FATHER MARTINHO CRUZ WAS ONE OF THE MANY Fathers responsible for the organization of the Catedral da Sé in São Paulo, he had been there for many years, but the church in Brazil had never been in such a delicate situation as that.
Of the five deaths, four were in our churches... these men can only be crazy for doing such an affront...
Father Martinho was walking that morning around the church and stopped at the place where the crime happened.
–– Are you sleepy, Father? - Said the bishop.
–– It is impossible to sleep after that - he swallowed, thinking about what he was going to say in order not to sin - I never imagined their audacity would get this far.
–– I believe – said the bishop calmly – that everything is a purpose of our Lord, see this as a blessing, father, faith is to see beyond what we can understand.
–– As far as I can see, you are also uneasy about everything that happened, how can you tell me to be something that is not?
–– We are not here to judge each other, Martinho, my son, I am here as your guide.
–– May God forgive me, Bishop, but I feel that we are all lost, we are in a chaotic situation, the church has never faced such a crisis, not even the Holy Father can see a light for us at that moment.
The bishop smiled kindly at Father Martinho.
–– My son, we must only believe, I know that it is difficult to believe in a situation like this, the audacity and disrespect of these criminals have reached their limit, but we are priests, we must believe.
–– I know, Bishop, forgive me.
–– You don't need to ask for forgiveness for this, my son, just pray for the church, unfortunately – he took a deep breath trying to be as tired as possible –, I believe that this will not be the last attempt.
FATHER MARTINHO WAS SITTING in the second row and kept praying, thinking about everything that had happened that day, it was crazy like no other.
His cell phone rang.
"Hello... yes... of course... thank you for letting me know everything... good night..."
He hung up the phone and said to himself:
–– At last the first good news of the day.
And he lay down in his room.