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Chapter 1 - BERNARD's FANTAS

Hi, I'm Bernard joseph. if you are reading this probably I was just playing at my phone haha lol.

so we're gonna start from the start of course.

let's start when my mother gave me birth, of course I can't remember that though we are gonna move on. When I was 3 years old my father and mum got separated. I do not have any idea why yet but they got separated. I remember The night That my father left us, actually I can't actually see cause I was little. I remember the tricycle, if you don't know what is tricycle is I'm gonna tell you. it is a bike with a side wheel on it.

My father was there leaving, going to another country for his job. That's all I remember about him that time. 1 year later, I was 4 years old. I remember that I was studying kinder garden that time and there was a chicken fight on the top of our classroom, causee we're poor we do not have money to go to pretty school's.

All I remember that I was studying something but I can't barely remember. so yeah haha. I turned 6 and I was grade 2 and there was a pretty girl That I like. I keep annoying her until she go mad and throw some rock at my head. I feel like she's got some feeling on me too. After school I went home and I saw this man on our house. My mother said that this man is my new father, and I was like what he seems to be so scary to me. she told me that this man is not bad att all and I believed her cause I trust my mother.

2months later when we are about to eat lunch and I was playing at with the plates on the table cause I was a kid duh and he slap me hard. I cry a lot, my mother wasn't there that time cause she has some work. and there was this time that I was playing the ball and I accidentally hit him a little bit and I shock that the ball is going to my face. He threw it hard on me then I cry a lot, he said to me that if I cry more he's going to slap me more. I tried my best not too but I can't stop crying, Then that time my mother got home from work and she saw what That stupid guy is doing to me when she was away. They start fighting all night and I couldn't sleep. I saw a meteor shower and I wish, I wish that all is going to be fine.

A year later my mum is pregnant and that jerk left us.i do not know why but I guess he is scared to have priority. I remember that time my mother give birth to my brother his name was Gabriel. I take care of him while my mother is working, we live on our grandma's house so she could protect us.

2 years later, I was 8 my mother said that I have to move on my uncle's house. because we don't have money anymore and I can't study there. I cried a lot while we are on the ship going to manila on my uncle's house.

My auntie is so amazing and so careful to me even though I'm not her son, she treated me like a son and I treated her like a mother. My cousin are like my siblings because we have the same middle name and surname. My father and uncle are siblings and my mother and auntie are siblings too, That's why me and my cousin have the same middle name and surname.

I went to school, The school name is BUNSURAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. I was grade 4, and then I saw this kid seems to be good and smart. I talk to him I said "can we be friends?" and he said yes. after then we are studying together and play together and we made a lot of friends. we play so many things like tag and many more. When we turn garde 5 we got separated, cause every year the section is changing. we have 7 sections in our school my friends got to section 1 cause they were smart but me I just got to section 4, I was so dumb.

A week later I talked to them and they didn't even look at me, And I think I don't have friends anymore. I saw this big kid looks like a strong kid but we are not friends cause he was a bully. and a was just a weird kid. last period of our class I never thought that I'm gonna have a fight with him.

he mocked me that is why I punch him on the Face. luckily our teacher is on the door already and she didn't saw that I punch that kid. He couldn't fight back, later then he said " wait for me nerd after school I'm going to kill you" I say what I'm not a nerd wtf haha. I'm not scared at him that's why I run and go home safely after school.

I have friends in our town though they are 3, but they are not actually studying cause I don't know why. we are playing a lot outside of our house with the ball. we kick and kicked the ball until the ball get inside on our neighbors house, and they got angry at us they almost throw a stick on our faces but we run away.

we continue playing at the tall grass 40 meters away for our house and there was a fucking dog staring at as, barking. And we start running and the dog keep chasing at us then my friend got slip because of the rock. The dog almost bite him in the leg but I saw a stick and throw it to the dog and run away. it's almost night and we are still playing, we are playing hide and seek me and my cousin are the hiders. we hide on the tall grass, My auntie is finding us because it is time to eat dinner. she couldn't find us on the tall grass, she got angry and get some stick and shouted. me and my cousin got scared that's why we run and go home. My uncle cook the food called "Adobo" it is so delicious and I couldn't stop eating cause it was so yummy, I ate a lot of rice. until then that is my favorite food, my uncle's Adobo.

That time when I was a kid I always sleep at 8pm and wake up at 5am to go to school our class start at 7:30 am. My aunt always waking as up so we can take a shower and go to school already. she gave us money like 10 pesos per day, Monday- Friday. And we have to take a tricycle to go to school Early, I saw the bid kid outi the gate waiting for me. when I get inside the school he pulled me into the back or our class room, he punch me many times and I almost lost conscious then I saw something move on the sky like a broom stick with a human on it riding. and I fell asleep because of the punch, I wake up in the school clinic and the nurse said what happened. but I can't remember anything. only the broomstick, the teacher let me go home and go home after school cause I want to study.

I have a favorite book that I always read and watch on my phone it's called harry Potter I like it cause they have magic and I love magic. 3 years later on January 13 2024

I was 11 years old, I wake up early because it's my birthday and I saw a later on the front door. it said it's from Hogwarts school and wizardry, I thought that time that my causin are just pranking me but they said they didn't know about it. then I opened it it says "You were invited to Hogwarts school and wizardry to study magic and many more you don't have to pay for it you have a scholarship from professor Harry "

I was so happy but didn't know hot to go there, but My friend got a letter too and he knows how to go there he didn't tell his mother is a witch. we go to diagonally to buy books,wands and an owl, Then we go to Platform 9/¾ I look at the sign I read it it say ""Hogwarts express" I was so happy to have this on my birthday, I slap my self to confirm that I was not dreaming and I'm not. niegas is laughing at me .

We arrived on Hogwarts around 6-7 pm and we saw professor Harry Potter and the top of the stairs. I didn't know he became a headmaster on Hogwarts, professor Harry said "form a line and follow me" he opens the door and I saw that there so many people sitting on the big table and all the teachers are sitting there like a thrones of the king. Professor Harry said "if I call your name come forward and sit here" he called niegas first and he is on Slytherin and then professor Harry called me and the hat say Gryffindor, I was happy and sad at the same time cause my best friend is on Slytherin...