"Your aura, explain to me what I saw in the Kodaina forest."
Tanjo's expression could only be described as pure confusion, all he could return was, "What?"
Suru only smiled lightly, "Your aura, you shot a giant beam into the sky, no?" She reminded, making Tanjo's eyes widen.
One question rushed to Tanjo's brain, "How did you know that was me? How do you even know I was there!?" Well, two questions came to his brain.
"Well, that's a simple question to answer!" Suru announced, then proceeded to speak once again, "Every year; I observe the new students of Buruan Majikku! Mainly in hopes of finding someone who seems 'interesting'." Suru explained, emphasizing the final word.
"Then why are you questioning me about my aura?" Tanjo asked, confusion still lingering within him.
Suru's smile only widened at the question, "Well...."
Bored. That explained Suru Tassei perfectly as of this moment-- all she accomplished recently was stalking the new attendees of the local school for aspiring warriors, in hopes of finding someone to pique her interest.
Today, she learned that a class of first-years was traveling out to the Kodaina Forest. Learning said news; she went there as well. Once she reached the forest, the first thing she noticed was blue markings being laid out on nearly every tree.
Taking note of it, she continued to wander throughout the forest sneakily. After creeping around; she finally spotted a group of students and a teacher. Getting a closer look, she was able to identify all of the students. She wasn't all that impressed.
All of them had such low aura, their magic probably couldn't even match a low-class warrior. The low-class never even garnered her interest. So she already slumped in disappointment. Until she noticed how one of the first-years' aura was flickering uncontrollably-- vaguely showing off a mass amount of power between flickers.
'Maybe all hope isn't lost.' Suru said to herself, hoping that at least someone would satiate her boredom. She then continued to watch as the class ventured into the forest-- guided by some dark blue-haired teacher.
Following them into the forest, she learned that the blue markings she originally saw were meant to guide the students out of the forest safely, ensuring that none of them get lost. Immediately put an idea in her head.
Once the students were separated into teams and were spread all through the forest, she watched as their little game began. After a few minutes of the students running around, she decided to enact her plan.
She extended her arms and waved her hands slowly, her palms facing outwards, and watched as the blue markings on the majority of the trees disappeared, one by one, leaving the students stumped and confused on how to escape.
'This will be fun!' She giddily screamed in thought, excitement brimming within her.
She then started to watch the first-year student she saw earlier stumble throughout the forest with some bossy blonde-haired girl. She also watched as the duo stopped in their tracks, seemingly speaking to one another.
After a few seconds of them conversing, her eyes widened as she noticed the first-year with black hair assume a stance-- raising his hands high above him with his legs bending ever so slightly. Her heart began racing immediately and started adorning a 'very' scary smile.
She instantly took notice of the bright multitude of colors that surrounded the boy, seemingly making him stand out as if a stage light was dawned on him from above.
A perfect beam shot towards the gracious blue sky, seemingly matching in the same shade of blue. She wondered as to why the beam was only blue-- but the boy shined like a humanoid rainbow.
'Beautiful!' Suru mentally appraised, enthralled with the new occurrences. She thought she would pass out from pure excitement and other various emotions that was currently hitting her like a tsunami.
One thought was suddenly pushed to the front of Suru's mind, then quickly being accepted as a plan.
'He's perfect!'
Now; of course Suru wouldn't explain 'all' of the nitty-gritty details for what she's done, but explaining that she 'Stumbled across the forest at the time.' Should suffice as a reasonable answer.
"So, what was that?" Suru asked, attempting to bring her excitement down a notch.
"I-i'm sorry but I can't disclose that, miss." Tanjo informed, hoping that 'miss' would be more acceptable than 'ma'am'.
Suru wasn't displeased even for a moment, 'secretive huh? That just makes this more fun!' Suru then silently exclaimed, then resuming to speaking outwardly. "Ah, pooey-- it looked magnificent. I hope I could see it again soon."
Tanjo honestly had no clue how to respond, most of his nervousness was stemming from possibly getting in trouble by breaking into someone's home, but all of it seemed to vanish over time. "Uhm, I don't know-- possibly. Look, if it isn't a bother, I really must get going." Tanjo informed Suru, then stood up to walk towards the door.
"Alright then, Tanjo. Maybe stop by sometimes-- it could make up for breaking into my home." Suru suggested, an attempt to trick Tanjo.
Tanjo turned around once he reached the door and opened it slightly, "Yeah, S-sure." Tanjo proceeded to walk out of the building, being shocked yet again at how different the interior and exterior look.
Back inside, Suru only closed her eyes-- then slightly opened them with a smile.
'My first step, gain his trust.'
"Stupid dragon absorbing most of my morning," Nozomu grumbled out, annoyed that Nozomu accidentally slept in, but mainly blaming a giant dumb beast as for why it happened.
Nozomu was simply drinking some nice, warm coffee when he heard the front door open and proceed to shut, making him assume that Tanjo walked in. Rather surprising due to Tanjo usually slamming all of the doors. Wait, 'he only just now got home?' Nozomu wondered, looking at his clock.
'School ended an hour and a half ago.' Nozomu confirmed, curiosity becoming featured on his face. He then heard Tanjo walk into the kitchen, opening the fridge, and grabbing a bottle of water.
"Hey." Nozomu called out to Tanjo, making him turn and glance at Nozomu, "Why were out for so long?"
The conversation Tanjo had with Suru was still clouding his mind, the lady kind of creeped him out. Not knowing how to answer, he dumbly responded with, "I was looking through the bodega for any snacks."
"If that's the case, where are the snacks?" Nozomu pressed, making Tanjo sweat.
"Uh, The-" Tanjo was cut short as Nozomu interrupted him.
"Bah, don't care. Your curfew isn't for another couple of hours anyways." Nozomu assured, making Tanjo sigh. "But if you weren't lying, did you get any snacks for me?"
Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it showed the reason why the blue markings in the Kodaina forest disappeared! But besides that, it also showed a little bit more about Suru's motives, mainly her first step! Stay tuned to find out more.
Have a Good Day!
Peace - Cr1ticalz_