Chereads / Hero of the Dark / Chapter 5 - The Coming Dark

Chapter 5 - The Coming Dark

LA: A week since last chapter

Naruto sighed contently as he worked on his car in the warehouse trying to get some finishing touches in before he went out on patrol. Cindy was across the engine from him making adjustments to it while Mercy was relaxing on the couch watching Tv and flipping through the different news channels seeing what the various companies were saying about her new boss.

After they left Gotham, Naruto had drove to Star city and set them up in a luxury hotel and spent the day with them before heading out that night for a bit of hunting while some clones targeted some real players in the underworld. He didn't find much aside from a couple wannabe thugs and bank robbers, but that changed at a hostage situation at one of the higher grade businesses. 22 stories in the air and just taller than any of the buildings nearby to make it impossible to get line of sight within the building. However Naruto didn't need line of sight and got in before tearing the criminals apart including throwing three out the multi-story window to their death below.

As he was getting ready to leave, after sending the hostages down the stairwell and elevators, Team Arrow came up complete with the Black and White Canaries*, Speedy (Thea), Arsenal*, Green Arrow himself, Black Siren, Artemis, Wild Dog, Spartan, and Mr. Terrific. Naruto of course was intrigued at the whole team showing up all at once and guessed they heard about his little adventures and guessed he'd show up here.

Naturally they let the hostages go to the elevators to leave while Naruto merely looked at them. He didn't intend to fight any of them but things had escalated quickly.


"Well, well, well, Team Arrow all together and here. Oh, how rude of me, there is one member missing, hello Felicity." Naruto stated with the last part being on their own comm channel making them stiffen, "Oh come now, if I was going to harm anyone on your team, I would have attacked you earlier before you all could suit up." Naruto stated since it would have been relatively easy to hit each and every one of them before they knew what happened.

"Why are you in our city?" Green Arrow asked keeping his voice and tone civil since he had heard from Batman that it wasn't wise to try and fight Kage unless you have numbers on your side, you absolutely have to, or you have some serious backup since he took Superman down like he was a child.

"Oh, just passing through on the way back home. I just finished some work in Gotham and Metropolis, so I thought I'd swing through on my way back." Naruto stated causally since he really didn't need to be here, but he figured he'd let Mercy and Cindy see the sights, do some shopping, and relax a bit before they continued home.

"Well thanks but we don't need your help." Sara Lance aka the third Black Canary stated and Naruto merely tilted his head slightly.

"Yes, clearly. It is surprising, isn't it?" He asked making them frown in confusion, "How quickly the criminals grew a spine once they learned you stopped killing, isn't that right, Ollie?" Naruto stated making Oliver frown at the statement rather than his name. He did have a point, once the crooks and thugs learned he stopped using lethal arrows, they started coming out in force again without any of the subtlety from when he was hunting.

Before anyone could try anything, Wild Dog and Mr. Terrific jumped at him planning to take him down only for him to catch the two by the throat and hold them there like they were children, "You didn't seriously think that would work, did you?" Naruto asked in a bored tone before throwing them away from him and then launched a black webbing at the canaries and siren when they took a breath, "You really don't think things through do you? If you screamed in here, you'd shatter all he glass windows causing sharp shards of glass to rain down on the civilians and cops below potentially injuring if not killing them." Naruto stated making them widen their eyes in realization.

Naruto then caught three arrows launched at him by Speedy, Arsenal, and Artemis before breaking them like twigs and then kicked Spartan away when the man tried to get behind him, "You all seriously need to get better at this or you'll never be able to take on the bigger threats." Naruto stated before he caught Wild Dog's leg and slammed him hard into the ground before kicking him into the elevator door denting it.

He then launched black goop at the three younger archers trapping their arms to their bodies so they couldn't fire again before he grabbed Mr. Terrific's arm and slammed him onto the ground before pinning his neck to the ground with his foot. Mr. Terrific clawed at Naruto's leg while Naruto just stood there looking at Green Arrow, "Your team lacks discipline, they attack even though you've yet to give the order and no one tried to work with the others properly. Also, you know fully well that it's a bit hypocritical to stop me from doing what I'm doing since you were trained and even fought the same way. I'm not saying you have to go back to doing it that way, Oliver, but you will not stand in my way either. I have a job to do and I will do it." Naruto stated since he didn't really expect any of the heroes he encountered to just up and start killing, he just wanted them to stay out of his way.

With his peace said, Naruto kicked Mr. Terrific to Green Arrow's feet before vanishing in a pool of darkness. Green Arrow just stood there a long moment as the goop and web Naruto had launched dissipated into nothing before, he then went to the Elevator and called it.

The others all began helping Wild Dog and Mr. Terrific up while Green Arrow waited for the elevator. However, the Felicity suddenly came on the comms, (Guys! Reports just came in of an attack on Belle Reve and Slabside! Description matches Kage and several reports of different explosions and bodies all over the city belonging to different mafias and crime gangs). Felicity reported trying to figure out how Kage was doing this so fast when he was just there with the team.

"Keep monitoring the channels and calls. Give the locations to the others, I'll head to the prison." Green Arrow stated surprising everyone.

"But Ollie, we can't just let this guy get away with what he's doing!" Mr. Terrific stated angrily and Green Arrow shook his head.

"And what pray tell would you have us do? He just took all of you down like you were a bunch of pre-schoolers. Do you really think a change of venue is gonna let us do anything effective against him?" Green Arrow asked making him grit his teeth seeing his point, "At the very least I can observe and see what I can learn about his way of fighting to better deal with it later." Green Arrow stated before the elevator arrived and they left the building.


Afterwards, Naruto had delivered the evidence he had collected to Quinten Lance, who was another acquaintance from a past time, and observed as Oliver Queen was visibly calmer due to the fact his mother Moira was unharmed in the prison attack. Naruto had nothing against Moira, like Ra's she just tended to go way overboard for the "greater good" as it were. Naruto was all for the greater good, but he was more about sniper precision rather than drop a nuke on the place... Unless of course the only people in the area deserved death, then nuke away.

On another note, he had gotten a text from Zatanna telling him she had a gig in his city in the coming week and wanted to give him a heads up so she wasn't intruding on his turf. She also wanted to know if he would like to get dinner with her so they could talk as she had many questions and curiosities that only he could answer. Naruto had agreed on the condition she could control herself since neither of them needed her suddenly jumping him in public, which she agreed with no small amount of embarrassment.

Two days later, he was in Central City dealing with a certain speedster family after he had finished up with Iron Heights Penitentiary and a few of the local mob bosses.


Naruto casually stood not worried at all about the trio of speedsters* standing before him. There was the original Flash Barry Allen, who tended to pop up from time to time when the second Flash Wally West needed it, and beside those two was the newest addition Kid Flash aka Bart Allen. Bart was another timeline Barry's grandson, who ended up coming to this timeline to help after his went to hell.

Naruto of course knew all three as it was his business, literally, to know any and all beings in this timeline. He knew the three were more towards the mindset of "some people need to die for the greater good to come" as evidenced by Barry Allen having to stop himself from saving his mother due to the drastic changes that occurred because she didn't die. Wally had learned it from Barry in that you should try to save everyone, but you have to accept when they die and that at some point a death will have to occur for the better outcome. Bart knew the value too, but he had to debate with himself on merely stopping the people he knew were responsible or killing them since the former meant they could try again. Usually the debate ended with him being against it and being on par with Superman with his "no killing" policy.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of three of the fastest men on Earth coming to see me?" Naruto stated not at all bothered by the speedsters allegedly having him at a disadvantage.

"Just wanted to know what the Lord of Darkness was doing in our city." Barry asked having encountered Kage in one form or another in the different timelines he had seen or visited and was thankful this one at least seemed on the side of justice and not just killing as he pleased to grow his power.

"Just passing through actually. Had some business in Metropolis and Gotham, stopped by Star City to do a bit of clean up and catch up with a couple old acquaintances, and now I'm here. Provided nothing gets in my way, I should be out of your city within a day at the most." Naruto stated since it was true, he already completed a good portion of the work he wanted done in the city and now was just getting a bit more in while a clone was making a few purchases for his base back in L.A.

"You really think we're just gonna let you go around killing people?" Bart stated before he launched at Kage despite the other two trying to stop him.

Naruto stopped him himself as he caught Bart's leg and proceeded to slam him repeatedly into the ground causing craters to form from the force of the impacts before Naruto then threw him into a wall leaving a large indent. Naruto merely stood there looking at the two senior members of the speedsters, "Keep the boy on a tighter leash till he gains some common sense, I don't like breaking kids but I will if it teaches them a lesson they desperately need to learn." Naruto stated since he had done so in the past by breaking the person and then helping them once they learned their lesson.

"We'll help Bart to understand things, Kage, but you must also understand that even you can't fight the world." Barry stated knowing that in the other timelines Kage was mortal and thus could still be killed especially if enough light was shined upon him.

Naruto's response was to chuckle before full on laughing, "Oh you poor deluded man, you think just because you encountered other forms of myself in other timelines that I am on their level? Wrong! I am the strongest version of myself that has the power of Darkness and I assure you, if it came down to me vs this planet, the planet would lose and it would be lose badly." Naruto stated with the last word taking an even darker tone than the rest of his voice making Barry instinctively take a step back.

He had fought one villain version of Kage and it took everything he had to get out of the fight alive. No matter how battered Kage was, he could get back up like nothing had happened and this one was even stronger than that one?!? He'd have to ensure Wally and Bart understood not to cross him since not only would it not be good for their health, but potentially anyone around them or aiding them as well.

With his peace said, Naruto vanished into a pool of darkness intending to check on a few other areas before returning to his two guests.

Wally meanwhile was looking at Barry in shock since the only time he had seen Barry so scared was when Barry had talked about facing Darkseid during one timeline where said entity invaded Earth with his full army and slowly broke and killed everyone that resisted him. If Kage could instill that kind of fear, then Wally knew it was not a good idea to mess with him without either serious backup or a solid plan of attack with no chance of it getting shot to hell.

Of course both of those were easier said than done in this case.


Naruto broke from his reminiscing when a clone popped giving him some new information making him smirk, "You two ready to check out our new home?" Naruto stated with a grin as he had had a clone begin buying and then building a new home for them after destroying some old apartment buildings that not even homeless people would sleep in. Once the buildings were bought, he had them torn down and then rebuilt with one near his garage being their new home.

The others were to be part of some aid work for the city as he was making apartments for the poor and "lower class" where they could stay under the condition, they had to actually try to find a job and get back on their feet. Of course, he'd also have his listings for potential jobs up so that they could work for him as well as others.

Once he removed the cartels from the city, he could begin turning it into his information, trading, and business hub. This was one mistake that Batman and others didn't take advantage of since turning the city into your own ally was just as vital as turning a person. If he controlled different businesses and housing areas then he had multiple forms of information gathering as people would be going in and out cycling who would come in bearing information that he could use. Plus any that wanted to stay on the streets could be given food and the like in exchange for any info they brought in.

Once his plans were complete, the whole city would be a spy network in some form or another and he'd have plenty of people loyal to him to help him advance his plans for the planet. The fools had become stagnant and content with where they were, they weren't pushing themselves to go above and beyond anymore. Rather, they were content to just kill each other and find new methods of doing so. Sure a few odds and ends were working on making the Human race and the planet better, but they were too far and between and it was falling each passing year.

It was a small part of the reason why Naruto was wiping out any criminal groups and the big bads of the world that couldn't be "fixed" as it were. It was a simple method as one would go about helping fight cancer: Kill the infected cells so they can't spread and you start keeping the cancer from reaching more of the body as you focus on killing the cancer itself. By killing the people spreading pain and misery as they pleased, he could stem the flow and start working on the bigger and bigger problems.

Granted, it wasn't a perfect analogy as while you could kill the cancer inside a person, you couldn't kill the evil that existed. Naruto knew fully well that it was impossible for a mortal, lesser god, or even an entity like him to kill all evil, darkness, and cruelty in the universe. There was only one way to do so, and Naruto sure as fuck would never be able to do it nor have the power to do it. Him being the embodiment of Darkness meant he straight up couldn't no matter how much power he had.

But back to the here and now though, both Cindy and Mercy nodded before walking to him and he wrapped his arm around them before vanishing and appearing inside his garage before opening it, walking out, and then closing it before heading straight across the street to a new apartment building.

However, Naruto paused as another clone popped and he sighed before he summoned a new clone, "Ladies, I regretfully have to go, but my clone will show you around the apartment while I deal with something." Naruto stated making Cindy pout,

"Aw, can't it wait till after?" Cindy stated hugging his arm between her generous bust.

"It could, but then you'd have to stay cooped up longer since my clones got a lock on the last cartel member that's targeting you." He stated making her widen her eyes a bit but still pout.

"Ok, but I still want to spend some more time with you boss." Cindy stated since how was she supposed to get him to open up more if she didn't spend time with him.

"Well look at this way, the faster I remove the pain in the ass, the easier it will be to have time outside the home and get some fresh air." Naruto stated with a smile making her sigh and nod before he was gone and the clone motioned them to the building and entered.

Meanwhile, Naruto was standing on a building looking at the large multi-floor parking garage that housed Vitaliy Rzeznik. Not only did the man supply Shai-Gen with the vehicles they used, but his strict military training and armaments put his hit squad on par with State Army. Killing him not only took away the best vehicles, but also weakened the other big names of Shai-Gen since not only would they lose some of their personal security but any traps, surprises, ambushes, etc. etc. would be ruined or less effective. There was also the benefit of less hit teams out on the streets despite the fact Vitaliy wasn't the only one supplying soldiers for that.

Deciding to go in the front door to ensure no one got out, Naruto sent some Leviathans to the upper part of the garage while several stayed as sentries near the entrance as Naruto walked up.

Of course, upon seeing him, the guards raised their weapons and started shouting only to be silenced as their heads were removed from their bodies and Naruto merely kept walking even as more shouting was heard from the garage along with engines starting.

Such predictable creatures these cartel members were: one word of warning and they all scramble to either flee or attack usually with no plan involved for either options. Yet, people wondered why their race was looked down upon at times or why some "higher" beings viewed them as insects.

At least Naruto only viewed the truly pathetic and hopeless as such and never the people who could be something more if given the chance. Hence why he never felt bad about stomping the former groups out like they were an insect that was becoming an annoyance.

Shaking those thoughts away to focus on the important things, Naruto reached to his left and caught a car that suddenly accelerated to smash into him. Only, he was holding it in the air as the back tires were still spinning and the front of the car was crumpled from where he was holding it.

Naruto merely turned his head towards the driver, who started sweating, "Uh… sorry?" The driver stated lamely making Naruto deadpan at him before quickly throwing the car to the other side smashing it into a wall where it laid while the occupant was definitely dead. Naruto merely kept walking not caring for the various sounds coming from above that would be his future victims preparing to fight their inevitable fate.

While he could respect people fighting back against an entity that was trying to kill them, he really couldn't respect the scum he planned to kill in this place. Even if there was someone worth respecting here, the most that would get them is a swift death with as little pain as possible. Just because a person was worth respect didn't mean they were worth letting live.

As Naruto walked up the ramp, he was hit with multiple rounds from machine guns, but it didn't do much as his armor merely absorbed the bullets. Feeling a bit like returning the favor, Naruto summoned a swirl of darkness that transformed into a large revolver. The main thing was that this revolver had four barrels with a minor note being it also had a knuckle guard over the handle.

Naruto then stuck his hand up and started firing rapidly with the four barrels rotating as it fired ensuring the next barrel fired. The bullets went faster than the normal eye could see and as a result, all the hits sent the cartel members flying back. The few that didn't fly back with a hole straight through them ended up not having a head anymore…or at least no longer had the back of their head. The bullet impact on a few left a small hole in the front while the back was busted open entirely with a couple being bad enough you could see the teeth from that back side.

Naruto merely walked up as his pistol kept firing and hitting his enemies and targets in quick succession even when they hid behind concrete barriers.

Naruto, after seeing another car coming at him, called a second revolver to his free hand. Unlike the first one, this one seemed to be two pieces fused together. Most of the gun looked like that of a typical revolver just about equal size to the first, but the barrel was a sickly yellow held down by three black rings. Also the front of the barrel had a black tribal pattern flowing away from opening.

A big difference was shown when Naruto fired and a small shockwave occurred. The next difference occurred when the bullet impacted the car: the car tore open at the impact and the area around the tear was caved in to the point the car was less than half its former size.

Naruto merely kept walking with both guns in his hands as he did since the gunfire had dropped since he killed the first wave of shooters.

When Naruto finally reached the floor he wanted, he walked to the office area that Vitaliy had set up and found the man up against a window holding a pistol at him. Naruto merely looked on in boredom as a black tendril launched and stabbed through his shoulder pinning him to the glass.

Of course, Vitaliy yelled in pain before Naruto grabbed his head and dug a few tendrils into his head making him release a blood curdling scream. Naruto then silenced him by crushing his head like a grape before heading for the roof and reclaiming his leviathans.

Before he could do anything else, a voice suddenly entered his head, "Please! Some…someone help me." The voice called and Naruto frowned as he stretched out his senses over the city and found some signatures that should not be on Earth and decided to head there after he sent up a flare to draw the cops to the garage for clean up.

With that done, he took off towards a small warehouse that had been used for some company's storage. However, what he found made him frown heavily while sighing in annoyance. Before him were a dozen white amoeba looking beings standing around pods that held both people and a green skinned girl of another race.

The annoyance was due to the fact he knew the amoeba looking creatures, they were called the Imperium and this wasn't the first time he encountered the pests.

Deciding to just get this over with since it was clear he was gonna have to exterminate them again, Naruto dropped down and quickly launched tendrils through them tearing them them apart in the process.

Once each of them were dead, Naruto turned to start freeing the people before a tendril launched out of his back impaling a dog version of the Imperium before proceeding to tear it in half before tossing the two halves away.

Naruto then created some clones to start freeing the different humans and get them to a hospital while he got the green skinned girl out of her pod.

Once everyone was out, Naruto quickly engulfed the place in black flames and let it burn as he left back for home.


The green girl awakened and wondered where she was. Looking around, she saw she was in a small lab area with a cart next to her with a note saying, "Eat when you wake up, if it's cold then just leave it and we'll make you something else when we know you're awake."

She merely shrugged her shoulders before pulling a cloche off of a plate showing an omelet that was still steaming and she took the fork and knife before eating. She was partially glad her race had observed Humans for a while and knew some of their items and functions.

Upon finishing her meal, she got up and started to walk around seeing several doors before finding an open door. Being curious, she walked towards it and entered.

Within the room was a table covered in a city map with different colored areas and different pictures of people. Some of the pictures had an X over them which she assumed meant they were dead or handled in some manner. With the pictures were details of some kind of support they were providing for a group corresponding to a color.

However the big thing was how the map seemed to almost be alive as the borders of the different colors seemed to be shifting at different points.

She then turned her attention to one of the pictures and read the name, "Violetta 'Santa Maria' Sanchez." She read with a tilt of her head as the name sounded strange to her.

"You know, it's rude to go snooping around someone's home." Naruto stated from behind her making her jump slightly.

When she turned, she blushed seeing a handsome red haired man before her. His eyes seemed to be boring into her soul making her uncomfortable, both because it was intimidating and because it was exciting her.

She finally responded when her mind registered what he said, 'I'm sorry, I wasn't snooping around intentionally.' She stated through mind and Naruto sighed.

"Look, I know on Mars everyone talked through their mental connection, but on Earth we actually use our mouths and some people will take offense to you just connecting your mind to theirs without asking." Naruto stated making her widen her eyes in surprise.

'Oh! I'm sorry, I wasn't aware.' She thought frantically before taking a form of a teenage girl with red hair, freckles, and wore a white T-shirt with a red x strapped over it connecting to a blue cloak. On her lower body was a blue skirt that reached mid thigh and then a pair of heeled blue boots.

"My name is M'gann M'orzz. It is a pleasure to meet you Mr.?" She asked wondering why his appearance seemed familiar to her.

"You can call me Naruto, are you feeling, ok? You've been unconscious for a couple days after I got you away from the Imperium." Naruto stated shaking her hand before she widened her eyes.

"Yes, I'm alright. You know of the Imperium?" She asked and he nodded.

"I've dealt with them before, but that's not that important right now." He stated before he turned and walked off making her blink before deciding to follow him.

Waking up some stairs, she came across a living space with a dining area and kitchen a short distance away and another flight of stairs. She also saw a blond girl lounging on a couch watching TV and a brown haired woman lounging with a newspaper, "Our guest is awake." Naruto stated as he got himself some coffee making the two females look at M'gann.

"Um…hi." M'gann stated casually with a wave.

"Well don't be so tense hun, we're not gonna bite." Cindy stated as she waved her over. M'gann walked cautiously over and sat beside her, "Now I'm Cindy, you already know Naruto, and this here is Mercy." Cindy stated and Mercy nodded toward the girl since she wasn't irrational about aliens like Lex was.

If they helped Earth and pulled their own weight, then she didn't care if they came to Earth. If you came to work and help, then there was no problem in her book.

"My name is M'gann M'orzz." M'gann stated and Cindy frowned in thought while M'gann was worried she offended them somehow.

"Okay sweetie, we'll call you that in private, but if we are in public then how about we call you Megan? It will help you blend in when among the ordinary people who aren't used to this sort of thing." Cindy suggested and M'gann blinked a few times.

"Megan? Megan. I like it." She stated before her skin color changed to a cross between Cindy and Mercy's. She was darker than Cindy but lighter than Mercy, "Will this do for being able to blend in?" The now named Megan asked making Cindy and Mercy nod.

"That will do M'gann, but you don't have to look that way while with us." Naruto stated as he came and sat on a chair in front of the tv which was showing an incoming meteor shower.

"So Earth is getting a passing meteor shower and a couple are gonna make contact with Earth. Though the news says none of them should be hitting in populated areas and shouldn't damage much of the Earth at all." Mercy stated having been watching and reading the news concerning the event.

However, they noticed Naruto narrowing his eyes at the sight of it, "Something wrong boss?" Cindy asked and Naruto merely hummed a moment.

"I'm gonna have to go out tonight." Naruto stated as his clothing shifted to his gear surprising Megan.

"But boss, I thought you were planning on staying to relax after you ran into those Imperium guys." Cindy stated since he had said as much.

"I know, but one of those 'meteors' has two life signatures. Which means that either A) it's not a meteor or B) there's something inside that meteor." Naruto stated as his mask came over his face before he left in a swirl of darkness making Megan blink.

"Uh…what just happened?" Megan asked in confusion making Cindy giggle while mercy chuckled. The two then began to explain to her the small amount they knew of their savior/employer.


Naruto stood atop one of the various tall buildings watching the different meteors coming waiting till the one he wanted came close enough for him to use gravity to pull it to a better location.

Heading towards where he pulled the object, he found a metal pod that seemed to either be a prison pod or an escape pod and he moved towards it before the door, or the pod's equivalent, was blown off by a blast of green energy. Naruto raised an eyebrow in curiosity, "Tamaraneans? What the hell are they doing so far out of their sector of the galaxy?" Naruto thought to himself as an orange skinned woman with red hair and green eyes came out carrying a paler skinned woman with black hair. The latter was unconscious and he quickly moved and caught the two with a tendril before sealing the pod away and then vacating the area after using an earth jutsu to make a boulder in its place.

Making a clone, he sent it to the warehouse with the pod while he took the two females to his home finding that his superior was showing his odd sense of humor again. He starts getting his connections back and then his boss throws some girls who need his help towards him knowing he couldn't turn away someone who actually needed help. Maybe it was an apology for all the shit he went through to fulfill his job, maybe it was the boss' way of ensuring that the women get the love that he always wanted them to experience, or maybe it was just a why not moment.

Regardless, he now had five women within his home and knew that there were others romantically interested him on the planet. He wasn't opposed to having various women caring about him and he could certainly handle them all, the problem was juggling the various women's personalities and needs. He was just thankful that he wasn't a rookie at it like he was when he first started out or it could be much harder than it was. Plus eventually, he'd have his first loves around to help him with the other girls, both physically and emotionally.

He broke from those thoughts as he arrived home and put the two on a pair of beds before wheeling a pair of lights over and quickly cycled through the different light settings before getting to the sunlight setting. Amazing what some time/space seals could do when connected to an outside area with plenty of sun and then put the connecting seal on a normal light source.

He then shook his thoughts away before aiming the lights at the two alien girls since he knew Tamaraneans functioned similar to Kryptonians in that they needed good sunlight to stay healthy and powerful while also working as a medical fix. With the intensity he had pouring on them, they'd probably be back to full health in two days, but knowing Tamaranean stubbornness they'd probably try to get up and move around by tomorrow. He also noted the girl he thought had black hair was actually a dark shade of blue almost purple.

He'd have a clone keep an eye on them and ensure they behaved within in his home. Then he'd find out why the hell they were in that pod and why their garments are like that of a trophy. Said garments were a tight fitting royal purple and dark blue suit with metal accents including both having a tiara with the red head having an emerald and the purplette having a purple gem. He knew these clothes were usually meant for trophies or conquered beings in quite a few societies. To his knowledge, Tamaran wasn't invaded or at war so that begged the question on what the hell was going on.

The most likely scenario was that one of their enemies ambushed a transport with the two of them on the ship, but that seemed pointless unless they were either royalty or the daughters of a high ranking military figure.

He sighed since, knowing his luck, they were both royalty which meant that the Imperium may have just gained some new allies in exchange for said allies getting their trophies back. Oh well, it's most likely that he'd get more dark essence and hearts out of it so why not? It would just be him doing the work those lazy ass Lanterns were supposed to do anyway.

Shaking those thoughts away, he turned to see it was actually getting pretty late, or early depending on your point of view, and decided to head to bed since he had no doubt the next day was going to be busy.

Upon reaching his room, he had to chuckle as Mercy and Cindy were lying in his bed in just their panties. Cindy was due to the fact she refused to sleep with him any other way as she wanted to push her body right against him. Mercy was mainly due to that being how she preferred to sleep and was, in Cindy's words, finally comfortable to sleep that way with him.

Sighing to himself he changed into just a pair of boxers and climbed in bed with them both cuddling against him. Both then blushed and smiled as his hands went to their shapely and firm butts. As he drifted off to sleep, Naruto idly wondered if he was going to wake up to Cindy's breasts in his face again.


The purple haired Tamaranean awoke with a groan wondering where the hell she was and what had happened. Looking around, she saw that she was in a lab area of some sort getting sunrays beaming on her to heal her, "Okay, wherever I am, they know what I am and this sure as hell doesn't look like a Gordanian ship or base." She then noticed the other Tamaranean near her and scowled, "Koriand'r, this is all your fault. First you take my birthright as heir to the throne, but then you give me that fake pity and caring to gloat at me and now this!" The girl thought angrily as her eyes glowed a baleful purple before he raised her hand, also glowing purple, at the sleeping Koriand'r.

However, before she could launch a blast of energy, a black tendril wrapped around her wrist making her turn and see Naruto's clone there, not that she knew he was a clone. He merely stared at her impassively, [That's quite enough, especially when the girl you're aiming at saved you when that pod you were in crashed. She could have left you for dead, but she decided to save you so be a bit grateful]. He stated calmly in Tamarac while the tendril forced her to lower her arm, which surprised her since the strength of the tendril had to be great to force her down.

[What do you know Human?!? And how do you even know this language?!?] She demanded angrily, though she had to admit the Human before her was attractive looking.

[You'd be amazed at what I know, like the fact both of your attires suggest you're a prize for another race. That leads me to believe you're both royalty or a high ranking military member's children]. Naruto stated making her widen her eyes slightly, [Based on your reaction, it's the former. Great, so I'm harboring two Tamaranean princesses in my home and since you've got the look of a dark Tamaran, she's the heir to the throne and you were overstepped]. Naruto continued making her eyes widen further before she looked away in anger and hurt.

[Yes, my sister, Starfire, was made heir the moment she was born and was a normal Tamaranean. Despite me being the eldest and the better fighter, I was passed over]. The girl stated and Naruto sighed.

[And so you hate her for it. Rather foolish on your part]. He stated making her nod at the first part before glaring at him after the second.

[What was that?!?] She shouted before a dark presence filled the room letting her know just how outclassed she was before it suddenly vanished.

[Tell me, did your sister ask to be born normal or ask to be made heir to the throne to deny you your right? Did she ever hold it over your head that she would be queen and you would be considered a low class citizen? Did she ever brag or talk about becoming queen? Did she ever treat you like you were beneath her or that she was better in every way? Did she ever give any indication that she wanted to be queen?] Naruto asked and saw her frown in thought before he saw the shock and the growing horror in her eyes, [So you've been hating a sister that merely wanted you to be happy and not hate her for something she didn't even want in the first place]. Naruto stated as tears started to well up in her eyes.

[By X'hal, what have I done?!?] Blackfire muttered realizing that her sister hadn't been faking in her sympathy or caring ways and how did she repay her? She had treated Koriand'r like a blood traitor.

She broke from her inner berating as a hand came to her shoulder and saw the human with a kind smile, [It's not too late to make it up to her and yourself. Neither of you are dead and neither of you have done something so cruel or evil to the other that you can't repair your relationship]. He stated kindly making her blush a bit at how close and sincere he was before she smiled and nodded, [Good, now lie back and rest. I'll bring you and your sister some food in a little while so you can get your strength back up faster]. He stated and she nodded before lying on her bed before looking at Starfire.

Naruto smiled before he quickly put the two beds next to each other and kept the lamps shining on them making the girl smile, [Thank you, I'm Blackfire by the way]. She stated and he smiled and nodded.

[Hello Blackfire, I'm Naruto. And yes, I know how you get the basic understanding of languages. We'll deal with that later after you've gotten more rest]. He stated making her smile and nod again before she closed her eyes while holding her sister's hand falling into her dreams of her and her sister being true friends as well as sisters…after she apologized for everything.

The clone sighed before popping letting the real Naruto know what was going on. Said man was in the kitchen cooking some breakfast as Cindy was sitting at the table in her panties, Mercy was sitting in a skirt, pantyhose, thong, and heels while her breasts were in a midnight blue bra, and Megan was there wondering if she was supposed to dress similar or not.

Of course, Naruto informed her she didn't have to worry about how the others were dressing and just dress how she felt comfortable. Of course that then brought up the blushing faces of the other two when Megan informed them that Martians didn't wear clothing so it would be normal to her to sit naked at the table and she almost did if not for Naruto asking her not to since it meant something different on Earth. Megan had accepted the explanation and asked that Naruto help her learn more about the world, which Naruto agreed to while telling Cindy she was to be serious if she helped and not give her a perspective that she would want Megan to have.

At the moment, Naruto was processing the information that his clone had passed along through dispelling before he created another clone to go watch the guests drawing the attention of the three girls, "One of our guests awoke, she and her sister are Tamaranean royalty and were trophies before I assume they escaped. This of course means that the Imperium may have extra allies in the form of whoever captured them since they will want their trophies back." Naruto stated making Megan frown since the Imperium was hard enough but a new enemy too?

However, the thing that had her confused was the fact that Naruto didn't look old yet he had dealt with the Imperium before. There was also the fact he didn't seem even remotely fazed by the aspect of having a possible second army attacking Earth and neither did the two women beside her. It was as if the two had complete and utter faith in Naruto's abilities and he himself knew what he was capable of and had no reason to fear.

There was also the fact he knew she was a Martian; the two girls were Tamaranean, and he could speak to both easily. Naruto was just one big question mark that she wanted to understand better…without being rude and reading his mind on everything. Although, part of her suspected that it wouldn't do much good if she did do such a thing. She'd just have to be patient and wait till she could learn something.


Starfire groaned as she woke up and sat up on the bed before blinking her blurry vision clear. The first thing she was that she was in some kind of lab area and immediately became defensive before she relaxed at seeing her sister on a nearby bed eating from a large pile of food.

When Blackfire saw Starfire was awake, she smiled and moved over to hug her tightly, even by Tamaranean standards, and Starfire was surprised at both the hug and the fact she could feel her sister crying, [Sister, why are you crying?] Starfire asked in slight confusion while being happy her sister hugged her.

[I'm sorry, Starfire, I'm sorry for everything]. Blackfire stated through tears as she had only felt worse during the time, she was awake as her mind went through everything that Starfire had done for her.

Funny how hindsight was 20/20 when someone opened your eyes for you.

Starfire widened her eyes at her sister's confession and quickly returned the hug crying into her shoulder, [You have nothing to be sorry for, I never held anything against you]. Starfire stated as the two sat there hugging the other and crying.

After a few minutes, Blackfire pulled back with a teary smile, [Can we start over? Be real sisters now?] Blackfire asked only to be engulfed in a tight hug as her immediate response.

[Of course sister]. Starfire stated as she hugged Blackfire and was hugged back.

After a few moments, Starfire pulled away before looking around, [But where are we?] She asked in confusion as Blackfire smiled before pulling her to the food.

[We're on a planet called Earth and a man named Naruto has brought us here after you broke us out of the pod. He's been monitoring us to help ensure our health is good and he just dropped this mountain of food off a few minutes before you woke up and stated he'd let us learn the language once we were both awake. I haven't been outside the room since I'm still feeling sluggish and a little sore, but we can try exploring after we eat]. Blackfire stated with a smile as she and Starfire sat down with Starfire nodding as they ate.

One Large Meal Later

The two Tamaranean sisters walked out of the door and looked around finding a hallway with different doors and a set of stairs leading up. Deciding to head for the obvious area, they went up and found a living area with three girls all lounging there.

The thing that caught there attention was their state of dress: the blonde was in just a bra and panties, the brunette was in a nightgown that showed off her curves, and the red head and green skinned girl was on a couch with her blue nightgown riding up to show her panty covered ass. All three were beautiful in their own way and seemed to have dressed ready for bed soon.

Cindy was the first to notice them, "Oh! Boss' guests are awake." Cindy stated as the other two turned to look at them.

[Hello there]. Starfire stated making the three blink and Blackfire groaned.

[Starfire, they don't know our language]. Blackfire stated making her sister blink before she chuckled nervously.

Cindy then pulled a small note out and bit her thumb getting a little blood on it before a clone of Naruto appeared surprising the two sisters. Cindy merely pointed at the two Tamaraneans when the clone gave her a curious look.

"Ah, the two princesses are awake. Well, might as well get it over with." The clone stated before walking up to the two and kissed Blackfire making the others blink.

Blackfire though had to fight back a moan as the kiss was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She had kissed other beings to learn languages and such, but none had felt so… pleasurable before. She felt the need to rub her hands over his body as he kissed her and almost whined in displeasure when he pulled away.

Starfire was blushing at the kiss since it was clearly more enjoyable than other kisses that her sister had received to understand the native language. She confirmed this when the clone kissed her making her widen her eyes and she did release a moan as Blackfire stood there in a daze.

Naruto then pulled back making Starfire gasp from the lack of air and the clone turned to the other three, "They speak English now, call me back if you need me." The clone stated before fading away leaving the three women with two dazed alien princesses who were merely standing there with blushes on their faces.

"I'm definitely getting a kiss next." The three girls thought feeling a little jealous of them getting a kiss and of the woman he was out with right now. Shaking those thoughts away, Mercy and Cindy pulled them to one of the couches since they could fall over standing there like that and they still had to talk to them about the world.

With the Actual Naruto

Meanwhile, the real Naruto was sitting in a tux with his hair pitch black and his eyes a royal purple while his face was angular and had whisker marks on his cheeks. Across from him was Zatanna wearing an elegant black strapless dress, stockings, and heels.

As promised, Naruto was treating her to dinner after she came to town for one of her shows. He had picked her up from her hotel driving one of his nicer cars, a 67 Chevy Impala. He could have gone for the more extravagant cars, but decided it wasn't worth the even larger attention.

The two were seated quickly and had enjoyed wine and small talk before the food arrived. The conversation continued, but it was clear that Zatanna was getting a bit uncomfortable in her nether regions since she began rubbing her foot and leg against his leg.

It reached the point that Naruto put a privacy seal over the table and then grabbed her hand. Zatanna blushed and it grew and grew as she felt pleasure coursing through her body before she finally released a long drawn out moan as her panties became soaked from her orgasm.

Naruto then withdrew his hand and let her catch her breath before handing her his napkin, which caused her to blush again. Taking the napkin, she quickly dabbed and wiped up as much of her fluids as possible before placing the napkin to the side.

"Well, now that you're potentially calmer and more relaxed, would you like to get to the real questions that have no doubt been buzzing inside your head?" Naruto stated leaning back and taking a more comfortable pose.

Zatanna took a minute to catch her breath and slow her heart rate while also noticing that no one reacted to her outburst nor Naruto's statement. She could only conclude he had done something to their immediate area that made people oblivious to them, "What exactly are you?" She asked taking a neutral sitting position and trying to ignore the phantom pleasures going through her body still.

"Hmm, that is the question though, isn't it? What am I? The power I hold, it both terrifies you and excites you, but you also feel like you should know what it is but can't place it either." Naruto stated making her hesitantly nod, "I've gone by many names over the course of my life time, too many to list. Though some of my more notable exploits were that I destroyed the Egyptian, Shinto, Roman, Hindu, and Norse pantheons." Naruto stated making Zatanna widen her eyes in shock since only one being had allegedly done that.

"So… you're him, you're the God of Shadows. The one who gave magic to Humans and has been tearing apart anything close to evil for centuries." Zatanna stated since it was a name only some stupid dark wizards and sorcerers had ever tried to claim was theirs only to die shortly after claiming it.

"Centuries? Child, I've been at this for millennia and I will continue to be at this for the foreseeable future." Naruto stated making Zatanna nod while both knew she couldn't take him on her best day let alone hurt him. The older a being connected to magic gets, the more powerful they become and the more power they can draw on and tap into, "Naturally, I'm more attuned to the darker side of things, but I can also use the light, the various elements and combinations of the elements, and other things as I need or see fit. Though I have to say, only a handful of your race have made my decision to give your race any form of magic a good idea. Science? Well…. that's had ups and downs when I decided to speed things along." Naruto stated sipping his wine while Zatanna could see it turning various shades of red and clear showing he was altering the wine til he found one he liked.

"So where have you been for the past decade or so?" Zatanna asked since for a being like him to just leave no trace meant he was either getting with the modern age and didn't want to be bothered, or something happened.

"Here and there. The world didn't need as huge of a counter balance to itself after World War 2 when a former associate of mine tried to change history in drastic ways. I still popped up a few times, took Hitler, Hussein, and Bin Laden out when the Humans missed their shot since the bastards used magic to get away and try again only to run into me." Naruto stated sipping his wine still, "Naturally, I not only took offense to their crimes, but Hussein in particular was annoying since trying to rebuild Babylon was a no no with me since I went through quite a bit of annoyance to destroy it in the first place. Though they weren't as bad as the Persians and Egyptians. Ugh! Would not shut up about having "God Kings" and all that. Honestly, your race has more arrogance and pride issues than 98% of the rest of the beings in existence." Naruto stated making Zatanna flinch since while history stated Babylon fell to the Persians, the few who knew more of the real history were aware that Babylon was a burning pile of rubble before the Persians even got there.

"So then why are you here now?" Zatanna asked curiously and Naruto set his glass down.

"A couple of reasons, one is personal, but the more pressing one is that the world is getting out of balance with more and more people succumbing to the darkness of the world. I gave magic to the first group of magic users to help balance the scales and now none of you are truly putting up a fight. The only time you come out is when you're in the area or a world threat comes and some of you have even succumbed to the darkness and started using magic for dark purposes. Contrary to what you idiots have twisted things to be believed, there is no evil magic or good magic, there's just magic. One of you idiots decided that certain magics were classified as dark or evil and began banning them which then made your enemies more powerful because they started tapping into them. I have told you magi over and over again, there is no evil or light when it comes to magic, there is just magic that is used for the intentions of the user." Naruto stated with a large frown and Zatana sweated a bit since she and her father knew the magic users of the universe weren't doing a good job of keeping balance.

They had tried to do the work and get more magic users to join them, but they were two low to mid-tier magic users vs the world and the more experienced magic users. It was like a kid with a squirt gun battling to put out a raging inferno while instructing the firemen that were handling some house fires. The problem was the firemen were ignoring the inferno that was spawning the house fires in the first place.

"Relax child, you're fine. I'm not pissed at you, but you do need to increase your training since your magical power and skill for your age is laughable at the moment. However, others have much to answer for and if I do no like their excuses then I will simply have to strip their magic away." Naruto stated knowing that if they weren't going to follow the rules and regulations, then they weren't going to have the power.

Zatanna shuttered at the thought of having her magic taken away, such a thing was not what anyone connected wanted to happen. Losing magic was the worst punishment a magic user could experience and it was rarely done to people because it was such a punishment.

Zatanna just had the comfort that Kage wasn't pissed at her apparently.

She broke from her musings as he spoke again, "As to your unasked question: No, I can't make it so you stop being affected by presence. Your magic is reacting to me in such a way that it is all but demanding that you become intimate with me. While I normally would just fuck you and move on so you can function again, that won't work since you're able to resist it. I'm not saying that you'll have to sleep with me, I'm just saying your body is going to want it until you finally do." Naruto explained making Zatanna sigh slightly.

"So, I'm resonating." Zatanna stated making Naruto nod since resonating was the term used for when a magic user's magic reacted to a person that was on the same "wavelength" as them. It was essentially magic's way of saying "you should be with this person and you can't fight it forever." It had caused conflicts in the past when two people resonated to the same person and when the person wasn't resonating back.

"Yes, though that bit of a jolt I gave you should keep the urges down for a time. How long is dependent on just how much you are resonating with me. A few over the time I've been alive have resonated just enough that a simple orgasm has freed them, but there have been a rare few that have had to become my lovers permanently to quell the desire burning in them. One wished to marry me and others merely wished to be my servants since I could funnel my own power in them to let them remain in existence." Naruto stated making Zatanna blush at the thought of essentially being his sexual servant for decades or longer.

However, before she could voice anything else, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked to outside the restaurant, "Hmm, it seems you and I are going to have to cut this meeting short." He stated before standing and making a clone, who took the seat in front of her, "I apologize for this, but I have something I have to handle." Naruto stated before vanishing leaving Zatanna and the clone.

"Is it something serious?" Zatanna asked and the clone shook his head.

"No, more like an annoyance that he needed to ensure wasn't going to cause trouble in such a public area." The clone stated making her nod as they sat there enjoying the food and company.

With Naruto

Naruto stood atop a roof a ways off from his last location as he stood there waiting before he was surrounded by winged armored creatures that gave off a holy aura as they flew, landed near him, and hovered around him with weapons at the ready, "You really don't want to do this. Your numbers aren't anywhere near where they were when Kami sent you after me and you know how that turned out for you." Naruto stated darkly knowing the beings before him fell under the category of 'I'm just going to keep slamming my head against a brick wall.'

Said beings were from the lower class order of angels, the Laguna. They weren't ones who got to be named or carried out true divine judgements, they were the cannon fodder and sacrificial drones.

The majority of those present were Affinities, the grunts/mob category: No real skill or power, just big numbers and a swarming mentality.

Among the swarm was a smaller swarm of Cachets, Dears, Compassions, and Decorations. The former two were metal bodies and wings with a face that were leading the Compassion and Decorations respectfully. The latter two were like the worker bees serving the queen bee, which in this case were the Cachets and Dears.

There were also a couple of their "archangel" tier beings with the one in question being Applauds. Essentially these were the captains to the grunts and acted as such…though there was no improvement on the intelligence area.

Lastly, standing in its so called glory, was a Beloved. The Beloved was a large armored creature that had a cherub's face as the upper part of its head just above the mouth. On its left arm was a large tassel while in the right hand was a large double sided axe.

The Beloved was a commander rank of the Laguna and as such was giving an even greater holy aura than the small fry put together. It was only strengthened as the 'Holy Circle/Emblem' hovered above its head.

"You've grown weak in your absence, abomination. We've only grown our numbers and strengthened ourselves." The Beloved stated in its "holier than thou" tone.

"Oh please, you know fully well I don't get weaker with the passage of time, only stronger. And I know all about you slowly increasing your numbers since I'm one of the few alive that can look into both sides and see clearly. You're still nowhere near the strength you were when Kami first issued his little termination order and you'll never be that strong." Naruto stated since in his early years he had been attacked by a squad, a minor swarm, or even a so called archangel, but when Kami wanted a war that's when Naruto began getting swarmed by the cheap cannon fodder and the bigger guns came out.

Naturally, Naruto slaughtered them all like it was going out of style collecting their precious halos and divine weapons to further insult them and Kami. It also had some added benefits in the form of the halos being used as currency with some of the demonic and human merchants and the weapons were broken down and absorbed by him.

"You're nothing! A insignificant worm who should know his place!" The Beloved bellowed making Naruto start chuckling before laughing loudly.

"My place? You're the insignificant fool since you clearly forget I'm not allowed to die until the war occurs! You're the ones who don't know their place." Naruto stated before growling at the end and causing the angels to all take a ready stance.

"He merely made a mistake, why wait till that time when we can end the darkness now?!?" The Beloved bellowed making Naruto narrow his eyes as the darkness around them began to increase in intensity.

"That comment alone just signed your death." Naruto stated as his hands crackled with dark fire and electricity.

"It is your doom that is at hand, abomination." The Beloved roared as the Affinities swarmed him while the Compassions and Decorations began forming a perimeter to attack from with the Cachets and Dears.

The Applauds merely hung back with the Beloved waiting for their time to strike if it came.

Poor fools didn't know that they'd never get the chance.

As the Affinities charged, Naruto merely swiped his left hand and black fire shot out and consumed dozens of them before he stretched his right hand out and dark lightning launched out electrocuting and disintegrating dozens more. He then lowered his arms as a black swirl surrounded him blocking the wave of attacks that the Compassions and Decorations launched.

The swirl then launched out destroying the Compassions and Decorations as Naruto released tendrils from his back that skewered the Cachets and Dears. He then swiped his hand again and a black hole appeared and sucked in the Halos, weapons, and more of the enemies before it collapsed on itself destroying them.

Naruto then turned towards the Applauds and Beloved with a bored expression on his face, "Again, you're nothing compared to how you were before." Naruto stated before he flexed his hand at the Applauds causing them to explode in a shower of blood and gore as Naruto merely looked at the Beloved.

The Beloved growled before roaring and swinging it's axe down on Naruto, who merely stuck his hand out and caught it not moving an inch. The Beloved grit its teeth and tried to put more strength into the attack while the veins of its arms bulged, but Naruto just stood there staring at it in boredom.

Naruto then twisted his wrist snapping the axe head off before he swung it cutting the Beloved's legs off before swinging up and cutting the arms off and then slamming it into the Beloved's chest, "As I said, you're just an insignificant fool." Naruto stated before the Dark Harvesters, the two eels connected to his back, came out and roared before one lunged into it's chest going for the Beloved's heart and the other bit the Beloved's head off.

Naruto then released the corpse and flicked some flames on it letting the corpse be consumed by the flames. He then turned to his left and snorted, "Hello Maze." Naruto stated as a woman came out of the shadows.

Said woman was dark skinned with long black hair, black eyes, and full red lips. She wore a black leather halter top that showed off her D cup breasts and her toned stomach, black leather pants that hugged her ass and showed off her slender legs, black stiletto heels, a black choker, gold bangles on both wrists, and gold hoop earrings. The woman, obviously Maze, smiled and bowed low to Naruto, "Lord Naruto, so good to confirm that you are actually here in LA." Maze stated while eyeing Naruto lustfully and licking her lips.

"Honestly Maze, just because you're a demon doesn't mean you have to go cliché and wear all black." Naruto stated making her smile and walk up to him before tracing his chest with her fingers.

"Mmm, so true, I much prefer being all natural, but I haven't found anyone to entertain me since you left last time. Oh sure some of them were amusing, but they lacked stamina and substance in bed." Maze stated and Naruto merely looked at her with his one uncovered eye.

"I'm not helping him again, Maze." Naruto stated making her blink, "You honestly think I didn't know Lucifer left again? Don't insult my intelligence or yours." Naruto stated making her hold her hands up and shake her head.

"He did want me to talk to you, but I told him it was a waste of time and just came to see you again. I swear." Maze stated quickly knowing that Naruto may enjoy her body and her company, but that didn't mean she wouldn't get a one way trip back to Hell for who knew how long.

"Mm, fine. But I'm still not watching over Hell for him while he takes a vacation. I did that before and we saw how well that worked out didn't we?" Naruto stated making Maze nod since the last time that Lucifer took a holiday, Naruto had taken over Hell and ensured it was running smoothly… then someone pissed off Lucifer and things got set in motion that caused Humans to get the Atomic Bomb out of the deal and then Hiroshima and Nagasaki happened.

That caused a lot of problems since that wasn't supposed to be discovered for a few more decades and the lives lost in the bombings replaced the lives that were supposed to be lost in the war. It also nearly upset the balance of the world and the upper and lower realms. Their saving grace was the fact it was always accounted for by the big man upstairs as everything usually was.

"Things are different now, he's found someone, a Human woman that can let him feel." Maze stated and Naruto snorted before she shook her head, "No, I mean he can feel pain, he can bleed, he… He's Human when around her and he can't make her tell him her desires and she resists his charms." Maze stated making Naruto look at her and she nodded.

"Heh, so he found his first love." Naruto stated surprising Maze, "I warned him that spending time on Earth would end up with him finding someone." Naruto stated while chuckling before he sighed, "Don't mention it to him, but inform him I'll at least ensure the souls are getting sent there correctly, but if demon legions start crossing over then I'm just putting them down, not letting them go back." Naruto stated seriously making her nod before she smiled seductively and pressed her tits against him.

"So, any chance for some fun?" Maze stayed grinding her hips against his groin.

Naruto snorted, "Not now, no. But later on, maybe. Depends on how good of a demon whore you actually are." He stated as his eye flashed red and black making her shudder in pleasure.

"Mmmm, for you baby, I'm always an obedient whore." Maze stated before licking her lips and walking away, swaying her hips as she did.

Naruto merely chuckled in amusement before vanishing from the place as the blood and bodies turned to dust and blew away with the wind.

Two Weeks Later

Naruto stood on a balcony in an underground training area he had built/created watching the girls that had taken residence in his home spar. Mercy was working with Cindy while Megan worked with the fire sisters as Naruto had taken to calling them.

The past two weeks had been mainly just dealing with low level cartel thugs and more Laguna swarming him while he was out and about. His main focus had been training these five so they could handle the threats coming after him since Mercy and Cindy had already decided not to leave his side while the three aliens were kinda stuck with him until something more permanent could be done…if they wanted something else that is.

Something of interest though was that Zatanna had taken to sending him selfies of her in various outfits, both for performances and for the bedroom. Apparently, she was doing this since the further from him she got the more her magic would flare and make her body ache. To remedy this, she was trying the long distance contact and apparently it was working since any time she saw confirmation he got a picture, text, voicemail, or call, her magic would ease and her body would relax while the same time her magic was increasing in power steadily.

Naruto warned her of that since the control would need to be improved the more, she gained. Naruto suggested deep meditation so she could learn to access her core and guide it better since right now she was essentially using a funnel the size of a cannon when all she needed was one the size of a tennis ball.

Another interesting item is that apparently Kara got his number after Barbara Gordon hacked through Wayne Industries' private files and even Lucius' personal computer to find any extra info on Kage. Barbara has become motivated to learn everything about him when her father told her about who gave the pill as well as Bruce's revelations.

It was also at that time that Gordon told Barbara that he knew she was Batgirl and was proud of her. Though he did make it a point to up her disarming and gun training afterwards.

Anyway, Kara has begun calling and texting him daily due to the fact female Kryptonians reacted similar to animals when a truly viable mate was in their presence and their body all but forces a reaction to occur to give some form of stimulus. Hence why she hungrily kissed him when they were in Metropolis.

Karen was only more controlled as she had mated with her ideal lover before, though based on the fact she too got his number, he knew she was feeling the pull again. She wasn't denying it either and flat out stated she wasn't resisting it. Hence chatting, sending pics, and trying to build some form of relationship with him.

Barbara was talking with him too since she was too curious to pass up the chance to communicate with an entity that both Bruce and her father would let continue killing criminals. Naturally her first questions were how old he was, how long he'd been doing this, why kill, and many other questions that could be classified as understandable. Eventually it had turned to thanking him

Barbara was also the only one of the three who weren't sending him teasing pictures. Karen was doing it since she already did the awkward dating getting to know you part before and was more interested in getting what she wanted first and foremost. Kara was similar to Zatanna in that it kept her more under control and less likely to track him down and jump his bones.

Talia had also been in contact with him and informed him that her father was finishing up a few internal affairs while working on gathering all the members of the League to fully transition the leadership to him. She also informed him that Nyssa and Lady Sheva were looking forward to seeing him again.

Turning his attention back to the five women currently living with him, in addition to combat training, Naruto had been educating Star, Black, and Megan on Earth customs, language, and other things that they'd need to know so no one could take advantage of them. He could just see some asshole telling Star or Megan that "it's an Earth custom to have sex on the first meeting if the male wants" or something even worse. Especially given the fact all three would walk everywhere naked if they could.

Shaking those rage and boner inducing thoughts away, he had clearly seen that Blackfire was the better of the two sisters in hand to hand combat, but Starfire had more of the power their people possessed. Megan was good with her shapeshifting and telepath powers, but she had no hand to hand combat or really any combat experience, which he was correcting.

He was also having each of the three find one subject of Earth to learn so that they had a hobby to help them relax. Star liked dancing and fashion, but more than once did Blackfire have to stop her from trying out stripping since she liked the sensual way the women moved as they removed their clothes. Starfire found that activity via looking up "exotic dancing" since she thought it would give dances from other countries.

Blackfire, or Ko as Naruto had taken to calling her since just calling her Black seemed weird, seemed to have a thing for dancing and engineering since she joined Star in dancing and liked to build and mess with different tech. She'd also been spending time with Star and rebuilding their sisterly bond, though she still had to shake her head at her sister's naïve or childish nature at times.

Megan seemed to enjoy history as she wanted to learn all she could about the Earth and its people. She was of course, saddened by the wars that Humans had fought, but also saw the positive side in that maybe it would help against the Imperium when they made their move.

All in all, the girls were adjusting well and things were beginning to come together.

However, as usual for Naruto's life, things began to shift and, in this case, it came in the form of a vision hitting him. If it wasn't for the fact, he had trained his mental awareness and prowess for centuries, some of the hearts he had consumed, and the fact he was just used to taking pain, he wouldn't have been able to clearly see and hear the vision, "Please, come to me. Help me before the Imperium fully invade." The voice stated through a vision of a mountain area and sighed knowing he'd have to deal with more of the heroes that he'd rather avoid.

"Enough! Star, Ko, Megan, get ready to head out, the Imperium is making its move. Knowing our luck, the Gordanians will be aiding them in return for trophies and spoils so get ready." Naruto shouted making the three nod and leave the area to change into what Naruto classified as combat attire.

Naruto then turned to Cindy and Mercy, "Both of you stay in the building. I've reinforced it so no one could damage or get inside without my permission." Naruto stated making them nod before Cindy came up to him and kissed him gently.

"Be careful, boss. I get y'all are this super powered guy and all, but anyone can lose if they aren't careful." Cindy stated making Naruto chuckle.

"Trust me Cindy, nothing at all that they can possibly throw at me will be able to kill me." Naruto stated before nodding to Mercy and heading upstairs to the living area to await his allies.

A minute later had the three arrive with Star and Ko wearing essentially the same outfit only Star's was red and Ko's was black. Said outfit consisted of a sleeveless halter top, battle skirt, bracers, calf high heeled boots, and tiaras. The tiaras though were unique as they had an item called a sun stone which were gems that held the light and power of the sun within them, thus their powers and healing were still advanced even at night. They also had a lower face mask too as Naruto still needed to make a way for them to blend into the outside world as he knew his powers could be temperamental with some people.

Megan was in her previous attire (canon outfit) only she made her boots reach her calf and her gloves were now fingerless. Naruto was going to outfit her with some extra protection, but apparently, he'd first have to make it so it wouldn't fall off her body when she turned intangible and that would shift to fit if she shapeshifted. It was doable, just a bit time consuming and they didn't have the time.

Once he was sure they were ready, he surprised them by summoning a black pool that sprang up around him before dissipating showing him in his gear which was now changed to form fitting leather/scale like armor that was black with red tribal and writings throughout it, and a black face mask that kept his right eye hidden as usual.

Naruto then called a black swirl beneath them and they began sinking into it as Naruto intended to take them where they needed to go, quickly.

He had given a warning to the Imperium before, now it was time to make due on it.