Chereads / The Village Disciples / Chapter 55 - Vol. 2: Chp. 55 History Is Important!

Chapter 55 - Vol. 2: Chp. 55 History Is Important!

The journey to Ryakudatsu is continuing underway. The academy classes, warriors, and instructors are still on the same path, marching at a steady pace through the Fukuga forest.

Mr. Oshieru and Mr. Akushon remained at the head of the group, serving as the guides to Ryakudatsu. Mr. Oshieru hardly needed to look up at the sky above him to notice that the day was turning to darkness. 'We're getting close to the path's two-way junction. That also means we'll have gotten about a quarter of the way into the woods.'

Oshieru gently closed his silver-colored eyes, easing whatever negative emotions he was feeling. 'I just can't shake this feeling. This reminds me too much of last time.'

Akushon cast a glance across to his colleague, noting the blue-haired man's breathing patterns, closed eyes, and almost imperceptible slowed speed. "Are you alright, Oshieru?" In a calm tone, Akushon inquired.

Oshieru opened his right eye, spotting Mr. Akushon casting a curious glance his way. "I'm fine. Just got some things on my mind. That is all. All we need to worry about is getting to Ryakudatsu safely." Oshieru exhaled, opening up his other eye and looking ahead of him once more.

Akushon simply nodded, his gaze fixed on the path. In such circumstances, one may truly appreciate the beauty of nature and its inhabitants. The tall wooden trees reflected the setting sun. The beautiful green leaves slid down to the ground's surface. There was also the odd breeze, which brought relief to everyone in the area.

To the students, leaving their home village was certainly a foreign feeling. The new terrain surrounding them, no longer hiding behind the safe walls of Buraun. As well as being away from all of their families.

'If I remember correctly; the old man might be heading home from work soon.' Then there was Tanjo.

"Are we at least halfway there yet?" A strange voice raised its voice in complaint. The owner of the voice was a red aura student with short spiky silver hair, light grey eyes that were almost identical to Oshieru's, but a shade darker, and black nails on the points of all of his fingers.

A groan was elicited from one of the other red aura students, appearing annoyed from the spiky-silver-haired student. "Shut up, Jigyo, Be more like your brother and behave. No one wants to deal with your antics on the trip." This time, the voice came from the chestnut-haired girl from before.

"Hah!? Wanna say that again, girly!?" The student named Jigyo barked at the female student's words. An expression of anger formed on the entirety of his face.

"M-Mr. Akushon! J-Jigyo i-is being mean a-again!" Another student with spiky silver hair spoke, but his silver hair fell down the sides of his face, stopping at his chin in length.

The instructor of the red aura class, 1AR, sighed in irritation. "Jigyo Tsukideru. Please stop tormenting your classmates and stay focused on the trip." Akushon proceeded to order tiredly.

Jigyo's enraged visage softened slightly as he turned his head to the side and huffed. "We're supposed to be learning how to fight. Not take lame-ass school trips!" Jigyo exclaimed in a rebuttal.

Akushon exhaled, thinking of a viable solution to this annoying situation. "Why don't you guys discuss the other nations? I'm sure they're interesting to discuss."

"Other nations?" A red aura student with orange hair questioned. "We've never been taught much about them before we entered the academy."

Akushon's face contorted into pure confusion? "Well, have you been taught at least a few things about them? They play a big role in our nation's history."

With the silence of the red aura class, someone from class 1AB decided to take initiative. "From what I learned; there are three total nations. Ours being Adonai. The other two are Shanti and Zebulun."

Mr. Oshieru joined in. "Good job, Sukudo. Is there anything else you know about any of them?" The blue-haired instructor asked the students behind him.

When Oshieru glanced back at his students, he saw a collective shaking of heads. "Alright, I suppose a little history lesson won't be too bad."

Mr. Akushon raised an eyebrow at his colleague's words. "How much do you even remember?"

Oshieru shrugged his shoulders slightly at the question. "A bit. The cool stuff at least." Oshieru answered lazily, receiving a dubious stare from the red aura instructor.

"The most I remember is about the eradication of the gods, the Keisan War, and a little bit about the ruling Kyujo's in Shanti. But other than that; I'm a bit dry." Oshieru admitted, scratching the back of his head in thought.

A certain student gasped at the instructor's words. "Eradication of the gods!?" This particular student was Naguru Akogare. "How can gods even be eradicated?" His words were supported by the copious nods of the nearby students.

Oshieru sent a small glance towards his students. "Have you guys ever heard of the Takuetsu family? Or does it at least sound familiar?"

Naderamu nodded abruptly, inhaling deeply and parting her lips to speak. "I was taught a little about how the Takuetsu was one of the main factors that led up to the Keisan War."

Oshieru smiled lightly. "Look how smart you are!"

Naderamu scowled at her teacher's praise. "Oh, shut up." She barked back angrily.

Oshieru laughed lightly in response. "Heh, heh. But yes. The Takuetsu did, in fact, play a huge role in what led up to the Keisan War. But more specifically, about them is who they are. The patriarch of the family, Reiwa Takuetsu, was a man with absurdly red hair. Hair like his may be common now, but back then, hair colors only ranged from black, brown, blonde, and tinges of white here and there. Due to that, his hair was like a symbol. A symbol that instilled fear into anyone who spotted it." Oshieru stated informatively, looking back at the path ahead as he spoke.

"When Reiwa was alive, the gods that are so rarely praised now had already descended down onto the earth. After the gods descended on Earth, they bestowed upon humanity abilities that were hoped to help humanity advance. What they gave were the four aura senses. Red, blue, yellow, and purple." Oshieru explained more thoroughly, tilting his head from side to side as he spoke. "Reiwa, who at the time saw how the gods began to be worshipped endlessly, felt threatened by the deities' presence. So, he retaliated against all of the aspiring religions being formed at the time. But to this day, we still have no clue as to what made him snap, but Reiwa suddenly decided to revolt. Yada, yada, yada. I forgot the rest!"

All of the nearby students groaned.

"If you really want to learn more, there are history books in Buraun. Just go to the Village Information Center. They have most of history kept in those huge books that no one cares to ever read." Oshieru stated lazily.

One of the red aura students with long spiky silver hair spoke out. "W-what about t-the Kyujo's? What are they?"

For a brief moment, Oshieru's thoughts came to a halt. "What's your name?" He then asked

"S-Suteru, sir!" The spiky-haired student with the longer hair informed.

"Might want to get rid of that stutter. But the Kyujo's are the rulers of Shanti. There are six of them. Usually, they alternate through rulers when one of them dies or something." Oshieru explained offhandedly.

Before anyone else could speak, one of the warriors on the side spoke up. "We are nearing the junction point!"

"I believe that we've learned enough history for today." Mr. Akushon declared, not turning back to look at the students. "But remember, class! Our history is important. We must remember our history to prevent any of it from happening ever again. You got that!?" The red aura instructor proceeded to holler out.

"Yes, sir!" A chorus of concurring students was then heard.

Mr. Akushon then turned his head to face Oshieru. "We'll start to depart from your class once we reach the junction point. The warriors will be divided equally to continue following the both of us. But after that, our trail to Ryakudatsu is still active."


Hey! I wanted to fill in parts of this trip with this fantasy world of mines' history! This doesn't even put a dent into what I have saved for this fantasy world, but it could be hinting at what is to come far down the road! Stay tuned for more.

Have a Good Day!

Peace - Cr1ticalz_