Chereads / G-one [Hero with a HART] / Chapter 30 - Human or not

Chapter 30 - Human or not

A number of police cars sped by the store wailing their sirens like they won't get another chance tomorrow.

Subhu: (leaning on the counter) Huh! They are running too many petrol cars today. Must be trouble somewhere.

G-one: Who knows? (thinks) I should check it out too. Looks like they found something.

Subhu: Shit man, we could have spent sometime fooling around only if the lockdown wasn't implemented.

G-one: (smiles) Don't worry bruh! the lockdown will not be living for many days.

Subhu: You say like breaking the lockdown is in your hands.

G-one: Maybe.

Subhu: Maybe! Who are you? Chief minister?

G-one: What is your working hour exactly? I can't actually figure it out. Since you are always here when I come.

Subhu: Actually, I don't have any fix time. I am working here on someone's saying.

G-one: Elaborate please.

Subhu: Ok, listen, my mother's sister is friend to her mother who asked my mother's sister to ask my mother to send me here to help her out since I don't exactly do anything at home except free loading. So, Kajal mam asked her mother to talk to my mother's sister to ask my mother to send me over to help her out since I am worthless.

G-one: Worthless or workless. And basically your aunt has connections with Kajal mam directly.

Subhu: Oh yeah, my aunt. I tried to be more specific, so I said my mother's sister. And on the other hand, I have met Kajal mam sometimes on multiple occasions because of my aunt. So, she knows I am a not of any work.

G-one: Not doing any work, choose your words wisely please. And what were those occasions you are talking about?

Subhu: Hmm! Let me think. Ya, like that one time when I went market with my aunt, to carry her stuff, she unexpectedly met Kajal mam and her mother. They began chatting about something when Kajal mam threw all her stuff over me to hold them as well.

G-one: Hmm! I see.

Subhu: And that other time, when my aunt called me to take her dog to Kajal Mam's mother cause she wanted to play with the dog. You won't believe, but her mother and Kajal mam really know how to treat dogs. She even gave me a bone to fetch and chew on. How generous! The bone was delicious though. I will have to admit.

G-one: Good! Wait, something is wrong here.

Subhu: And the other time, when my aunt asked me to take her tailored clothes to Kajal Mam's home so she can try it on. My aunt sew it by herself for Kajal Mam's mother, I shall have you know. And when I took it to her home, Kajal mam kindly offered me to join in the fashion show. And you know a gentleman never refuses a kind offer, so I agreed and tried some of the clothes my aunt tailored.

G-one: Hey, you got your mind at the right place right, she asked you to wear women's clothing. It wasn't a kind offer, it was a creepy offer if you ask me. And you are more twisted since you agreed to her. Gentleman my dick. How many clothes did she make you wear?

Subhu: Wait, I think three sets of them.

G-one: And how many did your aunt sew?

Subhu: Oh that, three ofcourse, I can never forget that, my aunt smacked the hell out of me when I by mistake took more than that. Hahaha!

G-one: They made you try all of them. Who did your aunt sew it for anyway? I think you lost some screws when your aunt smacked the hell out.

Subhu: And the other time, when my mother asked me to clean the comode. I was cleaning when my aunt came to take my mother to the stitching classes. I was busy cleaning when I heard my mother order me to go help Kajal mam to clean her toilets at her home. First I said I won't but then my mother said she will stuff the shit I am getting rid of in my mouth. That scared the shit out of me, so I had to go. I thought Kajal mam will make me clean her toilet, why should I clean someone else's toilets? But no, I was wrong, when I went to her home, she didn't make me do it, though I helped a little.

G-one: Oh! I thought Kajal mam enjoyed ripping your ass, but she is considerate. How did you help her?

Subhu: Nothing much, I poured the harpic and rubbed everything clean. But she was the one who used the water pipe to shower the dirt clean. How thoughtful! Hahaha! She even gave me 10 Rupees after I finished, even though I didn't do much.

G-one: Did a mad dog bite you? She made you do all the work, sucker. And how were you contented with only just 10 rupees? Are you a 6 years old child?

Subhu: Why so? 10 rupees is too much for the likes of us. You rich boys will never know.

G-one: Ya, those must know who fight over five rupees coin.

Subhu: Then she asked me to get a perk chocolate of 10 rupees. She even gave me half of it when I asked her. She is so kind.

G-one: Motherfu... She gave you 10 rupees to buy a chocolate. And she gave you half of it when you asked. She wasn't even planning on giving you anything.

Subhu: You nuts! Nobody gives a bite, but she gave me half of the half. Don't you see?

G-one: Where was the rest of the half in the above sentence? Did you shove it up your ass? Man! You do have a habit of getting insulted. And seems like you even enjoy it. Shit!

Subhu: What are you saying? Listen more,

G-one: There is more? Leave it be, I can't take much of you being abused.

Subhu: She once visited my home with her mother.

G-one: Hey, I asked you to stop.

Subhu: And she spilled some tea on the serving table.

G-one: Excuse me, bro.

Subhu: My mother gestured me to clean it immediately. But I couldn't find the wiping cloth. My mother asked me to take off my shirt and wipe it with it.

G-one: That's rough. I am sure she was joking to lighten the situation up.

Subhu: She whispered in my ear that I should clean it asap or she will shove the broom in my ass. I could almost hear my ass ripping. I quickly took out my shirt and rubbed the tea stain of the table. And my mother slapped me away the instant I finished wiping. I remember my mother said that I care too much for our guests that I do anything for their comfort. I am a fool. I can't believe she complimented me.

G-one: (lowers his head whining) Damn man, even your mother doesn't care for you.

Subhu: What are you saying again? She praised me before everyone.

G-one: I am sure she was trying to cover your stupid deed. You suck, man.

Subhu: And there is that another one,

G-one: Shut the fuck up now, please.

Subhu: Listen, this one is interesting.

G-one: Shove it up your ass, it was a mistake to ask you that.

Subhu: Are you mad? I like telling that.

G-one: I am not mad, you are.

Subhu: Ok, listen, Kajal mam was once,

G-one: For the sake of God,

Kajal: (walks in) What Kajal mam?

Subhu: (stutters) I..umm.. was saying that Kajal mam is here.

Kajal: Done with your cleaning then?

Subhu: No, I think I forgot the bathroom floors. I will get it over with right away (runs away).

G-one: (looks at Kajal and finds that she was wearing her t-shirt again)

Kajal: What G-one? You look disappointed.

G-one: Where go the outfit you were wearing earlier?

Kajal: Oh that! I got my t-shirt washed up so I changed into it. Why? Did you like it?

G-one: Ya, it was looking good on you.

Kajal: Is that so? What was in that piece that this piece doesn't have, huh?

G-one: (coughs) I think I should go now. My time is up (starts loosing his apron).

Kajal: Hmm! I should go check if Subhu is doing his work properly or not (walks towards the washroom).

G-one: (heads towards the exit)

Kajal: Subhu! Don't splash too much water on the floor (opens the washroom door).

Subhu: Mam, don't come in. I am in my underwear.

Kajal: (peeps in) Oh my god, your underwear has a hole in it.

Subhu: Wait there! What are you trying to peak at through the hole?

Kajal: Size, obviously.

Subhu: Holy, Noooo!

G-one: (steps out) Now this embarrasses him atleast.

There was a different scene going on at Simar's home. Her mother slaps her throwing her on the floor. And like last time, she again smiles with tears in her eyes like she was in pain but the slap was a joke.

Simar's mother: (swings around the torn half of Piyush's shirt) What is this, witch where of? I told you to pluck a button to get yourselves a reason to show your efficiency to him. What the hell is this? You ripped his shirt off? Damn, that pushed you into negative points (throws away the piece).

Simar: Mom! (leaps and grabs the piece tightly over her chest) Your dear Lavangi interrupted me while I was on the duty.

Simar's mother: Oh my! My girl will not let you win that easy. I don't believe she came up with the same idea as me. I sometimes wonder how she born to her.

Simar: Excuse me, mummy. I am your real girl and it wasn't her idea it was of her mother's.

And the scene at Lavangi's house.

Lavangi and her mother, both were sitting in the couch while the T.V. was running. Her mother was holding the other torn piece in her hand.

Lavangi's mother: (touches her forehead in despondency, holding the shirt piece) Hopeless. Really? I had some idea that you are not very good at doing things like how good you are with your blabbering. But this! I don't believe it. (throws away the shirt piece).

Lavangi: Mom, (jumps and catches the piece) it was your dear Simar's fault. She had the dog fight with me over the shirt. What could I do?

Lavangi's mother: Oh no! She isn't hurt, is she? You didn't hit my girl for this now, did you?

Lavangi: Mom, I am your girl here. And why are you worrying about her so much, do you love her more than me? That's obvious, why did I even ask?

Lavangi's mother: I don't believe that she came up with the same idea as me. How could she born to someone as her.

Lavangi: It was her mother's idea actually. And are you ashamed I am your daughter?

The weather was slightly hotter than it was supposed to be in April. Nikita stood out on her balcony feeling the breeze on her face. Ana, staying on the lower floor in the same building as Nikita, shuts her window, and hangs her washings on the line. Suddenly, she catches sight of electrical sparks in a distance jumping over houses. She slides the hanging cloth a little and peeks through the glass window to make out clearly what it is.

Ana: What is that? Some kind of electrical discharge?

Nikita: (leaning on her balcony railings, looking at the sparks) That's some flashy lightning for a city under lockdown. Seems like a party is taking place.

Slap! The woman falls on the floor. The kid hides behind the bed.

Woman: Wait! (rises slowly with tears in her eyes) Listen, atleast tell me where you go every night. I don't want you to disappear like everybody else. Please! Think about your child.

The man ignores her and begins stepping towards the door. The woman grabs her foot and drags him in.

Woman: No, I will not let you go today. I can't take this treatment anymore.

The man tries to shake her off, but fails. He then uses his other leg to strike her face and gets loose. The woman tumbles backwards covering her face. The man picks up the knife lying on the fruit plate and advances towards the woman. He stands before her and raises his hand holding the knife. The woman peeps through between her fingers with one eye covering her injured face and finds her husband standing before her about to stab her to death. She instantly closes her eyes in fright.

Kid: (screams) Mother!

Nikita and Ana were still looking at the spark jumping about. Suddenly the sparks jump to the vertical wall of the adjacent house and then vanish into the house before. Ana rushes towards the balcony door and reaches out to have a clear look.

Ana: That was... like it was alive.

Nikita: Huh! What kind of trick is that? Performing acrobatics using a lightning system. How did he do that? Was wearing the lights or something? Bravo! Heh!

Kid: Mother!

The man soon brings the knife down but before he can hit her, something broke in through the window and took him away with itself out of the opposite window with a knee to his face. The kid rushes towards her mother as she notices her father fly out of the window. G-one breaks out of the second floor window and rolls over on the road with the man holding the knife. G-one raises himself and so the man, looking each other in the eyes. G-one stands and runs away from the building and the man follows him.

Kid: (helping her mother) Mother! You ok?

Woman: Where! Where did your father go?

Kid: He went out of the window.

Woman: Window!?

Kid: That one(points towards the broken window). Another person kicked him out along with himself.

Woman: What! (rushes towards the window and looks at her husband running after a person).

G-one only went much further when he gets some other people surrounding him from the front and some other men join the man in rear.

Man 1: You! That energy of yours, feels filthy.

G-one: Oh come on, you who smells filthy. I am sick of hearing that. I bath everyday.

Soon the struggle starts. The sparks begins rising again. The woman witnesses the fight and the sparks. She rushes towards the phone. G-one lowers his right shoulder and lifts up the man running towards him and flips him over while touching his head freeing the manipulation. A man raises his foot to strike him but G-one connects his foot with the man's foot and push him back making him roll over. Before he could approach the rolling person, a knife swings by his neck, but he dodges it. The man keeps swinging his knife at G-one, but G-one skillfully dodges everyone of them. The man try to take advantage of the situation and plan to gang up on him while he was busy evading. They begin throwing up hits from different directions. But G-one dodges them too as well as protecting them from knife strikes. He grabs the hand holding the knife, jabs on the forearm, and snatches the knife away and slides it in his pocket. He grabs the punch coming at his face with his left hand.

G-one: Using a weapon, (sparks generate in his left forearm) will not be fun against a bunch of unarmed minions. Right? (pulls the man whose punch he was grabbing and knocks him out with a clothesline, laughs) This is electrifying.

The police headquarters...

Staff: (picks up the radio) Hq in. What?

Vineet: What is it?

Staff: Sir, someone just complained of a fight breaking out to one of the stations.

Shyam: You serious? Where?

Staff: Street 13, to the direction of the central college girls dorm.

Shyam: Did the complainant specify? The fight is between who exactly?

Staff: Her husband and some men with a person releasing electrical sparks.

The entire room was stunned.

Vineet: (on radio) Petrol units, this is inspector Vineet from hq. I want every unit near street 13 to head towards the Central college girl dorm route immediately. There is a affray taking place in the vicinity. I want every suspect to be apprehended, I repeat everyone. Move it, quick.

Radio: On our way, sir.

Shyam and Vineet look at each other like they were about to uncover a vital part of the case.

A single man was standing before G-one bruised and breathing heavy.

G-one: So, did your boss order you to kill your wife or was it your fantasy to do so?

Man: She tried to oppose me to work for my master. Anyone who defies my master, dies.

G-one: The real you is not saying that, so go to sleep already,

G-one dashes at him and stands close face to face before him. The man immediately tries to retaliate with his punch but G-one grabs his collar and pulls him towards his knees but stops him before making contact with his chin. He rubs his head with his right arm. The man looks at him and slowly faints.

G-one: God bless you. It's been fun.

He gently lays the man down and then jumps over to the man's house and sits on his roof. His wife peeked out of the window after calling the police and finds her husband lying around with other people.

Woman: (shouts) Noo!

G-one: (sitting over her roof, not visible to her) Easy mam. He is alright. Just unconscious.

Woman: Who are you?(tries to look at him) What did you do to him?

G-one: I brought your husband back to his senses, that's all. He will act like he used to from now on.

Woman: Why? Why did you do that?

G-one: Because that's what I am designed for. Will you please take cover behind the wall? I have something to return to you.

The woman hides behind the wall embracing her kid. G-one throws the knife inside.

G-one: Sorry about the window. Please forgive me for that. Have a good night. And I know you have already informed the police cause I can already see the red and blue light wavering around. Take care of your husband (jumps away).

The woman notices the knife and rushed for the window to see G-one's face but she could only see his silhouette vanishing over a building. Ana was still on her balcony trying to figure out what were those sparks all about. Nikita was grinning foolishly thinking that it was some kind of a party trick. And suddenly they see the sparks again jumping away vanishing into the distance.

Cop 1: (pulls the car and stretches the radio out) Sorry sir, we are late. The fight is already over.

Vineet: (on radio) What was that? You don't see any spark?

Cop 1: No sir, only a couple of bodies lying on the road unconscious.

Vineet: Shit! Escort them to safety.

Nikita: (looks at the sky) The world really got some crazy people. Who wanders around at night wearing lights hopping from roof to roof. I wish he got his kick from it.

Ana: (shuts the door behind her) Why do I feel like I am familiar with those sparks? They weren't just sparks. It was a person, it was obvious.

G-one was jumping over from roof to roof, looking at people below being attracted by his positive energy and pursuing him.

Akash: (on call) What the hell was that? You were enjoying beating up those people, you sick fuck.

G-one: (the voice was being transmitted to his ears via his veins from the phone in his pocket) Did you make that out from my talks? Nah man! I was just enjoying the negativity elimination, in simple words, I was enjoying the saving I was doing. Don't mess that up and rule me out as sick fuck, dude.

Akash: Damn it man! Some times you talk so seriously, it is hard to tell what you are trying to say exactly.

G-one: Well, thanks for the directions today, I never came this side of the city. Looks like there were plenty of minions in this part. It will be a massive clean up today.

Akash: Fine, finish what you are designed for quickly before you run out of juice.

G-one: Don't worry, I have raised my power capacity enough to face off Ra-one this time. I will be back soon after I deal with this area.

Akash: Time will tell if you could deal with Ra-one or not.

G-one: You don't trust me, do you?

Akash: I trust you man, I just don't like you being that far away.

G-one: Why is that? Don't tell me you have fallen in love with me?

Akash: Shut up termite, I am just worried if something happens to you then I won't be able to help you right away.

G-one: Ok, stop worrying. I said I will be back. It's fun after all, isn't it?

Akash: It's no fun, scumbag. Your voice is not a girl's moan that it will excite me, fucker.

G-one: It's ok. What is Moon doing?

Akash: She is asleep.

G-one: Hmm! And Panda?

Akash: Busy with his phone.

G-one: Insta?

Akash: Obviously, he doesn't have anyone to chat with. And I am missing my conversation with my heroine. Hurry back home.

G-one: Is that what you started calling her now? Atleast it doesn't sound cringey. Hahaha!

Akash: Yup, finish up that area and tomorrow you will go to the opposite of the supermarket. Understand?

G-one: Whatever you say, termite.

Akash: That's my word asshole.

G-one: (jumps on the road with man gathering behind him) Time to greet my guests. Allow me to introduce myself (jumps on the crowd with his sparks).

Akash: Ya ya, (leans on his chair) Mr. G-one.

Moon was hearing to their conversation and opens her eyes a little as she hears Akash say the name.

Vineet and Shyam walled through the corridor of the hospital where the people rescued were being treated.

Cop: (runs to Vineet and Shyam, salutes and begins walking with them) Sir!

Vineet: Which room is the woman?

Cop: This way sir.

The cops take Vineet and Shyam to the patients room where the woman from last night was sitting with her kid beside her husband, being interrogated by another cop. The cop salutes them and move aside as they walk in. The woman looks at them surprised. Shyam drags a substitute chair and sits before the woman and Vineet takes the record book from the cop interrogating her.

Shyam: Easy mam, don't judge us on the basis of our outfit. We are senior inspectors working with them on the same case.

Woman: Oh, Ok!

Shyam: So, you called a police station last night complaining about a fight involving your husband and some people on street 13. Am I right?

Woman: Yes, it was me.

Shyam: (sees bandage on her nose) You did not participate in the brawl, did you?

Woman: No, I was in my home, watching from my broken window.

Shyam: Then, the bandage on your nose?

Woman: This, my husband struck me when I was trying to stop him from going outside.

Shyam: Oh! Sorry about that. Your husband doesn't usually indulge himself in hitting you, does he?

Woman: No, he doesn'tn't. He loves his daughter very much. He will never do such things before her eyes. He became like this for about 6 months or so. He would leave home for days and won't return. He even left as nights walked in, never mentioning where he was going.

Vineet: (looks at the cops).

Cop 1: (whispers) Same statement sir.

Cop 2: Most of the family members of the victims almost said the same thing.

Shyam: Ok, I am glad your husband is safe now. Did he wake up from his sleep?

Woman: Yes, he did. Atleast now he is talking like his usual self. He doesn't remember anything that took place during the last six months. He just said that he was hit unconscious by some stranger. That's the last thing he remembers.

Shyam: Who the hell hit him? Go catch him right now.

Cop 1: (whispers) Is he joking?

Vineet: (chuckles)

The kid standing behind the bed laughed innocently. Vineet called her towards him and starts pampering her.

Woman: Now, please answer this question thoughtfully. You mentioned something unusual during your complaint. Do you remember?

Woman: Unusual? Like others who were involved.

Shyam: Who was your husband actually fighting with? The other men?

Woman: No, they were quite far for me to see clearly, but my husband and the other men seemed to attack together at someone. He was shining, like he was emitting lights from his body.

Shyam: (surprisingly looked at Vineet) Could you identify that person?

Woman: Sorry about that sir, but I did not see his face. However I heard his voice.

Vineet: His voice, if he was out of your clear vision range, how could your hear his voice?

Shyam: Did you hear him shout or something?

Cop 1: (whispers) Another one of his joke?

Cop 2: (chuckles) Beats me.

Shyam: No, I had conversation with him.

Vineet: What?

Shyam: What do you mean?

Woman: He came to our roof when he was done with the mob.

Shyam: What's that? Why?

Woman: He came to tell me that my husband is alright, he was just unconscious and he will return to his old self after this. He apologized for making a mess of my window.

Cop 1: Very considerate for a criminal. I think he was trying to joke that time.

Woman: He is not a criminal. As far as I know, he was trying to help my husband and everyone else. He didn't actually injure them severely. And everybody is back to their senses after the fight. I have seen the other families and heard them.

Shyam: We will be the judge of that if he is good or not. You just tell us that did you see his face somehow?

Woman: I tried to, but couldn't. He then jumped off the roof after throwing in the knife.

Shyam: A knife? So he was trying to attack you.

Woman: No, it was actually our knife, my husband fell out of the window with it.

Cop 1: Well, he isn't a thief, that's obvious.

Cop 2: I don't think he needs knives if has electricity at his disposal.

Shyam: And you didn't even get a glance on his face.

Woman: (nods negative).

Vineet: How exactly did your husband fall out of the window with a knife?

Woman: (tensed)

Vineet: What is it? Sorry, if I asked something damaging? It's all a part of our duty.

Woman: No, I understand. It is that, when I tried to oppose me husband, he picked up the knife and tried to stab me with it, but suddenly that person got in through the window and tackled him out of the other window with himself.

Vineet: Excuse me. That's unreal.

Woman: My daughter actually saw him entering the room through the window and kicking him out of the other window.

Vineet: Is that so? (gently presses the kid's cheeks) Really, did you see the person's face who kicked your father, sweetie?

Kid: Ya, but he was really fast, like when I throw something in air. I only saw him from the side.

Woman: Please, don't involve my little girl in all this. I don't want my girl to get wrapped up in this mess. Please.

Shyam: Easy mam, we understand. That's why you hesitated earlier. We know better than to involve an innocent girl in a dangerous case like this. And it will be hard to find that person just from his side picture. Am I right?

Cop 1: Right sir, absolutely.

Cop 2: Searching from his voice would be difficult as well since we don't have a recording of it.

Shyam: Well, thankyou for your cooperation mam. I wish your husband to get well soon and you to loose that bandage of your beautiful face quickly. Have a good day.

Vineet puts the kid down and walks out with others.

Shyam: (sighs) Another dead end.

Vineet: Look at the bright side. Atleast we were able to confirm that the blue sparks are from someone human.

Shyam: Ya, but it doesn't specify what he is after. Maybe he is the one behind all the murders and disappearances. And now he is acting like a good guy, after achieving his goal out of it.

Vineet: We will find out his motives eventually. So, what is the score of people rescued yesterday?

Cop 2: Around 75 people sir. There were several female victims this time as well.

Shyam: Well, we have encountered female victims earlier along with female dead bodies, which I hate to admit. But the number is pretty high. Looks like he is on a rescue mission. But as long as he hides his identity, it makes him more of a suspect than a social worker.

Vineet: Some were found in the 19th Street right.

Cop 2: Majority of them sir.

Vineet: Interesting. We will have to catch his sparks, if we want to catch him.

Shyam: What kind of creature is he?

Vineet: Sounds human, from what the lady told us. But could only believe after seeing him ourselves, won't we?

Shyam: Let's give our report to Bharat sir.