After Shaun's superfast haircut, the whole stadium suddenly fall into pin drop silence. The Gaius room was totally surprised, they couldn't even see what happened there. The only thing they knew was they, especially Shaun is in serious trouble.
"He won't die right?" Lucy eyes were wide open in terror.
"what is he even using? I can't see a weapon..." Rick was confused, he didn't expect much from this battle.
"I-I don't understand, they didn't play like this before..." Emma said in hopeless voice.
While they were panicking, Shaun was thinking for his life. He never fought someone like this. Even he couldn't see a weapon in the opponent's hand.
As he was thinking, the opponent slowly raised his head and started walking towards Shaun slowly. Seeing this Shaun started to fall back. He was saved once by Alex's warning, but now he's alone.
"Shall I forfeit... I think I got some more time." And he stopped in his place.
Suddenly the guy paced up and ran straight towards Shaun. Suddenly Shaun started running towards that weird guy too. When they almost collided, Shaun side stepped to the left and placed his hand on his belly and used the momentum and pushed his hand forward. And while doing it, Shaun felt a chill in his right cheek, in a split second, he noticed that guys hand touching his cheek slightly.
[TAK] [WOOSH] Shaun's plan succeeded as he went flying backwards 20 meters. "That's weird, that move should have created a massive wound in his belly, how can someone's belly be this hard...Well at least it worked, although not how I wanted-OUCH"
Shaun placed his hand on his right cheek where he was feeling pain. His hand was a little wet and as he saw his hand, it had blood. There was a long cut on his cheek. "What the hell with his hardness and this mad speed, he's not even a robot, I can feel he's living... I'm gonna die the moment I am fatigued."
Once again the weird guy started getting up, but everyone noticed that this time, his movements are more mechanical than before. "Maybe I won't need to forfeit after all...But I don't wanna get hurt by that hard hand at all too..."
The opponent got up, but he was looking somewhat confused, like he didn't expect this at all. He closed his eyes for a moment.
"At least I'm getting time to think... let's try attacking the weapon..." Without hesitation Shaun suddenly ran towards the opponent whose eyes were still closed. He aimed towards his right hand and gave a straight kick with his right leg.
[CRACK] A glass breaking sound came from the collision. Suddenly the opponent opened his eyes wide. "Long time no see!" Ravi said in a mocking voice, although he couldn't be seen anywhere. Hard guy threw a sudden left handed punch coming in front of him. Shaun ducked and threw another strong kick towards his left hand. [CRACK] Another same kind of sound came. "Got a hunch, let's finish it quick!" And Shaun jumped back to a safe distance. "(I still have no idea where Ravi is talking from, so is it a robot after all?)"
This time, the crowd finally understood that something big is going on so they started to cheer loudly. The hard guy didn't stop like before, he proceeded towards Shaun in full speed. But Shaun was confident this time, because he disarmed him fully. He still wasn't sure what was that, but at least he won't need to worry about it.
The man reached Shaun and started attacking him with punches and kicks, this time Shaun didn't avoid them, but started blocking them with normal martial art defence. "Ouch! EVER HEARD OF MOISTURIZER?" Shaun shouted and fell back a few steps, his left hand was hurting badly as it was in the front in defence.
But he didn't have enough time to complain, unlike before hard guy didn't pause even for a second. He jumped towards Shaun.
"Now or NEVER!" Shaun bent forward with right fist open and targetting the flying opponent's chest. He was in advantage as he knew his hands were a few inches longer than his opponents, so of course his own attack will hit first, and after a attack that powerful, the opponent's attack will surely miss.
When his hand almost reached his chest, he closed his palm and formed a fist quickly maintaining momentum. He could see a punch coming towards his face too, but he knew it's already late. Shaun's fist collided with the rock hard chest and [CRICK], it sounded like something super rock hard, just got a crack.
When the sound was going to make Shaun happy, he felt a chill in his spine. Despite the successful attack, his opponent's punch was still coming towards his face without trajectory change. He didn't think this could be possible. He tried to move away, but it was late. He only could rotate his head slightly to the right. [BOOM] The hard guy fell on the ground with his face down, while Shaun flew two meters to the back.
The whole stadium again fell into silence with two back to back loud sounds.
Both laid on the ground for a few seconds. After that, the whole stadium broke into chaos as Shaun slowly raised with his hand under his jaw. Everyone was thrilled to see such a performance, their excitement was telling that they didn't expect this much thrill at all.
The referee who was shivering in fear far away, now came forward raised Shaun's other hand indicating his victory. The opponent was still on the ground without a sign of rising anytime soon. A few doctors came running towards the fighting area, when suddenly all the members of SWQTRWEG came in veil and quickly picked the laying person up and went towards their room.
When the doctors reached confusingly, they noticed Shaun bleeding badly from his mouth and jaw. They didn't mind about the opponent at all and picked Shaun up on a stretcher and went away. In this chaos, nobody noticed Sat with a strange looking gun ready to jump towards the fighting place. He quietly started returning to the previous spot where he was standing before. Nobody... except for Emma, noticed this. The other members looked away the moment Shaun won, only Emma was still watching the screen. She didn't say anything, like other times.
"Hey, where did they take Shaun to?" Rick said with a voice crack.
"To the hospital inside the hotel, let's hurry. We need to see him ASAP. Hurry everyone." Alex found his composure back.
Everyone nodded and went to the hospital.
"He's fine, no risk of life. But his jaw is dislocated. He patched it up, but he needs to use in the bandage for at least a month. And we will observe him until evening, and of course he WON'T FIGHT IN NEXT MATCH....oh and another thing, you young ones seem new here, so listen medical treatment is free for fighters doesn't mean you can be injured anytime you want. Be safe"
The doctor said all these in a singles breathe, answering all the questions team Gaius had. They could see Shaun waving to them in bed. Everyone sighed a sigh of relief.