Chereads / Rhaegar Targaryen, Son of The Dragon / Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: The Hightower

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: The Hightower

The sun gleamed in the sky bathing the lands in soft warmth. Birds chirped back and forth as they flew the open skies of Oldtown. Ravens flew aplenty in the skies, no doubt executing the bidding of the Maesters of the Citadel.

Oldtown was the largest city in Westeros. A city that spanned across two rivers and a history dating back to the Age of Heroes. The city was the pride of the First Men and the Andals. The Hightowers who ruled over this city could proudly claim that they led their people to great heights.

'Well… as high as men could go with stones and wood. No one could go as high as dragons.' Aegon mused.

Even at the height of prosperity, Oldtown could not hold a candle to the might of Valyrian cities. He could never set his eyes on the great cities of Valyria but he had read about them in his youth. The Valyrian cities were famed to have towers reaching into the clouds.

To the rest of the world, his ancestors were gods. A ridiculous notion but one not easily dismissed as perception matters. Through magic and blood, the Valyrians managed to master the fiercest of creatures in the known world. A horse grants dominion over the land and a ship over the sea. But Dragons gave them dominion over the sky and everything beneath it.

Valyria was not just a city, it was an empire that spanned across the great continent of Essos. Ruled by the noblest dragonlords, the greatest and most powerful families of the known world. Power was not measured in gold or armies in Valyria. Power rested in the number of dragons and the strength of sorcery one family possess.

Unlike the rest of the civilizations, wood and stone were not the building blocks of the Valyrian Empire. Dragonflame and sorcery built the great cities of Valyria. It was a land of great power, built to last the ages. Yet, it did not.

A century ago Doom came for Valyria, shattering the land of dragons. The Fourteen Flames erupted with a vengeance and destroyed the home of dragonlords. The heat of the eruption boiled the seas and covered the land in a thick cloud of poisonous smoke. Some say it was the wrath of gods, punishing the Valyrians for thinking of themselves as gods.

If that is so then House Targaryen was favoured by the gods. His ancestor Daenys Targaryen, daughter of Lord Aenar Targaryen, foresaw the coming calamity and warned her people. Sadly, no one except Lord Aenar believed Daenys.

Lord Aenar, believing his daughter's prophetic dream, moved much of his family away from Valyria. Five dragons took to the skies from Valyria along with a fleet that transported much of House Targaryen's knowledge and possessions.

On a small island, the dragons settled and his ancestors named it Dragonstone. With the knowledge of the lost arts of Valyria, they built a great fortress fit for the dragonlords of Valyria to rule. With dragons and their connection to the most powerful empire to the east Targaryens were indeed mighty across the Narrow Sea.

But soon this was not to last. After twelve years passed since dragons landing in Westeros the Doom struck the Valyrian peninsula just as Daenys dreamed.

It is said that Daenys let out a wail of agony when the Doom came for Valyria. Her husband Gaemon Targaryen thought his wife was in pain as she was pregnant with his child. When word reached Dragonstone of Valyria's destruction Daenys never cried nor was she surprised.

Daenys the Dreamer, Gaemon Targaryen called his wife.

There were few dreamers in House Targaryen. Aegon liked to think he was one among the few.

His father, Aerion Targaryen, sought to use the power of dragons to dominate the Narrow Sea and hence the East in time. But, Aegon only saw the past to the East. To the east lay Essos, the old world where the daughters of Valyria squabbling over land and sea. Fighting over the remnants of Valyria's corpse was the norm of Essos.

But, when he looked west he saw the future. He saw vast tracks of land filled with mountains, rivers, castles, armies and gold but no dragons to contend his power. Seven kingdoms formed the great continent of Westeros. Six of these seven kingdoms now called him king, bowing down to the might of the dragon.

In his rush to complete his dream of a united Westeros under House Targaryen, he made a mistake. He trusted the weakness and disunity among the lords of Westeros to be advantageous to his plans. After all, he saw the initial advantages when Oldtown refused to answer the call of arms from the Gardners. Even the Faith of Seven refused to partake in the war and that had let him easily assert his authority over the Andal kingdoms. The North bowing down without a fight was a pleasant surprise and a welcome one.

The invasion of Dorne was the first mistake he committed. His wives had warned him to leave the desert kingdom in peace.

'Martells rule over their deserts cause no one else could bother to do so. Leave them at peace and let's rule over the ripe lands of Westeros.'

Those were the words of his late wife Rhaenys.

Aegon didn't heed that advice and his love paid the price. Meraxes was the largest dragon after Balerion and yet that didn't save Rhaenys at Hellholt.

The death of Rhaenys cost him many things in his life. Most of all he lost Visenya's love and support. He could see the unbridled hate inside her sister's eyes that day when word reached them of Rhaenys's demise. Rhaenys has always been the bridge between him and Visenya. Without Rhaenys they were bound to be estranged. Even Maegor's birth did little to reignite the relationship between the two.

With his marriage plunging into disaster another disaster struck him in the form of failure. He had burned the desert kingdom from Sunspear to Starfell and yet victory eluded him. A decade of war fought, with only death and destruction to show for it. Not a single gain could be achieved in the war and the following discontent among the lords forced him to consider peace.

Finally, he signed peace when the Martells handed over the remains of Rhaenys and Meraxes. He laid Rhaenys to rest with his father and mother at Dragonstone. The signing of peace and his subsequent inaction against Dorne further estranged him from Visenya.

With his failure to protect Rhaenys or avenging her death meaningfully he concentrated on raising his two sons. If nothing else, keeping his children by Rhaenys safe was the only thing he could do for his departed wife. In his struggles, he forgot to see the shifts in the realm that he now ruled.

His failure has certainly emboldened many to raise their voices against his rule and even against his sons. It did not escape him the people of the Reach holding hostility to Rhaegar. He was not ignorant nor was he blind to how the septons described his sons as an affront to the gods. This kind of talk would have lost anyone's head in King's Landing regardless of who they are.

There will come a time when he would pass on and his sons would inherit his throne and the governance of Westeros. He would not have them face rebellions because of his mistake and he knew more than ever that Aenys was not up to the task. With Rhaegar he could trust the boy to hold a level head.

Despite being the most playful and headstrong of his children he knew Rhaegar was fit for the crown. Unfortunately, Rhaegar was the youngest and Aenys the elder. The laws of Valyrian inheritance demanded the eldest son of the reigning Lord lead House Targaryen. This, Aenys remained his heir and Rhaegar would be there by Aenys' side.

Nonetheless, he feared how Aenys would take to ruling the seven kingdoms. There were six kingdoms to rule and one more to conquer. The Dornish cannot be allowed to remain free after he lost his precious Rhaenys. Else, her death would have been for nothing. But this will not happen if Aenys inherits a kingdom rife with rebellion.

Corrective action has to be taken. He was already planning on assigning Rhaegar a holdfast in the Reach. This latest incident with the Tyrells merely sped up his plans all too soon and he had to admit, the present situation is advantageous to his plans. Highgarden would serve as a great asset for Rhaegar to build his strength and shatter the conventional power of the Reach. He would guide his second-born son in the following years and prepare to consolidate the power of the Iron Throne when Aenys is crowned king.

This was the plan going through his mind but he knew this should not be done without safeguards. The Hightowers were the safeguards, as a daughter of House Hightower marrying Rhaegar would give his son legitimacy to hold Highgarden.

The door to his room opened with a bang. He was not so surprised to see Visenya's glaring visage from the doorway. The door closed behind his wife courtesy of the Kingsguard knights who were piss poor at keeping him safe from his wife's reach.

"I seem to have offended you somehow once again and like always I do require you to spell it out sister." said Aegon

A moment later he regretted those words as he felt it only increased his wife's wroth.

"Truly! You know not why I'm cross with you this time?" Visenya asked incredulously with her nostrils flaring in rage.

There was a time when he loved it when his wife reared up with passion burning through her. But those days were long over. It is not that he found his sister unattractive as only a blind man could deny his wife's beauty. He found himself unable to love Visenya without Rhaenys among the living.

'A dragon must have three heads.' he thought before focusing on his sister-wife.

"It could be a number of grievances that I have committed against you. At this point, I know not what you think sister."

"On that, we agree brother." Visenya hissed out the last part with all the hostility she could muster. "You have strenuously refused to understand my concerns. It has always been this way. I was too late to stop you many times and I have paid the price. This time I won't let that happen."

"Do tell your grievance sister." Aegon said as he sighed and prepared himself for defending himself for somehow offending his sister.

"You will not marry off Rhaegar to the Hightowers."

Of all the things his sister could have said this was the last thing he ever imagined.

"You do know Rhaegar does not have a sister to marry. There are no eligible Velaryon brides either as Alyssa is betrothed to Aenys. As such, Rhaegar has to marry someone and the Hightowers are a powerful house to marry from."

"Have you perchance thought the strength of House Hightower is a concern?" asked Visenya

"Why? Forging alliances has been your idea if I remember well sister. Now, you would have me not commit to forging alliances with the great houses of Westeros."

"I'd have you forge alliances with those of lesser power so that we may deal with those of higher power." said Visenya in a way that sounded like this was most obvious. "House Hightower is too powerful. They control the Citadel and they hold tremendous influence over the Starry Sept. Giving them a royal marriage, especially one with a dragon, is ripe for disaster."

"Are you seriously suggesting Rhaegar would turn on his brother?" Aegon asked in surprise

"If it is not Rhaegar then it will be his descendants. You cannot make the Iron Throne weak by creating vassals who are far too powerful. Making Rhaegar the Lord of Highgarden is one thing but going about and setting up a Hightower bride for him is asking for a disaster waiting to happen."

"Do not presume to tell me that you…" Aegon was interrupted as a screech slipped into his room through the open window.

He looked outside to see Rahegar atop Starfyre flying by the tower. It was not just Rhaegar but Maegor as well who sat behind his elder brother clinging as if his life depended on it.

Looking at his two sons reminded Aegon of the time when he was their age. Visenya was the first of his siblings to claim a dragon and he had clutched on behind his sister many times as she took Vhagar to the sky. Even Rhaenys, whom he loved dearly, would refuse to allow him on Meraxes.

The bond between siblings is hard to break and in the case of dragons doubly so. Yet, Visenya spoke sense.

'Rhaegar may not turn on his brothers but what of his descendants?' he asked himself

He thought about the matter silently until finally, he found a compromise.

"I shall leave you to find a proper bride for Rhaegar." said Aegon as he addressed his sister.

He watched as relief flooded his sister's face and he appreciated the concern she held for Rhaenys' children. But he was by no means finished.

"Now, having said that, I will not be persuaded about the status of Highgarden. I shall also look for a Hightower bride if you don't find a suitable bride for Rhaegar. Either way, Rhaegar will rule as the Prince of Highgarden." said Aegon as he turned away from Visenya and her protests. "A dragon at King's Landing, a dragon at Dragonstone and a dragon at Highgarden. The dragon must always have three heads. This is my will and my will is the law."


"Uncle." Manfred greeted as he embraced his uncle Franklyn. His uncle was catching up on the years but he remained as sharp as ever.

"Nephew. I hope you received the King well?"

"Were you not present with the King's men? The King and his family were well well-received with gifts and great honours."

"Is that so? I had some prior engagements." said Franklyn as he took a seat in his nephew's study.

"Engagements that required you to stay away from receiving the King to Hightower?" asked Manfred in mild surprise as he took a seat behind his oak table and offered a cup of Arbor Gold to his uncle.

"It could not be delayed. You should know the plan went smoothly and far too effective than we hoped for. I had to tie up some loose ends lest they turn problematic." said Franklyn as he took a sip from the offered cup.

"I see." he hummed noncommittally

"You have always been a sceptic of this plan." Franklin observed

"Only because it is hatched by the Witch. Magic has always been fickle and we are making our moves against dragons. One wrong move is all it takes for our family and people to suffer the flames of the Dragon." Manfred cautioned

"Your sister is blessed to have the gifts of our ancestors. Greensight has always appeared when our family faced danger." said Franklyn

"It could also be said our family faced danger because of Greensight. Need I remind you how our ancestors lost their crown to the Gardners?" asked Manfred to which his uncle remained silent.

Lymond the Sea Lion had a daughter who was similarly blessed with magic. Lynese was her name and she dreamed of a crown atop her brow. So what did she do? She concocted a plan that made Garland Gardner abandon his wife and marry her. Not only did she use her powers for her self interest she forced Lymond to give up his crown so that she could rule all of Reach through King Garland. The union of Oldtown and Highgarden resulted in similar alliances throughout the land which led to wars that robbed many lives.

It was a bloody history and one that warned the future Hightowers of the cost of magic. The sheer unpredictability of magic and its consequences were realized in that era. And from then on Hightowers and Gardners worked in tandem to root out magic from the Reach. Those wielding magic were quietly silenced. The only ones spared from the pogrom were the Gardners and Hightowers themselves. Even then magical wielders of their houses were never allowed to marry.

This is why Manfred's dear sister remained a maid to this day. The benefits of magic never outweighed the costs it extracted especially when it was being wielded by women.

"The Targaryens are different brother."

Manfred looked to the doorway where his sister Patrice stood. Patrice the Witch many called her. He would call her Patrice the Trickster for she was indeed an illusionist. How else could his sister have amassed so much influence in this family?

"I warned you not to poke at the dragons, sister. And yet you went behind my back and implemented your foolish plan." said Manfred heatedly but he restrained his emotions lest he offends his sister. Patrice may be a witch but she remains his blood.

"The blood of the dragon is too potent to leave it alone. They are strong enough to even cloud my sight. When I look at them I can only see the young Prince Rhaegar bathed in silver flames." said Patrice which made Manfred roll his eyes and sink into his chair with a sigh.

It was literally impossible to argue with someone who was a fanatic believer in broken dreams and divine visions of the future. He was never much of an enthusiast of the prophetic third eye possessed by certain members of House Hightower. It has always been a double-edged sword in most cases.

"What has happened has happened I suppose. Now, that you two have successfully alienated the Tyrells from the King what is your next plan?" he asked curiously

"Now, your daughter must wed into House Targaryen." said Patrice with Franklyn nodding along in approval.

"I had thought of such a match for Ceryse. A royal prince marrying Ceryse will be good for our House." he cautiously agreed

"I've heard rumours that Aenys is betrothed to Alyssa Velaryon. With a lack of Valyrian brides in Westeros, our chances are better than ever. Ceryse remains unmarried and the Targaryens may consider her with the current situation with the Tyrells."

Manfred eyed his sister cautiously before looking at his uncle.

"You have travelled with Prince Rhaegar have you not? I have heard rumours but I'd like to know what you think uncle?"

Despite his concerns about his uncle and sister, he was sure they had the well-being of his House in mind when they act. He trusts them not to do anything that would harm his flesh and blood.

"I will define him in simple terms. The Dragonknight is a true knight. If it wasn't for the nature of the lad's birth I'd call him an incarnation of the Warrior. You won't find a humbler soul than the Prince in the King's procession. Would that suffice?"

"So, you approve?" inquired Manfred to which his uncle nodded.

He rubbed his face and thought about what he should do. It was his father's wish that House Hightower remain strong and never committed to any alliances. It has always been their style to use deterrence rather than force.

But, times were changing. If the Tyrells truly did not have the strength to hold the Reach together then House Hightower should step in to establish order. This was why he was strengthening his alliances, not as a threat to the Tyrells, but to step in if they fail to hold the Reach.

A marriage to House Targaryen will settle House Hightower for the future. They could in time become the centre of power for the dragons. And that'd mean they would have a say in how the Seven Kingdoms are run.

Every Hightower who took the mantle of Lord of Oldtown took an oath before the base stone of Hightower.

'I shall be the bearer of peace. I shall be the enemy of war for war brings death and peace brings prosperity.'

The oath was inscribed into a Black Stone tablet in a long lost language. The few surviving records point to the origin of the inscription to the Empire of Dawn. There were some mentions of the Maiden-Made-of-Light or Elhaim as some scripts would call the ancient Goddess. It is from this record he and many other Hightowers traced the origins of their ancestors to the Empire of Dawn.

The Valyrians were no different. They carried the blood of Amethyst Empress and yet they were led astray by the vilest blood magic known to man. If Doom had not happened he shuddered to think what would have become of the Valyrian Empire. He had read the scripts written by previous Lords of Hightower and they painted a bleak picture.

Now, dragons were flying in Westeros.

Manfred cared not for superstitions and ridiculous beliefs. Maybe these inscriptions mean something, maybe they don't. But what he knew is that the oath he swore to be true and just. War is the enemy of prosperity and he would do his best to avoid war. If there was to be a war then let it be a short one. Only a Hightower could be trusted to lead the kingdoms away from further war.

"I shall speak to the King. It'd seem I must make some generous offers if we are to obtain a royal prince as my goodson."