I feel very bad that Alice is suffering because of me, I promised myself not to make Alice cry, I am worried, I am talking from left side to right side with tension, we are waiting for a doctor, later Jin, Jungkook, Suga, RM, Jimin, Jhope came to the hospital, I hugged them and I burst out my tears, everyone consoling me.
Jin: It's okay, don't cry, she will be okay.
Suga: I know she is so strong, please don't worry V.
Jimin: Yes Gucci, we are all here for you.
Later manager came to the hospital, I dragged him towards me and shouted at him.
V: Why did you stop him that time, if you do not stop me, my Alice will be safe, I can save her, but you.....
Jhope: V, please calm down, don't worry.
Manager: I am so sorry V, I only think about our reputation, I don't know what it will lead to far.
After few mins:
Doctor came out we ran towards the doctor and asked about Alice's health condition.
Doctor: There is nothing to worry about, she fainted because of afraid and illness that's it.
Jin: Is it okay to take her home now, doctor.
Doctor: Not now, she needs some rest, you can get here tomorrow early morning.
V: Okay doctor.
Manager: Doctor, can you make sure about this matter near reporters please, I don't want to spoil BTS.
V: No need for that, I am going to deal with reporters and media, leave it to me.
Ara, Chinshu are standing aside and waiting to see Alice, but no one is allowed for a few hours, so we are waiting for that time, after a few mins, jimin went near Chinshu and started flirting with her and Jhope with Ara.
Jimin: Hey girls, don't worry, your friend will be fine.
Chinshun: Oh my god, is it real that jimin Oppa is talking with me, can I touch you Jimin Oppa.
Jimin: Yeah, sure, and what is your cute name?
Chinshu: Yeah, I am not dreaming, it is jimin Oppa, My name is Chinshu.
Whereas Jhope was talking same with Ara, and there are consoling them too, nurse allowed me to Alice room, she was still sleeping. I can't able to control my tears.
I hold her hand and bend my head on her hand, my tears falling on her hand, she slowly opened her eyes, I got up and I went near her.
V: Alice, Are you okay?
Alice: Why I'm here?
V: You fainted.
Alice: What, I want to sit.
V: Wait, I will make you sit.
I make her sit, she staring me with her dull face, I can't hold my tears, I burst out in front of her, I started crying by holding her.
V: I am sorry, I am late.
Alice: It's okay please don't cry, I hate seeing you cry.
V: No, it was all because of me.
Alice: It's not your fault, I am the one who makes your life a mess.
V: Aliceeeeee, please don't say that, your mine, let face every problem together.
Alice: I am scared of those posts, I'm afraid that could cause a problem for you V.
V: Can I say you something.
Alice: Yes.
V: I love you, Alice, you are my everything, please don't do this again, please share your problems with me, I am always here with you.
Alice: I am sorry, I will never do this again.
V: Take some rest now, your friends are waiting for you, I have something you deal with, I will send them to you.
While I was leaving Alice to drag my hand and said "V, I love you so much", I bend my head towards her head, I kissed her, hugged her.
Grace, Chilinsha came to the hospital, there are shocked by looking at BTS in the hospital, Grace went near Ara.
Grace: What was going on here? Why the hell did Alice faint?
Ara explained everything to Grace and Chilinsha, Jimin interpreted them while there are talking.
Jimin: Are you Alice's friends?
Grace: Heyyyyyyyy opppaaaa, yeah, we are Alice friends, but what are you doing here Oppa.
Jimin: We came for our future sister-in-law.
Grace: How sweet of you Oppa?
Jin: Hey, What are you talking about?
Jimin: Nothing Jin, shall we go and have coffee.
Jungkook: Where are you going, there are full of reporters waiting for us, if you go out means, there will fall on you.
By listening to jungkook's words, jin and jimin drop their plan to drink coffee.
What V is going to deal with media and reporters? did BTS help V from this situation? will V keep . from these problems?
Hey guys please ignore my mistakes ЁЯЩП
Purple you ЁЯТЬ