Chereads / Shattered Destiny- / Chapter 18 - Chapter 17: A Final Push

Chapter 18 - Chapter 17: A Final Push

Alzar Greldin-

Our two groups stood apart from each other, ready for combat. The kids shouldn't have a problem with these guys, they're all quite weak.

If the kids end up having trouble, I guess I'll help them a bit.

"Skysin when I set the signal, give Baldy a nice welcome," I notified the boy.

"Gladly," Skysin replied, moving forward from us, dropping into a posture preparing to bolt off.

I clasped my hands together, conjuring two giant boulders, emerging under the other group. Right when they leapt in the air dodging my signal, an ear-splitting crack was made clear, a large shockwave appeared, making the kids fall back a bit.

Skysin surfaced right in front of the bald man, centered in the batch of five.

Before he could even grasp the situation that took place, Skysin dug his fist directly into the man's large nose, sending him right into the grass.

As the other four men remarked the child, they brandished their weapons, ready to strike him midair. But Elaine utilized her telekinesis, slamming the remaining hostiles into the ground.

As the bald man struggled to stand, Skysin yelled still in air, "oh no you don't, you bald bastard!"

Skysin molded an ice platform under his feet, diving at blistering speeds into him, creating a midsized crater and causing dust to be rapidly casted.

The other four had set their sights on us as Skysin fought against their leader. Charging towards us with swords, daggers and arrows.

Crim set his feet ablaze in white flames, and in a flash, appeared in front of a hooded fellow.

When the man swung his sword, Crim produced a small blast under his foot, quickly maneuvering above him, evading the attack. For a counter, Crim punched his back, sending him straight into the ground.

"I think we made a mistake!" A man with long brown hair shouted in fear.

Another individual with short black hair argued, "we still have to try, for the money. I'll go against that tall-tanned guy." He stated, pointing his short sword at me.

The black-haired man had screamed, charging at me with his sword. I simply sighed and swung my wrist upwards on the man's chin, painfully propelling his head back. Then I palmed his sternum, crushing it as well.

The fellow's eyes had converted into white and fell on the ground, passing out from pain and shock.

I assembled a rock chair next to the man's body, and leisurely rested as a yawn had unleashed, " kids have until midday, or you fail."

Without a word, Nirvana conjured wind, lifting herself off the ground and flew towards the long-haired individual.

When he swung his daggers at Nirvana, she dove to the ground. Landing on her hands, Nirvana propelled her arms upwards, aiding herself with a tiny blast of wind, sending both of her feet onto his chin.

When he flew into the air, Nirvana trailed behind him. Spinning quickly like a pink tornado, she performed a roundhouse kick on his ribcage, ejecting him into the grass covered ground.

The child landed next to the now unconscious man, "done!" Nirvana shouted, using her foot to prod his face.

In response, I released a stern nod, giving my attention to Elaine.

Elaine turned around, quickly noticing another man with a buzzcut, aiming his bow and arrow at her. The girl wielded translucent aura around her body, and began running towards the fellow, slowly increasing speed.

Shooting an arrow at her, Elaine weaved her small body, perfectly avoiding the sharp weapon. The man grew shocked by what she executed and conjured his nails into long cutting-edge blades with his kinetics.

"Damn brat!!" The man shouted, devising to fight against her in close quarters.

As he viciously slashed crescent blades of water towards Elaine, she accurately dodged the incoming onslaught, ducking, jumping, and spinning around them, still progressing to him.

The man grew anxious gritting his teeth and ran to her, preparing to unleash an attack.

When the bloke entered striking distance, he used both hands to hack away at her. Elaine eluded through his lethal attacks, then bended her body backwards. Placing her hands on the ground, Elaine swung her legs up, kicking his jaw. As he shot into the air from the strike, she exerted her telekinesis on the man's body, keeping him afloat.

Elaine raised her alternative hand, materializing multiple tiny glowing orbs of plasma. As they all encircled the man like a small army of fireflies, the man exclaimed, trying to escape her telekinetic grasp, "w-what going on?"

Elaine innocently smiled, "see for yourself..." The girl clinched her hand, then all at once, the orbs clashed onto the man simultaneously, creating a deafening explosion.

As his charcoaled body prostrated onto the ground, Elaine turned to me waving her hand, confirming the battle was over, "all good over here."

Next, I examined Crim, coming to see him completely obliterating his hooded opponent.

The hooded man ran to Crim, attempting to pierce his stomach with a rock spear on his arm.

Crim swerved the attack, moving to the right and countered, leaping into the air and slamming his fist onto the man's jaw.

As he rolled back, Crim appeared dead in front of him.

While the bloke toiled to stand once more, Crim swung his foot onto his chin, discharging him to his left. Somehow, the guy managed to catch himself, regardless of standing awkwardly with his legs bent inwards.

Crim utilized his flames again to increase his speed and moved to man.

In a flash, Crim turned his body sideways, ramming his elbow and palm into the man's stomach. As the bloke gasped for air, Crim made his flames combust, projecting him into a large nearby tree. The hostile hewed through the first and laid on the trunk of another huge stock.

This proves that the kids all improved greatly from a mere two weeks of training. They're very exceptional, and their talent in combat is fantastic. Still, there's one more missing from the group of children.

Where's that chaotic child, Skysin?

I erected to my feet and joining the kids.

"Gosh, I really thought these idiots would be more of a challenge," Crim huffed with dissatisfaction, walking over to Nirvana and me.

"You're right about that. But then again, they do steal children for living," Nirvana shrugged her shoulders.

"Oh, Crim you're done too. And have you seen Skysin, master?" Elaine asked in concern.

I shook my head, "no, I'm sure he's around here somewhere." I remarked, observing the area around us.

As we searched for wherever Skysin could be, Crim pointed his finger at a large crater, revealing the back of a boy with golden hair, along with a blurred hand moving in a sideways motion.

Crim chuckled, "found your little boyfriend Elaine."

Elaine pouted from Crim's joke, sticking her tongue out, "shut up, jerk."

We all proceeded, walking to the crater and coming to see Skysin, slapping the absolute mess out of the bald man.

"Don't seem like a little girl now, do I?" Skysin hollered as he continued tormenting the leader.

"Plea-OW… dammit - please, I'm sorry... we'll leave you alone!!" The man cried out while being endlessly slapped.

Skysin grasped the collar of the man's black hood, glaring dead at his beady eyes, smiling devilishly, "oh, please...not only that. But you're gonna stop stealing children all together, you retarded it?"

The man clasped his hands together pleading for his life, "yes - yes! Please have mercy, I'll stop!"

Skysin punched the man dead on his forehead knocking him out. The violet-eyed child stood and turned around, wiping his forehead with a proud smile.

Me, Elaine, Crim, and Nirvana looked at the boy with dulled expressions.

"What is it? I think Baldy deserved it," Skysin said climbing out the crater.

Crim laughed looking at the man, "dude, look at his face."

The fellow had two giant swollen bumps on his bright red cheeks, along with small hand marks engraved on them.

"Pssh, and you say I'm violent," Nirvana snickered staring at the man as well.

"Oh no... you definitely are," Skysin stated matter of fact, squinting his eyes at her.

Nirvana clinched her fist, chasing the boy around the crater as he laughed away.

I gave a light chuckle clapping my hands together, "...that went much quicker than I expected. Well done," I applauded them.

"What'll we do with them now master?" Elaine asked.

"We'll have to notify the military guards; they'll deal with the rest. Skysin, run back to the house and grab some rope in the basement. It's on top of a wooden box in the far-left corner of the room," I spoke, observing the unconscious men…or victims to be exact.

"Aye sir," Skysin saluted, before disappearing quicker than the eye could blink.

"In the meantime, we'll gather these worthless gentlemen. Then go to Heedin in a carriage and hand them to the military guards," I informed the three. They all nodded and grouped the men together.


About thirty minutes passed, and we were on a large brown carriage with an open section in the back, holding the group of unconscious hostages. We entered a large brick gate, used to protect a huge town located by Maurves Lake. "This is Heedin," I stated to the children.

"Woahh, this is the place I passed by when I left the rift," Skysin remarked.

The kids observed the lively place, viewing people walking around, vendors showing off their goods to customers, along with a great number of bars and inns. Even some people singing on corners.

Crim noticed something, pointing at a group of armored individuals with weapons latched on their waists, "hey master, are those guys the challengers you told us about?"

I looked to my right, staring at the armored men and women, "ah, yes they are. You could say this is also a resting area for them. That's why there's so many inns in Heedin. There's a rift here that allows them to go to the dimensional highway."

The Dimensional Highway is a vast, alternate dimension, or area that the people of these planets came to discover thousands of years ago. Legend says that the Promethians are the very reason that place came to be. It's filled with a diversity of strange organisms and artifacts that we call vestiges. Ancient objects that existed for millions of years, another thing Promethians invented. Those beings are truly a mystery, and there's a ton of information that still has yet to be discovered about them.

A few minutes later, we approached a huge white and blue building, having the writing, 'Valorrey Military Guard,' on a large brown sign.

Two gentlemen wearing light silver armor, appeared in front of the carriage, then saluted.

"General Alzar, it's good to see your doing well, sir," The guard on the right greeted.

"Hello gentlemen, me and these kids captured some abductors. Please have them in chains and put into cells. I'll notify you shortly on what's to happen to them," I kindly ordered.

I can't just blatantly tell them to have these men executed with the kids around. But those five idiots already broke many laws already. Endangerment to a child can vary from five to ten years in prison depending on how serious the matter is.

But they also steal and sell children. Including, they tried to harm the very princess of Valorrey as well. Not only that, but all four of those kids are children of important figures.

These men sealed their fate.

The soldiers gazed at the four small kids with stupefied expressions, "y-yes sir, we'll get them in immediately." As the two walked around us, they noticed Elaine and bowed respectfully. Elaine simply smiled with a nod as the guards made their way.

They went into the back and grabbed the five men, sitting them into a makeshift rock cage. When they headed into the building, they saluted once more before going inside.

I nodded, acknowledging the two with the same action before taking off in the carriage.

"I didn't know you were a general master," Skysin remarked being surprised.

"Well of course I am, boy. I just don't tell you kids everything," I scoffed. "Also, you four are going to have one more test before leaving."

"What's the test supposed to be?" Nirvana asked.

"You'll see when we get back to the mansion," I chuckled waving it off.

When we returned, we all were standing in front of the mansion on the yard.

"So, this is how the test will go. Depending on how you do this, you'll either get to leave first, or last. On a count to three, you four are going to draw out your aura, whoever comes first, gets to leave right then and there. But for the remaining three, you'll have to wait two hours then do it again. So on and so forth to the last person, and will also have to wait two hours till he or she can leave as well, understood?" I thoroughly explained.

The four nodded organizing their thoughts.




Just as I counted down, they all drew their vital. Crim came first, Nirvana second, next was Elaine, along with Skysin coming last.

I nodded in approval, then Crim said his goodbyes and left. As the two hours went by the kids conversed and trained using the Braideferm technique until it was time.

When it came to that point, Nirvana was first.

"I'll see you guys' next time we train," she said giving Elaine and Skysin a hug.

Coming down to the last two…Elaine was first.

"Well Skysin, I'll see you sometime in the city," she embraced the boy before she left.

With only Skysin left, for the time being he sat on the back of Ebizan, patting his head.

"Jeez are you the fastest on foot, but the slowest in drawing aura?" I cracked a joke as Skysin had pat Ebizan.

"Leave me alone old man, I wasn't that far off..." Skysin scoffed crossing his arms.

"Well…while there's still time, why don't we spar since you didn't have the chance?" I asked, beginning to position myself for a quick match.

"Sounds good to me," Skysin hopped off Ebizan, placing himself a few feet from me.

"Whenever you're ready brat," I smirked, gestured my fingers for him to begin.

Skysin grinned lowering himself. With insane movement, Skysin appeared before me, aiming his fist at my stomach.

I quickly parried the attack with my palm, and swept my foot across Skysin's ankles, casting him into the air.

As Skysin rotated his body, he quickly spun a kick towards my face, but I placed my elbow near my temple, prepared to block his attack.

However, Skysin feinted his attack retracting his leg, and led in with a punch to my face.

It was a swift and precise attack, but not enough to damage me in the slightest.

"You have quick wits kid," I complemented him.

I shot a fierce hook, hitting Skysin right on his temple. The boy landed on the ground, struggling to keep his stance. Unable to keep his senses intact, Skysin attempted to retreat, gaining distance from me.

But I grabbed Skysin's leg, slamming him onto the ground. While Skysin was trying to gasp for air, I lifted my leg and dropped it, aiming at his chest.

Skysin rolled to his left, hopping off the ground, avoiding my heavy attack that produced a small crater.

When Skysin landed, I was adhesive like a snake suffocating its prey, not giving him time to alleviate the situation.

Firing a punch onto Skysin's stomach, he gritted his teeth taking the pain and went in with an elbow to my chin. I evaded the attack weaving my head and front kicked Skysin on his chest, forcing him back.

Skysin caught himself and ran back to me, both of us countering each other's punches and kicks.

Skysin performed a high kick, aiming towards my neck. However, I grabbed his boot and threw a punch onto his jaw.

As he rolled back from the attack, he jumped forwards, executing a front flip, directing his heel to my forehead.

But I blocked it with my forearm, then punched the left of Skysin's abdomen, palmed his chest, and side kicked him under his chin, launching the boy into the air and crashing onto the ground.

"I must say boy, your skill at fighting is quite tremendous, as well as troublesome. Good work," I applauded wiping dust off my robe.

"It just feels...natural to me for some strange reason," Skysin stated, sitting up as the side of his face was being licked by Ebizan.

"I see - very interesting indeed, boy. But it's about that time…the sun is setting, get your things so you won't get home too late," I pointed out walking to the door. Skysin nodded and went to grab his bag.

"I'll see you next time master! See ya Ebizan," Skysin waved me goodbye and rubbed Ebizan's snout.

When Skysin had set off, Ebizan began to whimper. I rubbed the dragon's snout, conversing to myself aloud, "it feels natural he says? That boy is only seven and can already learn as he fights. His innate talent is more than Crim's. The future will surely be interesting indeed. Come on Ebizan," I chuckled as Ebizan followed me inside.


Skysin Rillem-

As I resumed my travels on the trail, my eyes caught sight of a broad diversity of monsters, walking to the left of me in the same direction.

"...What's going on? I never seen so many beasts all walking together..." I whispered to myself, studying the variety of monsters.

While watching them, my curiosity got the best of me. I leapt onto a large tree branch, shadowing the group of beasts, following them to wherever they could be going.

As time passed, darkness had shrouded the sky.

I; however, still pursued the beasts, hopping from one tree to another.

At that time, the group of monsters approached a nearby field, filled with others. What I had come across was nothing, but truly disturbing. My eyes had broadened, becoming speechless witnessing what was transpiring.

Displaying a militia of beasts that continued to steadily envelope the field, like an ocean of monsters. In the center, a tall man with a blood red hooded cloak was in view, having a platinum emblem pinned to his chest. Which happened to be a simple cross.

However, the most unsettling feature… were the three bloodied challengers.

A challenger in golden armor was wailing, pleading for his life. He had two brutally gnawed off nubs, his arm and leg, blood spewing a good amount of blood. "Pl-Please let me go…you already killed my friends… what else do you want?!!"

The other two challengers were already being eaten alive by alternative beasts.

I could hear the nauseating blare of the monsters covered in entrails. Manducating their limbs, pulling them apart… bit by bit, piece by piece.

"It's futile, you already seen too much, and I can't allow any witnesses. You'll die a slow and painful death, just like your comrades," the sinister man laughed malevolently.

What the hell is happening??

Who is that guy?

I never seen an emblem like that either...

Could he be from the Ragnar kingdom?

I was utterly frightened by what I was witnessing, shooting a mass proportion of questions in my head. But I continued to stay silent and keep myself levelheaded, like dad told me.

With a wave of his finger, the evil man commanded a nearby beast to attack the challenger, he sounded an earshot, bloodcurdling shriek. Only left hearing his muffled screams, covered with unbearable pain. The inside of his muscles became visible, slowly and brutally being ripped apart.

I couldn't help but feel nauseated watching the man become a meal for the monsters. Just then, I lost my footing on the large branch, attempting to cover my mouth. I incidentally produced a noticeable rough scrape. Luckily, I caught myself in time, covering my mouth and trying to stay silent.

The hooded individual stared directly at my direction.

I could feel my heart to plummet into agonizing terror. My breathing began to increase, and my senses were jumping wildly like headless snakes.

"It looks like we have a little rodent sneaking around, kill him!" The man shouted, pointing at where I'm present.

I looked down.

All the beasts were glaring at me; their predatorial eyes filled with quantities of endless hunger.

I need to get out of here! NOW!!

I jumped away, tree to tree.

The animals viciously growled, all chasing me down as they ran into each other. When the path came into view, I hopped off the branch and onto the trail, darting to my destination. But just when I was about to increase my speed, the beasts had completely barricaded the path, causing me to cease movement.

A large wolf-like beast separated from the army, lunging at me as it tried to gnaw off my limbs. I hastily avoided its ragged teeth, weaving to the left and shot a jagged icicle into the side of the wolfs body, killing it instantly.

However, I came to feel a sharp pinch on my arm. I quickly glanced down to see a needle transfixing my limb; blood making a red trail to my wrist.

Where did this come from?!

I was starting to grow heavy and fatigued. My lungs began to feel as if a small ball was blocking my respiratory system.

Dammit, it has toxins too...

I began to feel enervated as seconds passed by. While I endured the toxins coursing through my veins, the other beasts charged at me.

Masters house. I should go back.

I devised a plan in my head, rotating and running from the army of monsters, dashing to the direction where Alzar's house is located.

Except, more beasts appeared directly in front of me, obstructing the alternate direction.

"They're everywhere!" I shouted, looking along the humongous army of bloodthirsty beasts. I couldn't help but yell. I don't know how much longer I can last, especially with these toxins in me...

Less than a second, a huge beastly raven swooped down, trying to rend me with its serrated talons.

Luckily, my reflexes kicked in, dodging another lethal attack. I jumped onto a tree branch and aimed my hand at the raven, releasing artic winds at the bird, freezing it completely.

I could feel the menacing anxiety course through my mind as the monsters slowly closed the distance towards me. However, I noticed something on the corner of my eye.

I paused, looking further beyond the right of my shoulder, viewing the crystal-clear waterfall with a cave.

That's the only choice I have now.

Resolving my decision, I leapt off the tree, and desperately dashed with all my remaining strength, hastily running while trying to control my breathing.

Even though my speed was limited due to the toxins, I was fast enough to run above the water.

Getting to the cave, I turned around, watching the army of beasts not showing any signs of fatigue, trailing behind me. I traversed into the everlasting darkness without a second thought.

While running, I began to have trouble distinguishing my surroundings as the light quickly dimmed when I left the entrance. I tripped on a long rock placed in the ground.

When I fell, I came to notice that I never hit the surface... "Wait, did I fall into a hole?!" I shouted, questioning my circumstances.

After a second passed, I finally collided with the ground, making a loud thump. I slowly lifted my head, throbbing in pain, "...ughh, how far was the drop? I think… I managed to escape." I steadily rose, all while losing strength simultaneously.

As I rubbed my forehead, "ow..." I came to find out I had a scar, feeling blood running down my face.

"There has to be a way out," I told myself, shaking off my injuries. While I made way through the tenebrous cave, I lifted my hand, hoping to create light with spatial kinetics. Sadly, I wasn't capable of doing that right now, only leaving me in the pitch black. I'm too exhausted.

"Dammit, it has to be from the toxins..." I clicked my tongue in aggravation.

Trudging throughout the unlit tunnel, I continued to walk in the compressed cave. Small enough that the locks of my hair could rub against the rough ceiling. Until I came across a faint light further ahead from me.

"A way…out!" I exclaimed, attempting to increase my pace as my eyes began to gradually close.

Just as I approached the eight-foot rift, glowing a wonderous array of beaming colors. My body became weary, barely able to move forward. Noticing this, I bit down on my arm, breaking skin, allowing my blood to meet oxygen.

"Have to...get out..." I muttered heavily panting, determined to escape this place.

I slowly lifted my foot and walked through the beaming rift. Exiting it, my half-opened eyes absorbed the entire, phenomenal scenery.

Amethyst grass flowed with the calm, cool breeze. The large plants seemed as if they weren't from my world at all. Giant orange leaves embedded in the ground and towering red trees. Flickering white orbs hovered all over the entire landscape. There's a stream of pellucid water, running down a slight hill, into a huge pond stocked with black and white fish. Giant mountains coated in a sleet of snow, overlooking and encircled the entire area.

Large colorful birds and flying reptiles soared over the sky. And animals that I've never seen before walked among this beautiful dimension. Giant grey beasts with wide bodies and tube-like noses and tusks moved in groups lightly roaring at each other.

Even small, blue rabbit-like beasts dashed through the plain at high speeds, chasing each other like they were playing tag.

"Where am I?" I asked aloud, strolling through the alienated wonderland, watching tiny green birds with long beaks quickly fly around me.

I walked to the riverbank, feeling completely parched. I took a knee and bent forward. But when I relaxed, the adrenaline had left my blood.

My eyes met the other side of my lids, and I fell into the water.

However, I felt a small hand grasp the back of my shirt, heaving me out of the water to be carried.

I was dazed, peering at the silhouette of a young woman. Only able to view a pair of glowing, sharp pink eyes, staring down me.

But with exhaustion eating me whole, I closed my eyes, being taken away by whoever this mysterious being was.