Chereads / G-one [Hero with a HART] / Chapter 18 - A talking corpse

Chapter 18 - A talking corpse

A dunk,

Player 1: Nice one G-one.

Player 3: Did you hear about it?

Piyush: What?

Player 3: Last night one more victim was found.

Piyush: Victim! One more of that mysterious murders you say.

Player 2: You are talking about that. I heard police sirens wailing all over the place last night. Damn! And more to that, the storm over their head. That must have been tough.

Player 3: Cops must have found themselves in one hell of a situation yesterday.

Piyush: How did you come to get such an information? I thought it was supposed to be confidential (looks at G-one who had his one ear on the conversation while dribbling).

Player 2: Well, the people close to the scene spread it around like a wildfire. The talk is all over the campus. I am shocked that you are hearing about it now.

Player 3: Students don't walk around talking about such bullshit. You know it is a sensitive knowledge.

Piyush: You and I both know that it is not bullshit as people try to display it to be.

Player 2: Better not discuss about it. I would just advice you all to be careful whenever you step out of your houses.

Piyush: Duly noted.

Simar crossing football with Lavangi. Nikita appears before them.

Lavangi: Huh! You actually showed up.

Nikita: Did you think otherwise. I am not the one to give up before even trying.

Lavangi: If that's what you say. Make yourself useful then.

Simar: You might have difficulty in playing with that outfit.

Nikita: Maybe, but I don't think goalie needs to move very much. Moreover, it is my first day. If I liked it, I might decide to play this one. Then buying the gear will make sense, don't you think, Ms. Simar.

Lavangi: (whispers) Whats with the cocky attitude, bitch. She thinks she can handle this.

Simar: (whispers) Why don't we step ahead and give her a taste of what we can do.

Nikita: I don't see Mia and others.

Simar: They are still busy changing. The coach is busy with the second years. Why don't we give it a try before Mia and others arrive?

Nikita: What do you mean?

Simar: She means that we should give you a warm up and see how you perform.

Nikita: Oh! Why don't you just say it straight that you wanna beat me down?

Lavangi: Is that what you think we are after? Then you are right.

Nikita: Now this sounds more intruiging to hear. Show me the way then, pros.

Simar: Ofcourse, this way.

In the changing room,

Lily: What are you doing? How much time are you gonna take? Moon! Come on.

Mia: (sigh) Please! We all are wearing the same outfit together. Why are you so flustered?

Moon was standing there pulling her loose t-shirt down over her tight shorts bashfully.

Moon: I don't know, does it look alright? I have never worn such kind of clothes before.

Lily: You look amazing silly. Just come out with us.

Moon: I don't know. Can't I play in my usual wear?

Mia: You won't be able to move very freely in those. And coach won't let you play in that.

Moon: Umm! Fine then. Let's go.

Manas: Pass, G-one! Here!

G-one: (jumps and pass)

Akash: Manas, over here.

Manas passes Akash with him following with a basket.

G-one: You have improved quickly.

Manas: That was good. But focus on dribbling. That's one of the basic steps before climbing up a level.

Akash: Ya I know. I am trying, it is tougher than how easy it looks in your hands.

Manas: Ofcourse, we have been playing longer than you. It makes sense if have better control over it. You just need some exercise and you will get a good handle on it too. Just keep going.

Akash: I will. Huff! This is exhausting though.

Player 2: Who is that?

Moon steps out on the field with others, red cheeks and golden hairs flowing with the air waves. The students on the field couldn't control their eyes from staring at her. Moon hurried toward the field all flustered.

Player 3: Isn't she your sister?

Piyush: Moon!

Akash: Wow!

G-one: (gawks)

Player 1: She is just like an angel.

G-one: Ya, she sure is.

Akash: I have already said that.

Swissh! As the ball passes making the sound, one hand grabs it to a halt.

Simar: (wipes off her sweat) Damn it.

Lavangi: She is actually good (huffs).

Nikita: Now now! Don't hold back anything, riiiiiight (passes the ball).

Lavangi: Don't get so cocky (kick and intercepted).

The furious loop of kicking and blocking continued.

Mia: Is that Nikita?

Lily: Oh God! They have gone crazy.

The coach diverted her eyes from the sophomores towards the freshers.

Coach: Another first year! Looks like this year brought some new talent with itself.

Sophomore 1: She is good, coach. I bet she must have had a ton of training for it.

Coach: That's what it seems.

Sophomore 2: She wasn't here yesterday. Must be from a different faculty.

G-one: (looks at the second football field) What the fuck is happening over there?

Akash: Huh! Looks like a penalty shoot out.

Player 2: Isn't that the girl's field? It's where your sister was going right. See, she is standing right there.

Player 3: Who is that? She is blocking every ball like a pro.

Akash: It's, (clears his eyes) Lavangi and Simar, and...

G-one: Nikita,

Piyush and Akash: Humph!

G-one: Holy shit! You did say she was good in catching balls.

Others: Huh!

G-one: Foot, footballs. Balls of that size I mean.

Player 2: Oh yeah! right. I was going somewhere else.

Piyush: Guys, let's get back to our game. Come on.

Akash: Yeah, let's hang to the hoops this once.

Player 3: Nikita, you say. I have heard that name before.

Player 1: (shoots) Ya, the one who is dominating the arts section. She has made herself a reputation all right. The feisty one!

G-one: Whatcha talking about? You sure about it?

Player 1: I am sure about it alright. Last I heard she slammed a boy's face onto the desk who just bumped into her by mistake. Talk about showoff.

Piyush: I told you she is a maniac. Bitch followed us here to ruin our life again.

Akash: What did we do to deserve her? God, have mercy.

Player 3: Ya, I heard she twisted a girl's arm cause she was badmouthing her behind her back. She almost broke it. Where does she get such strength from?

G-one: I would never have guessed that she could be such a badass.

Piyush: That's the reason I told you to stay away from her crazy fuck. But you never listen.

G-one: Oh come on! like that's enough to prove her to be a bad person.

Akash: You won't say that if you knew about her background fucker.

G-one: Whatever her background, I have seen genuine love in her eyes for Piyush, no second thoughts about it.

Piyush: Eeee!

Player 1: Man! Did I hear that right?

Player 3: Sucks to be you dude. May your soul rest in peace (pats on his shoulder).

Piyush: You see, even they understand my pain (wipes his tears off).

G-one: What pain! I saw you two getting all smoochy on the stairs this morning. Who are you kidding?

Akash: (grabs Piyush's collar) What the hell is wrong with you dipshit? If you wanted to get off so badly, why don't you use your hands? What's with being cosy with the demon babe?

Piyush: I wasn't? She was about to rip my balls off. You are believing him. She was mad because we were ignoring her for all this time. You are lucky that she didn't find you alone that time.

Player 1: I knew! Nothing good will come by involving yourself with her.

Vinay: (steps in) Yo guys!

Manas: Vinay! What do you want?

Vinay: Come on, I just came to see you all. We are friends right.

Manas: Ah ha! Should I be happy about it?

Piyush: It's those guys!

Player 1: You know em?

Akash: We bumped into them during our entry on the first day and Piyush kinda intimidated them for some reason.

Player 3: The fuck man! Why would you do that? You know who he is?

Piyush: No, Who is he?

Player 3: Actually I don't know that myself.

Akash and Piyush: Heh!

Player 3: But he is one with great connections in the college. I heard he is the one who causes faculty wars amongst students and fights between different years.

Piyush: Holy crap! I think I just stepped on a land mine there.

Vinay: Actually, my friends here were humiliated by few of your playmates.

Manas: May I know why?

Vinay: Whatever the reason! You are a senior too. Would you accept if a junior insulted you before the entire campus? Huh!

Manas: I guess not.

Vinay: Ya, you won't. So, I want them to apologize to us or (smashes his fist) we will have to take a drastic approach for it.

Manas: Is that necessary?

Piyush: (nods to G-one, G-one nods back) Manas! (heads towards Vinay gallantly).

Boy 1: Looks like hell is gonna break loose here.

Vinay: (smirks at Piyush)

Piyush: (stands before Vinay fearlessly)

Player 3: G-one, don't tell me, he is...

Player 2: Stop him, G-one!

G-one goes and stands behind Piyush.

Vinay: (rubs his fist, smirking) So! Mr ballsy! Shall we get star...

Piyush: I am sorry!

Boy 1: Huh!

Boy 2: Huh!

Vinay: Huh!

Player 1: Wait what!

Piyush: I didn't know they were my seniors. I am really sorry. I shall treat them with respect from now on. I will reflect on my action and try to better myself.

Vinay: Why you!

Manas: There! You have it. Now leave us in peace.

Vinay: (spits) Come on boys, let's go.

G-one: (pats on his shoulder) Job well done (strikes a TOT).

Piyush: Phew! Catastrophe avoided successfully.

Manas: Continue with the game guys. Come on, move it.

Mia shoots in and scores. Nikita wipes of the dirt under her chin.

Nikita: You are good, Mia.

Mia: Ya, you are not half bad yourself. You still managed to bend the trajectory of my shot.

Nikita: You know, I am enjoying this. Now I have decided, I will play with you all.

Lavangi: Ya, whatever. Mia really showed you how a game is played.

Nikita: I have gone rusty over the time. Let me polish myself back, I will show you then, how a game is played.

Lavangi: Hah! We will see about that.

Mia: Easy guys, how about we go for a coordinated play this time? Alright, take your positions.

Ana: (sigh) I wonder if he has recovered from his fever. I really wanted to see him on the court today (peeps out of the window and sees G-one playing). What! That boy! How is he? Wait a minute! He had a high fever, right? That spark, it just wasn't a trick of my eyes, was it?

Karan notices Ana curiously watching towards the basketball court standing outside the first football field.

Moon and the other girls walked down the road giggling and discussing about the game. While the detective boys walked before them to a proper distance talking about the serious stuff.

Akash: How can you fuck this up? Do you even know what just happened? How are we supposed to find that person?

Piyush: Damn it, jackass. What do you think we have been doing all day? This idiot here thought those soft as a rose petal hands were mine, and enjoyed it touching I don't know where on his body. My god! If only I knew this would happen I would have gone with him.

G-one: This sucks, here we are not getting any leads on that Ra-one trash and one by one problem keeps piling up. Bitch! And he just gobbled up another victim. That bastard!

Piyush: Unless we get a hold of one of his puppets, we have no way of reaching him.

Akash: How about we investigate the crime scene ourselves?

Piyush: And how do you suggest we do that? The police will push their baton in our ass, they are covering that area.

Akash: Stupid shit, we will go their during the night time. They wouldn't stay there for that long. After the body has been taken away by them, I am sure they will try to pretend like nothing happened.

Piyush: What are you expecting to find their? The body was the only clue.

G-one: A puppet!

Piyush: Wait! How so?

Akash: Idiot, you really think Ra-one will bother to come by himself to dump the body.

Piyush: Oh my god! right. Why would you trouble yourself when you can make other people do it.

G-one: The puppet has to be a resident of that nearby area. Why would someone drop the body in an unfamiliar place?

Akash: You won't put that much of a thought in it if you are being mind controlled by someone. I will drop the body on the way back home where it can easily be found.

Piyush: You mean to say Ra-one wants the victim's body to be found.

Akash: Ofcourse, how else are you supposed to strike fear in everyone's mind if you hide your deed. He wants his presence to be known.

G-one: Makes perfect sense. But why does the government try to conceal this fact? What are they trying to extract from this?

Akash: I don't know. But they surely have increased the security in the city. They don't want deaths to occur.

Piyush: But they don't want to stop it either. Just locking down the city during nightime is enough to flush out the culprit? A worthless move.

G-one: If only they had any idea about the mind control.

Akash: This mind control is gonna help us too, Ra-one's plan has a flaw in it and he doesn't even know it. The night will shine the light to cast the shadow. Just you wait.

The night time approaches.

Moon: (falls on her couch, snuggling with the pillow) Ahemm! I am so tired.

Akash looks at Piyush.

Piyush: Hey! G-one, how about we go for a walk? I don't feel very sleepy right now.

G-one: Ofcourse! I need some fresh air too. I am suffocated in this box. Come on, let's go.

Piyush: You coming Akash?

Akash: Nah! I think I will stay here. I got some work to do on my laptop.

Piyush: Chatting with Lily, is it?

Akash: She is the fresh air for me, so I am breathing her in. You just go masturbate outside. Virgins!

Piyush: (clenches his fist)

G-one: It's all an act. An act. Take it easy.

Moon: Hey! You never asked me, how come Piyush?

Piyush: I thought you said you were tired.

Moon: Ahh! Ya, right. But even so...

G-one: You just lay down. Don't work too much now, we will be back in no time. Look after everything Akash.

Akash: Ya, right. See ya (blinks).

Piyush and G-one walk outside.

Piyush: That bastard, where does he get off calling us virgins when he himself is sucking on it big time?

G-one: He wanted it to appear real. Take it easy. But that bitch. We will have to make him pay some other time.

Piyush: We will make him suck his own dick.

G-one: Wait, really?

Piyush: Whatever, you sure about the location. Where should we head?

G-one: (activates scan vision) Just follow me.

Piyush shifts the camera hidden in his shirt button and puts the earpiece in.

Piyush: You listening.

Akash: (sees through the button camera on his laptop) Ya babe! How you doing?

Moon: (rubs her eyes) Akash!?

Akash: Lily! (indicates earpiece)

Moon: Oh right! Keep it down then. I am sleeping.

Piyush: Who you calling babe crazy fuck?

Akash: It was just Moon, she was asking who was on the other line.

G-one: Play the role of the third eye sincerely now. Don't wanna miss any single hint now, do we?

Akash: Don't worry about it G, I mean baby G. I will rock the task. You make sure you reach their safely, understood?

They run through the hollow street, with flickering street lights, the sound of the wind rustling through the decorative vegetation hanging out of the houses along the way. They soon appear before a colony of huge buildings, facing each other.

G-one: We are here.

Piyush: Damn it, cops are still here.

Cops were talking to some residents down the building.

G-one: What are they doing here? If they are still here then the puppet won't make his move, probably?

Akash: They were supposed to clear out by now. Damn it, hovering around a place too much will arouse too much suspicion, don't they know?

Piyush: Looks like they are leaving.

Akash: Take cover idiot, don't let their lights spot you.

They hide behind a corner and see the resident walking in and petrol car drove by.

G-one: I think it was a petrolling group checking on the residents. Making sure they don't get too worked up about the incident last night.

Akash: Maybe, make sure you don't loose any clue around the scene.

Piyush: We should wait here. He will surely leave to go for his boss. We should tail him to reach the boss.

G-one: You see that?

Piyush: What?

G-one: The trace mark near that sewer line.

Piyush: A body shape!

Akash: (zooms in) It was thrown there. Do you see anything helpful around it?

G-one: No, I think the police cleared everything out. We will need to look into the police reports if we want to find any evidence on the body.

Piyush: Police station is not your in law's house, that you will go shaking your hands in there and they will hand over the evidence to you.

G-one: I know bitch. It's just!

Suddenly someone wanders out one of the building, shaking like a drunkard.

Piyush: (hides) That's, that one looks like he is drunk. He is definitely not one of his puppet. I am sure.

G-one: What's he doing this late at night?

Piyush: Dancing like a drunk dog, what else.

Suddenly G-one notices the red glint coming of his eyes looking towards them. He pushes Piyush to the corner with him.

Piyush: What the!

G-one: Ssshhh! Ssshh!

The man walks to a distance staggering but soon he starts walking straight after sometime.

Piyush: Crazy shit, what just happened? He was drunk a moment ago.

G-one: He definitely looks suspicious. Let's tail him and see where he goes.

They begin following him through the shadows. The wavering police sirens echoed through the surroundings. The hid behind a garbage container. The man jumped behind the wall of a house. The petrol car left flashing it's light behind. The man came out and began moving again. G-one and Piyush followed him. The man walked into a hospital.

Piyush: What the hell is he doing in a hospital?

G-one: The staff is still inside. Looks like they are still treating the patients during the nights.

Akash: It would be a disaster if they even shut down the hospitals. It seems there are only hospital employees this time around.

Piyush: How should we get in?

Nurse to the man: Doctor, what are you doing here, at this hour? Your shift is over, isn't it?

Doctor: Ya, it's just I forgot something, so I came to get it.

Nurse: Oh, please have it then doctor.

Doctor: Yes, have a good night then.

G-one: You hear that?

Piyush: What? I can't hear anything from that distance.

G-one: He is a doctor.

Piyush: What? That drunk dog is a doctor.

G-one: I am sure he came here to get something for his boss. We will have to sneak in through the second floor.

Piyush: The fuck did you say? Second floor!?

G-one: You see that open window there, we will need to climb in there through that.

Piyush: And how do you think we will reach there?

G-one: (lowers his hands) Step on it, I will give you a boost.

Piyush: (steps on it) You are out of your mind if you think you can give me a boost for that heig....I..I..I.. (he goes flying to the second floor window and hangs to it). Holy crap, (looks down, G-one waves him to get in,. he pulls himself inside). That was amazing. Woo!

G-one: (jumps in, shakes off the dirt) How was that?

Piyush: That was crazy man, kick-ass. Oh we should do it more often.

G-one: Where's the drunk doctor?

Piyush: The second floor is almost empty. It feels very eerie.

G-one: (shivers) You don't say. I feel a negative presence here. But I can't exactly put my finger on it.

Piyush: Let's get out of here as soon as possible.

G-one: Here (walks in a room and wears a white overcoat and mask), this should hide our identity.

Piyush: Where should we go from here?

G-one: I feel the negative energy coming from downstairs.

Piyush: Let's check it out.

Akash: Guys, your overcoat is blocking the view.

Piyush: Deal with it for a bit ass licker.

They walk through the corridor downstairs. In the basement, a low-light led their way to the mortuary. They hear some sound coming out of the mortuary. Suddenly the doctor pops out of the room. They slip into the room beside them. The doctor walks out. They walk into the mortuary.

Piyush: Aww! this smell, it was a bad idea following him to the mortuary.

Akash: G-one, what! what the hell is that?

G-one stares at the body laying before him unwrapped. A kid of about 10 to 12 years old, half dead with wet eyes, flickering red energy lights glowing on different parts of his body, irregular burns on his body, a red HART in the center of his chest, gasping for air, exhaling the word papa.

Piyush: Oh my god! He is alive, G-one! We should help him.

G-one: (grabs Piyush's hand and pulls him back)

Piyush: What are you doing? ( looks at G-one who was about to break).

The boy looks at G-one and Piyush.

Boy: Have you seen my...

Suddenly he stops with the breathing efforts.

Piyush: Why? G-one!

Suddenly G-one pushes Piyush away and a support rod passes through between them and strikes the floor. G-one retaliates with a kick but the doctor blocks it. G-one's eyes grow big with surprise as he realises that it's not a normal human who is standing before him. Doctor pushes G-one back and swings the rod toward him. Piyush blocks the rod with a chair and holds him. A kick from the side throws Piyush off balance and they see that it was another doctor. Soon they realise one of them is Ra-one. The first doctor swings the rod but G-one dodges it, he pushes the rod into the wall, kicks G-one back, grabs the red HART and makes a run for it. The second doctor assaults Piyush, but Piyush locks him in. G-one relieves him of his mind control and rushes towards Ra-one with Piyush. The upper staff was confused by the sounds surrounding the lower level. A nurse went to check what was going on. Ra-one pushes her off the stairs to clear the path, she slips off the edge but G-one holds her and supports her to stand. G-one runs away followed by Piyush.

Piyush: Help the good doctor inside, will you? (runs away).

Nurse: But, the doctor just ran outside.

Doctor: (Comes out rubbing his head, stumbling down the room) Can someone help me please?

Nurse: If you are here, then who was,

Doctor: Someone help.

Nurse: Oh yes! (she helps the doctor to come out).

The other staff member see the first doctor coming out of the basement running out of the front door followed by G-one and Piyush who were dressed as staff members. The nurse pulls the second doctor out from inside the basement behind them. They were perplexed on seeing the doctor coming out of the basement with the nurse who just ran out of the building a moment ago.

Nurse: Someone, assist me with the doctor please.

Piyush and G-one dash to pursue the imposter. By this time they were sure it was Ra-one who was impersonating the good doctor. Ra-one ran to save his identity. He suddenly heard the sound of a petrol car. He jumped over the building to the other side for the petrol car.

Piyush: G-one, it won't be nice if police caught us wandering around during the night curfew.

G-one jumps on the roof of the building. Ra-one jumps on the petrol car disturbing their petrolling and forces them to step out of the car and look for him. G-one looks at him from the roof, removes his mask. Ra-one turns his eyes and sees G-one on the roof. He vanishes into the night. The cops were disoriented to where Ra-one went.