Mum stepped up into the artefact store.Codi was dusting the potraits. She sensed her mother had something to say. She sighed and looked at him.. Her features were uncanny with white and black faded braids. Her left eye was slightly scarred and the pupil flushed white silverly at times when she wanted to emphasize something.
The people had wanted to char her.. Calling her witch and all sort of names. But when the king had fallen for her charm, she became untouchable, a god. Years had strewn by and modernity had harnessed the old village. It had been embraced and welcomed but the strong zebe culture still loomed.
Mum looked into codi's eyes and her tears fell.. "codi what am going to tell you will affect your whole life" codi stopped dusting and sat on the rusty table with wobbly drawers. She litsened as her mum narrated how she gave birth to him and she noticed she had long white hair and claws which suddenly dissapeared. She had threatened the middle wives not to say anything.
She knew sooner or later things would change. At 14 codi had been bullied at the waterfall and someone pushed her underwater. It pulled her towards the edge.. And a roar was heard.. Something pulled one of the boys underwater clawing at his legs.. Another was smacked in The face. He was codi's elder brother. A white beast emerged lunging at the terrified boys.
It had strong muscular body with white mane and glowing dreadful eyes. The boys ran away and on descending the river remembered to search for codi but did not find her body.
Codi listened as his mum narrated how the lion had been threatened with extinction in so many previous years. People had chained shape shifters to wooden stakes with marble spikes to weaken them and burned them alive.
The lineage of shapeshifters had intemingled with people and still dreaded, scorched alive. People never kept alive what they did not understand.
Codi asked if the king knew. He was growing weak and Old.
"codi you are the white lion and sooner or later they will come for you my queen!" the older queen cried and suddenly jumped out of the artefact store from the front entrance.
"Now i got you!" Codi's elder brother stood infront of codi with an ak47 which had been hidden in his long kitenge.