Chereads / G-one [Hero with a HART] / Chapter 35 - Programs

Chapter 35 - Programs

Some students were watching a news cover on their phones. The current CM of Maharashtra was attending the questions of the media reporters in a live telecast from his state office.

CM: Yes, DCP Bharat has told the entire truth I asked him to. And I am sorry about the failures of the police department and the lives that were lost. I have already announced the commencing of the compensation program for the victims. They will receive total help from the government, I guarantee it.

Reporter: Sir, rumour is, that the officials knew about the terrorists for a long time but they didn't involve any higher agencies to solve the case rather they pushed the police force and now they are blaming the police for all the deaths.

CM: Ridiculous, you think we intently pulled away intelligence agencies from scooping the case.

Reporter: It's just a rumour sir, I am just confirming if it is true or not.

CM: My people suffered during the epidemic. You think I will hesitate from using my full power. Do not try to antagonise me with your baseless questions.

Reporter 2: Sir, sir, I have a question.

CM: Yes, please.

Reporter: Sir, if this many people were abducted and killed already during the span of three years. How come the news did not spread outside the victimized city?

CM: Come again. I didn't understand.

Reporter: I meant to say sir, it is obvious that many people use social platforms now a days. It is impossible that so many families lost their family members or got them abducted, didn't mention that incident on their social networks. The web must have been overloaded with such cases. But, their were only very few, that could be counted on fingers. Neither did the news channels reported anything about the situation.

CM: (frowns) What are you trying to suggest?

Reporter 2: Not to be rude, but looks like the people were cut off from the rest of the world. They were denied from relying on help outside their city. I heard that families who reached the police stations regarding their complaints were asked to keep the incident under the cover.

CM: For your kind information Mr., people of the city were not denied of the internet connection. They could connect with anyone across the world. And the reason for which the families were asked to keep quiet was to avoid raising any unwanted chaos. With such cruel situation, handling chaos among the citizens would have been more than handful for police force.

Reporter 3: But sir, if it was that hard for the police alone, why didn't you regulate the higher agencies?

CM: Why? Do you think I didn't set intelligence agencies on the run?

Reporter: Did you sir? Can we have more details about it? Why couldn't they get handle on the terrorists then? Are our intelligence agencies this weak?

CM: You should know better before asking details about confidential cases. Let the higher ups handle the higher problems please. We are done here (stands and walks away).

The reporters kept screaming for more questions but the CM exited nonetheless.

CM: The reporters think they are very smart, do they? I hate when stupid slaves try to be detectives. Listen here .

PA: Yes sir.

CM: Make sure the media shows only enough that we want. I don't want them making things up. Anyone who tries to dig deep in, dig deep for him. Understood?

PA: Yes sir, understood.

Reporter: As you you saw, the respected CM just confirmed the claims of DCP Bharat and has regulated the compensation program. I hope this helps for all the trouble that epidemic has caused. I wish all the families to be strong. Please be careful, be safe. We will be bringing more news on the matter. Have a great day, you are watching, news Aajtak.

The students lock and slide the phone aside and begin discussing on the matter. Piyush being pursued by Nikita passes by the door of the classroom of those students.

Nikita: Piyush, will you please wait a minute.

Piyush: (keeps walking, thinks) Come on, give me a break, in class Lavangi and Simar, and here the sadistic witch. I will die like this. Damn god, I know I wished for girls, but atleast give a normal one please.

Nikita: Piyush! (pushes him on the wall and close in) My darling!

Piyush: (sweats) Ni..Ni..Nikita, what's the matter with you?

The passerby on seeing Nikita climbing on Piyush hurried away whispering.

Girl 1: Oh my god, isn't she Nikita from Arts?

Girl 2: No way, what did that guy do this time?

Girl 1: You know, as soon as boy see a beautiful girl, they get all over them. He must have confessed or something to her.

Piyush: (after listening to those whispers, thinks) Are you crazy stupid, bitches? Like in the actual hell I will propose her. Over my dead body.

Girl 2: Poor guy, now she is gonna mess him up too. Only if he knew.

Piyush: (thinks, crying) I know.

Girl 1: He is actually handsome, I might have said yes if he had asked me. But, stupid turd, he went after the beautiful face again. Damn that bitch.

Girl 2: Hey, you are beautiful. Well, I am too.

Piyush: (thinks) Psycho bitch, she is praising her herself. What a crazy girl?

Nikita: (pulls Piyush's face towards herself) So, you heard that, didn't you? You got the most beautiful after you. You should feel lucky.

Piyush: (thinks) My dick is rotting by getting this lucky. Damn.

Nikita: You are starting to ignore me again. Don't tell me, you are trying to get along with someone else.

Piyush: Na, na, na, babe, what are you saying? You are the only one for me. I always jerk off imagining you. I am serious.

Nikita: Well, I don't know if I should be happy about it or be grossed out. Well, atleast I am on your mind. So, since I got you here now, shall we have some quality time together then?

Piyush: Q..q..quality time! I was out to meet some of my friends from football team.

Nikita: You are making so many friends. Do I need to kill them all so that I can have you all to myself?

Piyush: No, no, wait, ok. I will do it. What is it?

Nikita: It's time to get serious. How about a kiss?

Lavangi: You remember what Mia said yesterday?

Simar: She is not very good with jokes.

Lavangi: Poor girl, she is catching the G-one disease of double meaning slowly. What is that guy doing to her? I mean, what is this song, under the covers?

They notice Piyush and Nikita and hide behind the wall.

Piyush: (quickly kisses on her cheek) Here! Phew!

Lavangi: (eyes widen)

Simar: (bites on her collar, aggressively)

Nikita: (chokes him smiling) On the lips, darling dog, on the lips.

Piyush: (suffocated) Ok, I will, do it.

Simar: She said on lips?

Lavangi: We gotta shove something in between.

Simar: Piyush! Don't!

Lavangi: I will not let her have it. Where are those two sleazeballs?

Nikita slowly closes in for the kiss. Suddenly G-one and Akash appear down the stairs with Manas and others.

Akash: There is the lost dog. Hey, did you meet up with the football boys?

G-one: Oh! looks like something hot was going on.

Nikita: (turns her face away) Tch!

Piyush: (nervous) Hey guys! (crying inside) You saved me, you saved me, Lord Shiva.

Lavangi: Yes, think about them, and the devils show up.

Simar: (still biting on her collar, crying) Thank god, I can still have his first.

Lavangi: Excuse me.

Manas: Damn it, we interrupted their smooching.

Akash: Oops, I am sorry.

Player 2: Then shall we leave the couple to it? Huh?

Piyush: No, I am coming. Wait!

Nikita: (whispers in his ears) Just you wait, once the college is in my palms, I will have you just for me (grins, walks away).

Akash: Come on, termite. Let's go.

The boys changed and gathered around the basketball court, ready to go for the run. Piyush clinged on Akash and G-one crying.

G-one: Yo, easy man.

Piyush: You saved my ass there. Thankyou, my man.

G-one: Your ass, wasn't she about to kiss your lips?

Player 3: You got yourself a catch, Piyush. I am envious.

Piyush: You want then you take her, crazy shit. I don't need such envy.

Player 3: Oh please, I only wish, I don't wanna get my head slammed on the desk.

Player 4: Or get your face smashed into the window.

G-one: Holy shit, who are we talking about?

Manas: About your friend, Nikita, she mopped the floor with every guy who tried to ask her out.

Player 2: And brutally. If I would say.

Piyush: I told you she is a monster.

Akash: No shit, I already know that man.

G-one: Doesn't this mean her love for Piyush is genuine?

Piyush: I will fuck you right here.

Player 5: She must be knowing some kind of martial arts, she is strong.

G-one: And god damn, she is beautiful.

Nikita: Is that true G-one?

Everyone was shocked and mesmerized to see her in football outfit.

G-one: Sexy, I mean, yes seriously. You are. Hahaha.

Nikita: Won't you say your phrase here?

G-one: Of, ofcourse, what a beauty you are.

Piyush: Why are you here?

Nikita: I was going to football field, I thought I should go by meeting you.

Piyush: Is that right? Did you meet me? Now get going.

Nikita: (grins devilishly) You are so eager to send me away, sometimes.

The boys were pushed back by her vile smile, but G-one was unfazed.

Akash: No, Nikita, you misunderstand. We were about to go running, so he asked you to go so that we can start.

Nikita: Is that right? But did I ask you?

Akash: (flinches, whispers) What a bitch!

Nikita: Ok, go on, I will be seeing you.

She walks towards the football field when she crosses paths with Ana who was stepping into the court. They look at each other and Nikita grins as usual with Ana showing no reaction. With a bottle in her hand, Ana walks in.

Manas: A water bottle!

Akash and Piyush: (alert)

Ana: Oh, I get thirsty very often during the game so, I thought I should get my bottle to the ground instead of going to tap everytime.

Manas: Right, it's hot though, I myself get very thirsty these days.

Akash and Piyush remember the first incident with the bottle. Ana begins to walk towards them, G-one was stretching at the back carefree.

Akash: You wait there.

Ana: Huh! What's wrong?

Piyush: Keep your bottle away, before you come any closer.

Ana: But I don't have my bottle.

Player 3: Hey guys, catch, let's get a little colder before we go to running (tosses water out of the bottle towards G-one and others).

Player 5: Bastard, get it filled again before you go running.

Player 3: Ya ya.

Piyush: Motherfu....

Ana smirks remembering she herself adviced the guy to do that when he asked her bottle to get a sip. Akash takes out his shirt and waves it over stretching G-one covering him from the drops.

Ana: (shocked) Huh!

Player 3: Hey, what the hell shit bag? Why did you cover G-one?

Akash: I was trying to get the drops over my skin that's why I took my t-shirt off. Oh, did I accidentally took his drops? I am sorry bro.

Ana: (thinks) Accidentally!

G-one: Don't worry bro, I don't need such thing, I am gonna sweat it out anyway.

Manas: He is right, what was that stupid shower?

Player 3: I, umm (looks at Ana).

Ana: (flinching) Let's go, we have already wasted enough time (runs towards the track).

Manas: Right, follow her everyone. We might not get enough time to dribble the ball if we keep dawdling like this.

Player 5: You go get the bottle refilled, shitface. Don't make me say it again.

Player 3: Ya, go, I will join you all after filling the bottle (walks away).

The practice continues.

As usual, after college, G-one goes to his part time job. Kajal was still attending customers on the counter. G-one was surprised to see her.

G-one: (goes around the counter and picks up his apron).

Kajal: (busy with the customers)

G-one: (walks over to her and whispers) Mam, aren't you supposed to be out by now?

Kajal: You can go and help Subhu for the time being. I will explain the changes in the shift plan later.

G-one: As you say (walks to Subhu who was helping the customers) Hey, Kajal mam is still holding the desk, she told me to help you out for now.

Subhu: I see, why don't you go show the customers to their desired sections.

G-one: Is that so, but I am not very sure about the sections man, I have always been standing behind the counter, didn't get the time to map everything out.

Subhu: Go roam around a bit then, stupid. Get some idea. (To customer) Oh yes, mam.

G-one leaves him behind and goes looking around the market.

G-one: (walking) Ummm, well, atleast I know where the clothing section is. Women section, men section, kid section, shoes, socks, then, what's this here? Oh, kitchen supplies. Utensils, groceries, spices, dry fruits, and....

Suddenly a girl appear before him. She was pushing back items on the shelf. She quickly sensed the tall figure coming her way, gazing at her as it got closer.

Swati: Hello sir, how may I, (notices the apron) Oh! You are staff.

G-one: (notices her t-shirt) You are staff too. This is the first time I am meeting you during this shift. I am G-one.

Swati: Hello, I am Swati (trips some items over the shelf). Oh no! I messed up again. (crouches to pick them up) My hands slipped.

G-one: (bends to help her) Don't worry, it happens. I have already heard about you from Subhu.

Swati: (lifts the items and begins arranging) I see. Since when you started? Has it been long?

G-one: No, it hasn't been even a week yet.

Swati: You are a newbie then.

G-one: Is it that obvious? I was memorizing the layout and stumbled into you. Hahaha!

Swati: (looks closely at his face)

G-one: (nervous) Is there something on my face?

Swati: No, it's just, I feel like I have seen you somewhere before.

G-one: Me! I am seeing you the first time if you wanna know. If you don't mind me asking, where were you all this time? I mean, you were on leave for this long without any information. You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

Swati: No, it's ok. You are the first person here who has asked me about it. It's not a secret, so I can talk about it. You see, I was abducted.

G-one: You are kidding, like kidnapped by terrorists.

Swati: Ya, and got free two days ago.

G-one: Oh my god, you alright? Aren't you supposed to be in hospital?

Swati: Nah! I am fine. A little rest and I am all good you see.

G-one: You are strong, Swati. Wow! Your family members know this.

Swati: I live alone here. I came here to study. I didn't contact them for the last month, so when I called them as I got back, they were relieved. I didn't tell them about what had happened. I don't wanna give them unwanted tension.

G-one: Very thoughtful. I am just happy that you are unharmed.

Swati: I am not sure, my memory is a bit fuzzy, but I remember seeing a boy, with sparks spreading out of his hands as the tap water ran down his hands while he filled them to feed a little girl.

G-one: (shocked, gulps) Oh! don't push yourself. I don't think it will be good for your health if you forced it. You don't seem at your best yet. You should have gone to the hospital. Why didn't you?

Swati: I escaped outside and rushed to my room as soon as I got my senses back. I couldn't stay any longer at that place. There were bodies everywhere, I was so scared, so I ran.

G-one: You did what you felt right. It is best to escape the place you are not familiar with. And I think the person you saw must be a terrorist or someone like that.

Swati: No way, he was helping that girl. He can't be. And he was kinda similar to you.

G-one: Excuse me, are you saying I look like a terrorist?

Swati: No! He was not a terrorist.

G-one: You are mistaken, you might have seen someone as tall as me. It's not that rare to see people of same heights. I am just surprised that you mistook someone for me.

Swati: I didn't mistake you for him. I said he kinda looked similar to you.

G-one: Isn't that the same thing, Miss?

Subhu: (bumps G-one) I see you are having a great get together here. The customers are wandering around, will you go and assist them. Don't leave everything to me, damn it.

They go seperate ways. Swati looks back at G-one then walks away. As the shutdown time nears, Kajal finishes with the last customer and calls everyone to the counter. G-one and others gather around.

Subhu: Yo, mam. It's about time to shut it.

Kajal: I know, well, G-one this is your new shiftmate, Swati.

G-one: Yes.

Subhu: They have met already, I saw them talking behind the shelves.

Kajal: (annoyed smile) Excuse me, are you trying to flirt with another girl behind my back?

G-one: (nervous) No, I, no, I was just introducing myself to her. Nothing much. (whispers) Behind her back? What is she, my girlfriend?

Swati: Yes, Mam, he is right. He was just checking the sections and we crossed paths, that's all.

Kajal: I hope that is all there is. Well, this shift includes me, Subhu, Swati and G-one. From tomorrow, I and G-one will stand behind the counter and you two will manage the spot work. Got it.

Subhu: Aren't there any more people in this shift? How are only we two supposed to handle so many customers?

Kajal: Deal with it until others join the work. They rest who showed up will be working in the first shift. Second shift got me, so we are low on numbers, I am already equal to four people.

Subhu: Ya, really. Tch!

Kajal: Did I hear you disagree?

Subhu: No, no, I didn't.

Kajal: I think my bathroom has gotten dirty again recently. I think I will need someone to clean it.

Subhu: Oh my god, I can't believe I am so lucky to work in the same shift as you, mam. I am very glad, look at my smile, how happy I am.

Kajal: That's a cheap smile, stop it. Well then, let's be off everyone.

They shut the market down and step out.

G-one: Have a good night everyone.

Subhu: See you tomorrow bro.

Kajal: Be careful.

They go the opposite ways.

Subhu: Hey, Swati, you didn't tell us why you were absent all this time?

Kajal: Everything alright at home?

Swati: Ya, let me tell you.

G-one walks and reaches the park. Buddy, healed completely, comes to him and barks running around showing him that he is all good. G-one crouches and pets him.

G-one: Now this is more like it. Let me undo the bandage (unwraps the bandage), all good.

Buddy: (bark)

G-one: Wanna go eat something?

Buddy: (bark)

G-one: Follow me.

G-one reaches a fast food stall and sits on the bench outside. Buddy sits beside him. The shopkeeper begins to scold him away.

G-one: Easy, he is with me. Don't worry about him.

Shopkeeper: Sorry, what should I get you?

G-one: Two burgers, please.

Shopkeeper: Right away.

G-one eats one burger himself and gives one to Buddy.

G-one: I will get your biscuits tomorrow. We two friends will eat together every night. How's that sound?

Buddy: (looks at him wagging his tail)

G-one: (pets his head) Lets go, buddy.

He pays the shopkeeper and begins running with Buddy and Buddy follows. They reach the park again where the other Street dogs were all gathered. They stand as G-one arrives with Buddy. Buddy goes and joins them.

G-one: Looks like you have made friends. Atleast you won't be lonely anymore now. I will be seeing you then. Good night.

Buddy: (bark).

G-one walks into the room, only to find Piyush panicking and grasping the collar of Akash sitting on his chair before his laptop.

Piyush: You crazy fuck, who gave you permission to tell them my insta ID.

Akash: Stupid termite, let go, they tracked you down from my friend list, shit licker.

G-one: What's the racket about again? Come on.

Piyush's mobile chimes ...

Piyush: (leaves Akash's collar and picks his phone) Who the hell!

Lavangi's message: Hey Piyush, wanna get a look at paradise?

Piyush: (goes into hyper imagination) Excuse me, what paradise! Is she gonna show me her forbidden fruit? No, I should not see it. I will ruin my body. Damn, I should decline.

Simar's message: (falls in) Piyush! I am waiting, I am here to fulfill your any wish, just say it.

Piyush: (imagining) Oh my god! oh my god! oh my god! It's Simar, should I ask her to send me a pic of her knockers? Those funbags do look soft and squishy. I must see it. No, I must not use my hands for any vulgar purpose. I must restrain myself. No, this is a good opportunity. I might not get this chance again. But it took so much hard work to build this much stamina. But these two chicks are hot. God damn it.

Piyush was busy with his lusty thoughts. G-one notices Moon had already slept.

G-one: (takes out phone and puts it beside Akash's laptop) Hey, what's up with him?

Akash: Nothing, Lavangi and Simar found his insta ID and jumped into it.

G-one: What's so annoying about that?

Akash: I don't know, ask him.

G-one: (wraps his arm around Akash) So, you have made quite a many friends on Insta, I see.

Akash: That's the perk of being good with your hands.

G-one: What's that supposed to mean, bastard? How you used your hands to get so many followers, bitch? Fingering?

Akash: Termite, they are all college friends, most of them belongs to our computer class.

G-one: Oh yeah, you have made a reputation in the computer class. Makes sense. But you are still chatting with Lily.

Akash: Only when she gets online. Otherwise, look at this (clicks back and a list of chats display on the laptop screen).

G-one: (grins) You are a number one bastard, aren't you?

Akash: When you get the opportunity, make use of it.

G-one: Damn straight, man. But, how do you deal with them all so efficiently?

Akash: You don't know, but I am a master playboy bro. Ya I am.

G-one: Son of a bitch! Hahaha! I should install WhatsApp and insta on my set as well. You already have my email ID synced with your laptop, right?

Akash: Done it a long time ago, dude. Add me first on your friend list.

G-one: Will do.

Piyush: (throws his phone away, roaring) Crazy bitch, everything is because of this stupid dick. I will get rid of it right now.

Piyush picks up a scissor to chop off his tool.

Akash: Dogshit, what are you doing?He is gone insane. Hold him, G-one, bloody hell.

G-one: Get a hold of yourself, bitch (grabs Piyush from behind halting his movements). Throw the scissor away.

Piyush: Unhand me, I am going to eliminate the root of my thirst today. No matter what.

G-one: Stupid fuck! You are really going to chop it, aren't you?

Piyush: (looks at G-one with burning eyes)

G-one: This horn dog is serious about it. Help me stop him Akash.

Akash: The fuck! You wanna cut your future short too, dumbass (goes on to grab Piyush), cool down.

Piyush: Let go fucks, I am done with it. After this chop chop, I will be free of any impurity.

G-one: Impurity is what you won't be able to get rid of, psycho.

Akash: One impurity will be free that's for sure, your soul.

Piyush: I wanna die, it is better to die now than to die slowly like an insect.

Moon: (yells) Shut up, let me sleep. Go die outside, if you are that intrigued, damn it all.

They ease up and release each other.

Piyush: Sorry, princess. We will be careful.

Moon: (goes back to sleep).

G-one: She was awake, holy shit.

Akash: Who does she think she is? Should we pick her up along with the couch and leave her outside?

Piyush: Go, if you could handle her the next morning.

Akash: Hey G-one, you are gonna sign up on insta, right?

G-one: Ya, and Lily is still online, look at your screen, how many message she has sent.

Akash: (jumps on his chair) Oh, crap.

Piyush: (still with scissor in his hand)

G-one: Will you drop that hazardous weapon? You are not really thinking of slicing it off, are you?

Piyush: You speak crazy man, it would hurt like a bitch, I must be a lunatic to chop it off like that.

G-one: Scumbag, what was that acting earlier then?

Piyush: What are you talking about?

G-one: (whispers) Forgot already, bitch face. Anyway, where is my dinner?

Piyush: It's in the kitchen.

G-one: I hope you have left plenty for me this time.

Piyush: Go check it yourself. I don't know how much you eat, so if it is less than what you expect, don't blame me, sucker.

G-one: Bastard, atleast respect me for working so late.

Piyush: In your mouth, is what I will give, crazy asswipe.

G-one: Son of a... (walks towards the kitchen).

The boys go back to doing their stuff.