"Those warriors sure are taking their time, huh?"
Currently, Kiyo could be seen complaining while lazing on a branch of a tree, dangling his scythe off the edge in immense boredom. He and Gimu had been perched in separate trees for about an hour, hoping to have spotted any sign of life traversing toward Furusato.
The sun had yet to appear, leaving the duo in the dark forest. It was slightly cold, the wind constantly blowing and forcing the leaves of each tree to sway. To say that keeping watch was boring and taxing on both Gimu and Kiyo's mentality.
"Just shut up and keep watch," Gimu replied to Kiyo's complaint with an affronted tone, "they'll be here soon."
Kiyo huffed in annoyance. That's exactly what Gimu said thirty minutes ago! After being sick and tired of waiting, Kiyo pushed himself up from the tree branch. The action immediately caught Gimu's attention.
"Where the hell are you going?" Gimu asked sternly, narrowing his eyes on the scythe-wielding idiot. Kiyo was nothing but ignorant and naïve, at least he was to Gimu. Going off on his own rationale—Gimu specifically said that he was making the calls!
Without glancing at his so-called partner, Kiyo answered: "I'm going to look for the warriors. We know where they're at, so why wait? I'm bored out of my mind!" The scythe wielder exclaimed, twirling his scythe in his right hand. So, with those words, Kiyo began hopping away, landing on one tree branch after another, leaving behind an irritated Gimu.
"God damn it! Wait for me, you idiot!" Gimu hollered, chasing after the scythe wielder in both anger and annoyance. Kiyo just wouldn't behave correctly!
Warriors clad in obsidian-black armor could be seen walking through a forest trail, each walking in a concerted march as they traversed the land. There were roughly twenty of them on the ground, several others traveling through the shadows of the trees surrounding them.
"We'll be arriving at Furusato in approximately ten kilometers!" A deep-voiced warrior announced, raising his chin up high as he hollered the report to the warriors around him. This man was the platoon leader.
This particular group of warriors wore armor that covered their entire bodies, seemingly different from the common sets of armor in Adonai. Their obsidian-black obviously represents the village they're from, especially with their golden-rimmed crests on all of the warriors' chest plates. They were from the village of Tenmetsu.
A similar goal was flooding all of their minds: Taking vengeance on Furusato. Not too long ago, the village that these warriors belonged to was heavily assaulted by Furusato. The past king of Furusato, Yuuta Yoha, declared war on their village. The attack had both disrupted the peace of most northern regions in Adonai, as well as nearly razing their home village—all for his own gain!
Now, after Furusato had gained new leaders as time passed, the village of Tenmetsu never forgot what they were put through.
"King Oritsu…." The platoon leader spoke loudly once more, animosity lacing the underbelly of every word that was spat out from his lips. "...He has been considered the next greatest king, potentially taking that title from their founder, Queen Tsubasa. He will definitely be an impediment! However, we will not settle until we make them feel the pain and anguish that they instilled upon all of us all those years ago!"
"Rah!" A plethora of battle cries and determined hollers radiated throughout the forest in unison, each warrior on the ground raising an armored fist in the air.
Without a moment's notice, the body of one of the warriors lurking in the trees fell to the ground with a loud thud, blood seeping out from the unconscious warrior's black armor. A large cut streaked across the warrior's chest plate, shocking all of those nearby.
Suddenly, more bodies began to fall from the trees. The platoon leader's eyes widened—they were under attack!
In an instant, the platoon leader spun and faced his troops. "Everyone, stand your ground! Furusato must've ordered an attack on us! We shall not fall!" The platoon leader's hatred was blinding, causing him to become oblivious to an incoming attack—
Nobody had time to register what had happened as the platoon leader's head slid off of his shoulders, his body falling to the ground as blood spewed from the inside of what used to be his neck.
The weapon that sliced off the platoon leader's neck redirected itself in mid-air, finding itself flying back into the hands of its owner. Kiyo. The scythe wielder smirked as he observed the faltering stances of each warrior standing before him. He had already subdued the ones cowering in the trees, leaving only the ground fodder left.
"What, not happy to see me?" Kiyo asked in faux sadness, only to quickly revert his depressed expression into one of joy. "Well, I'm happy to see you! I've been waiting for an hour!"
"Put up your barriers!" A troop ordered, causing every warrior in the vicinity to extend an arm and create a barrier with a color that corresponded to their Aura Sense.
Kiyo took a step forward, a sneer on his lips. "As if those'll be able to accomplish anything!" The scythe wielder then sprinted forward at breakneck speed, reeling his arm back as he hurled his scythe once more, watching as his prized weapon slashed and murdered countless warriors, leaving a trail of bodies and blood on the ground.
The scythe then suddenly turned, returning back to Kiyo in a matter of seconds. Kiyo held up his scythe in pride and said, "This baby knows to return to me, never forgetting my Aura Sense! I bet you guys don't have a weapon half as cool as this!"
The remaining warriors brandished their blades, holding them up at neck level and preparing for any incoming attacks from Kiyo. None of them were prepared for a fight such as this, but if Furusato potentially obtained skilled men like this, then what chance did they have at getting revenge?
"Guys," one of the warriors called out, "he isn't wearing Furusato armor, nor any at all! There is no telling where he is from."
Another warrior scowled, glaring at Kiyo. "Does it matter if he's wearing armor? We're in Furusato's territory, damn it!" This warrior's legs erratic shaking abducted any intimidation that he held.
Kiyo twirled his scythe as he breathed, "Did you forget how to fight!? You're supposed to retaliate!" The scythe wielder screamed in annoyance. Really—he waited an hour for this!
One of the warriors in the platoon gathered the courage to scream out a battle cry, charging toward Kiyo in an uncoordinated attack.
Kiyo deadpanned at the sight, sighing as he began running forward himself, readying his scythe. However, just before the two could meet, a blur sped past Kiyo, killing the uncoordinated warrior in a flash.
Kiyo's eyes widened as he spotted a familiar person standing before him, clutching onto a Kanji-marked sword—Gimu.
"What the hell are you doing here!?"
Gimu turned to face Kiyo, anger adorning his face. "I didn't want you to rush the mission because we were supposed to report everything to that fiery asshole, Imawashiki!"
"Oh…" Kiyo, apologized, glancing at the small number of remaining warriors, Gimu imitating his glance. Welp, it's too late now.
Hey, hey, hey! Another backstory chapter, huh? I hope you enjoyed it! We aren't done yet! Don't you dare think that this is all that you'll see of Gimu and Kiyo! They haven't even fought together—much less got to know each other much yet! Stay tuned for more!
Have a Great Day!
Peace - Cr1ticalz_