Chereads / Rhaegar Targaryen, Son of The Dragon / Chapter 14 - Chapter 14: Near Honeywine

Chapter 14 - Chapter 14: Near Honeywine

Rhaegar had to admit, for once, the bards were not wrong. Highgarden was indeed a beautiful castle.

Many a time he heard songs praising Highgarden's beauty by bards in the capital. He assumed they were exaggerating but he was wrong. Highgarden was indeed the most beautiful castle he ever saw in Westeros. The castle is surrounded by three walls made of white stone. A labyrinth of passages lay in wait between the outer and middle walls that would hinder any invading army and confuse visitors as he found out. The sept housed stained glasses that shined with the seven colours, no doubt the work of fine Myrish glassworkers. The castle was not just renowned for its beauty but also for its rich history.

Statues of Gardner kings of old from the Age of Heroes stood proudly near the courtyards, fountains and groves of the castle. There were pleasure rafts that sail along the Mander to entertain guests and wealthy merchants. The castle's structures are covered in ivy, grapes, and climbing roses.

It was a castle fit for a king and now it was occupied by House Tyrell, a lowly House that his father elevated to Great House status in the wake of the War of Conquest.

Now, his father was not so pleased with House Tyrell. This visit was supposed to reinforce ties between House Targaryen and the lords of the Reach. Instead, ties with House Tyrell took a turn for the worse.

His Kingly father became wrathful in a matter of few hours over a slight. It also didn't help the Tyrells when they failed to produce the crier before his father. The very next day, after the Tourney came to an end with Ser Robin Darklin crowning Melissa Tarly as his Queen of Love and Beauty, the Royal Procession took to the road as per his father's order.

The Tyrells tried their best to make amends but his father was not the easily forgiving type. When the Dragon has made a decision he would see it through.

The whole offence made little sense to Rhaegar. It may have been an insult but he could chalk it up to a momentary mistake. It is not as if the crier is above making mistakes. The man might have most likely forgotten or it might be as the Tyrells say a mistake by the writer.

Either way, his father was deeply insulted and where the King goes the realm follows.

Even Rhaegar couldn't manage to alter Aegon's decision as he had plans to spend some more time at Highgarden if only to study the designs of the castle. Those plans were thrown out of the window with his father's insistence to leave for Oldtown.

So, he had to settle for cutting off his observations for the sake of journeying to Oldtown, the seat of House Hightower. Only a few surveyors were left behind to survey Highgarden and the surrounding lands in their hasty journey. The rest joined his father to Oldtown including himself and that's how he found himself before the city of Oldtown.

"Magnificent isn't it?" asked Ser Franklyn Hightower

Rhaegar nodded absently to the old knight who had become a good company of sorts to him as well as his father.

"The walls are high. Higher than Highgarden's walls I believe." he commented as he took in the massive walls that lay before him. In the distance, he could see the Hightower, reaching into the sky, the tallest structure built by man in Westeros. It is supposed to be larger than the 700 foot Wall of the North.

"Of course, my Prince. Oldtown is the largest and oldest city in Westeros. It was built long before the Andals came to the shores of Westeros." said Ser Franklyn proudly atop his horse.

"I know. Grand Maester Gawen taught me the Oldtown was constructed at the time of Age of Heroes and Hightower even before that."

"The Grand Maester speaks true, my prince. This city dates back to the Age of Heroes and the Hightower even before that time. Some say Hightower was here long before the First Men came to the shores of Westeros." said Ser Franklyn eyeing the city with a sparkle in his eyes.

"I have heard that as well. The Hightowers are said to have existed during the time of Empire of Dawn, is it not?" he asked

"You know your myths, my prince. But I'm afraid those tales may have been exaggerated a lot. The Hightowers are most likely sailors from Essos that got stranded in Westeros. Another tale says the Hightowers came with Garth Greenhand just as all the First Men came to the continent during the Dawn Age."

"Whatever the case House Hightower is old, as old as Gardners." added Arthur Merryweather

"True." he nodded at his squire's words before turning his attention to the sound of horse hooves. It turned out to be a Kingsguard knight.

"My Prince. The King asks for your presence." said Ser Addison Hill who trotted towards him on a black steed.

"I am looking forward to seeing the beauty and ambience of your home Ser." said Rhaegar as he shook hands with Ser Franklyn before saying his goodbyes to some of the knights and squires accompanying the Hightower knight.

"How is your left arm?" asked Ser Addison as they rode along the Honeywine river.

"Good enough for payback Ser Addison." he mumbled thinking of his quick defeat at the hands of the Kingsguard knight. The only consolation he had was that Ser Addison was unhorsed by Baelium who in turn lost to Ser Robin Darklyn.

"Good. Wouldn't want the people to think I knocked you down the second time because you were injured." Ser Addison laughed but Rhaegar let it wash away from his mind.

The knight may have bested him at Highgarden but he has since been training to return the favour. He was sure he could make Ser Addison taste dirt at Oldtown.

"You were so fast Ser Addison. I have never seen someone riding so fast in a tourney as you did." said his squire which made Rhaegar cast a stink eye at Arthur.

"Ah yes. It was over in an instant wasn't it?" Ser Addison chuckled

"Enjoy your victory while it lasts Ser. You won't be laughing when I unhorse you in the coming tourney." Rhaegar drawled

"Ooh, I eagerly await the day when the fabled Dragonknight unhorses me. It'll be the day for great songs and an honour to be unhorsed by the great and fearsome Dragonknight." said Ser Addison in a faux excited voice that cracked up even Rhaegar's stoic squire.

"I think it's time that I give proper attention to my squire's training." said Rhaegar which wiped the smile right off his squire's face. "That's right. I think I'm ready to impart my considerable knowledge on archery and swordsmanship to dear Arthur from tomorrow onwards."

"Don't look at me lad. You should have thought about yourself before laughing at your Prince." said Ser Addison which made Arthur rather glum.

Ser Addison continued to tease Arthur detailing the gruelling training he had undergone to become a knight. The pale look on Arthur's face was enough of punishment in Rhaegar's book.

Taking pity on his chubby squire he changed the subject.

"Ser Addison, any idea why father decided to wait outside a few leagues from the city walls?" he asked curiously.

"His grace shares his plans with few among the Kingsguard. I am at a loss as you are, my prince."

He was not the only one left in the dark by King Aegon. After the fiasco in Highgarden, his father had isolated himself with the company of Ser Corlys Velaryon and some Maesters. He had tried to sneak in on some of those meetings but Ser Corlys was well prepared for him.

The end result is that he was left in the dark about what was going on with his father. Even their travel plans were now in disarray. They were supposed to visit House Florent of Brightwater Keep but his father changed directions and went straight for Honeyholt the seat of House Beesbury. From Honeyholt it was a straight march towards Oldtown along the banks of Honeywine river.

Rhaegar hoped they would visit Brightwater Keep on their way back else it would be an insult to House Florent.

Soon Rhaegar could see the Targaryen banner in the distance not to mention the massive silhouette of Balerion. The Black Dread could still strike fear into his heart despite his tentative friendship with the oldest and largest of Targaryen dragons. Compared to the Black Dread his Starfyre looked like a mouse standing near an elephant.

Despite Balerion's great size and fearsome presence the dragon was well behaved. Rarely does it cause a fuss, unlike his draconic mount Starfyre who was often playful given the chance.

Rhaegar could feel the hair on the back of his neck stood up as the gaze of Balerion was trained on him. Even the horses slowed down feeling the weight of the Black Dread's judging gaze. The yellow reptilian eyes of Balerion struck fear on their horses who immediately stopped moving.

"Well, there is that. I leave you to the tender mercy of his grace's dragon." said Ser Addison as he turned his horse around.

"The Kingsguard is supposed to protect the royal family."

"Yes, but not from the Black Dread, my prince." said Ser Addison before taking his leave pulling Arthur along who was graceful enough to take the reins of Bambi once he dismounted his trusted horse.

Rhaegar took a deep breath before he made his way towards Balerion. Even now he felt his knees shiver out of fear as he stood before the Black Dread. He could not believe that he had managed to ride this monstrous creature at the age of ten. He did so as a dare to himself. If he could fly on the back of the Black Dread he could do anything in the world which was a silly thought to begin with. In his defence, he was not exactly thinking straight on that day.

He had managed to do the impossible however by respecting the great dragon. Dragons are empathetic creatures and they were fine-tuned to read the emotions of every living creature they have set their sights on. Besides he knew the secret of Balerion and why this single dragon is so powerful compared to the others.

His aunt had regaled him with a tale of a ritual that allegedly took place in Valyria. Some of the surviving records were rather vague but the gist of the ritual is that a god of Valyria is personified in a dragon with a ritual sacrifice at the altar of one of the Fourteen Flames. This was why Balerion produced black flames, unlike any other dragons.

Rhaegar closed his eyes and dipped his head recognizing Balerion as the incarnation of power. It was made easy by reciting a prayer for the Valyrian God of Sky. This was how he dealt with Balerion as the Black Dread was the oldest and most powerful among his draconic brethren and it knows that. Only King Aegon could address the Black Dread casually because of their bond.

"Rōvēgrie balerion, jaes hen jēdar, rual aōha riñnykeā naejot gaze bē aōha jaqiarzir! (Great Balerion, God of the sky, allow your child to gaze upon your glory!)"

When he opened his eyes Balerion had lowered its head content to let him approach the gigantic dragon. He gulped as he slowly made his way over to Balerion and hesitantly touched the snout of the Black Dread.

The dragon let out a snort through its nostrils that nearly blew him away. A screech of protest left Starfyre as she moved in with her silver scales to intercede on his behalf. Balerion let out a deep rumble in its throat that made his mount duck down her head in acquiescence.

"Shijetra zȳhon uēpa mēre! Ziry iksos hāeda.(Forgive her old one! She is young.)"

Balerion let out a puff of smoke out of his nostrils before turning his attention away from Starfyre to the river. As the Balck Dread turned his attention on drinking water from the Honeywine river Rhaegar moved towards Starfyre and rubbed her snout affectionately.

"Kirimverys.(Thank you)"

Starfyre let out a pleased huff as she rubbed her snout against his hand. She let out pleased screeches as he scratched under her chin like a cat. He did not understand how he could garner such a reaction from a dragon when it was covered in hardened scales. His best hypothesis was that dragons were rather feeling the intent behind his gesture rather than any physical activity from his hand.

Dragons were complicated creatures. They were fine-tuned to listen to Valyrian language for some reason. Even his lessons with Visenya Targaryen never broached such topics. Either the ancient Valyrians used a blood ritual on the dragons of Valyria or the Valyrian language is expressive with sound and magic. The latter would actually make sense as there are magical spells in the Valyrian language that are fine-tuned to take effect when they are hummed in a specific rhythm and pace. He picked that up while reading on some of the old scrolls in his mother's study.

Balerion let out a low rumble and suddenly moved around shaking the ground. That startled Rhaegar as well as Starfyre. Thankfully, it was just his father's arrival that spooked the Black Dread.

He watched on as the Black Dread carefully position himself behind Aegon almost like a protective mother-dragon looking after her eggs.

"Father." he said respectfully as he gave a small bow.

"Rhaegar. How many times have I told you not to interact with Balerion without my presence."

"Many times." he nodded before he gave a small friendly wave to the dragon standing behind his father. "We seem to get along nicely."

"For now. Dragons are not toys neither are they pets. Have Visenya not taught you anything about dragons and their bonds to their riders?" asked Aegon with his hands folded across his chest.

"I have learned much from Aunt Visenya. That doesn't mean that is all there is to know of dragons father. Dragons are far more intelligent and they do have self-determination. Balerion knows I'm your son and hence he won't harm me, so long as I remain respectful towards him."

"Arguing with you is pointless. You have too much of your mother in you and perhaps a bit of myself as well." Aegon mused surprising Rhaegar. "I never noticed that till you dealt with those Dornish raiders."

"I hope you didn't think I was overstepping myself. You never said anything to me about that incident…"

"Ha! You could have killed a thousand Dornishmen and I would have laughed till my ribs were hurt. You performed well." said Aegon clapping his shoulders in appreciation.

Rhaegar felt himself a bit taller when that happened. Rarely does the King show affection to any of his children. Even Aenys, whom his father always spent more time with, rarely gets affectionate gestures.

It was a rarity and when it happened it certainly had its effect. The two of them stood there surrounded by their draconic mounts enjoying the peace provided by the river and the warm delicate winds of the Reach.

"Why are we waiting here, father? Shouldn't we present ourselves to House Hightower?" he raised the query after a while

"We are waiting son." answered Aegon

Now, that made Rhaegar frown at his father. 'Waiting for who?'

His question was answered when a roar pierced through the clouds of the sky. He looked up and saw the silhouette of a large dragon passing over his head. A gust of strong winds made him squint his eyes and the ground rumbled as the dragon set its hind legs on the ground. The bronze scales and bright green eyes of the dragon let him know that he was facing Vhagar, the mount of Visenya Targaryen.

Vhagar let out a screech that made Starfyre return one in kind. While some would read that as a challenge he knew Vhagar would never challenge Starfyre.

Why would she?

After all, Starfyre was a hatchling of Vhagar.

Rhaegar watched on as his aunt Visenya and to his surprise, Maegor also climbed down from Vhagar's back.

"Nephew." Visenya acknowledged him with a nod which he was quick to follow.

"Husband. We are here as you requested. If you don't mind I'd like to know why we are here?" asked Visenya with her right hand on her hip while the other resting on the pommel of Dark Sister.

If there was someone he respected and feared in this world after Balerion then that would be Visenya Targaryen. Her sheer presence demanded awe and respect. Though his aunt rides one of the largest Targaryen dragons his respect came from the fact that she was a better statesman than his father.

It was also a concern as he eyed Maegor who have yet to take his eyes away from Balerion.

Oh, he knew it was silly of him to think Maegor as anything but a child and his little brother instead of the monstrous man he would become in the future, a future that may never happen. But he couldn't help but be concerned for what lay ahead in the future.

In his musing, he nearly missed the conversation between his father and Aunt Visenya.

"You once admonished me for handing over the key to the Reach to House Tyrell. I intend to rectify this matter but taking away Highgarden on our own is no longer feasible for obvious reasons." said Aegon

This was dangerous talk, Rhaegar thought. The factions within the Reach would rear their head if House Targaryen was to exert its will without any concern…

His eyes widened in realization as his father's actions since leaving Highgarden clued him into a wider agenda.

The Hightowers!

"Aenys will secure the Narrow Sea lords and our oldest allies through Alyssa. It is time Rhaegar secure the Reach for us and one day rule it as is the right of a Dragon." said Aegon with an uncharacteristic firmness in his tone.

"Father, what do you mean?" he asked in surprise

"Highgarden was supposed to be our winter capital. Your father did not heed my advice when the Gardners were wiped out. He now intends you to rule from Highgarden with the support of House Hightower." said Visenya in a neutral tone that left him in the dark on how she truly felt.

"But…you promised I'd get to choose…" he trailed off as his father shot him a warning glance.

"There is one king to rule seven kingdoms. We don't have the luxury to choose and fall in love. It is time that you are betrothed and I have just the bride that will ensure our hold on this continent remains strong." said Aegon looking in the direction of Oldtown.

Rhaegar directed his gaze towards his Aunt who was pointedly looking away from him at the moment. It felt like the sky was crashing down on his shoulder like a battering ram.

'Marriage! I have to marry someone. Is this really happening?' his mind whispered in horror.

Never had he ever thought that such a moment would come so soon. He had many plans, plans upon plans to find a partner that would suit him best on his own at some point. But all of that came crashing down in seconds all because the Tyrells couldn't find a sensible crier.

He was brought out of his musings when he felt a tug on his arm. He looked down to see a smiling but somewhat shy Maegor looking up at him with wide lilac eyes.

He realized a profound truth at that moment.

The future is never set in stone nor is it going to unveil according to GRRM's plot.