While Shin and his wives are hunting heretic gods left and right, woman, who is known to the originator of the witches, in western clothes, is excavating a ruined temple at India using magic. While being accompanied by a knight in full body armor floating like a ghost and a mummy-ish ghost.
"A little more... I know he is here..."
"My lady, do you really want to revive him?"
"Yes, even Wind King-sama agrees with me. For it is my duty. The world will suffer, yes. But, sacrifces are required to rid it with chockful of devil kings."
She resolutely replied to the two.
"The sword of salvation must be unsheathed. Even it means to kill the other 'King'."
"The one who rules the future huh... Will this be the righteous path milady?"
"... I have no doubts."
They continue as Shin' future looms over at the end.