Chereads / G-one [Hero with a HART] / Chapter 19 - A gust of wind

Chapter 19 - A gust of wind

Door opens slowly with a step inside. Akash stands up from the table leaving his laptop behind. G-one keeps walking with his head down followed by Piyush behind. Piyush looks at Moon sleeping on the couch snuggling to the pillow. The room was dark, moon light coming from the outside illuminated the space barely. The laptop screen was shining on the table. Piyush shuts the door. Suddenly bright crackling of sparks begin to fill the room. G-one's face sparkled in the dark and his HART lightly beeped. The crackling sparks flew out of his eyes sideways to the glasses and from his mouth with every exhale. Akash runs to him, grabs him by his collar.

Piyush: (whisper)Akash!

Akash: (holding G-one's collar, whispers) Get a hold of yourself, termite.

G-one raises his face towards Akash with leaking electrical sparks and glaring blue eyes. The room was shining because of G-one's sparks. The unwanted light disturbed the sleeping beauty and she began to wake up rubbing her eyes. Piyush notices her waking and pats on G-one's back to warn him about it. The sparks stop coming out with his breath but the one flowing out of his eyes still persist.

Moon: (rubbing her eyes) Umm! Piyush, G-one! Arey you two back?

Akash: Will you keep it together already? (punches G-one).

G-one comes to senses and his sparks stop. He slowly goes and sits on the chair where Akash was sitting.

Piyush: I thought you were already asleep Moon.

Moon: (barely awake) No, Its just I felt something shining on my face. Did you two have your fill? Now go to sleep. And let me sleep as well. And stop with the disco lights.

Piyush: For sure, princess. Have a good night (sits on the bed).

Akash: (sighs and sits on the bed too).

G-one sat on the chair with bend head.

Akash: (whispers) Calm down, now, let's talk about this tomorrow. It's late already let's retire for tonight.

Piyush: Listen to him G-one. We have already had our fair share of grief today. Now, let's worry about it tomorrow, shall we?

G-one stands and goes lies on the bed with his left arm over his forehead.

G-one: Hey, Akash, could we have saved him if we had found him sooner?

Akash: Ofcourse idiot. What a stupid question?

G-one: He wasn't supposed to die that soon.

Piyush: (lies beside him) We did our best man. We don't have the power to change someone's fate. Now don't fret over it much.

G-one: It wasn't his time, not that young.

Akash: You are going to make him pay for this, aren't you?

G-one: Will it bring him back? I don't think so.

Akash: But it will stop something like that from happening again. I think so.

Piyush: Damn right my man. Remember, you are not the only one frustrated by this. We three are together in this, we have always been (raises his fist for a TOT, the other two strikes it), and we will always be.

HART's beeping stopped.

It was morning. G-one turned on his left side. Suddenly he felt something wet touching his hand. The red liquid gushed out of the hole in the chest of the corpse. G-one quickly opened his eyes and finds the body of the dead boy lying parallel to him glaring in his eyes. With a quick breath, G-one opens his eyes again and finds Moon sleeping on the couch before him. Her golden hairs gleamed by the piece of sunlight coming in through the closed curtains. G-one gets up and goes to Moon, gently slides the hair over her cheek behind her ears. Then softly runs his two fingers over her cheek.

Moon: G-one! (snuggles to the pillow tighter in her sleep).

G-one: (smiles)

G-one goes to the washroom and washes his face staring at the mirror. The sparks generated by the water drops were faint but entirely visible.

G-one: Spark, huh!

Bell ringing,

G-one slides his bag over the desk and slips in.

Piyush: G-one!?

G-one: I am taking the corner seat this time.

Akash: Fine then, (moves in).

Piyush: Suit yourself (sits).

Lavangi: (pulls her bag across the desk) You three seem awfully quiet today. Did something happen yesterday?

Akash: What! no, huh! We just don't have anything to talk about right now.

Lavangi: Yeah, right. This time I am sure we will be participating in the competition.

Moon: What competition, Lavangi?

Lavangi: The game we are playing, duh! I am sure coach will nominate us in the team for the upcoming inter-university football matches.

Simar: Oh yeah, girl. I am looking forward to playing for the university. I am just worried, what if the sophomores start opposing us.

Moon: Why would they?

Mia: As far as I know, first years are not suppose to represent their universities in any inter-university matches.

Moon: Why so? You all are good players.

Simar: I don't know. There may be enough players combining our seniors together.

G-one and others sit with their notebooks open.

Moon: I don't know about me, but you three can hold yourselves at equals with the seniors. I am sure I will not be chosen for the team.

Lavangi: Don't worry guys. There aren't many students coming to classes these days. I am sure we have plenty of space left in the team. And do not worry, till the time comes for the tournament, you will grow in to a full fledged player.

Simar: The way she is performing, I am confirmed that she is already in the team.

Mia: Nikita, ya she is very good. She shows promise from the very start. Even she is a first year, no doubt she has already been decided for the position in the team. They do lack a goalie in the team.

Moon: I wish I were that useful like her.

Nikita: Hey guys! (grins).

Lavangi: Speak of the devil!

G-one and others raise their left hand saying hii dimly.

Nikita: What are you all talking about?

Mia: We were just talking about you.

Nikita: Me! What for?

Moon: That how good you are already in the game. You have already fixed your name in the team.

Nikita: Is that so? I won't mind playing for the team with you all. But the thing is, the tournament is not gonna happen (sits beside Moon).

Akash: Wait, what did you say?

Nikita: (grins) Huh!

Akash: (gulp)

Lavangi: You know so much.

Nikita: Maybe, you don't know very much, living in this city.

Lavangi: Please, there is nothing new to know about a city which is on lockdown from the last three years.

Nikita: That's what I am saying.

Piyush: So no sport tournament will occur this year.

Nikita: (lays her head on the desk over her right arm looking at Piyush) You talked to me, darling. Oh! how happy I am today. You didn't ignore me.

Lavangi: (clenches her teeth in anger, whispers) Why you!

Simar: (thinks) This bitch, who is she calling her darling?

Piyush: Yeah! Sorry for ignoring you earlier.

Nikita: That means you accept you were ignoring me all this time.

Piyush: (stutters) Nooo, no, no, no. My tongue slipped. I meant to say that sorry that you felt like I was ignoring you, which exactly I was not.

Nikita: No probs, dear. You made my day today, so I forgive everything.

Piyush: So what were you telling about the tournament?

Nikita: Yeah, that. It is not gonna happen.

Akash: Why?

Nikita: It didn't happen for the past three years for safety measures. With many disappearing and many showing abnormal behaviours opposite to their characters, the colleges do not consider conducting these tournaments.

Piyush: What in the hell! Damn it! Even in our college days we won't be competing in the basketball tournaments.

Akash: And when I started having fun too. Balls!

Simar: Oh my! I never knew. Did you?

Lavangi nods in negative.

Moon: How awful!

G-one clenches his fist in anger.

Nikita: Why G-one! You seem like very studious today?

G-one: Don't worry about the tournament, it will happen this year.

Nikita: Oh! Really? What makes you say that?

Everyone looks at G-one. Suddenly Karan's lackeys walk in the class.

Lackey 1: How you all doing, juniors?

Both lackeys walk to the teacher's desk. Everyone's attention goes towards the boys. They start muttering.

"Juniors he say"

"They must be our seniors"

"What year, second"

"Looks to my like third"

"What are they doing here"

"What should we do"

Lackey 1 slams on the table.

Silence extends through the class.

Lackey 2: What the fuck are you all mumbling? This is how you all respect your seniors, huh! Stand up and say good morning dumbasses.

The class stands and says good morning, except Nikita.

Lackey 1 finds her sitting. She sneers at him. And a sudden dreadful chill runs through his body.

Piyush: Nikita, what are you doing? Stand up, come on.

Lackey 1: You stupid bitch, what are you smiling at sitting there like that? (walks over to her). Didn't you hear when I told everyone to greet us?

Piyush: Sorry sir, she is not feeling well right now. I apologize on her behalf.

Lackey 1: Giving a creepy smile to me, is that what you call sick.

Piyush: Please, forgive her, I shall make her stand right now. Nikita, stand up, please. I beg you (pulls her by her arms).

Nikita: ( drowns in pleasure, thinks) He touched me. He touched me on his own this time. How blissful! (stands and overtakes Moon and falls on Piyush's chest).

Lavangi bites her nails aggressively. Simar pinches Mia in annoyance.

Mia: Ouch! Simar!

Piyush: (struggles to stand) Hehehe! See, I told you she is damaged.

Lackey 1: (notices Moon) Ohho! Who is this foreign beauty? (tries to touch her but Moon tries to avoid it).

Suddenly he feels electric discharge over his shoulder. He pulls his hand back and rubs his shoulder with the another and sees G-one glaring at him with his blue eyes which was barely visible through his glasses. Akash punches G-one with his elbow to knock it off but G-one couldn't hide his rage. Akash then gestures Piyush about it and Piyush breaks the vision collision between the Lackey and G-one.

Piyush: She is my sister, sir.

Lackey 1: I see. You got one hell of a gorgeous sister.

Piyush: Thankyou, I guess.

Lackey 1: What's her name?

Piyush: Moon, sir.

Lackey 1: Her name is just like her looks. A foreigner!

Piyush: I believe you came with a purpose. Do you have something to tell us?

Lackey 2: Come back here, you. You are forgetting the main reason for why we came here.

Lackey 1: (goes back to the teacher's desk).

Lackey 2: Listen maggots, there is a girl named Anamika Patel in the second year. Remember, she is our branch representative Karan's piece, got it. So you all better keep a proper distance from her.

Akash: Anamika, you heard about someone named that.

G-one: (sighs) No, I don't walk around learning girls name in the campus.

Akash: Chill dude. I was just asking. Jeez!

Lavangi: A second year huh!

Simar: We don't know many people from second year, do we?

Lackey 2: I heard some boys from the first years tried to make a move on her. Does anyone know who they are? If anyone does, better tell us.

Piyush: Made a move on her, what kind of morons did that? Why do that in secret? Must be a bunch of cowards. And Nikita, will you take it easy now?

Nikita stares at Piyush with deadly eyes.

Piyush: ERP! (pats her cheek and sings lullaby to calm her down) Sleep sleep my lovely lady.

Lackey 2: Seems like no one here knows about them. Well, anyways, remember what I said. Reach for the one who is in your limit. Don't try to reach for the senior sections. Got it. Take care.

Suddenly the teacher enters.

Lackey 2: Oh teach! Good morning.

Teacher: What are you two doing in this class?

Lackey 1: We just came to tell them about something. We are just leaving, have a great day teach.

They leave. Everyone says good morning and sits down.

Teacher: Good morning class, let's start the class.

Nikita still clings to Piyush. Lavangi tosses a book and Simar slaps it forward hitting Nikita's head slamming it on the desk.

Lavangi: Oh sorry, you are not hurt, are you?

Nikita raises her head rubbing. She looks at Piyush ferociously.

Piyush: I didn't do anything.

Simar: (bites her tongue) My reflexes took the better of me. The book was coming on my face and I slapped it without thinking. Sorry about that.

Teacher: Girls, what's going on there? Open your books.

Nikita rubs her head, looks forward and opens her book. Moon and Mia look at stressed G-one staring at his notebook quietly. The first period bell rings. Various students stand up ready to switch for their respective classes.

Nikita: (stands) Looks like my times up. See you during lunch, darling. Bye everyone.

Lavangi: (whispers) Get lost already!

Suddenly a negative energy flew through the air. G-one's senses hiked. A barely visible red fog covered G-one's vision.

G-one: (thinks) What's this? This is like the time when we were in hospital. Is

G-one stands instantly.

Akash: What dude? Did you sit on a compass or something?

Nikita: Don't worry G-one, I can go on my own. I know I am important, but don't worry, I don't need an escort.

G-one flips over his bench and proceeds towards the crowd outside his class.

Piyush: (stands) G-one!

Nikita: Wow! What's wrong with him today?

Lavangi: You are, what else.

Mia: Easy, Lavangi.

G-one pushes through people following the cloud of fog.

G-one: Where is he?

Suddenly a pair of red eyes glistened at a distance. He stumbles through the flock crossing the stairs when Ana spots him.

Ana: That boy!? Where is he going this time? (starts following G-one).

The negative air was never ending. G-one kept moving. He stood at the intersection to confused which way he went. There weren't many students around the intersection. Suddenly someone pulled him inside the toilet at intersection. He slipped through the slippery floor pulling the one who pulled him inside. He recognises that it was Ana. Before they could slam into the wall, he shielded Ana and turned around smashing his back into the wall.

G-one: What are you doing? Pulling me inside on a smooth surface like this? What would have happened if you had fallen and hit your head or broke your bone or something?

Ana: (raises her buried head in G-one's chest) Why you? Why did you pull me along with you, idiot?

G-one: I just grabbed what I got to stay on my feet. And what do you want from me anyway? Do you want to smash my head into the wall?

Ana: No, I just wanted to talk to you about something.

G-one: See, I am really sorry about that time. It was an accident. My friends pushed me and I tripped over you. I never intended to hurt you or anything. I don't even know you.

Ana: Shut up, what are you saying?

G-one: Please, spare me. Don't call the seniors on us. I beg you. I never knew you were that delicate that only by a little knock you would faint. We didn't even bump our head. But I saved you from falling atleast. Can't you add that to the positive side? And I didn't even tell anyone about it.

Ana: Who are you calling delicate, slipper? And that's not the matter I wanna discuss.

G-one: Then why are you after me? I didn't steal anything of yours, did I? Actually I have somewhere to be, please. Can I go? (pushes her away)

Ana: Hold it, (slips again).

G-one: Why you? You yourself can't walk here properly. Your choice for a place to talk sucks big time.

Ana: Ahh! (moans in pleasure).

G-one: Wait! What's this curvy feeling? (moves his hand).

Ana: Don't, don't move your hand.

G-one: It's so soft and smooth, it actually feels good (sees his hand on her waist through her shirt). Ahhh! (gently lifts her and slides out through the floor out of the door, looks behind and sees it is a ladies toilet). Holy crap! she really wanna kill me. (looks around) Let's bail before anyone sees me.

Ana: What is this? What is this feeling (feels her heart)? My heart is racing. Why was I following him again? (looks at the wall before her and sees cracks in it). Did he make this? (looks behind).

G-one: (running toward the field) Geez, what is that girls deal? She is a senior, isn't she? Is she trying to bully me or something? She is trying to get back at me by framing me as a pervert.

Suddenly a punch swings over him. He dodges but a kick pushes him into the next room even though he blocks it.

Boy: (walks in) I noticed you were following me. I thought it was just a coincidence, but then I sensed that immense positive energy coming from you. You know, that energy irritates me.

G-one: You won't tell me anything if I asked. So let's get this over with, shall we?

Boy: I was thinking the same. Huh!

They were in the store room. He jumped on him with relentless punches. G-one dodges and he strikes the wall behind and get himself injured.

Boy: Is dodging is all you can do?

G-one catches his right arm and pulls him over his head and drags him on the bench, a kick to the knee breaks his balance. G-one tries to put his hand on his head to relieve him of the mind control but he blocks it using his left hand.

Boy: You don't think it would be that easy, do you?

G-one: What's to think.

The boy pulls his hand down and give a headbutt on G-one's face pushing him back. G-one rubs his nose. The boy quickly picks up a broken iron table leg and swings it on G-one. G-one blocks it with his arm.

Boy: Tough, are you?

G-one: (rubs his arm) Looks like it.

The boy swings again but a jab to his stomach cease him. An uppercut sends him flying dropping the iron leg.

Boy: (laughs) Humans are pretty weak.

G-one puts his hand on his head and he faints. G-one then drags him to the infirmary.

Moon: Where did G-one run off to? The class will start soon.

Akash: The way he looked, I think he went for the washroom. Must be holding in for a long time.

Moon: That's the only reason you can come up with. You always enjoy humiliating him, don't you?

Akash: What's embarrassing about going to toilet? Doesn't everyone...

Lavangi: Enough, enough. No need to say it. We got it.

Simar: He kinda looked down since morning. I bet it's something else that's bothering him.

Moon: What's happening? Did you two say something to him?

Akash: What are you saying, Moon? He is just angry that's all. Damn, I don't know how long it will take for him to get to start controlling his anger. Such a pain in the ass.

Moon: Angry! this means you two definately did something to him. Piyush, Piyush!

Piyush: (lost in thoughts)

Moon: (grabs his neck and shakes him vigorously)

Piyush: (gasps) Moon!! I can't....breathe.

Moon: (releases) Why aren't you listening?

Piyush: (coughs) You got one hell of a grip. I heard what you said. What do you want to know?

Moon: Did you two have a fight or something?

Piyush: No, (remembers the scene from the hospital) Actually, yes. I and he had a fight last night.

Lavangi: What! Why?

Moon: Idiot! Why would you fight around me? Dont you know I hate it?

Piyush: Actually, last night when I and he went for the walk, we found a five rupees coin and he and I touched it at the same time. We argued over who is gonna keep it and we lost it again in the struggle. I think he is still mad about it.

Moon: Whaaat!

Lavangi and others giggled. Piyush slams his elbow into Akash's abdomen to break his laugh.

Mia: You two fought over a five rupees coin. You do have some very childish reasons of fighting. Come on, I will give you five- five rupees each, just don't fight over something like that again, ok boy.

Piyush: (thinks) Damn it, I really screwed my reputation this time.

Akash and others giggle on it again and again an elbow to the abdomen breaks Akash's laugh.

Moon: (grabs Piyush's collar) Why you idiot! You two are so embarassing, you know that.

Piyush: (sad) I am sorry, sis.

Moon: You two fought over money. I can't believe this. Go get G-one and resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Mia: Don't worry, I will go look for him. He will get lost anyway. I will find G-one and bring him back.

Simar: Should I go with you?

Mia: It's fine. I will be back quick (steps out).

Simar: Geez! He would come back on his own, I know. It's normal for them, right Piyush? But to fight over five rupees. When will you two grow up?

Piyush shrinks in shame.

Akash: (whispers) Could have raised the value if you were gonna make something up?

Piyush: (whispers) I forget to add two zeroes after five. Shit! Help me with this.

Akash: It's too late now termite, suck on that. And five hundred rupees coin doesn't even exist. Moron!

Piyush: (shrinks again) Humiliating!

Mia wandered around searching for G-one. Suddenly she meets Ana on the way.

Ana: Mia! Fancy meeting you here. Aren't you suppose to be in class right now?

Mia: I was just looking for someone, haha! What about you?

Ana: Oh, I am looking for someone too. Heh!

Mia: Well, see you around then.

Ana: Ok

They walk seperate ways.

Ana: Where did he go? I hope he is not hurt badly. He hit the wall hard though. I didn't think the floor would be that slippery. (blushes) He even shielded me. What! It's his fault for pulling me with him. But I pulled him first. Oof! This is so annoying.

Mia: Where is he? (looks out of the window and see G-one sitting in a corner under a tree shed to the football field looking at the students playing). Oh! (smiles).

G-one: ( pulls a grass root, thinks) So, it was a minion. That means, the presence I fell at hospital was that of the manipulated doctor not of Ra-one. Does he has a way of concealing his negative energy? Or may be his energy level is way too high than I can sense. But if I am able to detect his minions. Then I can get to him. But they can sense my positive energy too. If Ra-one can control his negative energy then I can too. (closes his eyes and sits in meditation position).

Mia: G-one!

G-one: Huh! (sees her standing) Mia!

Mia: What are you doing? Trying to bunk the class are you?

G-one: No, I was just... I needed some fresh air, so I stepped out a bit.

Ana: Where the heck! (sees out of the window) There he is! Wait! Mia!

Mia: Still sulking over the fight.

G-one: What fight!

Mia: No need to act so surprised. Piyush told us everything. Don't you feel stupid fighting over five rupees?

G-one: Huuuuh!

Mia: Come on, let's go. Class will start soon. Try to act your age.

G-one: No, I never...

Mia: Won't you listen to me? We are glasses buddies afterall (indicates their glasses).

G-one: (thinks, clenches his fist) That bitch punk, he stooped me that low. Damn that bastard.

Mia: Or you still want to stay here?

G-one: Huh! I..

Mia: I should sit here with you too then.

G-one: What about class?

Mia: It can go on. We can chat about something to relieve your stress.

G-one looks at Mia, without saying anything. Suddenly a gust of wind washed her hair on her face that was hanging loose from her pigtails.

Mia: Ah! That was rather harsh.

She moves her finger over her cheek to get the hair back to her ear over the glasses.


G-one: (heart races, thinks) What's this? That's my favourite motion. Don't do it, don't do it please, or I might ...

She gently smiles and drags her hair behind slowly.

G-one: (Ba dum.. thinks) What! What a beauty! I knew she was beautiful, but! what's happening? Why is my heart throbbing?

Mia: Why are you staring at me like that?

Suddenly G-one raises his right arm towards the sky.

Mia: What now?

Ana: (gets closer to the window and looks at the football coming towards them in high speed).

G-one: Watch out!

Mia: Huh! (the ball hits her head) Ahh! (she flips over G-one).

They both fall flat on the surface with Mia over G-one. Ana sticks to the window anxiously.

G-one: Holy, that was fast. Atleast I caught the ball. You alright Mia!?

Mia: G-one! (voice shivers).

G-one: What! Don't tell me your head spins? The kick was hard.

Mia: That's not ball you are grabbing.

G-one: Huh! (sees the ball beside him, then looks down and sees his hand on Mia's breast, shouts internally) Ahhhhhhh! (pulls his hand away quickly).

They jump to the side blushing. Mia covers her chest with one arm. One player comes running towards them.

G-one:You idioooooot! Don't you see two people are sitting over here? Are you playing drunk?

Player: Sorry about that, the wind made me miss my footing.

G-one: What kind of lame excuse is that? What if she got amnesia because of you?

Player: You are overreacting. The hit wasn't that hard.

G-one: What do you know? Let me smash it on your face.

Mia: It's ok, don't yell on him.

Player: Sorry about everything (runs away with the ball).

G-one: Let me rub your head, it might swell (rubs her head and she rests it on his chest).

G-one jumps again to the side after rubbing.

G-one: Sorry about earlier. I didn't touch you like on purpose. You understand what I mean right? It was just my reflex.

Mia: Let's go, everyone will get mad if we delayed more.

G-one: (thinks) Now she thinks I am a pervert. Wait! I am a pervert. But I don't want people to find that out. Shit, it sucks today.