The sound of two blades slamming into each other echoed across the Fukuga forest. Oshieru is still struggling with a foreign adversary with a double-edged sword with a bright yellow glow on both sides.
"You're not dealing with me that easily, Instructor!" The black-eyed assailant declared, a devilishly toothy smirk plastered onto his features as he swung his blade at the blue-haired instructor.
The two sword wielders continued to clash blades, each evading their own fair share of swings. Oshieru suddenly found himself backed up against a nearby tree, rendering him unable to traverse backward anymore. 'Shit.'
In response to being stuck, Oshieru pressed his foot against the wooden tree's side. As the double-edged sword wielder swung another assault with his yellow illuminated blade, taking direct aim at the blue-haired instructor, Oshieru stood motionless. 'Now!'
Oshieru suddenly pushed his body upwards, flipping over the assailant and clashing their swords together mid-air, prompting copious sparks to fly around from the heavy collision. Oshieru then found his feet being planted back onto the ground, balancing himself as he kept his eyes on his black-eyed opponent.
"Grrgh! Why won't you just sit still!?" The wielder of the double-edged sword demanded in frustration, turning his whole body in an instance.
The tachi blade of Oshieru began to glow in an even greater shade of blue. Oshieru then drew his blade back and swiped it in the direction of the adversary. Several replicas of Oshieru's tachi blade soared away, each made entirely of blue aura power. 'Let's see if you can handle this.'
'He has a few tricks up his sleeve, huh?' The assailant started to twirl his Niju-Shi, preparing for the impending magic blades heading his way. He then sprinted forward, taking all of the flying blades of magic head-on, dodging and weaving most of the copied tachi blades, as well as destroying some of the copies with his own sword.
Even after all of the tachi sword copies had passed, the Niju-Shi wielder continued rushing straight for Oshieru. The two opponents swung their swords at each other once again. Oshieru proceeded to block the majority of the assailant's strikes, even landing a single punch in the man's face when he was pulling his sword back for another swing.
The Niju-Shi wielder then forced his aura to flow through his left leg, following up with a quick thrust with the same leg, the tip of his right foot colliding with Oshieru's chin, Launching the blue-haired instructor back. The assailant then ran toward's the knocked down Oshieru, twirling his Niju-Shi and preparing to impale him. Before the man's double-edged sword could reach Oshieru's body, a flying blue object suddenly hit the Niju-Shi.
The two adults looked over to the side, spotting a certain blonde-haired girl wielding magic-filled shurikens. "Come on, Mr. Oshieru! Don't you dare die to this lump!"
The assailant growled in irritation, parting his lips to speak, "Shut up, girl! You and your friends will all be next on my killing list!"
Oshieru pushed his left hand outward, filling his forearm with blue aura all the way to his hand. Oshieru's hand sent out a massive blue beam shortly after. The force of the beam pushed the assailant backwards, causing him to collide with a tree.
The assailant forced himself up from inside the tree he collided with, balancing himself to face the blue-haired instructor. "You're going to regret doing that! Even if you manage to kill me, the rest of us will end your pathetic life. We're all a part of a Hellenist group. Our goal is to redeem the gods' honor!"
Oshieru huffed aggressively as he assumed another stance to fight, glaring at the man before him. "What is your name!?" Oshieru demanded, tightening his grip on the tachi sword's hilt.
The assailant seemed hesitant, gritting his teeth slightly. "Takoshiki." He then answered through his teeth.
The assailant, now known as Takoshiki, had a trail of blood flowing out of his torso, which Oshieru saw. Takoshiki appeared to be in pain as a result of Oshieru's earlier blast, his hold on the blood trail confirming the notion right. 'Shit. That tanking was too much for me.' Takoshiki painfully noted mentally.
Oshieru glanced over to the direction of the fallen tree, spotting three of the six blue aura students. Naderamu, Sukudo, and Tanjo. 'I can't lose. Not again.'
"Hey. Why don't we end this bout, eh?" Takoshiki questioned more calmly than his usual demeanor, removing his hand from the bleeding wound.
Oshieru only stared at the injured assailant, then spun his tachi blade within his hand, signaling his preparation for battle. "By all means."
'This is insane!' Ninki Meisei was apprehensive as he watched the struggle between a random white-haired warrior and two random enemies from a metaphorical front-row view. 'It wasn't supposed to happen like this! And yet again, I'm unable to move! I'm meant to be the most powerful of them all! But why am I never able to deal with situations like this!?'
The rattling of Meisei's armor was a direct indication of his fear, garnering the attention of the two students next to him. Utsukushi and Akogare.
"Meisei! Are you okay!?" Akogare frantically called out to his white-haired friend. Waving his hands frantically in an attempt to... DO SOMETHING! ANYTHING!
Utsukushi placed two hands on Meisei's shaky shoulders, restricting his movements and prompting him to look up at the pink-haired girl's face. "Stop! Freaking out is only making me freak out! So if we can all calm down, then we can rationalize or something like that! All of the smart people are on the other side of this tree, so we have to depend on ourselves!"
Meisei slowly nodded, taking deep and calming breaths, halting his body's shaking. "Alright. What do we do? Just hope that the random warrior fighting those two will win? He's a warrior. How could we win if we went up against them?"
"We'll think of something! Don't worry, Meisei!" Akogare piped in, smiling gleefully and jabbing a thumb into the air.
Transitioning over to the warrior Meisei spoke of, we see Kaminari Nozomu remaining on his feet as he faced the two assailants, Dento and Kono. Dento continued to wield his red staff of magic while Kono remained in a fox-like aura print that coated his body in a purple glow.
'I could use the sword I was given. But I think I'd break it from using too much strength.' Nozomu began thinking of solutions to dissolve this fight as soon as possible, cautiously waiting for any of the two before him to make their first move.
Dento took a step forward, keeping his red magic-filled staff behind his back. The tip of the staff was poking out from behind his back. Without warning, Dento dashed forward, swinging his staff at the armored Nozomu. The magic-filled staff was abruptly stopped as Nozomu blocked the swing with his right forearm, then retaliated with his own left kick. Nozomu barely missed with his kick as Dento jumped back to avoid getting hit.
'Taking note of him slamming his heel into the ground earlier, it definitely exemplifies the amount of sheer strength this guy attains. Getting hit will most certainly hurt like hell.' Dento mentally noted to himself, sliding his feet on the dirt ground. 'Just got to be cautious!'
Dento ran right toward Nozomu once more after that. Dento swung once more, this time being blocked by Nozomu and receiving a retaliatory strike from Nozomu. Dento deflected Nozomu's attack with his left hand, producing a second magic-filled staff. He then turned around, releasing his grip and hurling the newly created staff at Nozomu. Nozomu dodged the staff fast before detecting another swing from Dento. Nozomu, unable to move in time, protects himself by raising both arms above his head, tanking the blow entirely.
The ground below Nozomu cracked up even more than before upon impact, revealing how much strength one of Dento's swings packed. Nozomu then hastily moved his arms to grab the red magic-filled staff. Fighting off the intense burning sensation in his hand as he gripped the staff, Nozomu squeezed and crushed the staff, making it dissipate from Dento's hands.
Dento gained a look of shock before receiving a devastating blow to the face by Nozomu's right foot. Dento was then knocked to the ground violently, becoming immobile and unconscious almost instantaneously.
'One down.' Nozomu counted, turning to Kono. 'One more to go.'
Before Nozomu could take a single step forward a huge shadow blocked out the sun's light from above. Nozomu instinctively raised his eyes, witnessing a massive oncoming boulder poised to demolish everything in its path. The white-haired man clad in blackboard grey armor jumped to the side, moving out from the path of the boulder.
Loud thuds began to resonate, sounding exactly like before. Nozomu glanced all-around in an attempt to find the source of the thundering sound. After a few moments of looking all around, Nozomu spotted a man with a big physique. His eyes were covered under the oily brown loose bangs. On his shoulders, the man wore a white mini-vest, a wide grey tunic that appeared to be too small for the large man underneath, long and loose black tight pants, and leathery black boots to match.
Suddenly, the huge man spoke in a deep and nerve-racking voice.
"Now… You definitely are a problem."
Hey! I hope you enjoyed today's chapter! The fight continues! Who will win the fight between Oshieru and Takoshiki? How will Kaminari Nozomu deal with his new adversary? Stay tuned to find out more!
Have a Good Day!
Peace - Cr1ticalz_