I quickly pressed the yes button, and the number of points I had increased from 20 to 60.
An uncommon passive skill gave him 40 points, and it was a completely useless one as well.
There are many types of skills in this worlds, and the main difference between the skills was the rank of the skills.
The rank of the skills, and equipment in this world went in this order, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Unique, Legendary and Epic. Anything higher than Epic was used by transcenders, which was a long way for me currently.
There was another difference between skills, wether they are useful or now. Useful skills, such as his Author skill, will heavily impact his growth in the future, while skills which hinder his growth such as the complainer skill was a nuisance.
Unfortunately, it was very difficult for a person to get any skill in general, as to get a skill a person has to either repeatedly perform their actions, but the more common the action, the harder it is to awaken the skill.
If it was easy to awaken a skill, everybody would have gotten the Breathing Skill. The Breathing Skill is an extremely useful Legendary rank skill which I hope to attain in the future.
Anyways, now that I have gotten another 60 more points, I should probably get a passive skill. Passive skills are harder to obtain than active skills, so I should make a passive skill first.
I then started to recall what type of family them Reighile Noble Family is, and eventually remembered that the family specialises in the spear for the Martial Path, and lightning for the Magic Path.
There is 2 main skill paths in this world, the Martial Path and the Magical Path. In the martial path, people use weapons, and mana which is converted into aura to fight, and in the Magical Path they use elemental, summoning, or various other types of magic.
I believe that if I do chose to awaken another skill and show it to the world, it should be something related to the Reighile family, as then they will be able to help me more.
I then tried to think of something that would allow me to meet the main character more quickly. Why would I wan't to meet him? It's not just him, I want to meet all of the main cast. As the author of this novel, I just feel like meeting them.
Not enough of a reason? Well it's my life so fuck off.
Anyways, the main character has two Unique Skills, one which is currently sealed off, and the other which is active. He has an Epic Rank Unique Skill, Sword Monarchs Everlasting Glory, which essentially gives him an extremely high talent in the path of the sword.
If I want to meet the main character, I should obviously take the Martial Path as it has as there is a higher likely hood to meet him with this path, and thus I have to get a passive skill related to the spear.
I then began crafting my skill, something which is extremely focussed on the spear, and something that will strongly help my growth.
[Passive Skill: Rookie Spearman
Rank: Common
Main Ability: This skill allows the user to have a 20% growth (can be stacked) while training in the path of the spear, and a 10% chance of entering the realm of 'focus' while training the spear.
Extra Information: The skill's rank can increase to the next rank, depending on specific circumstances.
Skill Evaluation: A decent skill which will grow with the user, which will strongly help the user in the path of the spear
Cost: 60 points]
(Authors note: Passive Skills have no skill lvl)
After completing the skill, there was a flash of texts at my eyes, and soon, the skill got approved.
Don't look down on a 20% increase in growth, I am sure that the family has a ton of items which will help someone to grow more quickly and since it can be stacked, I will be able to train more quickly now.
As for 'Focus' state, it was just something I added last second. The 'Focus' state is something all martial artists which to enter, but it is nearly impossible without a ton of resources for lower level people.
Okay, now, I moved to the page which showed my stats, and beside each of my stat there was a (+) sign as well.
I pressed the (+) sign on mana, and a text came up.
[Would you like to spend 5 points on 1 mana stat point Yes/No ? (cost will increase after gaining your first class]
5 seemed pretty reasonable, and since usually mana is a really hard start to gain, it would be better if I gain mana. I can train strength and agility, use items for vitality, but mana is crucial, so I spent the remaining 20 points I had on 4 mana stat points.
The second I exited the Author skill, I felt an energy flow into my eyes, then through my body, it honestly felt like a refreshing massage.
This is how my status page looked like after all my upgrades.
[ Name: Kendrik Reighile
Level: 1
Strength: 6
Vitality: 9
Mana: 5
Passive Skill: Rookie Spearmen (Rank: Common)
Active Skills: None
Unique Skills: Author (Rank: Broken), Eye Of Analytics(Rank:common)]
For a level 1, it was decent stats. He definitely had more mana than any human level 1, as all human start of with 1 mana stat point.
The average stat for strength, agility and vitality was 5, so he was above average for strength and agility, and way above it for vitality. It seems like his father feeds him important herbs to keep him alive.
Just as all of this was done, a knock was heard on my door, and soon after the placing off a plate.
I walked up to the door, and opened it, which was obviously a surprise for the maid as she immediately started to sweat bullets.
"Has father eaten yet?" I asked quickly.
"No young lord, is there anything you wish for me to do?" The maid asked, quickly re-gaining her composure.
"Nothing much, just tell father that I wish to eat with him, if possible in my room." I said as I closed the door swiftly after saying my piece.