–– MY CONGRATULATIONS, are twins... – said the doctor after the two girls left – two perfectly healthy princesses.
The parents were the most proud that existed in the whole world.
Despite what they were...
That moment...
At least that...
They were making someone happy.
FELÍCIA AND FÁBIO BASTOS had seen themselves as a child, were neighbors on the wall and discovered life and the world together.
Both were their first boyfriend, lost their virginity together at the age of fourteen – after playing for real or challenging at Fábio's house, their parents were traveling, and everything happened naturally and without regrets or remorse, quite the opposite, for them it had been the best thing that had happened to them.
The two grew up, got married, and were very happy together, until after a crisis on the American stock exchange, both became unemployed and started to awaken their dark side.
They started with small thefts - just to be able to pay the bills and maintain themselves – then, they were lightning kidnappings, kidnapping through private imprisonment and drug trafficking, finally, murders to order.
The need for more money only grew, and due to the genius of their actions – after all, they never managed to catch them - both acquired a demonic pleasure by committing genius crimes on the front page of the biggest newspapers around the world, their crimes left no trace even for the police to begin investigations, everything around them revolved around mysteries.
The two were already very well off, being able to handpick their next crimes, it was then that Felicia discovered that she was pregnant.
The world seemed perfect...
They had lots of money, the eternal love of each other, and now, a real, happy family.
The pregnancy went on without any problems, and the delivery was smooth.
THE JOY OF COMING TWINS made the young couple even happier, if that was possible at that time.
The two grew quickly and became more beautiful than everyone expected them to be, after all, Fábio and Felícia were not ugly, but also, they did not win any beauty contest.
Although physically identical, psychologically they were completely opposite. Ana was sweet, gentle, delicate and very studious, Carol was the very demon incarnate, since she was a child, she already wanted to follow in her parents' footsteps.
Despite her parents' disregard for Ana - because she is too good - Ana went about her life quietly, without meddling in the family business, after all, Carol had entered the world of her parents head on.
The two sisters never got along, this does not mean that they fought, because Ana always let Carol feel right to be right in everything, even if she insisted on being right, her parents would never give her a reason.
But the biggest difference between the two was that Ana had always wanted to get married, to lose her virginity to the man of her dreams. Carol was completely depraved, lost her virginity early in adolescence with a cousin and even today they remember that day in practice when they meet.
Everyone thought Ana was too dreamy, but if it weren't for her, her family would never be able to get close to Henrique and Carlos Cardeñas.
As much as her parents insisted that she participate in a mission, she went – and did not regret it, after meeting Henrique Cardeñas.
THEY KNEW IN THE MCDONALDS file on Avenida Paulista, Henrique, dropping his tray to the floor and dirtying several people around him, looked like a movie scene when the two eyes met.
–– Are you alright? – He asked all solicitously to that extraordinarily beautiful girl.
–– Of course – said Ana smiling – it was just a scare.
The line behind them was murmuring impatiently.
–– Come – he said – I will place your order next to mine, I want to apologize for this inconvenience.
He fell right... – she thought sadly for falling in love right away in her first family job
They sat at the same table and the conversation was wonderful for both of them, and as much as Ana tried to remember that he should be her victim, she was in love with Henrique, even though he was a little playboy with no subject, something deep inside said he had much more than I wanted to show.
CAROL AND ANA BASTOS discussed a lot about Henrique Cardeñas, after all, every time she slept with Ana, in fact, it was Carol who was, and since that was also a job, the two needed to stay tuned in everything that happened between them.
Carol could easily pretend to be Ana, anyone who knew them both, could not distinguish one from the other, Carol since she was a child – since they never studied at the same school for more than two years – she always pretended to be Ana, thinking that one day that would come in handy, and it really was.
As much as he thought it was strange for Ana to be a person on a daily basis and in bed another, he even liked that.
She's wild...
There was only one time that everything was normal, Henrique found the best of all, it was exactly the only time that Ana slept with him, which, coincidentally, had been their first time.