Chereads / Beauty and the Beasts: A New Age / Chapter 2 - I'm Sorry, Pup!

Chapter 2 - I'm Sorry, Pup!

I stifled a scream. Once my eyes adjusted fully, it was clear that this massive beast looming over me was, indeed, a wolf. Canis lupus. Every little kid's nightmare.

Inches from my face.

We stared at each other for what felt like hours before his ears twitched and he looked away. I took that moment to do some sort of acrobatic roll and duck to get onto my feet. Honestly, I don't even remember how I did it, my body just reacted. With the movement, he snapped his head back in my direction and I froze. One of those YouTube videos echoed in the back of my brain, this one about survival:

'Never run from a wolf. They'll outrun you every time. Make yourself look bigger, maintain eye contact, and back away slowly and calmly.'

Right. Okay. Sure. Easier said than done, right?

I puffed up as big as I could bowing my arms out and sticking out my chest as I bore my gaze down on the creature. He merely watched as I began to posture before…

…he cocked his head.

JUST like in videos of puppies when you make funny noises at them.

He tilted his head the other way and I lost the breath I'd been using to puff myself up, letting it all go in a slight laugh. It was TOO cute and definitely not the reaction I'd expected from a graceful, majestic wild beast with murderous capabilities.

At the weird snorting sound that came from my face, he began panting again, big tongue lolling out as he began to wag his tail.

What the heck kind of wolf was this? Maybe it was a wolf-dog and only looked like a wolf? That seemed to be too much of a coincidence. I dared not remove my eyes from his, however, as I slid my foot backward over the forest floor.

At this, the wagging and panting stopped as he snapped his jaw shut and a slight whine escaped.

Oh Lord…what the hell is happening…

I could feel my resolve weakening. This wasn't anywhere in the videos or articles or anything I'd read. He dipped his head low as I took another step back as his ears drooped and his eyes…oh dear, his eyes…

Puppy dog eyes had never been so real.

No! I couldn't let my guard down! Wolves are supposed to be hyper-smart, right? Maybe it was a trick and there was a pack surrounding me right at this moment! My survival should be first and foremost!!! I sucked in a deep breath and threw my arms up as I shouted.

"Go away! I am not food! Shoo!"

And damn it all, wouldn't you know…the poor thing flinched…

…then he flopped over on his back, flashing his soft white belly…

...…and I broke so hard.....

He whined and flopped his tail as he looked up at me pityingly, giving baleful, mournful whimpers that squeezed my heart and crushed my soul. Tears welled in my eyes at the sight and I felt my knees quake and buckle. My human instinct to comfort our evolutionary companion drove a knife straight through my gut.

"Ohmygosh, I am so sorry, you sweet boy," I said behind quiet sobs at his crying. I hurt this poor pup's feelings! I am a horrible, no-good, very bad person for yelling at him! For all I knew, he was protecting me from other bad things in the forest.

With my apology, he flipped back onto his belly and army-crawled over to me, making happy puppy sounds as his tail became a blur. I let my knees go all the way as I dropped down and began scratching and rubbing him vigorously. Needless to say, he enjoyed every second of attention I gave him, with little yips and groans and little kisses delivered in return.

It gave me time to take in my surroundings little by little. I was in what appeared to be a forest, pine needles and dead leaves littered the floor and various shrubs and plants gathered at the foot of almost every tree. All I could see were trees, thickets scattered in between, with more trees in the distance. Heaven was a really crowded place for plants, it seemed.

Well, wherever I was, I was definitely lost. Nearby, I could see my bag, which appeared mostly unharmed, unlike my arms which were covered in little scratches. Even my clothes were a little tattered and as I turned my attention skyward, I could see a small, ragged hole in the canopy – likely where I descended.

I hadn't noticed that I'd stopped scratching and petting the friendly wolf, but he certainly did. He licked at my arm briefly before sitting up, tilting his head back, and letting loose and long, loud howl. Sitting so close, the sound send chills down my spine and raised goosebumps all over my skin.

What's worse is that…his pack responded…