Chereads / Shattered Destiny- / Chapter 13 - Chapter 12: Kill the Snake

Chapter 13 - Chapter 12: Kill the Snake

I was walking down a grey colored road, filled with a multitude of civilians, wearing clothing I've never seen before. Tight trousers, and baggy shirts, some wearing large jackets with colorful designs, loose pants and bizarre looking shoes.

Observing my surroundings, it's the evening, the beautiful blue moon luminescing in the star-filled sky. The towering buildings are made of pellucid glass, gleaming from the moon's rays of light.

I heard strange sounds on the left of me. Glancing over my shoulder, I seen what looked to be a smooth black road, with yellow and white line markings. But that wasn't the cause of the noise.

There were these inexplicable, rectangular devices with thick black wheels, all having lights in the front and back ends of these odd creations. As I continued to study the contraptions, abruptly, a woman's soft voice on my right called out, "Dranon, what are we going to eat tonight?"

I gradually glanced over to my right, viewing Alorerah again.

Having a smile on her beautiful face as she looked up to me. Her elegant figure dressed in a black trench coat with the collar encircling her slender neck, and a short burgundy skirt wrapped around her curvy thighs. I espied her arm, latched in between mine.

Despite that, I literally have no idea what's going on…at all.

This is the second time I'm having this odd dream, howbeit, feels more like Deja Vu. There has to be a reason for this, but what could it mean?

The man whom I supposedly am, Dranon, responded gazing throughout the city, "I'm not really sure babe, how about we go to an Italian restaurant?"

"I swear, Italian is always on the menu with you," Alorerah chortled.

Unfortunately for me, while I continued to muse about this sudden dream, I awakened.

Coming to feel hot air encounter the back of my neck, almost like something was breathing. Puzzled by what it could be, I turned around with haste, only to confront a giant, green lizard, possessing yellow eyes and two small horns on the side of its head. Along with its tongue hanging out, just like a dog.

The oversized reptilian opened its wide mouth, seizing my head inside of it.


I couldn't help but scream, and this lizard's breath was anything but pleasant. The reptile shifted as I continued to struggle, wiggling my own small body.


I'm more than positive my butt had hit a wall.

At this point, I had given up trying to escape, then felt cool air come into contact against my lower body. The lizard spat me out of his ferocious mouth, and I rolled on the ground to lying flat on my back, facing the azure morning sky.

I heard the laughter of my friends, looking at my appalled state. I used my elbows as support to slightly sit up, looking above to see the three on top of the beast's scaly back.

"Hey Nirvana, clean Skysin and dry him off if you could, please?" Alzar asked walking into view.

Nirvana and the rest jumped off the back of the giant beast. She lifted a finger, spraying a stream of water on my whole body, making me soaking wet.

Not even capable to speak a word that I was almost ingested by a giant reptile, I simply sat there with a dazed expression.

Nirvana blasted a heavy gust of wind onto me, drying me off completely. Which made my hair look as if I was some mad scientist.

Crim tried to hold his laughter while the girls pointed their fingers at me, crying about my appearance.

"Why do you guys get to have ' First Class' transportation?" I clicked my tongue, combing my frenzied hair back with my fingers.

"We tried...but you wouldn't wake up," Crim stated chuckling.

After I finished, Alzar fixed himself, "mm-mm... alright, before we start, I'll call each of your names to utilize your vital and show your kinetics. We'll be going by who made it here first to last."

"First, Nirvana."

"Kay!" Nirvana filled with energy shouted, thrusting her arm in the air. As she closed her eyes to concentrate, slightly raising her hands, four spinning orbs appeared in front of her: terra, wind, water, and fire.

"Interesting, not a lot of people have kinetics for all four elements," Alzar commended her. "Crim, it's your turn," He looked over to the fiery headed boy.

Crim nodded, manifesting his Sun-Dragon and Phoenix flames as they danced on his arms.

"I see you have good control over them, you must have been training a lot to get used to their power, very well done," Alzar applauded him.

Alzar pointed at Elaine, "alrighty miss princess, your turn."

Elaine made a stern nod, "ok master." She lifted her arm, a transparent sphere appeared, hovering over her palm. In addition, a few yellow balls of plasma emerged, rotating like planets revolving the sun.

"I wasn't expecting you to be telekinetic, along with being able to control plasma, very nice indeed," Alzar remarked, bending forward to inspect Elaine's kinetics.

Lastly, he turned to me, placing his arms behind his back while rolling his hazel eyes, "and for the finale, we have…the twerp, Skysin."

"Oh, ha-ha geezer," I scoffed, sticking my tongue at him and began. I lifted my arm and made a black, purplish mass appear with an array of white orbs inside of it, looking like a spiral. Multiple balls of crystal ice came into view, spinning alongside each other.

Alzar looked at me with a dull expression, "no wonder your mother worries about you."

I squinted my eyes and made a sour face, "what do you mean, Master Alibaba?"

Alzar Greldin-

I simply crossed my arms, rubbing my chin.

This is amazing…no, magnificent even.

These kids could really be something, especially in the future.

As I continued my conjecture, all the children looked at me in an addled manner.

Rellgis' brat, Skysin, made a revolting expression, squinting his violet eyes and lifted his upper lip, "what are you planning, old dude?"

I looked at him and made the ground twirl under his feet, plummeting him into a hole, only allowing his neck and above to be in view. While the kids laughed at the boy struggling to free himself, my nexus, Ebizan, started licking him, causing his hair to whirl around from mucous.

These are the strongest kids I ever came across, especially Skysin and Crim. One being able to control two of the three strongest flames in existence. While the other can wield Kitsune ice just like his father. Including the ability to use spatial kinetics from Valentine. Those two will become a force to be reckoned with when they get into their teens. If possible, they may surpass their parents before twenty. This'll be something life changing, for not just them, but the entirety of kingdoms across the solar system.

"Hey master, who's this lizard?" Skysin asked as Ebizan laid next to him.

"He's my nexus, his name is Ebizan. He's also an earth dragon," I replied.

Elaine was in awe, walking over to Ebizan and patted his snout, "wow, really? I heard that nexus partners are extremely rare."

"You were informed correctly child, there's not many of us. It's hard to find these types of comrades. Not only your mind, but your souls must connect."

I turned around, gesturing them to watch, "but back to training. I'll be teaching you four a fighting technique. What you'll be learning is called Braideferm. Which allows you to attack your opponent with great strength and pressure applying your aura."

I had spread my legs shoulder-width apart. Taking in a deep breath, I shot a casual strike, releasing a shockwave of aura, causing a large tree across the broad yard to hew down.

As all the kids gaped with amazement, I motioned my hand, telling them to come forward, "well then, let's get started."

Skysin Rillem-

Alibaba - Alzar, made us all spread our legs shoulder-width apart, and tuck our elbows in beside our stomachs.

Master had further explained, illustrating the technique to us once more, "now listen brats, I want you to inhale and exhale slowly. Shroud your body head-to-toe with aura and try to flow it into your back. Then, try to imagine your arms are being restrained by a heavy chain. In that moment of time, when you feel you're being weighed down enough, think as if all that weight has left you and punch straight forward - full strength, while releasing your aura."

I closed my eyes and imagined a thick chain seizing my arms. Feeling somewhat of a weight, I released my aura, letting the cold energy flow around my body and move towards my back. Keeping a steady breath, I shot my arm forward, only to hear a fwip.

As the rest attempted it as well, nothing happened. We all eyed Alzar with the same expression. Doubt.

Alzar chuckled rubbing Ebizan's snout, "it's not going to happen at first. You must focus on concentrating your vital from your brain to your back, then at that moment of time, release it, shooting all of the energy through your arms."

After multiple failed attempts that went endless for hours, we finally started to feel the weight and power from the attack.

" I'll show you the stance," Alzar informed.

He walked in front, then lowered his legs making them bend, his hands adjusted by face and his chest.

Alzar turned to us, "now that you kids got the hang of aura. You're now going to have a slow sparring session. Simply to grasp a better understanding of the technique regularly as you fight against stronger opponents. Elaine, Nirvana, you two will face each other. As for Skysin and Crim, will be sparring partners."

As we all faced each other and got into the stance, Alzar yelled, "begin!"

Crim let his hand slowly flow towards me, but I easily blocked it.

I steadily led my fist into an uppercut, aiming at his chest. Crim fended it off, moving his elbow in the way. As we came into contact, we could both feel the pressure and tense waves from the small collision, causing small gusts of wing to form, making our hair flutter around.

We noticed the girls were also doing well, Elaine slowly lifted her leg into an upper kick, aiming at Nirvana's ear.

Nirvana parried it with her forearm and leisurely swung her fist to Elaine's chin. Elaine moved her hand downward, blocking the attack, and light wind had formed, smiting the ground and making the grass flow from it.


As we all continued to spar, it was now the afternoon, and could move at a decent speed. This time, it was me and Elaine, all while Alzar made Crim and Nirvana face off.

When Elaine shot her fist at my stomach, I moved my arm down blocking it, then extended my other palm towards her face.

She used her hand as well to smack mine downwards and sent her leg to the side of my ribs. I used my elbow to defend it and jabbed twice at her neck and chin.

Surprisingly, her reflexes kicked in much faster, weaving the first and fended the second with her right arm. As my fist hit her arm, strong winds continued to blow rapidly at this point.

Alzar clapped his hands together, catching our attention, "ok, I'm sure you guys got the gist of it now, so…we're going to play a little game called, Kill the Snake."

Nirvana sat a hand on her waist, "how does the game work?"

Alzar stood from a rock and walked past us, "it's simple, really...all you kids have to do is try to hit me and I won't hit back. I'm only allowed to throw you."

Crim rolled his right shoulder, "seems pretty simple, is there a time limit?"

Alzar pointed at the now setting sky with a grin, "you have until dusk, if you hit me, you brats get to have a feast."

Elaine raised her hand with a puzzled face, "what if we lose master?"

"Nothing of the sort at all, this is simply to help you all train," Alzar chuckled.

I bounced on the balls of my feet, "are we allowed to use vital or is it only physical?"

Alzar raised his index finger, "you're only allowed use of it to support yourself or each other, got it?"

We all nodded approving his rules. "Then let's begin," Alzar opened his arms, welcoming us to attack him.

Not wasting time, I flashed forward at high speeds as Crim trailed directly behind me.

I leapt into the air, spinning my body into a round house kick. Crim ran under me, extending his arm into a punch. But the tall man flawlessly grabbed my leg, and casted me to the right as he jumped over Crim.

With me still airborne, I simultaneously created two portals in front of Nirvana and Elaine, teleporting them above Alzar.

As they both kicked downward, Alzar leapt into a back flip, jumping a few feet away from the two. The girls slammed into the ground, with enough force to create craters around the size of their selves.

Crim used his white flames to increase his speed, confronting Alzar under half a second.

The red-haired boy aimed his knee at Alzar's chest, but Alzar blocked Crim's attack with a wave of his hand. While Crim was still midair, he swept his leg across Alzar's face.

Alzar weaved under, clutched onto Crim's arm, and threw him on the ground with a hard thud.

Taking this as an opportunity, I lurked behind the man and tried to grab him. With my hand only a few inches away, Alzar placed his large palm on my forehead and slammed me into the grass covered ground. He grasped the collar of my shirt and threw me into the air away from himself.

When Elaine lifted herself with telekinesis and flew to him, attempting to punch his face, I used that as a window, forming an ice platform above me and dove back to Alzar.

When I crashed to the ground, dust and grass covered my vision, but I grabbed hold onto someone. Thinking I caught the slippery stickman, nothing but glee was expressed from me.

However, I noticed I was on top of Elaine, watching her blush in rose as her lips began to wriggle awkwardly. I helped her up, embarrassed as well, "…sorry about that Elaine."

"I-it's ok Sin," she slightly bowed.

Alzar chuckled as the four of us looked at him, "you kids don't have much time left. Better try to keep up, brats."

At that moment, we all dashed towards him.


Dusk had finally arrived; the celestial sky began to gleam beautifully above our heads.

We all were sitting on the ground, panting heavily out of breath. But the lanky man, Alzar, was standing before us, not even breaking a sweat.

"Welp, looks like you kids failed. No feast for you, huhuhu," Alzar proudly chuckled.

While Elaine tried to catch breath, "amazing…not only were you able to dodge all of us…but you perfectly-countered our attacks too," she said in awe.

Alzar turned around proceeding towards the house, gesturing us to come with, "that my young disciple, only comes with much experience…something you four still lack at this point of time."

Nirvana tilted her pink head, "what are we gonna to do for training master? If you don't mind me asking?"

Entering the house, there were plates of food on the long, brown rectangular table that had an oval-shaped slab of glass in the center. Along with eight black chairs sitting under. The food was sliced ham, a bowl of rice, along with some broccoli and carrots.

"We'll be going over the form and techniques for the week, then the next, you'll be applying everything you learned, and will add it to your kinetics. That way, we can go and hunt some monsters," Alzar stated.

"Really?? What types of monsters?" I hastily asked as we made way to the table.

When we all sat down; master was placed in the very front of the table, with his back facing the living room. I sat on the chair to his right while Elaine was seated next to me. Nirvana made her place next to Alzar on his left and Crim occupied himself beside her.

"Oh, all types of them Sin. Big, small, slow, fast, I'm sure it'll help you all utilize the technique more if you were to go against enemies in an actual fight. Rather than just sparring all the time," Alzar explained, grabbing a fork.

We all dined into our food at that time, and I have to say, it was delicious.

Despite that, not as good as moms though. I was beginning to miss her cooking and thinking about her wellbeing.

I wonder if the baby was born yet?

Nirvana had grabbed a napkin, "oh Crim, you have piece of rice on your cheek." Nirvana wiped it off his face.

Crim started to blush, stuttering, "th-thanks Nirvana."

As she chuckled, I started joking with him, having a sly smirk across my face, "awee look at Crim being babied."

"Shut up you idiot, at least I don't look like a girl," he firmly argued.

Everybody started laughing at me.

"I-I do not look like a girl…you bum!" I shouted, stumbling on my words, pointing a silver spoon at him.

Crim began to cackle away, "I remember when I was four, my mom thought he was a baby girl. Until my aunt Valentine told her that SHE, was actually HE!"

As everyone continued to laugh at me, I grew flustered, crossing my arms and poking my bottom lip out of pure embarrassment.

Nirvana reassured me, trying to cease laughter, "'s ok Sin, there's nothing wrong with looking like a girl."

"Yeah, at least you're cute," Elaine quietly added.

Nirvana and Crim grew silent and stared at her, growing wide, devious smiles.

Elaine looked as if her peach skin was sun burnt, "we-well, what I mean know - like a cute girl…actually, I'll stop..." Elaine lowered her head.

"We know what you mean," Alzar laughed after he finished drinking his alcohol from a clear glass. "I'm sure the two of you will get married and have a wonderful family."

I looked at Alzar with my mouth hung open.

Elaine had stiffly stood, standing like a tree, still beet red, "mm-mm... I-I think this is the part where I take my leave..." Elaine left the dining room, walking to the stairs.

As she walked, she slipped on one of the stairs, almost losing her footing, but caught herself just in time. After fixing her balance, she stood there for a good second, covered her face and advanced to her room.


"I-I'm fine!!"

We all laughed at her for a little, then later, Alzar and Nirvana decided to leave.

As me and Crim stayed down for a bit, "hey Crim?" I questioned him.


"Where have you been these past ten months? Everyone was worried that something happened to you and auntie."

Crim's grey eyes looked up, then gazed down onto me, "it was nothing, just some family business is all, nothing to worry about." Crim shrugged his shoulders.

I didn't really want to interfere with his business, but regardless, it must've been quite consequential. At the least for him and aunt Savitra to just disappear for almost a whole year.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

He gave me a fist pump, "yeah doll face, everything's fine."

I returned it, taking his word.

As we headed upstairs, we made way to our rooms, waiting for our next day of training.
