Kamou woke up to a terrible headache. With no idea how long she slept, she walked out of her bed rubbing her eyes. It was a Sunday morning, and she had no plans on how to spend the day. She checked her phone for important messages and calls.
3 new messages and 1 missed call.
The call was from Gina, her only friend in Korea. She met her when she was new in Korea. In her trainee days, Kamou used to work in a café, she met Gina there. Both girls had been good friend from then on.
Deciding to call her later, she moved on to check other messages. The first message was from her manager who had sent her the schedule for tomorrow. She had to report to Producer Kim's office the next day. It was the script reading for the movie she got signed for.
This made Kamou really excited. Since the project was new it was not much talked about, and the male lead was not yet finalized as per information she had. Tomorrow she would get to know about the people she would be working with.
The second message was from Gina. She texted her when she couldn't get to her through a call.
'Hey, now you are too busy to answer my call. You sure have become a celebrity now.'
'It's not like that. Tell me what up? Any plans for today?' Kamou replied merrily.
She moved on to check her last message. It was from Juho, his name made a smile appear on her face. She suddenly realized that she was with him last night. They were out for drinks, then maybe she had too much that things are blurred a little.
'Good morning. Make sure to take some medicine for your hangover. You had too much to drink.' Read the message.
Yeah, right now she remembers, he must be the one that dropped her home. She was grateful he got her home safely.
'Morning. I am fine now. Thanks a lot for dropping me home yesterday.' She replied.
In a café Gina was waiting for Kamou to show up. They talked in the morning and decided to meet for brunch. It was the same café they used to work in. The owner of the café was familiar with them, and it was their common meeting place ever since Kamou's debut. The owner ensured their privacy while they spent their little girl time together.
Suddenly a lady with her face covered sat opposite to Gina. She removed her mask to reveal herself, it was Kamou.
"Am I too late. How long have you been waiting?"
"At least I didn't have to take appointment to meet you. With all that buzz going around about you soon you would get really busy." Gina joked.
"Stop it, I would never be too busy to meet you. Let's order. I am starving. Tell me what you would have?" Kamou asked as she signaled the waiter.
After giving the order they started chatting. "I heard you signed a new movie? Tell me more about it." Gina asked.
"Yes, and I am so excited. You know I got my first lead role." she exclaimed. "It's a love story."
"Oh my.! And who is playing your prince charming?"
"Don't know. Not decided yet." Kamou replied shrugging her shoulders.
"Do you think it could be him?"
"Taehee? Maybe. He is doing quite well; everyone wants to sign him. The projects he takes are guaranteed success."
"That would be good for you. I mean he was the lead for your first drama. It gained you so much popularity even if you were the second lead."
"I guess so. Will get to know tomorrow."
The waiter came and decorated the table with the food they ordered. They resumed the conversation once the waiter was gone. They needed to be careful about what they talked around in public.
"Now, let's talk about your actual lover. Seeing someone?" Gina asked.
"I don't know how to answer this. Kind of."
"What does kind of means? It's either a yes or a no." Gine gave her a glance.
"I did something stupid." Kamou pouted. "I slept with a guy."
Gina almost chocked on her food, only managed to utter "What?"
"What did you just say?" Gina asked once she was able to talk properly.
"I know. I still can't believe but it happened."
"When? Where? How?" Ready to get all the details Gina asked.
"It was Park Juho."
"Please don't tell me it's that singer Juho? Not that Juho. Please!" Gina prayed all hyped up.
"Yup. You got it right. That one." Kamou managed to cover up her embarrassment with a smile.
"But how did you managed to convince him. Everyone knows he is too cold towards girls. I guess he has never even dated anyone."
"Come closer. I will tell you how I did it."
Gina bent a little forward. Kamou also leaned in to whisper in her ear. They didn't want anyone to overhear their conversation.
"We were at this award function, I straight up went to him, slipped him my room number and said 'Met me tonight in my room'"
"That's it. This is all it took to lure that guy. Have to say you have your own charms." They both giggled like little girls at this point.
"So, what's your status now?" Gina asked on a serious note.
"Not sure. We went out after that once." Kamou replied unsure.
"He is a nice guy. I have heard about him by some of my friends who work in his agency." Gina said. "But still think before you take any decisions."
After a fun outing with Gina, Kamou returned home, tired. She sat on her couch, chilling and watching T.V. She didn't got time to check her phone while she was out, she took it out.
'It's no big deal.' Juho's message. It was sent by him hours ago. Kamou thought for a while whether she should reply or not. Ultimately, she decided to let it be and went off to sleep.