Chereads / A SHADOW BEYOND DARKNESS / Chapter 17 - CHAPTER 16

Chapter 17 - CHAPTER 16

CAMILA BEGAN TO EXPLAIN that the Nazi Party was born in the early 20th century, and is closely related to a group called Thule, this one, founded on August 17, 1918 by Rudolf von Sebottendorff in Munich.

The name Thule is derived from the mythical island Thule. Its original name was "Studiengruppe für germanisches Altertum" (Study group for Germanic antiquity).

It was a precursor group that played an important role in the transformation of the "Deutsche Arbeiter-Partei" (German Workers Party), which would later become the NSDAP (Nazi Party).

It had members of the top echelons of the party, including Rudolf Heß, Alfred Rosenberg, including Adolf Hitler who was already Grand Master Cátaro. Adolf Hitler was initiated into the Thule Society by Rudolf Heß, while they were trapped in the Landsberg fort.

Its press agency was the "Münchener Beobachter" (Munich Observer), who would later become the "Völkischer Beobachter" (People's Observer), the NSDAP newspaper.

The Thule society is also known to be associated with the Germanenorden secret society.

The symbol associated with the Thule Group was a dagger and an octagram, often with three triangles or rays inside.

Nazi mysticism is a term used to describe an undercurrent of quasi–religious Nazism, characterized by the combination of Nazism with the occult, esoteric and the paranormal.

Some attribute a religious importance to Hitler and his doctrine, saying that he wanted to do the same thing that the Catholic Church did during the Middle Ages, to imprison the people in the illusion of ideological salvation. Nazi mysticism has its origin in the racist ideas of Arthur de Gobineau, Guido von List and Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, had an important role in the beginning and came to found movements after the war.

High-ranking Nazi officers like Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Hess and Walther Darré were known for their interest in mysticism and the paranormal. Personally, Hitler was less interested in these matters, but even so, he was always connected to them.

The Teutons in general, and the Germanic Peoples in a particular way, served as the basis for the belief in the Aryan Race, and its superiority over all others. Different origins have been suggested for the beginning of this "superior race", from Atlantis, Thule in Scandinavia, Hyperborea in Greece and Shambhala in Tibet.

Another dominant thought was that this "higher race" had been weakened by mixing with other "lower races".

–– EVERYTHING IS VERY interesting, clarifies many things about the rituals used by the murderers, did you bring up such a prayer that I asked you for?

Camila rummaged through her papers and handed it to Bernardo.

He carefully read each word, trying to use the little German he had learned on one of his trips to associate Camila's translation and see if everything was in order:

Führer, mein Führer,

Leader, my leader,

von Gott mir gegeben,

You were sent to me by God,

beschütz und erhalte noch lange mein Leben

Protect me and keep me alive for a long time.

Du hast Deutschland errettet aus tiefster Not,

You saved Germany from the deepest misery,

Dir verdank ich mein täglich Brot

I owe you my daily bread

Führer, mein Führer, mein Glaube, mein Licht

Leader, my leader, my faith, my light

Führer mein Führer, verlasse mich nicht.

Leader my leader, do not abandon me.

–– Did you translate it yourself? He asked, completely surprised to see his partner's efficiency.

She nodded.

–– My paternal grandparents were German, they taught me the basics, even to be able to understand what they were talking about.

Bernardo was stunned by the skill of that woman who proved to be infinitely superior to what he imagined.

–– Congratulations, Camila, I don't know if I would discover all this on my own.

–– Is there anything else I can do?

–– I think that today we will rest, tomorrow I think it will be much more busy than today, if you want to research more, feel free, I know that the gold coins in the mouth of the murdered meant the money for the passage to the other world, to give to the boatman, something from ancient Greece, Homer mentions this, but I believe that the coin itself is more a sign of respect than a trail left by them.

Camila was disappointed to see him ruin much of his research.

–– But as I said, we'll leave the rest for tomorrow, I'm sure we've solved a quarter of the mystery.

DELEGADO SALDANHA was speechless with everything the detective was telling, all the connections of Nazism and mysticism, without a doubt, he felt himself in the first series again.

–– But... – said the thoughtful delegate – there are many more things that we need to unveil about these cases, it seems that everything is connected.

–– No doubt, boss – said Sandro, always smiling.

–– What drives me crazy about life – said the delegate almost indignantly – is that these killers do everything in a place as public as a church in downtown São Paulo, in one of the places with the largest flow of people in Latin America and no one can see anything at all.

–– They do this within the church because they have their reasons.

–– Reasons? What for exemple?

–– Freemasons strongly believe that they were the builders of churches in Gothic and Neo-Gothic style throughout Europe, perhaps throughout the world, because of their connection with the Knights Templar, as if they were left with the inheritance, a gift or something like that, normally secret is understood. They were extraordinary architects, the name Mason already refers to that.

"The name Masonry comes from the French Masonry, which means construction. This construction is done by the Freemasons in their Lodges, Shops. Some authors say that the word is older and would have its origin in the Coptic phrase Phree Messen, whose meaning would be 'children of light'. "

–– Even so – the delegate reflected to himself – nothing seems to make sense.

–– It makes perfect sense if you compare a Gothic cathedral with a Mason shop. Other historians say that even the name "Mason" is closely related to Jesus Christ, which is why the murders are in cathedrals.

–– What does Jesus Christ have to do with fucking Freemasonry and the murders inside the churches, Palmeira? Have holy patience, I never heard so much bullshit.

–– That's why I'm the detective and you're the deputy, Marcus, your head is too logical, law school would ruin an excellent detective – he smiled at his joke alone – for Freemasons, Jesus Christ was the greatest builder of everyone, after all, was a carpenter's son, but the Greek word is tekton, which means builder, and arche is the Greek name for primordial matter. It is said that Jesus was also a carpenter, the Son of God, the Great Archetekton of the Universe. At the age of thirty–three, he received the three times three nine degrees of Mystical Masonry. He went down to the center of the earth, in this case, the bible says he died crucified and went to hell to take the keys of death from the hands of Satan. The same goes for any other tekton, Mason or Phree Messen – son of light – as the Egyptians called them, which descends through the nine strata of the earth in the form of an arch.

–– Uhm… – Said the deputy sarcastically trying to appear excited, but without any success.

–– Calm down, boss, I'm already reaching the high point of what I've discovered so far – he smiled excitedly – other authors refer to Jesus as "The Son of man", which in English would be "Son of Man", which inverting, would be "Mason", a Mason in English, they like the play on words, it's called an anagram, after all, Jesus himself said that he would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, taking us once again to the word build.

The chief was even more confused. The detective, leaving no room for the doubts to spread, continued.

–– Freemasonry is full of mysticism too, chief, in the same way as Nazism, after all, Hitler himself was a Mason.

–– Are you kidding me? You can only...

Sandro smiled and continued to interrupt the deputy.

–– I am not kidding, this is open to the general public, but, continuing on the temples, the Freemasons adopt a "standardization" in their "stores", for example, two columns, a staircase, a checkered floor and many symbols.

–– And what does this have to do with Catholic churches?

–– If we analyze it with their heads, it has everything to do, the churches in Gothic style are pure representations of the Temple of Solomon. The Freemasons believe that the first Templars found the original plans of the Temple of Solomon and followed the same line of constructions, except that this is where the great blow they took, in the Temple of Solomon, one could not have images of any idol, since what we see in all gothic churches around the world is an invaluable collection of stained glass and paintings with double meaning.

–– I mean...

–– That the Templars hid some secret, nobody knows what it is exactly, it is one of the greatest mysteries of humanity, some say it refers to the Ark of the Covenant, others say it refers to the genealogy of Jesus Christ, that He had a daughter with such as Mary of Magdala, or Mary Magdalene as everyone likes to say, since she fled to Gaul after the Resurrection of Christ, and as far as we know, the most famous Gothic churches in the world are exactly in France, and history says that Mary Magdalene traveled to the region of France, going deeper, some say that the glass pyramid at the entrance to the Louvre was built with the purpose of being the tomb of Mary Magdalene.

"Heinrich Himmler – continued Palmeira without leaving room for the delegate's nonsensical inquiries – one of Hitler's leading men made numerous expeditions to find mystical articles, even the German invasion of France and Austria, had a more mystical than territorial purpose."

–– How much nonsense, Palmeira, do you really believe that?

–– In some things, yes, but we are not here to discuss what I believe, but what they believe.

SANDRO LEFT THE ROOM of the thoughtful delegate with everything he had found out about the case, that the five murders were linked, he had no doubts, but...

What were those five Grand Masters hiding that they chose to die rather than reveal?

Sandro was going through a difficult situation in his family life, a crossroads difficult to get out of, since he was no longer speaking "bad words" to avoid squabbling with his wife regarding his son's learning.

He made a promise to Elisa, that he would no longer use such words, especially around his only five–year–old son, of which the first word he learned to speak at eight months was "aaio", referring to the word "caralho" that his father did not let him go unnoticed in any situation, especially in the games when celebrating a goal of his heart team.


–– FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, Sandro – she shouted angrily at her husband's profanity – you are a man without culture, that's fine, but taking our son along the same path as yours is too much, don't you think?

As much as he hated to be wrong, he had to give his arm to cheer for her, this time he had crossed all the possible and impossible limits of a bad example father.

Sandro had been desperately trying to exchange his bad words for about two years, using words like "deck", "son of trout", "son of draw", "raw tomato", among others that his fertile mind invents at the time "H".

SANDRO RECEIVED THE SURNAME "Palmeira" from his father, José Antônio Cleidyson, a Northeasterner who loved the Palmeiras team from the 60s and 70s, who listened to the games on the radio at the bar, at the age of fifteen, ran away from the farm where his parents worked, and made a real "odyssey" to get to São Paulo.

It took him three long months.

In that time, he discovered that he was good at finding things or, certain things.

SANDRO LOST VIRGINITY in a smokehouse in Rio de Janeiro in the middle of April 24, 1995, when the truck that hitchhiked stopped there to refuel, the trucker paid a few change to a nineteen–year–old girl addicted to cocaine, so that he would lose his gourd – it was the slang they used for those who lost their virginity – and he even gave him two venus shirts to take advantage of.

It was everything that didn't happen.

All the dreams I had of a wonderful "first time" went down the drain.

After it was over, the girl just threw up on Sandro. He left it lying there and had to steal some changes of clothes from a trucker in order to continue his journey.

SANDRO ARRIVED IN São Paulo, "the land of great opportunities", all he didn't have were "opportunities", he was more like "the land of illusions and disappointments. He had to live for three long months on the street, until a day came when an elderly lady took him into his home, paid for him to study and be someone in life.

And that is exactly what happened.

With the ease of discovering hidden things around the neighborhood and at school, Sandro decided to invest in his career as a private detective.

At first it was difficult, but with hard work, he achieved his great goal, which was to be part of the Police, and he has hardly lost a case since, no matter how difficult it seemed.

Despite the surname "Palmeira", Sandro found himself a sick Corinthians player for the team, because of his adopted mother.

Sandro was an abstainer, he did not smoke and he never went to brothels again, but Corinthians proved to be quite an addiction in his life, it was with the Gaviões da Fiel fans that he learned to speak so many different bad words.

SANDRO WAS WALKING QUIETLY, leaving for his home, when he got a call.

–– Hello...

"Sandro... it's Camila, okay? "

–– Ah! Camila, everything is wonderful, what do you say?

"Did you find out anything else about the case?"

–– For now, just what we had already talked about, I would even like to thank you for the research, if it weren't for you, I would still be lost.

"Friends are for these things, you know you can count on me whenever you need..."

–– Sure, sure, but I think this is going to be more complicated than it looks, these Nazis are dangerous.

"Without a doubt, but if we can find out more about this case... we will have our names on the front pages..."

–– That's exactly what I need.

Sandro hung up and saw a couple of lovers passing by and remembered the times when he was dating Elisa.

SANDRO MEET HER in one of his investigations at the beginning of his career.

Although this was his first failure, one of the only ones of his glorious career, he had felt a real winner, since in the end, he managed to go out with the daughter of the man who hired him.

For Sandro it was love at first sight, for Elisa, he would be one more on his immense list if it wasn't as special as it turned out.

Sandro surprised her at each meeting, and when they least expected it, she became pregnant, so they decided to get married and are very happy – despite the bad words.

DESPITE HAVING REASONABLY normal childhood, there was a mystery that even he could not discover, Dona Fátima told him, and later confirmed by his mother before he died.

At the age of three he disappeared mysteriously for thirty–three days, and in the same mysterious way he appeared saying that he was hungry, however, until that moment he had never uttered a single word.

Sandro had become ill and the doctors only gave him a few weeks to live, however, with his disappearance, everyone had imagined the obvious, went out to play and suffered somewhere, but his sudden and completely healed return is one of the greatest mysteries that exist in northeast Brazil.

The fact was made even more mysterious by Sandro's return with green eyes.