Chereads / Bleached Bones / Chapter 8 - Ch.08

Chapter 8 - Ch.08

The fight was over and i had just beaten the leader of these humans to death with a bag of stones for daring to even attempt to try to harm my son i just then remembered somthing the horn i got from my evolution i never checked what it even did i was too preocupied with solving my crippling lonliness but i can still check it now

"Check status of the magic blowing horn please"

[Magic blowing horn an ox horn that has been magicly enhanced with the power to revive all corpses as various types of skeleton monsters dependent on level and species brakes irreparably after a single use]

This was great no greater than great i could make so many children to help expand the town hunt every thing this was a great oportunity for explosive growth with this many new children i could take over this entire prairie and even explore the tunnels on the weird walls of this place even pursue the humans that sent the army here but as a start i ask tor to help me strip the equipment off of the bodies and then pile them up next to the saloon there had to be at least two hundred and fifty of them we would have to expand the town a lot in the coming days anyway i with the help of tor dragged the gear over to the workshops stockpile and sorted it ot into catagories lined up by quality i also let tor have the first pick he grabbed a lightly dinged up steel breastplate and a large enchanted greatsword the blade dripped with poision every time it was swung

I walk over to the pile of corpses and lift the horn to my jaw and somehow blow in to it the corpses started to twist and melt slowly changeing into thier new form bleched white bones various weapons that the were gifted randomly assorted tattered clothes and even some rudted armour among them my head was pounding because of the amount of notifications ringing out at once in my head i adress my new children with a kind but stern voice

"Ok children i need you to seperate by species so i can name you and assign you a job and home for now"

With a deadened shout of yes father they march out into a few lines seperated by species the strongest at the front and weakest at the back even though i never told them that they still did it to make it easier for me huh considerate children are my favorite

From the left to the right there were three types the osseus mortem veneficus a mage type the osseus occidendum gladio a sword and shield fighter and the osseus tenebris acuti surculus an archer type i named the strongest mage vene the strongest fighter dio and the strongest archer bris i also told them to name the others as they wished and then showed them around the town

The first thing we did after the tour was have the fighters and tor make more towers around the wall a the same time i had the archers start making stone tipped arrows witch they seemed to just know how to do i told them to stop after they filled two quivers full witch i had taken fron the human archers but the arrows inside were allmost all broken the few that wern't were reserved for bris to use i had about three quarters of a quiver of these super high quality steel tipped arrows so i told her to use them sparingly

The next thing we did was to post the archers on the towers with two quivers of arrows each two to a tower i didn't have the time nor the materials to make better bows so when the ones in the towers took up all the bows from the raiding party the rest would have to make do with the bows they were gifted upon birth the other thing i did was stick a single mage in every other tower because there were so few of them they all had a stave from the stockpile even the ten or so that weren't in a tower still had one after that i moved to an unocupied plot of land outside the wall and started building with tor dio and the soliders we were building a training ground for us all to improve our skills with

It took us a couple of hours but we did it the training grounds were done and we already had archers training skills witch we had found out that skills didn't need to be used on a living thing it was just less efficient to train like this there were soliders sparing and mages doing live fire drills from the towers to work on thier accuracy it was a pretty efficeint system devised by tor vene dio and bris i chipped in a few ideas but i can't take full credit for the idea

the rest of the afternoon was spent with me and tor building a bunch of sheds shacks and bunk houses so my children will have places to sleep and we rounded it off with a few games of catch before we went to sleep for the night i woke up before everyone but the skeleton crew hehe who were on the towers and because of that i decided to train my magic because the stuff the mages were using looked really strong

after i got to the proving grounds i started to draw mana inside myself and turnit into death mana as that was the easiest keep in mind it still felt like my brain was full of hot coals i then imagine the shape of the spell in my head i only knew a few as my skill was a low level but i still knew a spell called death beam and one called skull shot i chose the latter and pointed my outstreched hand at a target and said the words that appeared in my head

"cerebrum musca et percutiunt meum scopum"

at that point a kind of small skull struck ablaze with purple flames flew from my hand with a near deafening screech and compleatly blew the target i aimed at apart now i know why the mages shot out into the ground from the towers instead of at the firing range

i then went back to the town as i had an important strategy meeting to attend