Chapter 4 - Episode 04

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I said napping but I actually fell asleep until the next morning, it was a peaceful nap without any ambush from anything and I was actually having a good dream.

I saw my brother, Naoki doing just good and I also saw that my grandparents were visiting my grave and I can really feel like it's not a dream, it's almost like some reality that I saw during sleep.

I do really hope that is a reality since they are doing just as good even without me. And I woke up on some puddle consisting of my drool and my tears mixed in it.

I'm feeling like I'm a failure of a woman for drooling a lot, but well, I'm also a wolf, now. So I will try to not care about that thing. And worry about it later when I can evolve to a Werewolf.

Anyways, I'm starving since I was sleeping the whole day, let's go hunt breakfast. I was running through the forest to see possible breakfast, and I found some horned rabbit? They seemed so fast though.

I jumped on the trees to ambush them, so they're not aware of me. When they let their guard down, I jumped on one of the rabbits, but they got away. I chased one for a while until I cornered it.

But then it jumps really high and he jumps on thin air, it seems like it's climbing on a thin foothold since I saw some kind of air circle on their foot when they jumped.

I tried to use [Tempest Claws] or [Chaos Claws]on them, but since they're really fast all of it failed to reach them. I also used [Extreme Intimidation] but it was missed.

Ah, I have an idea since they rely on the air for that move, why not I make the strongest Tempest Claws and it could make something basically like a sucking typhoon, right? Would it be possible, Alnoe-sensei?

[Answering: Very possible, Master. As long you unleash a slash big enough to make the air rotate too fast in 2 directions, you could theoretically make a sucking typhoon here]

Let's do this. I backed for a bit and chased all the rabbits so they jumped high after they did that. I jumped from tree to tree and leaped high, and I unleashed the strongest Tempest Claws.

I did it! After I did it twice in two different directions, it created a giant typhoon and it sucked almost all monsters and animals in that vicinity. They all died for sure since it's not only sucking but also shredding them to pieces.

After all of them fall to the ground, I disassembled them into pieces to cook. And while I was doing it, I have noticed that there is a pack of red wolves hiding in the bushes, watching me killing my breakfast.

I don't want to be taken by a pack since I don't want a male order or just make me their mating object. I want a human as my partner, not some wolf.

I roasted all the meat with my heat magic and the smell of the meat probably has reached their nostrils, that's why they're approaching me slowly but surely behind me. After the meat had been cooked, I ate some of it.

It was so good, the taste of the rabbit is almost the same as the roasted Jitokko chicken tasted. It was better than those hyenas, of course. Also, a lot of monsters besides the rabbits get sucked up.

I think they're Horned Rabbits, Ice Elemental, Twig Monkey that is sucked in the typhoon. For the Ice Elemental, it has a crystally body, so I just ate it raw, and it was hard and cold.

The monkey was gross to eat since it's mostly males and their balls are huge and some are shredded by the typhoon and it drips white liquid, I guess you can understand what I'm talking about. And yes, I don't eat the ball.

[Extra Skills: [Mid-Air Jump] [Hellish Bites][Ravaging Tails] [Blizzard Volley] [Glacier Shield] [Crystallize] has successfully acquired]

[Asking: Master, do you need explaining of these skills?]

Yep, thanks for always, Alnoe-sensei!

[Explaining: [Mid-Air Jump] is an Extra skill that allows Master to jump mid-air using aerial footholds or speed impact. 「Hellish Bites」is an extra skill that allows you to bite target faster than normal disallowing the target to fight back or move]

Are you telling me, that I can be like Naruto in Sage mode? That's cool, let's try that later. And are you telling me that I can do the thing those Rabbits in Re:Zero did to Subaru? That's so cruel.

[Explaining:  [Ravaging Tails]  is an extra skill that allows Master to modify Master's tail length and it made the tail flexible and tough]

[Blizzard Volley] is an extra skill that allows Master to summon a blizzard attack filled with thrown icicles and shards of ice with a frozen wind that freezes targets]

[Glacier Shield] is an extra skill that allows Master to summon an ice shield to deflect enemy attacks and you can shatter it to attack the enemy. [Crystallize] is an extra skill that allows Master to freeze targets and crystallize them and then you can shatter them to kill them]

So, I'm also can do the things Elsa can do, huh. Pretty interesting, so let's eat the rest since I'm still kinda hungry and I have to eat it before the wolves try to snatch it.

[Report: Experience limit has reached. You've leveled up to Level 6! Showing new status...]


[Name: None] [Race: Platinum Wolf Cub]

[HP: 221/0221] [MP: 302/0422] [Level: 006]

[STR: 0263] [AGI: 0303] [DEX: 0292]

[INT: 1090] [EVA: 0291] [RES: 0235]

[DEF: 0312] [VIT: 1190] [RAN: 1091]

[CON: 2091] [LUK: 0291] [CRT: 2100]

[SPD: 0603] [ACC: 0411] [CRS: 0161]

[P. Attack: 1101 dmg] [M. Attack: 2622 dmg]


Nice, I leveled up, I think I can beat those red wolves if I need to since they had been approaching me, and now they're in front of me, baring their fangs and growling daringly.

They look strong and they have an Alpha, so it's going to be tough.



Huh, they're talking in the wolf language, I decided to call it Wolfmouth, haha just for fun.

<> I said.


The Alpha sent the Beta wolves, they charged at me, but I deflected the weak attacks they targeted on me. Let's show these dogs what I'm made of.

I used the skill 「Enhanced Breathing」to inhale as much air as I could get to my lungs and I unleashed「Earthshaking Howl」at their faces hoping to kill them by their ear instead of making my paws dirtied.

Which they did die after that and I can see that their ears are bleeding, they fall soon after.

All the Beta wolves are now out of the game, the rest is the kids, the female, and the Alpha himself. Let's do this, let's see how strong of an Alpha he is, this is interesting.

> End of Chapter