nearly so aroused as when she's in bed, reading one of the novel downloads off her Xphone as her free hand ventures down between her legs. Instead, she finds herself quite pale as she considers the ramifications of this conversation… and the choice she makes next. Of course, she can walk away still. But then what will happen to her father?

She definitely can't confront her student on just what he's demanding of her. He's been vague enough with his words that he can deny any accusations she makes, and then where she will be? Where will her father be? Satsuki is quickly running out of options. What else can she do… but agree to Whitmore's unspoken demands? Her dad… her dad, has sacrificed so much for her. He'd sacrifice even more if he felt it was necessary.

She is also pretty. He is the one that left the note when she was drunk a week ago.

Perhaps it was time for Satsuki to show she could do the same for her father as he did her. Turning towards the Whitmore boy, she keeps the smile plastered across her face as she sidles up to him, acting as eager as she possibly can, given the circumstances.

Those eyes give away his desires. He is going to add to his long list of conquests!❤

"Hey… why don't we get out of here? Go somewhere a bit more… private and continue our talk?"

When he doesn't immediately respond, Satsuki figures he's just waiting for her to give up something more. But damn it all, she still has her pride to consider. It's not like she's going to drop down to her knees in a crowded ballroom and suck her student off in front of everyone. So instead, the huntress takes the boy by the hand and guides him out through one of the side doors.

An event like this has security, but it's easy enough to slip through the patrols as she practically drags Django into a darkened conference room off to the side. Since the rest of the building besides the main ballroom is shut down at this time of night, the glass walls of the conference room are already darkened and tinted. Thank god. Satsuki lets out an inaudible sigh as she makes sure the door is securely closed behind them.

Meanwhile, Django is still just looking at her… sitting in a chair like a boss who won his prize—clearly waiting for her to make good on her implicit promise by dragging him here. He hadn't resisted her pull, but he also hadn't seemed overly eager. Was she not good enough for him? Or perhaps he is waiting for her to strip. The gall of this man!

The sick bastard! God, she wishes to knock that smirk off his face! But under these circumstances… she couldn't do much beyond reach down to her side and pull at the zipper along the side of her black dress.

The boy doesn't say a word as she strips out of her fancy dress. One of many gifts from these limp, fat, quick shot pig in suits was the most expensive thing she owned. As she reveals her body, clad only in a lacy black bra and panties beneath it, she refuses to fidget under Django's gaze. She doesn't immediately remove her underwear, though. Maybe… maybe he doesn't want more than a bit of a blowjob?

Her legs tremble just barely as she steps forward. Arms crossed and looking like a mob boss, Django has his back to the conference table that dominates the centre of the room at this point, his hands gripping tightly at the edge of said table as he watches her with an unreadable expression on his face. Slowly, Satsuki Kiryuin sinks down to her knees. Slowly, she reaches for his pants. A button and a zipper are all that stands between her and her humiliation… but once she satisfies him, this will all be over. She's sure of it.

"Father can't lose his job now. Ryūko just started her core training, and that cost money."

"What are you doing?"

His words cut through her thoughts and her hesitation like a particularly sharp knife. She flinches as she hurries to undo his pants faster, assuming that he's growing irritated over how long she's taking.

Damn! Satsuki faced cannibalistic monsters, psychotic criminals, rogues, even a lesser demon without flinching. Still, this tall playboy can make her feel like a female elf facing down a hungry male orc.

"Just… getting you ready. You bastard!"

She... It's not like Satsuki wants the rich bastard to think she's some slut who puts out at the drop of a hat, but she also doesn't want to show an ounce of weakness. Nevertheless, she can't help the gasp that erupts from her throat when she finally pulls Django's cock out of his pants, holding it in her hands. He's… not inconsequential in size. In fact, Satsuki is suddenly worried about her jaw, even as she leans in and gives Django's length tentative licks.

Why do the bumps taste good?

He's growing bigger too, not fully hard yet, as Satsuki quickly finds out… but as she strokes at his length with her hands as well as laps at it with her tongue, he gets there. He gets there… and soon enough, Satsuki can't put it off any longer. If she wants to get out of this with some measure of dignity intact, she must be willing to go further. Hiding her grimace, the huntress opens wide and engulfs the boy's cockhead in between her lips. Now she's sucking him off. Now she's finally giving the rich boy what he wants… something he will make do her do in the future.

As she looks up into his eyes, she wonders what evil, vile things he's thinking. Yet, even now, Django Kamadeva Whitmore's face is blank, not a single sign of his true thoughts bleeding through. And as she bobs up and down on his dick, her ponytail bouncing with her, Satsuki hopes that rich bastard is he's happy with her. Happy enough that her dad will get to keep his job.


Of course, the milf PE teacher doesn't know that none of this was actually by Django design. As the Whitmore boy stands there with his hands clutching at the conference table behind him, his knuckles white, he stares down into the Asian woman's eyes, feeling both hopelessly confused… and a something else. The crazy thot had led him off into this secluded area, and then she'd started stripping and talking about sex.

Django hadn't seen it coming at all, in truth. But then, contrary to Satsuki's beliefs, he hadn't actually been trying to convince her she had to provide him sexual favours to keep her father employed. He'd merely been making an excuse to talk to her, and it was true that her dad had made some small, minor error that had brought him to the attention of the board. But it wasn't the kind of mistake that would see anyone fired.

All he was trying to do was blackmail his hot PE teacher that he'd never goes to after that one time in class. So she can get his PFP back from her white-possibly American hot milf coworker, who both seem to have this weird energy Django never bothered learning about.

But now, as far as he was concerned, a strict hot as hell PE teacher (damn hentai!) was now sucking him off quite aggressively and judging from the piercing stare she was giving him, she wasn't taking no for an answer. Django really doesn't understand how they've come to this situation. And he is worried about the fact he made no motion to stop this...

Damn IT!!! Why is he not stopping this? Oh, that's right! Because her mouth feels quite good around his cock. As she continues to bob up and down his length, Django groans, tilting his head back. One of his hands falls instinctively to her hair, landing on top of that spikey hair of hers. He pants even as she tenses up for a moment, but the growing parts of real don't care if she is comfortable.

Django grunted as she sucked him a little harder. It felt so good – so wrong, and yet somehow all the better for being that way. He'd imagined this before, but it had never felt so overpowering, so incredible.

All his resistance, all his self-control, was in pieces at his feet.

But even his with self-control slipping, he still wants to stop this. So the half incubus chose his next words carefully. Or so he thought.


Yeah. Not the most eloquent OR properly thought-out response in the end. But to be fair to the boy, Django was doing his best. His best just isn't good enough to properly rectify this misunderstanding as his teacher's face goes scarlet at what she believes is his 'insinuation'. God, that hot but also screws him. His message meant:

A blowjob isn't enough for him; she thinks she 'knows' that now. But, no, it's 'obvious' to her that her thuggish student wants more, and as desperate as she is, Satsuki is willing to give it to him. Slowly, the huntress rises from her knees. She licks her lips and just as slowly reaches up behind herself, unclasping her bra and pulling it off her tits. She covers herself with an army as she drops the bra on top of her discarded dress, but Django still gets a nice eyeful of her breasts, even as she moves onto her panties next.

Needless to say, Django is not so confused anymore. Well, more like he knows what is happening right now. The intentions of the seemingly unstable scary milf before him are quite obvious now, even as she strips out of her panties as well. He's not sure what to say anymore. Not sure what to do, either.

"How many points will I get if I have sex with this woman?" Django thought, adding this girl to his scorecard.

Damn it all, he'd let himself be led right into a trap, and now there was nothing Django could do but try to play along. His grandmother and mother must have planned this. Why else would he be at this party?

How did they find out his plan? He will figure it out later...

But of course, the strict Asian chick misses this obvious visual clue. Instead, she takes his silence completely differently, more akin to how she's been reading his words and his actions all night long. This is the classic 'I want you to ask for it' sort of trope, exactly from her erotic novels. Honestly, could Django Kamadeva Whitmore be any more cliché?

But she would not say that to his face. Not when she had her dad's career to consider. She'd come this far, and now that it was 'clear' to her that her student would not be satisfied with just a blowjob, Satsuki had to give him what he truly wanted merely. So, hiding her grimace behind that same faux smile from before, she slowly reveals her body, forcing her arms down to her sides.

"Like what you see, you bastard!? Making women act like your whores. Django!"

He'd told her to use his name after all, back at the start of all of this. He hadn't told her to say 'sir' or 'Master' or anything degrading like that, at least. But as his eyes flow up and down her naked form involuntarily, Satsuki certainly gets the feeling like she's a piece of meat. Half of the student body were eyeing her along with Glynda.


The bastard! He doesn't even try to compliment her. I bet the bastard wants a naked lap dance like her books. Hopefully? This would not be one of those things, though. Surely he doesn't want one that Satsuki will ever give one, that is.

As Django sits eying her like a piece of meat, Satsuki takes his silence after his answer as more evidence that he wants her to keep going, that he enjoys seeing her initiate her own debasement and humiliation. He's blackmailing her… but it's clear he doesn't want her to act like she's being blackmailed.

A shiver of disgust goes through her entire being, thankfully unnoticed by the grandson of her father's boss, as she bites her lower lip and trudges up to him. Stepping past him, the huntress bends over the conference table at his side and juts out her ass.

"Do you want to touch it?"

She hates that she has to do this, even if there's something about his eyes on her naked body that does actually feel good. This isn't one of her erotic novels, though; this isn't roleplay. This is real life. This is really happening to her. She shouldn't be enjoying it, even if she is just a bit wet by this point. It's not like… it's not like she wants the student to take her virginity o-or anything.

That's right; no man has ever touched her body, but it looks that streak will end today.

Of course, Django had no intention of fucking her tonight or all, for that matter. If Satsuki had only known what was going through the young man's head, she'd probably have fled in embarrassment right then and there. Whether she would have remembered to scoop up her clothing as she ran would certainly be up for debate, and that alone would have made for quite the comical sight.

Unfortunately, it was not to be. Neither of them understood the other's true desires or motivations. In the end, Django felt obliged to listen to his teenage hormones and demon instincts go along with things as he finally let go of the conference table… and placed his hands on the PE teacher's ass instead. The thought of stopping this should be more vital than ever before at this point, but it's hard even to consider such a thing when… well, there is a pretty hot naked girl bent over before you.

His teacher might be unstable, and she might even call the police. But Django still has a raging hard-on at this point because of her sucking and her nude form. And if she so desperately wants it… well, who was he to stop her? And her ass is surprisingly firm… incredibly taut. It's another reminder that she's a PE teacher, her athletic body laid bare before him, bent over and his for the taking.

Django finds his mouth quite dry as Satsuki looks back over her shoulder at him, her eyes stormy and filled with what he thinks is needed.

"What are you waiting for? An invitation?"

… He doesn't know how to answer that. In the end, he doesn't answer that. Django is out of words by this point. Instead, he just continues to stare at her, all while his hands grope and knead and molest her fit, tightly-packed rump on autopilot. But, of course, Satsuki doesn't see this for the indecision and turmoil over the situation that it really is. All she sees is what she's been seeing since the beginning. His silence is merely another way of saying 'yes'.

Flushing a new shade of scarlet, Satsuki reaches down between her legs and uses her fingers to spread her pussy lips apart. Doing so draws his attention towards that glistening, untouched hole as Neon rests her face against the conference table and bites her lower lip.

"G-Go on then, you bastard. Fuck me."

It's the first time she's let even a trace of a stutter enter her voice, but the Whitmore heir misses it entirely. His gaze is instead fixated on her exposed cunt. Her wet cunt. She really is getting off on this. Dragging him away from the crowd, taking advantage of him…

His eyes burned with a strange intensity. His body is moving by itself at this point, gripping his teacher's ass harshly with one hand; the Incubus boy grabs hold of his cock with the other and presses the tip of his hardened length up against her waiting opening. And then he thrusts right in. He feels it as he tears through some sort of barrier in the way, and Satsuki cries out as he fills her in one go… but neither of them truly understands what's happening. Satsuki has only her toys are references, but Django is this the first time he is having sex with a core user and is feeding off emotions for the first time.

Of course, that just leaves the both of them having very different thoughts regarding the experience. Django finds himself wide-eyed and speechless as his hands slide onto Satsuki's hips, and he instinctively humps forward a bit into her backside.

What is feeling?! He couldn't believe it. What was he tasting just now? Is this lust? Django licked his lips as he looked her up and down her backside, seeing not his PE teacher but the woman she was. Older than he, beautiful, a real MILF. More than half of the student body had called her sexy.

The idea that he would be the only one of them to fuck her? It was overpowering.

It was a heady feeling.

Satsuki Kiryuin, on the other hand, felt betrayed if she was being honest. Not by her womanising student. Oh no, she was expecting cruelty from him, so having him thrust forward without caring for her own feelings was expected. But none of her dark erotic novels had prepared her for the pain of losing her virginity. It was supposed to feel good, reluctantly so. It wasn't… it wasn't supposed to hurt so much. And the bumps they are scratching her walls.

Satsuki's back arched as he dived in deeper than any of her toys had before. Not small toys by any means, her body took him easily for the first eight inches – her normal's size – but the rest was all Mr Kamadeva, stretching her wide than she ever had been before and dragging a strangled groan of pure lust from her throat.

Squeezing her eyes shut as she pants for breath, Satsuki hangs her head. Django, meanwhile, doesn't notice her pain, though she assumes he does and just doesn't care. But no, the playboy bastard finds himself too focused on how tight Satsuki is actually to see that she's trying to hold back tears. And as he pulls out and pushes back in experimentally, her gasps only make him think she's enjoying things. After all, she was the one who'd wanted all of this to happen in the first place, wasn't she?

"You like that!?" Django's voice was intoxicating. There was a huge grin on his face. "I knew you hardcore slut."

"N-No. That's not true."

Satsuki's blush returns in full force as felt her power drain from her body and her nails claw at the conference table before her. Django is quickly building up speed, and Satsuki can do nothing but take it as he thrusts into her, jarring her into the edge of the table each time. The whole conference table jumps her weight on it. But Django doesn't seem to care, at least in Satsuki's eyes.

He's finally getting what he wants from her, and now she's nothing more than another bitch to fuck. She does not know that he's flying by the seat of his pants right now. No idea that he just wanted his game system back. In the end, all she knows is that Mr Kamadeva has a big dick, and it's ravaging her tight insides. And for some reason, that's really starting to feel good.

"Hn. Ah. AHH!" The desperate little whines slipped out with every thrust, forced past her lips as he drove the air from her.

"That's it," Django whispered, running his hands down her spine as he kept thrusting back and forth and finally grabbed hold of her ponytail. Gripping it tightly, Django grits his teeth as he speeds up the pace. Satsuki never tells him to stop, but she also doesn't tell him to go faster. Shit, she doesn't tell him anything.

So, Django does what he wants. Even if he never intended for this sort of thing to happen in the first place.

But who cares?!

She really was quite beautiful in that dress; hell she's more attractive out of it. She's absolutely gorgeous, in fact, even if Django thinks the teacher is cra cra. So the boy resolves to enjoy himself as he fucks her hard, his peak already in sight as his balls churn.

At the same time, Satsuki decides the same sort of thing. The pain is gone now, and even as rough as Django is being with her, her body is reacting in a positive manner.

"You're mine now," He boomed using his Incubus voice now. "Whenever you're with your alone with your toys or with another man, you'll think of me."

"No," she panted. "That's not true."

"You will. You know it's true." Django thrust hard into her again, driving himself so deep that her mouth and eyes opened wide. "And I'll give you something to make sure you do," he gasped. "Here it comes!"

What? Now-? Satsuki's eyes grew wider still.

"Outside!" she begged. "Pull out! I'm not on the pill!"

Needless to say, both of them manage to cum at the same time.

"Good!" Django pulled her ponytail back harder than before, jerking once inside her and then unleashing a torrent of heat directly into her body. His groan met hers, the twin sounds filling the room as Satsuki's head fell back, eyes wide and mouth open as what felt like gallon after gallon of cum was dumped inside her. It filled her so quickly, spreading into her womb as her legs fell down on either side of the conference table, twitching badly, toes curled under her black stockings as her own orgasm ripped through her.

"I'm cumming as he does." The hysterical thought reached her even through the shock. "I came to being blackmailed and fucked by a womanising sixteen-year-old. I… I actually came…."

"Ugh. Agh." Django panted as he was still inside her, still spasming occasionally and shooting an errant rope of cum deep inside her. "Oh, teach!" he moaned. "I'm going to knock you up."


"I am." He pulled out and flipped her over and shoved his huge dick into her again. "And you're not going to do a thing to stop me." He kissed her, this time on the underside of her chin, before he worked his way up to her mouth and hovered there, breathing into her lips. "Understand? You're mine to use as I please now, and if you refuse, then I'll make sure everyone you know sees not only the last video but the recordings as well."

Satsuki's breath hitched. Her eyes closed. She only really has one option here, and Django has made that very clear indeed. She's his bitch until he says otherwise. So long as she wants her dad to keep his job, anyway.

"Do you understand?"

"Yes… master."

Both didn't notice that Satsuki gained a collar with faded words of 'BBC' on them.