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Chapter 1 - OVERBOARD


'S o t a s t y, this is indeed the sweetest meal ever', Luna says feeding on her large ungulates( mooses). it's time you head out on your own and find yourself a mate; a deep voice intrudes walking in angrily and grabbing the dead large moose with his mouth.

Randolph! Ivory cuts in, 'You don't have to', she added looking angrily at her husband as he walks out taking away their meal.

'M u m!, I thought we were over this already,' Luna says utterly confused about what had happened.

I'll speak to him; Ivory concludes with a confused expression crossing her face.

On the o u t s k i r t s of the route lives the royal family of the o m e g a's, you can call them the dispersers. Randolph the king in the route a l b e i t, equally cool and confident, he's an introvert and isn't afraid of doing his own thing and making his own rules in life. He believes it was time his daughter, Princess Luna should have a mate as the great kingdom lies on her.

"You didn't have to intrude like that", Ivory says walking slowly towards Randolph her husband.

'It's time she does what is right, talk to her' Randolph concludes.

Randolph and ivory have been mate for soo many years ruling the pack in peace and harmony with their three Young's. Luna the first daughter among three female young. Luna who's now a grown she-wolf princess was ready to have a mate.

Having a mate wasn't that easy you have to fall in love with the right one and build your home together but Luna wasn't even thinking that way, she still prefers to stay with her family she feels being committed was a rush and besides she still wants to enjoy herself being alone.

Randolph Luna's dad is also known be Strict towards his daughter Luna. He treated her like she wasn't his own. Don't take it the wrong way he loves her but sometimes he believes Luna wasn't doing the right thing and didn't know her duties as a princess.

Once they went hunting, Luna would be seen playing around with their kill and not even hunting them down for meal. This alone provokes her dad. even though Luna's mother Ivory had tried times without numbers to teach Luna the ways of a princess it felt like it was a waste of time.

One sunny day luna set out on her own, she went deeper inside the wood to have a better alone time to herself. she felt her family wasn't appreciating her and they just wanted to control her. Noone really understood her except from her bestfriend Aurora who happens to be a beta wolf.

Even though Aurora wasn't a princess she still had ideas and knew the ways of a princess.

Aurora would secretly meet Luna in the deep wood scaring her as always and finally they get to talk and at the end they play around together.


'I am d i s a p p o i n t e d in you', Randolph Luna's dad scolds Luna. Day after day, night after night Randolph couldn't stand Luna anymore.

'If you don't take yourself serious even for a day I'll disown you and kick you out', Randolph threatens. Luna would be seen crying after every misunderstanding she gets with her father.

Luna had tried to be her dad's bestfriend but all to no avail and the more they got in every argument the more the distance kept extending.

she would try to catch his favourite kill and he would reject but accept the ones of her siblings. This alone totally makes her give up in trying to be close with her father.


Ivory as a woman took the chance to speak to all three of her Young. She explains to them the circle of Life and how lucky she was to be a mother of all three of them.

Afterwards she calls Luna aside and expressing how bitter she was with every quarel and fight Luna engages in with her father Randolph.

Ivory believes it would be better if they just match maked Luna with another wolf. she tells Luna about her suggestions with Randolph her husband. Luna fled up at the sound of that. It felt like they wanted her out of the pack at all means.

'Don't think like that' ivory said but Luna won't wait for another explanation and went out of sight.

When duties were to be shared Luna who had always had the little task was given more than she could do. This time her parents were now picking favourite in her other siblings. They would eat their meal and she had the lowest portion and if she got in any fight with her other siblings she was always picked guilty and be blamed at cost. This makes her so bitter and sad but she still overlooks it every time it happened.

One evening Luna's father Randolph sat all his young down and this time he broke a good news to them all. Leia Luna's youngest sister found a mate and was leaving the pack with her mate sooner. she was marked already by a zeta wolf and this was a great news for the family. Luna was happy for her sister as she felt everyone definitely have their time and she wasn't going to rush things. love is sometimes hard to find but she'll wait patiently and still live her life.

Leia dances around in joy showing off her mark and how excited she was to have a mate of her own.

'You're next now', Randolph says looking at Luna's other sister. Luna felt a bit sad but she didn't care whatsoever even if she was a princess and to lead the pack someday' she still had feelings as well she says what's on her mind even though the world was against her.

Luna is the most beautiful she-wolf in the pack but she felt there's more to her but noone was seeing this.

She was the sweetest with a beautiful heart but she was really going through alot of depression.

She was being treated like the odd one of all her siblings and this time she thought the problem was her. She started making new friends in the pack and any one who tried getting to close she would turn down. She had this fear in her, the fear to love and get committed. Besides she hasn't seen anyone who takes her breathe away. 'They are all the same', she whispers to her self.

'Hey!' an omega wolf calls the attention of Luna who was alone in the wood lost in thoughts. She welcomed him as a cheerful she-wolf she was and they got to talk at length.

Luna wasn't really enjoying his company she felt he was to predictable, one could tell he was in love with Luna and trying to confess his feelings. Luna excused herself leaving him to his imagination.

Could there be a problem or was she just expecting too much? Luna happens to be a simple open minded she-wolf but her dreams aside being a princess was to enjoy nature and live life as it comes.


Luna soon took an adventure outside of the outskirt to meet with her bestfriend Aurora. The two instead of hunting to kill hunted for fun. And as we all know this is exactly what Randolph Luna father warns luna against.