Walking up Shen felt heavy his body is hurting all over. injuries and hunger is weakening him.
His hands are tied down and he's just laying on the ground.
Even in this situation, Shen is worried for his partner Fenrir. He tried to use "Though Communication" to check if Fenrir is still alive.
Fenrir responds with a weak life force. His situation is much worst than Shen.
"I need to escape here, and save Fenrir there's no guaranty that we will survive here"
Shen tried to get up and scan his surroundings. He's in a small prison being captivated and feel humiliation by this.
Humans and monsters caught by the Orcs are considered livestock.
After getting a clearer view of where he is right now, Shen is now sure that this is just not a simple Orc Camp.
The tall sentry and buildings here clearly represent that this is an Orc Fortress.
Shen is terrified by what he discovered and wondered how is this possible for the Orcs to build unnoticed.
Shen notices that other Beast, Monster, and Humans are also captivated here.
Shen plans to make his escape plan and rescue his companion Fenrir.
"Don't try and be hasty kid," a red hair middle-aged man said from the other side of the prison.
" I don't have a choice I need to escape here, staying here is the same as dying better make a move early before it's too late," Shen said with conviction.
" Even if you manage to go out there in the prison you can't escape in the fortress," the man said once again.
"We won't know unless we try," Shen said stubbornly.
" An Orc Lord manages this fortress, with several Orc Generals serving him, what can you do even if you go out here?" the middle-aged man said casually.
Orc Lords are known to be Highest Evolution an Orc can achieve, it only appears 1 in every hundred years.
"What?! How can it be Orc Generals are considered to be Super Rare evolution of Orc even a normal High-Ranking Magician would be having a hard time facing one,"
"But the most unbelievable here is the
Orc Lord, With its existence even our territory wouldn't be safe," Shen said with worry.
"Calm down kid if you and I teamwork here we might get out of this place, I'm a High-Rank Magician and not a normal one," the middle-aged man said.
"I'm also one of the strongest magicians here in the Kingdom of Bacolod, all you need to do is make a commotion, and I will set free everyone free"
"Then what if I get caught? Shen asks
" Don't worry I will save you, with all the Magical Beast and Monster here I think we have a chance to win this battle," the man said with confidence.
"Win the battle? How can you even win against the Orc Lord, not to mention he has Orc Warlords by his side," Shen doubt the middle-aged man.
" Look kid you have no choice but to follow this plan, you need me to escape I need you to have an opening. Do this with me or we both die here by the hands of the Orcs," the middle-aged man convincingly said.
Shen has no choice but to follow this man's plans it has a higher chance of success rather than doing it alone.
Shen uses "Leaf Blade" and cuts the ropes that tying up his body.
Then he uses "Seed Bomb" to explode the walls and run.
Orcs notices this immediately chase after him.
After that, the man in the prison cell smile "Nice try kid" the man burn the metals that tying his hands and body.
" The fun starts now"