Hello all, welcome to Nate's Math corner. Let's get right into it!
EXP required for each level:
The Equation required for this is as follows-
X=Current level
To get it in word form: Your current level minus 1 and then add 3 zeros to the end
Ex: 30(Level)-1=29+3Z=29,000
The exceptions to this rule are any number below ten, In which case, only 2 zeros will be added.
EXP from monsters:
Take the level, bring it to the second power, and times it by 110%. For all you young people who don't know what "the second power" is, think of it as times it by itself.
Ex: 30²(Level)x110%
Creation points(CP):
Scarlett will get 100CP per day (Midnight)
The general price for each rank of item/spell and ranks are as follows:
Common- 5CP
Uncommon- 10CP
Rare- 20CP
Super Rare- 400CP
Legendary- 700CP
Immortal- 30,000CP
Celestial- 50,000CP
Divine- 100,000CP
CP is also gained from killing monsters, although it is a small amount.
Standard Human stats:
Strength- 50
Agility- 20
Charisma- 7
More features will be added.