Second day of work and Hae Won is much more organized.
Hae Won: Lets go show them what Park Yeona is made of
She arrives at the company only to be welcomed by Heejin who was waiting for her outside
Heejin:(excited) Morning chingu
Hae Won: Morning, did you just get here
Heejin:No I've been waiting for you for 2hrs 16 minutes And.....40 seconds
Hae Won: Aish you should've just gone in ,now I feel bad .
Heejin: (happy) No I like my way better.Here's your coffee it's gotten cold though
Hae Won:(touched) Aish you really are precious, let's go in you must be freezing.
As they turn face the build the see Mr Jung just standing staring at them
Mr Jung :(smiling) Good morning
Hae Won: (startled)Omo where did you come from?
Mr Jung :Home
Heejin:How long have you been standing there
Mr Jung :Not too long ,let's go in its cold out here.
Hae Won:(still freaked out) Okay....
They get into the elevator
Mr Jung :So how was your first day here
Hae Won :It was okay
Mr Jung:Do you still have faith in this company
Hae Won: Yes i do
Mr Jung:Well good for you
Heejin:So Yeona,let's go get a drink after work
Hae Won: I'm not a huge fan of going out.
Heejin:Come on it will be fun .I've always wanted to go out with a friend.
Mr Jung:You should enjoy this time whilst you're young .Live a little ,let loose.
They just stare at him puzzled
Hee jin:Pretty please
Hae Won:Okay okay
They reach their floor and Mr Jung heads to his office.
Hae Won submits her work to Miss Do who is impressed but to proud to show it.
Hae Won: Is there anything else I can do?
Miss Do:I'll send some files to you later on .
Hae Won: Okay thank you ma'am
She exits the office and in couple minutes 3 piles of files from the archives are brought to her.
Hae Won: So I have to look into all this ?
Miss Do:(smirking) Yes,you seemed like you were eager to do some work ,here it is.
Hae Won: (smiling) Okay ma'am
Miss Do goes back to her office
Heejin:(annoyed) Aish that witch, she does this to all new employees. Most people don't make it through the week.She acts like she owns this company
Hae Won: Don't worry about it ,this is actually what I wanted.
Heejin:(surprised) Old dusty files?You might be crazier than Mr Jung.
Hae Won: You have to know the past before you can attempt to change the present
Heejin: Omo what do you plan on changing
Hae Won:(in her mind)Everything...(outloud) Don't mind me ,just do your work okay
She ties her hair into a bun, fixes her glasses and starts working.
She gets through he first pile in just 4hours the second one in 2 hrs and the last one in 3hours.
Hee jin: (mindblown) Woowww,you work like a machine.This would've taken me a whole week
Hae Won: Once I'm in the zone I cant stop .
Heejin:You didnt even take any of your breaks.
Hae Won:One break could lead to a miscalculation .
Heejin:Omo you're so cool
Hae Won: (looking around) Omo We're the only ones left .
Heejin:Well Miss Do and Mr Jung are still in.Awe yeah and the accountant
Hae Won: Awe i see, and why are you still here?
Heejin:I didnt want to leave before you.
Hae Won:So what were you doing all this while
Heejin:(smiling) Watching you.
Hae Won just looks at her subtly creeped out.
Heejin:(laughing) Just kidding silly ,i was watching a movie
Hae Won:(still creeped out)Awe...
Heejin:Should we get going now?
Hae Won: Let me check in with Miss Do then we can leave.
She heads to the office
Miss Do:(serious) How can I help you?
Hae Won:I just wanted to say I'm done
Miss Do:(meh) And?
Hae Won: Everything is in order
Miss Do:They ought to be, after all I did them.
Hae Won: So when will I be getting the recent files.
Miss Do:You'll have to talk with Mr Oh .He has all the recent files,you should be reporting to him from now on.I was only doing his job since he wasn't around .(fake smiling) Okay
Hae Won: (fake smiling) Okay
By the time she exits Miss Do' s office he has already left
Hae Won: Aish where'd he go
Hee jin: He left a couple minutes ago you can still catch him
Hae Won: No it's okay,I can talk to him tomorrow.
Heejin: He's much nicer than that witch over there so you'll be okay.
Hae Won: Mmmm I see.Ill be the judge of very tired now.
Heejin:(sulking) I guess you can't go out with me
Hae Won: How about I take a raincheck, we can go tomorrow.
Heejin:Okay then.
They leave and go their separate ways.
Miss Park :Howcome you're late today
Hae Won: (sulking) They gave me alot of work to do
Miss Park: Aish you shouldn't be working at that company, you should've take that offer in America.
Hae Won:No I like it here
Miss Park: Awe come on,(teasingly) I seriously need the bragging rights.That lady whose stand is next to mine has been running her mouth this whole week talking about her son who got a job in Britain.
Hae Won: (amused)So this is what it's about.
Miss Park:(sulking) You know how the ladies at the market are like
Hae Won:(smiling) I'm sorry mom ,I'll work really hard till you won't need to go to work at the market.
Miss Park: Omo ,my daughter is so precious.
HaeWon: I know,I'm really tired I need a nap
Miss Park: Not until you eat
Hae Won: Ofcourse I'll eat,my mom is the best cook in town, how could I ever skip a meal .
They have their dinner
Hae Won: I'm so full
Miss Park: Since you're really enjoying the meal there's something I need to ask
Hae Won :What
Miss Park: Do you have a boyfriend
Hae Won: (choking)Omo mom,this is so awkward.(sulking) You're ruining my appetite
Miss Park: I thought you said you're full
Hae Won: Aish why would you ask such questions
Miss Park: Well that lady I told you about ,said that her son is single, she's looking for a daughter-in-law
Hae Won: Aish that's so old-school,things have changed he won't even marry anyone she likes.Plus I thought you hate her anyway.
Miss Park: I hate her but her son is in Britain
Hae Won:(sulking) So what,Aish mom I'll go abroad when I can okay.I will get married too.Hapy now?I'm going to my room
Miss Park: Aish this girl, I'm not the one who turned down such a big opportunity. I just want her the life she deserves.
Hae Won enters her room and takes out her book
Hae Won: (smiling) She's adorable but I don't have time for boyfriend.Im on a mission...
She opens her book
Hae Won: So Miss Do seems to be in the clear for now,let's see what you have in your closet Mr Oh.