Codi leaped and hid behind the table as her elder brother shot at the artefact store. Anger blaring he shot at everything shouting " i knew!!" all along he had been hiding behind the large store door as their mum approached. He did not want them to know she was there.
He had come to steal the weapons in the store which had been given as gifts by the white settlers.
As the firepower went out.. Codi stood tall and asked her brother why?. Boma shouted that he wanted to be the heir to the throne, he wont let a small girl take his claim, what was rightfully his.
"this nation wont be ruled by a queen, no never!" "not while am alive" " with your witchy mum! You shapeshifter!!"
As he struggled to reload, codi stood up tall, not sure whether to shapeshift again in broad daylight. The nearby people had ran away going to call the warriors or either to inform the king of the ongoing chaos.
Codi dared her elder brother to take the last shot and he realised his gun was out.. He shot at her twice and she still stood there her body swallowing the bullets. She roared and he ran away scared.
Night fell