Flashback to 6yrs ago
Mr X: I made sure she got a scholarship at a good school far away from here
Miss Park: Omo thank you
Mr X:She shouldn't return here it's best she stays far away.If she can she should get a job there and start a new life
Miss Park: Thank you so much.
Mr X:Don't thank me
Miss Park: I have to,you care for us so much
Mr X:I don't care ,I just have a conscience,once I get that in check you'll need to stay away from me.
Miss Park:(confused) Why?
Mr X:I will not be able to save you from myself .
Miss Park: Omo
Mr X:In fact this is the last time I'll see you ,if we're to run into each other by chance act like you don't know me.If you are to get into trouble ,I will not help you. You're on your own now.Forget I exist or suffer the consequences.
Miss Park: I will stay out of your way.I will try to get Hae Won in check as well.Thank you for everything
Mr X :Goodbye
Present time
Miss Park receives a text from Mr X with an address of where they should meet up.
Miss Park: (surprised) Omo...after all these years ....i hope everything is okay.
She leaves the hospital and heads there .When she arrives Mr X is already waiting for her.
Mr X:(serious) You're late
Miss Park: I'm sorry I couldn't find a taxi to bring me here.How are you
Mr X:Let's cut to the chase.You know why i called you here
Miss Park: No sir
Mr X:I thought we agreed she'd stay in America
Miss Park: (nervous) She didn't want ,she didn't even warn me she's was leaving. She just showed up suddenly
Mr X:Is that keeping her in check?
Miss Park: Well no I'm sorry, she's a bit headstrong.But I promise she won't get into any trouble
Mr X:(chuckles) If that were true I wouldn't be meeting an old lady at this dingy place at 2am .Would I?
Miss Park:(suspicious) How did you even know she came back.
Mr X:I have eyes everywhere.
Miss Park: I promise she's harmless.She even has a job now.
Mr X:The job which pays her 10% of what she would get at that job in America
Miss Park: You know about that too?
Mr X:How do you think she even got the offer.
Miss Park:(surprised) Omo
Mr X:And I guess you also don't know she ran into Mr Lee as well
Miss Park: Is that why...
Mr X:(cutting her off)She's in the hospital?...You're really slow aren't you
Miss Park: I'm sorry.
Mr X:Save it .I just wanted to remind you that I won't be here to help you when you get into trouble ok.This my last warning.
Miss Park: Okay
He storms off.
Miss Park: What happened to him...He's changed so much...I no longer see the light in his eyes.
As shes on her way back to the hospital She receives a message from the doctor stating that Hae Won is missing.
Miss Park: Driver hurry up.
When she gets there the doctor hands her a note
Dear mom
I'm sorry I couldn't fall asleep nor wait for you.I need to get some fresh air.I will come home when I'm feeling better. You should go get some sleep.Don't worry about me.
From Yeona
Miss Park:(frustrated) How can I not worry.Where could she be at this hour.
MEANWHILE....Hae Won is at the funeral home .
Hae Won:(smiling) Hey Yuri...Sorry I haven't been around ...Dont worry your Hae Won didn't forget you...They gave me another name...(laughing) Now they are calling me Yeona....I feel like I'm living a lie...But it's still better than my reality ...I saw that monster today...I thought I could handle it but he caught me off guard....He didn't even notice me ....(chuckles) Isn't that sad....And that man who shot me after saying he would save me...He saved me from getting run over....If he knew better he would've just let me die then and there because I won't show him any mercy...You'll see ...Next time I'll come with flowers...Goodbye for now
She makes her way home and finds Miss Park who has fallen asleep in her room
Hae Won :(smiling) She's too precious...Don't worry mom everything will be alright.
She gets on her laptop and immediately starts going through Mr Oh's files .
Hours later
Miss Park is woken up by Hae Wons alarm .
Miss Park :(sad)She worked even after all that she went through.You're are strong girl Hae Won.
She lays Hae Won down properly then gets ready to go out.She arrives at Hae Won's work place and there's a strange man at the elevator. It's Mr Jung who was hoping someone would show up.
Mr Jung:You're a life saver I've been waiting for 30 minutes And no one was showing up
Miss Park: Can't you go in one your own
Mr Jung:I can ,I'm just afraid to
Miss Park: Why didn't you use the stairs then
Mr Jung :(laughing) I'm quite lazy.
Miss Park:(weirded out) Awe ,I see.
Mr Jung:What brings you here?
Miss Park: I wanted to talk with my daughter's boss.
Mr Jung:Mmm why is that
Miss Park:Something happened yesterday so I'd like to talk to him personally that all
Mr Jung: (nervous) Awe Whats her name
Miss Park: Park Yeona.
Flashback to this morning
Mr Jung wakes up late for work and in an unknown place with only a note on his forehead.
Dear Wu bin or Mr Jung not sure who you wake up as
Anyway you kinda got wasted and I didn't know where to take you.i couldn't take you to my home as I didn't want to freak my mom out so I paid for the room but don't worry about it thats what workmates are for .
Yours Yeona.
Mr Jung:(extremely nervous) Awee...
They reach the floor and Mr Jung runs to his office and starts panicking
Mr Jung:Why am I so scared...Did something happen between us...No i doubt it ...So why is her mother here.
MEANWHILE...Miss Park gets escorted to Mr Jungs office by Heejin
Miss Park: (surprised) Awe so you're the boss
Mr Jung:(in his mind)She doesn't seem mad ,or is she just waiting for Miss Ko to leave.(outloud) No I'm not, my name is Wu bin, Mr Jung is the boss
Heejin just looks at him confused
Miss Park: (looking at the name plate)But this says Jung Wu bin,So I guess you are the boss.
Mr Jung: (nervous) No you have it all wrong.
Miss Park: But it says your the boss,she says you're the boss,even your office is bigger than everyone else's.
Heejin:(awkward) I'll excuse myself
Mr Jung:(scared)Noo....
Heejin leaves either way
Miss Park :Anyway Mr Jung Wu Bin,I'm here about my daughter .Yesterday she fell ill so she can't make it to work today.
Mr Jung:(relieved) Awe thats why you're here
Miss Park: Yes(shy) plus I just wanted to see where she was working.
Mr Jung:(laughing) Awe, that's okay you can come here anytime.
MEANWHILE...all the workers are puzzled loo king into Mr Jungs office seeing him laughing. Miss Do just glares at Miss Park who's still in the office and dismisses everyone who has stopped working to witness this rare sight
Mr Jung:(smiling) Tell her to get well soon okay.
Miss Park: Okay thank you....Im sorry but I have to go I need pass by the market .
Mr Jung: Its okay
He escorts her out of his office and as soon as the elevator doors close her yells "Get back to work",then heads back to his office
Mr Jung:(calming down)Aish I almost had a heart attack
Miss Park: (exiting the building) What a weirdo.