Chapter 16 - Revenge

Shen is being chased by an Elite Orc Warriors and they are closed to him.

"Hey old man, help me here," Shen said while breathing heavily.

"Don't call me old kid I'm still young," the old man said with a disagreeing face.

with the Orcs being focus on Shen the Middle Age man immediately take action.

He frees all the captives out and it causes a commotion.

Different High Ranking Monsters go out in the cage roaring and ready to take revenge.

Giant White Tiger, Matriarch Dark Hyena, Flying Electric Serpent, and Steel Crocodile.

High Ranking Monsters are dangerous because they have a certain level of intellect.

They know how to take revenge and can understand some of the human languages.

Walking out of their cage the Monster shows their dominance in the area.

There are also Low Rank and Middle-Rank monsters that get out and trying to join the fight.

Orcs are slightly scared by their pressure but still prepared for a fight.

The Orcs are near thousands in number. This number is by no means few numbers. Holding different weapons greatswords, axes, and maces they are ready for war.

High Ranking Monsters are hungry and injured although their pressure is overflowing their body state tells a different story.

The preparation are complete and they all rush charging towards each other.

Shouting and roaring can be heard for kilometers. Sounds of battle are echoing.

With just a single attack from these High Ranking Monsters multiple Orcs are sent flying or drop dead.

They have the upper hand in the early fight, but they are steadily losing their edge as they are fatigue and hungry.

Their stamina are losing rapidly and the Orcs numbers are still a lot.

With their fatigue they feel like the number of Orcs are infinite.

Suddenly a beautiful blonde Elf cast a Nature Magic " Mass Heal " healing all the injured Monster within the area.

This Elf is also one of the prisoner caught by the Orcs she's about to be use as a reproduction machine by the Orcs.

Luckily his been save avoiding the worst situation of being rape and bearing the child of the Orcs.

With her presence here the battle suddenly turn in their favor.

The monsters are now full of energy annihilating the Orcs.

Using their different kind of Innate Magic the Orcs has no chance to block their onslaught.

"War Cry" a 12 Feet Orc with red eyes shouted, his body is so big and tall. Muscles look like hard as a rock and his bodies are full of burn marks.

Riding a Flaming War Elephant and holding a great sword almost as big as his body, this Orc is clearly strong.

The moral of the Orcs suddenly comeback and their state of mind change.

In his back their are 10 several Orcs that only look like slightly weaker than him.

Their aura cover the area, they can even suppress the High Ranking Monsters stopping them in their actions.

The Elf look at them with fear in his eyes, this is the Orc Lord and Orc Warlord that abduct her.

Looking at the situation once again it looks like they have no chance, but they are unwilling to submit.

"It's better to die fighting than lower our heads to these disdainful creature," The elf shouted once again the battle begin.

Different Magics are bombarding the Orcs but they still continue to push forward.

Every swing of the Orc Lord middle rank and Low rank monster are cut like tofus.

It looks like a dead end for them.

Suddenly the middle age man appear in the sideline using personal Fire Magic technique

"Hiken" a large fire fist destroy the formation of the Orcs burning their bodies.

"What a strong personal skill, who is this guy," The elf said in astonishment.

"Let me have my revenge Orc Lord, last time you only win because I'm alone on you're numbers is in thousands how can I win that way," the middle age man said smiling.

" Are you dumb? In the first place why would you fight them if you know you're in a disadvantage," the elf mock the middle age man.

"Well I'm exploring this middle part of the Tyburn Forest finding herbs use for medicine when I accidentally saw their fortress. If I let them be they would be a threat to the kingdom and might endanger our people. This not a matter of if I can win or not I need to eradicate them quickly for the safety of our people," the middle age man explain.

" Just slow down the Orcs and the Orc Warlords and I will be the one responsible for this Orc Lord. Do your part and we will win this battle," the middle age man confidently said once again.


Shen lost the Orcs that are following him and on his way to Fenrir.

He saw Fenrir in a pitiful state and feed him all the Intermediate Rank Medicine on him and cast "Heal" multiple times.

Luckily Fenrir recovered and started to walk.

"I'm glad you're okay, I don't know what to do if something were to happen to you," Shen said to Fenrir sincerely while hugging him.

Fenrir feel the care of his master for him and his loyalty once again reach the peak. He would do anything for Shen.

They both hear the sound of explosion and clashing in the center of fortress Shen really wants to escape here right now but he's curiosity got the better of him.

Both Shen and Fenrir stealthily check what is happening their.