Chereads / Suffocate My Love / Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

Chapter 19 - Chapter 19

"Syin I don't think we should stay any more..We have already been here for far too long"

He sighed because he knows that he is rightht.They were supposed to go to the forest of the last fox attack , however on the way they heard fox growls.As a result Syin commanded that they deviate from their original path and stakeout here.Its been more than a week and honestly a wolf can only go so long without a descent meal.Its quite evident at this point that had not all of them heard the growls,they ought to think that the sounds were a fragment of someone s ill imagination.

"Do you suggest we go now?" Syin asked.His question was more like seeking affirmation.Be that the case,Joln must admit that he was shocked by Syin asking him for a way forward and giving him not instructions.Syin is prone to being hotheaded and never listening to anyone.He even rebels against his own father.Just this year, he walked away when his father was talking.Imagine the king of the most feared predators on the land and Syin had the audacity to walk away from his father while he was addressing the need to be discreet while hunting.Worst of all is that all pack leaders were assembled there to discuss hunting rules.As the king was dictating to Syin about his wreckless behavior,the boy just marched away.He didn't want to be there in the first place but as the price,it is crucial.So when the topic went to him being the center,he got fed up.

All the pack leaders just gawked at him in awe as they couldn't believe it.

Anyway Syin had not been himself ever since he came back from the forest.He avoided the one person he never lets out of his side, he ordered a stakeout without a concrete plan, not to mention long-lasting supplies and third of all he just commanded the team to deviate from their track.The Syin back then would have divided the team to check out the fox growls while the other part got to the initial destination instead of cluster all in one place.

Joln can see that Syin is not himself at all but he dare not ask if he is fine.

"I think we should just head to our initial course"He commented after a few seconds not that he thinks Syin noticed

"What for "This was a partial rhetorical question.And it was confusing

" I don't think we will find anything."This statement bemused Joln but then he soon understood.By going to the forest, they would be searching for stale clues but by going to the fox snarl ,they might be fresh. But then again there could be something that they missed .However what clues could smoke dogs possibly leave

" Then, what should we do",He now felt like the wrecklessness that he accused Syin of was ill-founded.He felt better being the one to ask this question because he knows that Syin has never lead him astray .Not then, Not now , Not ever!!Wait could this also mean that Syin has an even greater reason for leaving Ryle behind,a reason much more that what everyone thinks.That thought comforted him a little.Syin has this tendincy to be mysterious and not reveal things and just at the moment when hope is lost, he delivers a shocking relevation and then everyone realised that Syin had things under control the entire time.Similar to that time Syin walked out during an imperial gathering.

"I think we should go to the castle."He spoke so calmly.

"What!!" Just when he was praising him,he delivers this bombshell.But then again Syin always has a reason and thus is a reason that Joln definitely wants to hear.

"How many wolves have died ever since the forest"

"Uhhm,none" he stuttered

"Exactly.Foxes have instiable appetite for wolves .And if no wolves have died so far, how are the foxes keeping themselves alive"

Good point...

After it dawned on him, Joln ordered the team to gather everything and prepare to set off.Syin remained there thinking.

Honestly, part of him does feel lost and part of him feels dead.The fact of the matter is though his brian feels intact and his logical and reasoning areas feel functional,the thing missing was the will and energy to think

He feels heavy and exhausted like he had been running a long marathon.A wolf s best friend is its muscular endurance and inexhaustible which is one of Syin s best abilities.. However he feels so fatigued.His muscles are so sore and breathing is so laborious.Maybe it's an illusion, maybe his head is the one imagining the tiredness.Be that the case ,it doesn't conceal the fact that when he has to think about what to do he would rather just dig up a whole and bury himself inside .He doesn't understand why he feels so tired anyway but he thinks it's because..may be just maybe he misses his snowflake Ryle.

But then again the heaviness he feels is almost as if he is carrying the weight of one thousand heards of cattle.How is it possible that he could feel so drained just because he is without one person.Plus he really doubts that it's wholely because of Ryle.There must be something that his heart can see but his eyes can't.How inconvenient that neither his heart one eyes can speak for they would share their grievances..

He massaged the bridge of his nose as he looked into the now darkened sky..His pack was busy gathering their weapons for depatcher but he felt like even thought he is here ,he is not absent like a huge intergral potion of him is wondering out there lost.What complex emotions to feel with no reason whatsoever..