I had felt my heart jump into my throat when Catherine ran into the house and told me that Addie was sick near the stream.
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" She had been frantic when she called for me.
"What is it, sweetheart?" I ran to her side thinking that she must be hurt or something.
"Daddy, Addie is sick! She won't wake up. Arthur is with her next to the stream."
That made my heart stop and jump at the same time. My little Addie! My first, smart and precocious little girl was sick? What could be wrong? I didn't wait to find out though. I rose to my feet and was running out the door as quickly as I could, but then I remembered that I didn't know where by the stream she was.
"Catherine, show me where she is." I stopped and held my hand out for my youngest child.
With Catherine's guiding hand we hurried as quickly as we could into the trees and toward the stream. When I guessed that we were nearly half way to the destination I saw my son coming toward me.